Increase Efficiency When Running A Loop?

Apr 27, 2014

I run a rather simple loop (see below). But as it runs through A1 to A28000 it takes a lot of time. Is there a more efficient loop to operate this simple task?

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Calculating Average Dollar Increase In Sales To Running Total

Jun 7, 2014

I have sales numbers which is in the form of a running total dollar amount and I would like to keep track of the average increase in dollars.

So basiclly if the Jan total is $100 in column a, the Feb total is $150 in column b, and the March total is $200 in column c. I would like a formula that will tell me that the average increase in dollars is $50.

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Nested Loop. Inner Loop Not Running

Nov 30, 2006

i have a problem with a nested loop:

it seems like the first instance of the code is running the way i want it to run, but when it starts with the second instance, it does the first search and copy, but it seems like the nested loop is being ignored.

am i doing something wrong?

Thanks to Aaron Blood for the find_range function. i also poached the lastrow function from somewhere on ozgrid, but I cant remember the name of the poster.

Sub new2()

Dim Org_Area As Variant
Dim Item As Variant
Dim Copy_To1 As Variant
Dim Cell_Ref As Variant

r = 1 ..................

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For Next Loop Running Only One Time

Feb 22, 2014

Here is the image 1 after selecting one of element in listbox and then if I click delete material (commandbutton).

It has to delete the select material in sheet 2 and has to cut the element below and move to 1 row above as shown in figure 2.

At the same time it has to delete the entire respective column and remaining column has to be cut and place in column before in sheet 3 as shown in figure 3

For that I had wrote the program which is below

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Dim i, j, k, m, n As Integer
i = ListBox1.ListIndex
j = Sheet2.Cells(1, 39).Value
k = j - i

[Code] ....

When I click the delete commandbutton5 the result is as shown in figure below

In sheet2

In sheet 3

For loop is running only one time after that it got terminated. If I split the 1st for loop and execute is running nice what I meant to do. If I combine another for loop or If I add msgbox at top it misbehaving. I tried with do while loop also it also doing same thing.

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Running Loop Through Range Backwards?

Apr 11, 2014

I have below VBA code which output with adding , in between ranges. I am looking for way to running loop through range backwards.

[Code] ......

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Running A Loop On A Few Columns Simultaneously

Feb 13, 2010

I am trying to run a loop on a few columns simultaneously, from the last row to the top (well, until the 2nd row).

So I have a few columns of data, A through I, and the number of rows they populate changes all the time.

So how would I run a loop that will check for the following:

If a certain row in Column F is greater than the previous row in column F by 1.5times, then in that same row, if number in Column B is greater than number in E, the code should put the the value of E in a new column, lets say M (in the same row)

I know that sounds very confusing, but is that even possible? I am playing with loops, and I can only do very simple loops where I define a range, like

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For Loop Not Running As Intended, Can't Find

Feb 17, 2010

I thought my code was working properly, but then I tried different numbers for myNum and I realize it's not. Here's the

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Loop And Displaying Results While Running?

Nov 11, 2011

What I am hoping to accomplish is have cells D3 & E3 display the numbers being cycled as it cycles through the loop statement. Current code is below.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim iRnd1 As Integer, iRnd2 As Integer, n As Variant, strJustice
Dim Counter 'tf


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Efficiency Using IF And OR

Jan 29, 2009

I created a macro that checked a cell for invalid numbers. There were 6 I checked for: #REF, #NUM, ####, #Div/0, #N/A, #Null. Because you can only compare two "phrases" with OR, I had to write it like this:

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IF Function Formula Logic: For Every Increase Of Of Mhz, Give 25.00 Per 100 Increase

Nov 2, 2006

I have a test due in the morning, and I really need this question answered ASAP, if anyone could. I need to create an IF formula for this situation: the standard Mhz is 500. Give 55.00 for that standard. But for every increase of of Mhz, give 25.00 per 100 increase.

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IF Formula Efficiency

Jul 12, 2007

If there is either a 1 or 0 i cell A1 what is the most efficient =IF(A1=1;B1;C1) or
=A1*B1 + (1-A1)*C1? Or perhaps their are something even more efficient??

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Speed/Efficiency For If-Else Construct

Apr 21, 2009

My question is about the If-Else Construct.

