For Loop Not Running As Intended, Can't Find
Feb 17, 2010I thought my code was working properly, but then I tried different numbers for myNum and I realize it's not. Here's the
View 5 RepliesI thought my code was working properly, but then I tried different numbers for myNum and I realize it's not. Here's the
View 5 Repliesi have a problem with a nested loop:
it seems like the first instance of the code is running the way i want it to run, but when it starts with the second instance, it does the first search and copy, but it seems like the nested loop is being ignored.
am i doing something wrong?
Thanks to Aaron Blood for the find_range function. i also poached the lastrow function from somewhere on ozgrid, but I cant remember the name of the poster.
Sub new2()
Dim Org_Area As Variant
Dim Item As Variant
Dim Copy_To1 As Variant
Dim Cell_Ref As Variant
r = 1 ..................
Why is the following code not running the macro the number of times I type into the box?
Sub Macro10()
'Sub RunABunch()
Dim ans As Variant, i As Long
ans = Application.InputBox("Enter a Number of loops", Type:=1)
If Not IsNumeric(ans) Then
' user hit cancel, so exit sub
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 1 To CLng(ans)
' do your work here
Next i
' Macro10 Macro
Cells.Find(What:="Chief", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Range("A1").Select
End Sub
I didnt write the loop and input portion of the code, I just recorded the macro and added that bit of code from the net.
Here is the image 1 after selecting one of element in listbox and then if I click delete material (commandbutton).
It has to delete the select material in sheet 2 and has to cut the element below and move to 1 row above as shown in figure 2.
At the same time it has to delete the entire respective column and remaining column has to be cut and place in column before in sheet 3 as shown in figure 3
For that I had wrote the program which is below
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Dim i, j, k, m, n As Integer
i = ListBox1.ListIndex
j = Sheet2.Cells(1, 39).Value
k = j - i
[Code] ....
When I click the delete commandbutton5 the result is as shown in figure below
In sheet2
In sheet 3
For loop is running only one time after that it got terminated. If I split the 1st for loop and execute is running nice what I meant to do. If I combine another for loop or If I add msgbox at top it misbehaving. I tried with do while loop also it also doing same thing.
I have below VBA code which output with adding , in between ranges. I am looking for way to running loop through range backwards.
[Code] ......
I run a rather simple loop (see below). But as it runs through A1 to A28000 it takes a lot of time. Is there a more efficient loop to operate this simple task?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to run a loop on a few columns simultaneously, from the last row to the top (well, until the 2nd row).
So I have a few columns of data, A through I, and the number of rows they populate changes all the time.
So how would I run a loop that will check for the following:
If a certain row in Column F is greater than the previous row in column F by 1.5times, then in that same row, if number in Column B is greater than number in E, the code should put the the value of E in a new column, lets say M (in the same row)
I know that sounds very confusing, but is that even possible? I am playing with loops, and I can only do very simple loops where I define a range, like
What I am hoping to accomplish is have cells D3 & E3 display the numbers being cycled as it cycles through the loop statement. Current code is below.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim iRnd1 As Integer, iRnd2 As Integer, n As Variant, strJustice
Dim Counter 'tf
I've got a Workbook that contains the following worksheets:
1. conversion(2) - Hidden
2. Old Data - Hidden
3. Blank Form
I want to copy "Blank Form" once for each day of the month.
I'd like to rename each copied worksheet with the Date (i.e. Oct 01 2009)
Here's what I'm working with:
Sub Copysheets ()
Worksheets("Blank Form").select
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 to 30
Worksheets(1).Copy after: =Worksheets(x)
Worksheets(x+1).Name=Format(DateSerial(2009, 20, x), "MMM-DD-YYYY")
Next x
End Sub
The problem I'm having is that the first sheet to be copied is the "Old Data" worksheet and the copy is renamed Oct-01-2009. After that the correct Worksheet is copied and renamed Oct-02-2009 and so on.
I can't figure out why it's copying the "Old Data" worksheet first.
I am trying to use a VLookup to pull a value out of a range and return my intended data. See attached spreadsheet. The data I'm pulling from is in the top chart. The bottom chart, in the factor column, is where I want the data to pull to. Ex) If the "Months of Development" column in the bottom chart =13, I want it to pull the factor value from the top chart where the month is 13. The problem is that the top chart has a range of values in the "Month Range" column of 13 - 24. I don't know how to get the VLookup to recognize this and pull the same factor into the chart below whether the value is 13 or 24. Maybe VLookup isn't the best option here.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use this Find Method and combine it with a countif or loop. Something that will count a number of occurences of a unique type of character. I'm looking to find all "F" characters in Bold, Italic and Size 16. Here's my find code that I'm trying to use. I can get it to work by itself but not along with a countif or loop.
Sub count_4()
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1:A6")
With Application.FindFormat.Font
.Bold = True
.Italic = True
.Size = 16
End With
r.Find(What:="F", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, searchformat:=True, MatchCase:=True).Activate
End Sub
I want to find out who is logged on when running my macro.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI added this code to a userform initialize & now I get a message ' can't find object or library '. Which library do I have to activate in Tools, References.
