Find The Largest Difference

Apr 24, 2009

I have a pivot table that shows values grouped as ranges in the row, Gender as the columns and an average % value in the data.

In a cell outside of the pivot I would like to be able to produce the name of the range that has the largest difference between male and female.

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Find Largest Value In A Column

Jun 15, 2013

I am trying to write a macro in order to find the largest value in a column in one worksheet, and copy and paste that value into a different workbook. I have found a code similar to what I am looking for and tweaked it, but it needs a few more adjustments. The code below opens the file I want it to, and pastes data into the correct workbook and worksheet, but I would like it to be able to paste in the next empty cell in Row 3, instead of just in the cell "C3". Also i would like for the program to find the largest numeric value in column C, instead of using an if last row statement, as this current program does not always give me the output I am looking for.


Dim wsMaster As Worksheet, wbDATA As Workbook
Dim NextRow As Long, LastRow As Long

Set wsMaster = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Contract Metrics")
NextRow = wsMaster.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1

[Code] .....

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Find The Largest Value Within A Formula

Nov 26, 2008

I need to find the largest value within a range that is less than the result of a formula from another set of values.

Something like this:

=MAX(E98:E115) that is <=(P63+((1.5*(P63-P61))))

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Find Largest Submatrix

Nov 29, 2008

i have a matrix of 1's and 0's. How can i use excel / which functions can i use to give me the biggest submatrix with just 1's in?

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Find Largest Value In Column

Sep 2, 2008

if c2c1 do nothing.

05 =20-5
10 =20-10
15 =20-15
20 =20-20

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Find Largest And Smallest Value For A Number

Jan 25, 2014

I want to find the largest and smallest value for a number... E.g.

68734 the largest value is 87643 and the smallest value is 34678

39823 the largest value is 98332 and the smallest value is 23389

43089 the largest value is 98430 and the smallest value is 3489

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Find Largest Value In List And Input 1 In Corresponding Row To Its Right

Feb 24, 2014

Any way to determine which is the best selling single of that week and print a 1 in the row associated with that CD.

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Find The Nth Largest Value Based On One Criteria

Mar 9, 2009

I have a data set where I am trying to find the nth largest value based on one criteria? How would one use do this using the large function?


Dept. Name / Widgets
ABC / 10
ABC / 8
XYZ / 9
ABC / 3
XYZ / 4

If I need the third most widget production of Dept ABC, the formula return 7.

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Find 1 Standard Deviation From The Largest Value

Oct 9, 2008

I don't know too much about standard deviation, but I was wondering if somebody could help me with a function to find 1 standard deviation (68%??) from the largest value (not the mean value) within a column of values. What i'm really after is the 'standard deviation boundaries' either side (i.e. 34% of values above the largest value and 34% below the lowest value) as a highlight.

im using excel mac 2008 so no vba im afraid.

here is an example of real data: ...

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Find The Largest Number In Multiple Ranges?

Jun 7, 2013

I have huge sorting job in Excel.I have a excel file from each year.And I put these together to a huge excel file. And I need to track down the last activity if the customer is listed multiple times.I could just go through and delete the rows, but the last row.But, that takes a lot of time.

Last activity (year only) - Customer number - Customer name

2010 - 1001 - Company A
2011 - 1001 - Company A
2012 - 1001 - Company A

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Find The Largest Number And Then Return The Name From A Different Column

Jan 15, 2007

I'm using the LOOKUP function to find the largest number and then return the name from a different column, it looks like this:


but all I get is hashN/A?

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Macros - Find Largest Number In Range

Jul 8, 2009

How to automate the process of finding the highest number in a dynamic range meeting a criteria?

New data added/updated every day (new come, old gone).

The attached file has a properly displayed data.

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Find Smallest And Largest Non Zero Date In A Range

Aug 13, 2008

I am having some data running into 60 (C:BJ) columns and 200 rows. It is the record of dates query raised and answered with refernce to query number in the A coulmn. I have zero value as entry for the unused cells in this range due to some constraints. I need to find the smallest and the largest non-zero date in this range for analysis purpose. I plan to use the difference between these 2 dates to calculate turn around time for a query.

Problem is to find the smallest and the largest non zero date within range C6:BJ6 which would be used as input in the Networkdays formula.

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Find 4 Largest Values In A Row And Change Background Colour?

May 25, 2013

I have a large list of students (Col a,b) who do several sports (up to 10) each, which are arranged as sport name (Col c) followed by score (col d), repeated on pairs of columns for the other 9 sports.

I need a macro to find the 4 highest scoring sports for each student in turn and to highlight the score and sport cells. I have tried to find permutations using the LARGE function but I cannot see how I can do this.

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Conditional Formating To Find Largest Numbers In A Selection

Mar 14, 2007

I am trying to create a macro that works with a range of cells and identify the five largest numbers in the range. The following are the steps.

1. I select a range of cells and run the marco.

2. The macro will identify the largest number in the selection and make the cell color red.

3. Then it will find the cell with next largest number and turn the cell orange...and so on till the 5th largest number.

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Find Largest Number In A Range And Change Font To Bold

Jun 19, 2009

I need to create a macro that will examine a range of cells, for example D12:T12, find the cell with the largest number value in that range then set the font for that cell to bold (or red, or change the cell background color).

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Needing To Find Largest Value In Array, Then Return Entire Row Associated With Result

May 14, 2009

I have a table with subtotals that I need to find the largest value for the subtotal results and then return the cell contents for the corresponding row.

I have attempted to use the hlookup function, but keep getting a #ref error (probably because I am just not that familiar with the entire formula requirements).

I attempted to nest in the 'largest' function to the lookup function, but have so far been stymied....