I often write If-Else statements that require an action be taken only if something is true. If that something is false, no action is to be taken.

My question is, how do you code "no action".

The following is what i usually

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Code Evaluation For Efficiency

Sep 18, 2007

It is to large to upload here and I have removed the sensitive data that would normally be present. The part I'm currently stuck at is the multiple search criteria, one part works while the other does not. Also, I have yet to discover a way to indicate to the user that the correct Row is selected and being edited in the right cells.

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How To Reduce Formula Size/improve Efficiency

Sep 1, 2009

how to reduce formula size/improve excel efficiency?

I have a really complicated formula with lots of COUNTAs, VLOOKUPs, IFs, etc etc etc which returns a variety of values, ZEROs (for blank cells being referenced), and #NAs.

I would like to turn all ZEROs and #NAs into ""s without repeating this super long formula over and over.

I am curently using:


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Efficiency Of Custom Functions (UDF) Compared To Standard/Native Formulas

Sep 30, 2006

Assume I have a sheet consisting of 50 rows with 3 columns of figures. A fourth column contains a formula to calculate values, eg A1+B1+C1, on each line/row. I could enter A1+B1+C1 in the first cell and Copy, Paste to the other 49 cells. Alternatively, I replace A1+B1+C1 with a UDF.

Is there any difference in performance with using a UDF compared to using the long-hand/standard approach, or is it just a question of convenience? After all, both are doing the same operation with the same calculation.

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Loop Within A Loop (repeat The Loop Values)

Mar 31, 2008

With Sheets("regrade pharm_standalone")
For Each r In .Range("standaloneTerritory")
If r.Value = "X101" Then
Sheets("X101").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
Next r
End With
I need to repeat this loop for values from X101 to X151. In all cases, the sheet name is equal to the value I'm looking up (eg: value = X102 goes to sheet X102).

I have a named range called 'territories' that contains the list of X101 -> X152.

I'm hoping to make the code perform the loop for each of the territories without my having to copy & paste and change the 'X101' 51 times as this would seem a rather silly thing to do!

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Loop Through Multiple Files And Call Macros (but Unable To Loop)

May 14, 2014

Macro which loops through a number of files and calls the same macro in each of them. Unfortunately when I add "Application.Run..." to the code, it no longer loops through the process and instead stops after updating the first file in the loop. If I remove the "Application.Run..." code and add any other code, the loop works fine and it continues through the process repeating all the steps for each file found.

Why it stops after one file when using "Application.Run..." to call the macros?

NB I have a list of path and file names starting in row 8 of columns A and C. Each file in the list has a macro called UpdateS1 and promoupdate1.

Sub C_Run_Loop_Macro()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Long


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Store Row Number Within Loop And Delete All Stored Rows After Loop?

Sep 11, 2013

I have working code that returns a row number within a for loop based on parameters I set.

Each time the for loop runs I would like to store this row number, then after the loop has finished, delete all stored rows.

for rowNum = 1 to x (some variable end row number which I already have worked out using End(xlUp).Row)
if x = y then
*storedRow = rowNum
end if
next rowNum

Lines with a * are the bits I can't work out. I've been trying to understand arrays by reading posts on what other people have done, but I can't fit (or fully understand) the reDims, or reDim preserves into my code. I've seen what appear to be quite complex ways involving uBounds and LBounds, but unfortunately I can't see how to use them.

All I want is to simply keep adding a row numbers to a variable, (i.e. row 2, 5, 20, 33, 120, etc) and then delete those specific rows.

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Loop Through Cells And Ranges Reverse Order With Backwards Loop

Aug 30, 2006

I am looping through each cell in a range and I would like to loop in reverse order.

Dim CELL As range
Dim TotalRows As Long
TotalRows = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Each CELL In Range("C1", "C" & TotalRows)
'Code here to delete a row based on criteria

I have tried:

For Each CELL In Range("C" & TotalRows, "C1")

and it does not make a difference. I need to loop in reverse order since what I am doing in the loop is deleting a row. I am looking at a cell and determining its value. If the value is so much, then the row gets deleted. The problem is that the next row "moves up" one row (taking the pervious cell's address) and therefore the For Each Next loop thinks it has already looked at that row.

