Formula To Copy One Cell To Part Of Another Cell

May 30, 2014

I need to copy information in one cell to only part of another cell. For example:

C1:Office Name N1:Path
C2:Houston Office N2:OU=Houston Office,DC=contoso,DC=com

Trying to copy from anything in cell C2 to after the = sign before the comma in cell N2.

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Copy Part Of One Cell Into Another

Feb 25, 2013

I have a cell that has this

And I have another cell that looks like this
ADL G28 Clear Lamp Chimney 8-1/2 inches

I want the cell to look like this
ADL G30 Clear Lamp Chimney 8-1/2 inches

Basically I want to take the g30 and convert the "G" to uppercase and add it with the "30" to the other cell..

I need to do that with 40 rows..

How would I do that?

I copied the rows here down here --- [URL] .......

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Copy Part Of Cell Contents

Dec 2, 2011

I need a way to copy part of contents from a cell, the cell contains product information like size, name and weight of a product, and I need a copy the weight to be put in it’s own cell, here’s a copy of one cell “E65 MAPP SKDV 5 DIGIT 90G ST.K” the information I need from this is “90” the number is always followed by a capital G, but it’s between two and three digits where the lowest is 55G and the highest is 300G. Is this possible?

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Copy Part Of Cell Into Another Cell?

Aug 15, 2014

I have a URL in column B and want to copy everything to the right of the "/" forward slash to thw cell on right in column C, what formula can I run to get this accomplished, URL length may vary.

(Column B) (Column C example)

[URL] .......

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How To Copy A Part Of One Cell To Another Cell

Jan 15, 2014

I have an excel spreadsheet with a column of part numbers. The part number consist of a prefix, base, and suffix which is separated with dashes. For example 1C3Z-6211-AA. I am wanting to copy the base number only to another column. The problem is the prefix can be 2 to 4 digits, the base can be 4 digits or longer and the suffix can be 1 to 4 digits long. Is there a way to copy only the number between the dashes?

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Copy Part Of Cell And Paste To New Column

Mar 2, 2012

I want the VB Code to do the following;

For each row in Column C, if the text starts with "Calls from service no", it must extract the last word and paste it into corresponding row in Column A. So if the macro finds a cell in Column C starting with "Calls from service no..", then the last word (the last word will always be a number and is seperated with a space) of this cell must be pasted in cell A45. So it must continue for all occurances in Column C. Sample of text in cell = "Calls from service no 0431324345" and "Calls from service no 3242134254" etc.

I also require similar, but this time it must extract as shown below.
If text is found in Column C starting with "Local" or starting with "Long Distance" or starting with "Mobile", only this text, ie "Local" or "Long Distance" or "Mobile" must be pasted in Column B.

It can be 2 different macros that I can run.

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Finding Part Of Text Then Copy Value Of Other Cell

Mar 26, 2014

Here's the situation (an example):

I have sheet1 that contains the following information

Column A Column B
company1 - book value 0,5
company1 - earnings 0.2
company1 - R&D 1111
company1 - total assets 200000
company2 - book value 2
company2 - earnings 333
company2 - total assets 12

So column B contains only numbers and note that for company 2 I do not have any numbers on R&D.

I have in sheet2 only once the company name. I would like now that if column a contains the text "book value" to have the value of column B pasted in sheet 2 column B. Same for earnings to be pasted in column C. R&D in column D and if R&D is not present for that company then the value should say something like unknown.

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Using Cell Value As Part Of Formula?

Feb 10, 2013

I have the following formula in my workbook;


The data in the workbook is imported automatically and the range 'A8702' is different every time the data is imported, although is always in column A.

Can I use the value of a cell to determine the range?

So I have used this to get the ast used row number;


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Cell Formula For Part Of Tab Name

Jan 23, 2008

I need a cell formula (gets put in by macro) that returns part of a workbook name.

The worksheet name will always be different, but will contain either
SD1, SD4, BDO, BD (not neccessarily in Caps)
and it is this key code that i want returned in the cell (G2).

so if the worksheet name is

NW SD1 bobs your uncle. when macro runs G2 returns SD1
BDO xyz. when macro runs G2 returns BDO

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Extract And Copy Part Of Text String From One Cell To Another?