Dim x As Integer
ComboBox1.AddItem "0"
For x = 1 To 20 Step 1
ComboBox1.AddItem Format(x, "0")
Next x
ComboBox1.Value = Sheet2.Range("E1").Value
ComboBox2.AddItem "0"
For x = 2 To 90 Step 2
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(x, "0")
Next x
ComboBox2.Value = Sheet2.Range("E2").Value
The word Format is highlited in userform initilize.
i have a data sheet and i am trying to store the row value of a user input time. for the most part my code works but for certain times it returns a 0. it seems like times which end with a 3 are not returning any value.
my code looks kind of like this:
Dim StartA As Date
StartA = InputBox("First start time (ex: 2:30pm)")
For i = 1 To 9000
i have a piece of code which i have cobbles together from many different sources, to many to list, but i know I have had some help from some of the people in this forum.
first of, i know some of the code might be a bit shaky, but please bear in mind that i am very, very new to VBA.
basically the code is reading the first usable line of the "Mapping" sheet to get information, then it searches for that information in the "GLEX" sheet. If it finds the information that was searched for in the "GLEX" sheet, it will copy it to the "Calc" sheet. the "Calc" sheet contains a formula that does a sum on everything in the P column. It then takes the value in the P column on the Calc sheet and pasts it into a cell that it reads from the "Mapping" sheet.
If i run the code, it seems to be doing what I want it to do for the first line in the mapping sheet, but how do i make it continue?
If must read the value of the first usable line in the "Mapping" sheet, then search for those values in the GLEX sheet, if it find a match it must copy the whole line to a next sheet and then CONTINUE SEARCHING. the mapping sheet. Once it has search the whole GLEX sheet and copied all the matches to the calc sheet, it must perform the rest of the functions. after everything has been completed for the first line in the Mapping sheet, it must do the same for the second line.
That means that there must be a loop in a loop.
I have also included some sample data.
Sub Accrule()
Dim Org_Area As Variant
Org_Area = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("A3").Value
Dim Item As Variant
Item = Worksheets("Mapping").Range("B3").Value
I'm trying to work out to most efficient way of making a quality monitoring system which uses traffic lights to show problem products.
The traffic light system need to obey the following "rules".
Each product is tested once daily When a product fails once it moves to Amber, When a product Fails twice in a row it moves to RedOne pass when a product is in Amber Status, will reset it to green.If a Product is in Red status, it much have 3 consecutive passes to reset to Green.
I have tried to use array formulae to look up a column for previous values in the past for this sort of thing, but with 100000+ rows it runs far too slowly.
Banana Problem?
Traffic Light (0=green, 1=amber, 2=red)
I have a process where I need to search for multiple customer numbers and delete line associated with them.
My question is how do I create this process to run in a loop going through all 10 numbers?
I am using Range. Find() and Range.FindNext() Method. As per my knowledge FindNext() advances in the text and searches for same string found using Find(). I have used Find() for two different searches in Sheet. (Eg. Find() text "Risk" and Find text "ACL", Now when I use FindNext() for the second time (to search "ACL" text), next time when I use FindNext() to search first text ("Risk" it searches prev text - "ACL"). I have used them in a loop. Below is the code i have used.
Set SrcCell = SourceBook.Worksheets(1).Columns("A").Find("Risk", After:=Sheets("SubArea").Range("A21"), LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
'Set srcCell = SourceBook.Worksheets(1).Columns("A").FindNext
Set firstSrcCell = SrcCell
Do While Not (SrcCell Is Nothing)
tgtCell.Offset(tgtRow, 0) = SrcCell.Offset(-1, 255)
tgtCell.Offset(tgtRow, 1) = subAreaId
tgtCell.Offset(tgtRow, 2) = SrcCell.Offset(0, 1)
tgtCell.Offset(tgtRow, 3) = SrcCell.Offset(1, 1)
tgtCell.Offset(tgtRow, 5) = SrcCell.Offset(3, 1)
tgtCell.Offset(tgtRow, 6) = SrcCell.Offset(2, 1)
RiskId = SrcCell.Offset(-1, 255)
'tgtCell.Offset(tgtRow, 0) = SrcCell.Offset(0, 255)...............
I have a sheet with data on it. In column 5 I have adate range and I would like to delete and values which have "01/01/1900". Currently I have created a loop but for some reason it does nothing. I can use the find option and it picks up the cells with the ones on. For some reason it seems that it cant find them cells.
The code is as follows
Sub jdate()
rowcn = 8
target_sheet = "Status Report"
'status_flag = 0
If Sheets(target_sheet).Cells(rowcn, 5) = "01/01/1900" Then
Sheets(target_sheet).Cells(rowcn, 5) = ""
End If
rowcn = rowcn + 1
Loop While Sheets(target_sheet).Cells(rowcn, 1) > 0
End Sub
I have a range (C3:C56). I have a set number in each of these cells. I also have a range out to the side that calculates a number after input a % in cell BI2. The formula reads as "=AE3-(AE3*$BI$2)". Basically it is reducing the values in my range. If a number is in my range is 8 and i input 25% in cell BI2, then my result would be 6.