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Find Largest Number In Array And Give Result As Column Heading

Aug 9, 2013

I'm trying to find the largest number in a row and then have the column heading (text) as the result. I can find the largest number by using =max(numb1, numb2 ....) but then how do I get the heading of the column as the result. An example of what I want to happen is below




I anticipate an issue where 2 columns have the same largest number and not sure how to over come this either with multiple answers

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Find Three Largest Numbers From A Variable Starting Index Match Point

Sep 1, 2013

My data is set out in columns, where alternate columns provide day numbers for given years (we can call these type 1 columns), with adjacent columns containing values which correspond to those type 1 column day numbers (we can call these type 2 columns). There are about a hundred columns in total (50 of each type). I would like to get excel to return the three largest numbers within each type 2 column, but I want to exclude data within the type 2 column above the point which is adjacent to a specific (varying) day number in the type 1 column. The location of this point varies for all the type 1 columns, according to a third row of numbers (the look up start point), which are currently listed below the dataset in every type 1 column. So, for the type 1 column "year 1", I would want Excel to ignore the values 0 and 1, which are listed next to day numbers 78 and 79, and begin looking for the three largest values down the column starting from the value which is adjacent to 81 (which is a 2). In type 1 column "year 2", excel would start looking for the largest values from the cell adjacent to 78, so it would ignore the 18 at the top of the column,and would return 2 and 12. And so on.



look up startpoint


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Retrieving Column Header For Largest Or Second Largest Value In Row?

May 12, 2012

I have a table showing interest levels in training courses from a group of schools, eg:

English Maths Science
School1 3 4 2
School2 7 1 0
School3 3 2 5

I want to identify the column heading for the first, second and third most popular courses. ie for School1 the most popular course is Maths, second most popular is English and so on.

I have tried using the OFFSET function, which worked if I provided the cell location of the required value. I then looked at the ADDRESS function to provide the cell location: eg For School2 find the 2nd most popular course:


But I have got stuck with what I should enter for COLUMN(data?) as I do not know in which column the second largest value is.

I am sure Excel has the required functionality.

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Dec 28, 2005

For Eg: i have 1000 students...i entered marks to all the students now i
need to fine the total students who have score >50 and <60 in each subject..

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Find Difference Two Cells Within A Row To Another Row?

Dec 3, 2013

I'm trying to find the difference two cells within a row to another row.

I'm using time values i.e 17:07 and 14:53 and in the third cell I'd like to get a result that shows me a plus/minus of the differences.

I know by looking what math to apply to that particular cell. Is there a way to do a formula to get the results no matter if they are plus or minus. without having to change the formula back and for on if i know it'll be increasing or decreasing?

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Search And Find The Difference?

Jan 3, 2014

I have attached the excel files which contains the type of format I use.

I need to calculate the received when..

search by client name using "*"&Cell reference&"*" then match the expiration date then transaction type. if all conditions are true, then calculate the difference between i.e. Subtract expiration date - recieived date..

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Find Difference Between Last Value Corresponding Date And Today

May 1, 2014

I am trying to find the difference between two dates.

Column B consists of date (oldest to latest), Column C to Column P consists of data, I have entered formula in Column Q to get value if the conditions are met, else the cells will remain blank (but those cells contains formula)

For eg: =IF(C4395=1,J4395,"")

There are thousands of ROWS in the worksheet.

I need to find last value in the Column Q, corresponding date (assuming if the last value is in Q4395, I want it's corresponding date which is in Column B) and finding the difference between today and that found date. All these put together in one formula.

I managed to get last value in the column by using this formula, but I couldn't get it's corresponding date.


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Compare Two Strings And Find Difference?

Aug 6, 2010

What I'm trying to do

A1 = Hello John, my name is Steve, how was your day?

B1 = Hello John, my name is Steve, was day?

I need C1 to return:

how your

Is this possible?

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How To Find Difference Between Date And Time

Dec 28, 2013

How to find the difference between 18/04/2013, 13.40 hrs and 20/04/2013, 11.40 hrs to get the result as 1 day and 22 hrs

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Find Difference Between Lowest Two Numbers?

Feb 15, 2014

I know this is probably really easy to do but I am new with excel. I have a list of 8 numers in 8 cells and was able to find the lowest. But now I need to take the list and subtract the lowest number from the second lowest and have the difference dispay in the target cell.

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Compare Tables And Find Difference

Aug 14, 2008

I have two lists (List A and List B) of hundreds of items that reside in a single worksheet.
Some items may or may not occur in both lists.
Every item in both lists has a value on the range of 1-50.
I am only interested in those items that occur in both lists.
I need to find the difference of the values for each of these items (List A - List B), including negative values.

I have tried many variations of formulas using VLOOKUP with no luck.
I cannot figure out how to accomplish this with a Pivot Table.
I want to make a macro for this.

Here's an example:

List A
W 29
X 11
Y 13
Z 4

List B
V 8
W 10
Y 30
Z 6

Where the results would be:
W = 19
Y = -17
Z = -2

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Find The No. Of Months Between The Difference Of 2 Dates?

Feb 21, 2009

what is the formula to convert the date in MMYYYY into some numbers so that I can derive the difference between 2 dates?

For example:
I have 2 dates 31-Jan-09 and 28-Nov-05 in Column A & Column B respectively. I would like to derive no. of months between the difference of the 2 dates which in this case is 38 months.

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Formula To Find Out The Date And Day Difference

Jul 17, 2006

Can you share the formula to find out the date and day difference. Foe example ( from :Thu 06-Jul-06 11:59 AM TO Mon 10-Jul-06 11:56 AM)

I have the dates is the same formate as shown in example.

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