Aug 22, 2014

I have to sort list of thousands name (3000 names) and remove duplicates. My problem is majority of the names have their title (i.e) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sir. etc typed in, so I need to copy the title in different cell and have their name only. Here's what I expect:

Current List ----> Column A -->Column B
Drs. H. A. Andrew Boston, MRE. ----> Drs. H. --> Andrew Boston, MRE
Drs. H. Andrew Smith ----> Drs. H. --> Andrew Smith
H. Abd. Mohammed Junus ----> H. --> Abd. Mohammed Junus
Prof. DR. Jane Doe, MD ----> Prof. D --> Jane Doe, MD
Prof. DR. Ir. H. Randy Wong, MBA --->Prof. DR. Ir. H. -> Randy Wong, MBA
Dra. H. A. Karen Patel ----> Dra. H. --> Karen Patel
Drs. H. A. M. Kangkong ----> Drs. H. A. --> M. Kangkong
Prof. Drs. H. A. Kareem Saleh, Ph.D -> Prof. Drs. H. A. ->Kareem Saleh, Ph.D
Dra. Hj. Nina Schorder ----> Dra. Hj. --> Nina Schorder
Ir. Abdul Jabbar ----> Ir. --> Abdul Jabbar

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Using Variable In Cell Formula As Part Of For Next

Aug 13, 2009

I have 2 sheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2. I want to populate Sheet2 Column B with a formula which will reference Column B of sheet1 so that on each iteration of the For..Next, the cell being referenced in the formula will change. So if i = 5, I'd like the cell to be populated with the formula =Sheet1!B5

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Take Part Information From Cell To Create Formula?

Jul 2, 2014

I need to pull information from a cell that is full of text and numbers and get it to creat a formular.

More information in the spreadsheet example

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Make Part Of A Cell Bold Using A Formula??

May 29, 2009

I have a formula that combines the the text of various cells.

Is there a way to automatically make part of the cell Bold - so in this case I want the Cell B13 to appear in bold.

See formula below:

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Find And Replace Part Of Another Formula With Value Of Cell

Jun 26, 2012

I have a formula in cell J2:


I need a macro that will change the part of the formula that is "CI10001G" to the value of cell A2 which would basically be something along the lines of "CI10004D" so the formula would change to the following:


And then this formula will then successfully look in the newly directly file path.

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Part Of Excel Formula Showing In Cell

Apr 30, 2014

I was given this Formula to use in a cell to calculate the total hours from 2 different cells, from inputting date and time from and to an example from 4/1/14 0:00 thru 4/1/14 12:00.....The problem I am encountering is that when the spreadsheet is 1st opened "+1" is visible in the cell where this formula is. I am asking how the formula can be altered to have the "+1" not visible in the cell before any date and time is entered.

= INT(F13-D13)*24+(((F13-D13)-INT(F13-D13))/0.04166666)+1

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Macro Code To Replace Part Of Formula With Value Of Certain Cell

Jun 18, 2014

Here is the code I'm working on:

I want this code to replace the value of s with the value of a cell.

sub Macro2()
Dim s As String

s= value of (cell F2)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[(s).xlsm]Payroll Computation '!R8C11"

End Sub

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Reference Part Workbook Name In Formula From Date In Cell

Feb 20, 2008

i want to return a value from a cell in another workbook where part of the the workbook name is determined by a date set on the current open sheet.

so on my open sheet i have a cell where the user can change the date and i want the below formula to then use the date to look at the relevant file.

any ideas would be appreciated. know how to do this in VBA but no clue with formulas.

what i am trying to do is concatenate part of a file name and a cell value which contans a date


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VBA To Copy Value Of Cell To User Defined Cell And Append Formula?

Sep 13, 2012

My workbook has sevaral sheets reresenting the payment methods used by our customers. Each sheet has a range of cells F9 to Q33 which should hold the value of payments for each working day. e.g. F9 represents April 1st, F10 represents April 2nd.

A daily list of values is supplied which then transfers that day's value into cell E1 on each sheet.

On each sheet I manually have to take the value in E1 and copy and paste special: value into that day's cell e.g. today I will paste into cell K21. The cell value then looks like this '12134.12'. I then edit the cell to put a calculation on the end to divide the value by the value in another cell on the sheet. The cell value ends up like this '=12134.12/$G$5'. This is so I can see the values in thousands of pounds or by changing the value of G5 to 1,000,000 in millions.

Tomorrow I will do the same but in cell K22.

I have to do this on 15 worksheets and I have been struggling to get a macro together to do this. I can get as far as copying and pasting but I don't know how to add the calculation onto the end. I also would like to be able to input the cell destination daily probably with an input box so I can be flexible and potentially run it sevaral times if I need to catch up on previous days.

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Automatically Copy Formula To Next Cell When I Enter Something In Perticular Cell

Sep 8, 2007

Automatically copy formula to next cell when i enter something in perticular cell ....