I have a few steps I want to happen with this range.
1 Display an input box asking for a percentage
2 I want to loop through my range and use that percentage to reduce the numbers
3 (optional but would be amazing to have) after the reduced value is determined, round down to the nearest multiple of 4.
I'm working with reports where I am given a list of used RFID tags which contain 13 alpha-numeric characters, and need to compare it against another list, in order to determine if any are matching. I'd like to be able to loop through one column of values to compare against the other, but unfortunately my VBA skills aren't that great..
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an Excel workbook that i need to loop through all rows searching for a certain string we can call "Totals". There are more than one, and i need to grab the values from each at an offset in the same row, different column, to total at the bottom. I have tried a few things unsuccessfully. The code below is just my first step to try to find the row, i know there are problems as i am unfamiliar with the different properties of a given variable.
Function FindRow(szName) As Integer
nFoundRow = 0
For nRow = 0 To Worksheets("Totals").Columns(nCol).Rows.Count
If StrComp(Worksheets("Totals").Cells(1, nRow), szName) = 0 Then
nFoundRow = nRow
End If
Next nRow
FindRow = nFoundRow
End Function
Sub Totals()
nCol = FindRow("Totals")
ActiveCell.Select = nCol
MsgBox (nCol.Value)
End Sub
I've an excelsheet with quite advanced formulas that area really nested and using quite a bit of iteration.
What I would like to do is finding the maximum of
A while Amin<A<Amax
By changing B
There is a Variable C than should be constant unless it becomes larger than Cmax ( Cmax dependas on A,B ,C, D and all kinds of things)
If C is > than Cmax there is a variable D that can be changed has to be less or equal to Dmax
So the question is how to find the maximum of A while fulfilling all these variables?
What I've come up with so far is:
I am putting in search items and running a macro to find the items on 'physical servers' WS, copying the header in that WS and the entire line the match appears on, though I cannot get it to do this.... it is really causing me stress
Then next part that is working is the items that return false are showing up on the results page - this is expected and what i want it to continue to do.
What I cant seem to work out also is how to run the search on the 'Virtual Server' WS also and return the results to the results WS as just like the 'physical servers' WS.
I have included some dummy data + code + the expected result on the 'Server Results' WS.
Hope you all can work out a way to make it work.
I was tasked with looking through a 10,000 row by 20 column spreadsheet for 628 different ID Codes and replacing them with their Descriptions. The ID Codes could appear individually in any of these cells (200,000 cells!).
The list of ID's and Descriptions hardly ever changes, so I decided to create the two-dimensional array as part of the find-replace macro shown below (only a few lines of each dimension are shown).
My question isn't related to that (although if you can suggest a better alternative please do). The main "work" of the macro is the loop at the end of the array declarations, which essentially loops through all 628 ID codes in array dimension 1 and does a Find-ReplaceAll with its corresponding Description from array dimesion 2.
This task, manually, could take days. My macro has whittled the task down to 2.5 minutes on a 5-year-old laptop, but I was hoping one of the gurus might suggest an even better method than 628 loop iterations. If not, so be it, the end users will appreciate what I've done and then have to find something to do with their "free time."
I have a very large worksheet (row count maxed in 2007, and then some), for which I need to do the following: search column A for a string that will occur many times, and then check the 10 cells that follow in its row for negative values, dropping some sort of indicator in the 11th (shading it red or something would be fine). An additional bonus would be if the 10 cells that possibly contain a negative could be summed (the sum could serve as the indicator?). If no negative is found, nothing need be done, and the macro should chug along searching A for the next reference to this string.
My hope was to do a sort of "With Range("A:A"), .Find("MyString")", save position as StartPos, do the 10-cell row checking in a nested IF or For (though the For would take a long while, checking each cell individually), then doing a .FindNext after StartPos until = StartPos (does .FindNext loop back to the top?). The formatting of the indicator cell in the 12th cell in each relevant row doesn't really matter, it's more just for jumping to critical rows.
make and loop that loops true all values in column A and B. For example, if the cell A3 is higher the cell B3 then I want it to write the higher value in new sheet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for some code to loop through some rows of text and then if the text contains / replace that with a space. My code is below:
do until intdemandrow = 1
If InStr(Range(cells(intdemandrow, 1).Value, "/") Then
replace(cells(intdemandrow, 1).value, "/", " ")
intdemandrow = intdemandrow - 1
end if
I need to loop through a worksheet to find the following product ID's: 100805, 6950000, 853000 and 20994000. Each time I find the product ID I have to execute the same code in that part of the worksheet to extract data.
I just do not know how to set up the macro to loop through each ID.
The following bit of code has worked for me but when it goes back for the next b it still finds the address as $j$13. This address does match the criteria I want but what I want the programme to do is move to the next address matching the criteria in the range...
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