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Copy Cells In Loop Based On Loop Increment Being Multiplied

Feb 7, 2008

I have some numbers in a column that I need to copy 12 times (each one) into another column. The problem is that I got like 200 records that will be converted in 15000 aprox. I've uploaded an example of what I need,

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Loop Through Index Worksheets Using For Loop And Select Clause

Nov 4, 2013

I have a workbook that contains, say, 50 worksheets: the first two worksheets summarise the data and are static in that they don't move position. However, the next four worksheets contain certain data for any given month. Each time a new month comes along, say, November, I insert four new worksheets after the two static ones as a result October's four worksheets are simply moved down the line in terms of worksheet order.

I need a macro to refer to the first six worksheets only (not the other tabs). I opted for index referencing for each worksheet, ie one - six. Now within these six worksheets in any given month, I need to sort the data by a certain column. The problem: in sheets 1,4,5 and 6 I need to rank by column E, but in sheets 2 and 3 I need to rank by column C. I have stepped through the code, which works for sheets 3-6, but doesn't seem to refer to sheets 1-2.

Sub WorksheetLoop()
' Loop through an indexed number of worksheets; _
' & this ensures that the worksheet range is dynamic _
' and is able to adjust when new sheets are added/removed, etc.
'Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet


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How To Increase Column When Using A Row

Apr 10, 2014

Having an issue with copying down.

Workbook 1 has data vertical

Workbook 2 has data horizontal

I need the formula in Workbook 1 to pull from the respective date in workbook 2, or just a simple formula increasing the column by 1 for each row.My issue is that when i copy down, the column never increases, it stays on the same one.Example is attached.

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Can I Get One Cell To Increase By 1

Feb 10, 2009

if it is possible to increase one cell by 1 when the date was changed in another cell. I installed the code that was given to me and it worked perfectly, thanks agin JB and royuk, UNTIL the cell that was to increase by 1 was locked and the sheet protected.

The date cell is not locked.

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Automatically Increase Value

Dec 14, 2009

I have attached a spreadsheet, in which I have highlighted the following cells (I2, J2, G31 and I31)

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Increase In Value Due To Percentage

Sep 5, 2013

I have a sheet comprising of 4 columns, laid out like the below ;

A4 = Equipment
C4 = Cost
E4 = Revenue
G4 = Gross Profit

I require to enter a percentage into the gross profit column, and for this to interact with the cost column, then for the revenue column to return the total of the cost including the profit.

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Increase / Decrease Of Value Set?

Dec 11, 2013

I'm dealing with the following problem. Say I have a set af values:

1 567
2 546
3 567
4 554
5 572
6 543

I can easily determine the average of the values in column B (=AVERAGE(B1:B6)) But I also want to know if the average is increasing or decreasing without making a chart and trendline. Concrete: I want the cell with average (say B7) to turn green when the trendline has a positive growth and red when negative.

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Increase With 1,5% For 20 Iterations

May 12, 2007

in getting the formula right for this:

I have a value which I want to increase with 1,5 % of last calculated value (the initial value is 40 in the example below).

I only need 20 iterations.

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Increase Its Existing Value With 1

Jun 20, 2009

I would like to add Cells(18,3) also along with the below code which should increase its existing value with 1.

Sub newinv()
R = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Value + 1
Cells(15, 4) = R
End Sub

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Increase Cell Value

Jun 6, 2006

I need to increase the cell value on a spreadshhet that contains over 50,000 cells. I know how to do this on a cell by cell basis. I need to know if there is some way of doing this to multiple cells. Here is my example;


I need to increase each cell value and roundup to the next number. I have been doing the following formula: =ROUNDUP(603/.97,0) to increase the cell value to $622.

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Increase Date In Each Row

Nov 1, 2006

I have two dates in A1 and B1. Eg 24/Oct/06 in A1 and 27/Oct/06 in B1.

Can the range of these two dates be updated to Cell A10, followed by the next row.


Cell A10 24/Oct/06
Cell A11 25/Oct/06
Cell A12 26/Oct/06
Cell A13 27/Oct/06

Because the two dates in A1 and B1 are updated by user, the range is not fixed. Eg It could be 20/Oct/06 in A1 and 29/Oct/06 in B1.

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