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Copy Formula From Previous Cell To Next Cell When I Enter Something

Sep 9, 2007

I want to copy formula from previous row to next cell when i enter something in perticular cell.

--Colomn A --- Colomn B -- --------Colomn C
1 01-09-07 ----- John ----------=vlookup(b2,$s$1:$t$10,2,false)
2 01-09-07 ----- Smith -------- =vlookup(b3,$s$1:$t$10,2,false)

Now if i enter date in cell A3 then cell C3 should be automatically filled/copy formula as celll C2. and so on......
then if i enter data to A4 then cell C4 should be automatically filled/copy formula from cell C3.

I have also attached example file.

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Run Macro On Double Cell Click If Cell Part Of Named Range

Feb 6, 2008

I have a sheet where i have many differently named areas (like state1_1 and state1_2) When I doubleclick on a cell then a macro should run with following criteria: 1) Macro will run if the doubleclicked cell is part of any range in the list. Here I mean that names of ranges which belong to that list start with word state (like state1_1 and state1_2). No other ranges should not be in that list. If the cell is not in the range that is part of the list, then nothing should happen.

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Return A Value In One Cell Based On Part Of Data In Another Cell

Jan 22, 2014

i have a column of data part number part text e.g 7w1,8b1 in the next column i want to write a function that will look at the other and dependant on whats in it place a word e.g. for 8b1 i need it to look at the "b" and enter beauvale if theres no "b" but a "w" enter wollaton, i have tried an if function and used "*b*" but it doesnt seem to like wildcards ....

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Extract Part Of Cell By Searching For Data Within Cell

Apr 18, 2013

I have some cells with text entered in column A.

These cells contain a time reference either in '09:30 - 16:30' format or just an 'AM/PM' format.

What I need to do is to populate column B with the part of the string that comes AFTER the times in the text (either in hh:mm format or AM/PM format)

336 Data 2012 Classroom Induction 2012/08/28 09:30 - 16:30 data about this ------> data about this
336 Information about this 2013/04/04 09:00 - 13:00 Information 2 ------> Information 2
336 info CHS Suffolk 2013/05/07 PM DRC, BSE ------> DRC, BSE
364 information 2013/02/12 AM DRC, BSE ------> DRC, BSE

I cannot get this to work and cannot use Text To column as there is no character I can use to split it.

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Find Part Of Text Within Cell And Replace From Another Cell

Nov 24, 2008

I need to find the "x" in range C2:C44 and replace it with a value (variable) specified in cell I2

The catch is that I then need to be ablt to change that character when I2 changes.

Coloum C


I2 - Variable = B
*TxSTATUS will become *TBSTATUS

I2 - Variable = A
*TxSTATUS will become *TASTATUS

But " *OFF " should not change.

I can change *TxSTATUS to *TBSTATUS but then I can change *TBSTATUS to *TASTATUS

Please see attached example file as it shows it better than I can explain it.

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Formula To Copy Comment From Cell A1 To Cell A2?

Aug 5, 2014

So I've got an Excel sheet with two cells - A1 and A2. In cell A1, I have a comment that says "Hello". Is there any formula I use to copy the comment from A1 and apply that comment to A2?

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Formula To Copy Portion Of Cell To Another Cell

Jul 5, 2012

I need a formula to copy testing/123/1234.jpg to www/

End result: A2 =

In reality, any data after needs to copy to the end of

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Cell Entry As Part Of A Cell Reference

Dec 4, 2008

Let me try to explain.

I know that I can do this to fetch a cell entry from an external workbook

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Copying Part Of A Cell And Pasting It To The Cell Next To It

Sep 7, 2007

I have just generated a report of current customer numbers for our company. Unfortunately it reports it as "162 (162)". No idea why the program does it like that because it now makes using VLOOKUP very difficult.

What I want to do is copy the "162" part of the cell and paste it into the adjacent cell to make it easier to manipulate the worksheet. All of the customer numbers are in column D if that makes a difference.

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Move Part Of Text In Cell To Another Cell

May 17, 2006

It's difficult to explain, the attached shows the situation better. Basically there's a picture that is somehow linked to a cell. But, you can update the picture or the cell and the other one gets updated.

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Copy A Formula In A Cell And Then Paste Only The Text Of The Formula

Jul 16, 2007

I would like to copy a formula in a cell and then paste only the text of the formula, but I can't figure it out. Basically, I would like to avoid going into the cells and absolute referencing or hitting F2, then copying the text.

When I hit "Ctrl C" to copy the cell, then hit "Alt/E/S/F/Enter" to paste the formula, it is just like a regular copy/paste formula-wise in that the references move.

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