Generate Weekly Reports From Table
Oct 2, 2007
I would like to create one page (sort of like a form) to use to collect specific weekly payroll related data for multiple employees and be able to automatically transfer that data to its own weekly data page based on the week date, and then also automatically post specific data to each individual employees' total pages. While I am self taught and comfortable with formulas I do not yet have a lot of experience with VBA and am just now recognizing and exploring the true power of Excel so I don't always yet see the best way to accomplish my goal.
My current way of doing this is to reuse the same form page. I plug in the data for each employee that week, it calculates, I print it out, and then I manually update each employee's total page for that date. As I do this I lose the previous week's details. I would like to retain a page for each week's details in addition to having each employee's total pages. Is this possible or is there a better way to accomplish my task?
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Sep 5, 2006
I have included a copy of the spreadsheet. What I need to do is get a cummulative duration report for each crew. This particular spreadsheet has less data than most.
Many times there are 8+ crews. I need to make a column or graph or report or something that will continually update as changes are made and report back something like; Sewer 142 hours, Water 200 hours etc...
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Feb 17, 2014
I have an expense workbook (Data) with 4 columns (ID, Item, Cost, Date). I would like to create macros that will generate 3 different reports and write to 3 different worksheets.
The first report is sorted and sum up the cost for each item. Please see the worksheet "Item".
The second report is sorted and sum up the cost for each part ID. Please see the worksheet "ID".
The third report is the cost for each month and Year-to-Date cost right next to it. Please see worksheet "Summary".
write the macros for each of these reports assuming that we don't know the number of rows in the "Data" worksheet.
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Aug 8, 2009
When I creating a Pivot Table Report on a different sheet. I have attached the Stock Report, where I have created a Button at the top to create the report, but the worksheet name is the default Excel name rather than the one that I want (in my case the name of the new sheet should be "Admin".
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Sep 30, 2013
I have a workbook that contains
Tab 1 --a datatable with mulitiple suppliers. Data changes once a week.
Tab 2-25 --Report Tab for each client--to be sent out to client weekly to update status of deliveries.
Current process:
1. copy and paste data table into excel model Tab 1
2. use advanced filtering to pull data from the datatable into each tab one tab at a time--25 times!
3. Sort the date in the report tab--25 times
4. Format the report tab--25 times
5. Copy and Paste into a separate workbook--25 times
6. Send each report--25 times
How do I reduce the number of steps in this reporting process?
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Jun 1, 2009
I have a table of data which represents data in different categories by week.
My ultimate goal is to have another table representing the data for each month - for instance - for each of the categories the data for :
is summed to make the data for the month of April.
The way I'm doing this at the moment is very long-winded
I'm using a whole new table - the size of the original weekly one - for each month. A calculation decides whether to effectively leave a cell blank or insert the appropriate data based on a date being within a particular range.
So in each "month table" there is the same list of week values:
but for each "month table" only the cells adjacent to the dates within the relevant month will return actual numerical values within them
This is an example of the forumula I am using in these tables:
Then a master table sums the totals for each month.
I want to be able to keep this table but get rid of the ones for every month as the sheet is getting unwieldy!
I have tried several times to attach the sheet for clarity but each time upon trying to "Submit New Thread " I am getting page not found errors - the sheet is only 133KB and I have tried zipping and sending also - I can't make it any smaller.
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Jun 19, 2007
In the attached workbook, the CASTINGS worksheet has a SOH ( stock on hand) column.
It looks up the SOH from the SOH worksheet (column 3) for each product on order for that week.
But how do I make week 2 use the SOH figure minus the previous weeks order, IF there was an order?
And so on until week 52.
The problem I have found is what if that product wasnt ordered for the last 4 weeks? Maybe I need a temp worksheet with all the products listed for all the weeks and a running total of SOH weather it is ordered or not?
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May 19, 2014
I am trying to create a table (listobject) from a textfile datasource on a shared drive.
How to get this over the line, I have the following code which I am struggling to finish.
Sub Testing
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim lo As ListObject
Const Pathway As String = "F:Scripting"
Const File As String = "Log.txt"
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Jun 16, 2014
I have a pivot table based on sales data and I need to know the 3 salespeople that had the highest sales during the current fiscal year versus the last fiscal year.
I have tried manipulating the pivot table but I keep getting the error message: "the following system error occurred: the requested name is valid but no data of the requested type is found".
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Jun 26, 2007
I am trying to create a pivot table macro to append to the end of an existing macro I already created which formats the data prior to the pivot table.
Here's the Pivot table setup info if if I was setting up the pivot table manually:
1) Column C (column header row = "D C/D") to be PAGE
2) Column G (column header row = "MN") to be ROW
3) Column A, B and D (column header rows = "TT", "NT", and "CC") to be COLUMN
Sum of Column E (header GA (DA)) and Sum of Column F (header TFA) in DATA ...
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May 23, 2014
I have a workbook that need to call for external data (this is information from January till May) from another workbook to manage it. I get this external data as a Tabla_A that needs to be updated continually because the extenal workbooks is adding information constantly. However, now i have to incorporate a specific range of old information (information of December, 2013) before the external data in the same Table_A. This last information wont ever change and needs to be incorporated to analize de information from December till Now.
The problem is when I insert the December information as new arrows at the beginning of Table_A, later I update the table and this old data is remplaced automatic by the external Data range. For that reason, I'm wondering to know if there is some way to have one Table_A with a static range of arrows (december) and another range of arrows (January onwards) that is updatable.
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Jul 15, 2013
How to use I have these two tables, like the picture shows.
How to get the "food" items to generate in the second table without having to enter them manually?
For example, if I were to enter 3 food items out of 10 entries, on the second table, those food items would appear.
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Jan 21, 2009
I have a table made up of 4 columns and variable number of rows. Column A has 8-digit number; B has 8-digit number; C has text up to 40 chars; D has a number with two decimal points. I would like to generate or replace a text file in csv format containing each row's data EXCEPT where column D value (number with 2-decimal points) is 0.00.
Using Excel 2003.
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Oct 31, 2006
after spending hours searching the forum, I begin to seriously doubt my ability to even formulate a suitable search question. My problem SHOULD be a known one, but I am unable to find any clues. Here we go:
I have made a pretty stright-forward forecasting model. It is used to calculate economics of a coal fuelled power plant (even though that shouldn't matter). The outcome is, among other things, a single number for Profit / MWh in Euros. There are several input data, such as fuel price, price for CO2 emission rights, operational expenditure, capex, etc.
My idea, then, is to lock all in-data parameters except ONE, then let this variable vary incrementally and then produce a new small table with a) the variable data (example: price for CO2 rights ranging from 10 to 50 Euro in 2 euro steps), and b) the resulting net profit in each case. Ideally, I wish to be able to chose which indata to lock and which to vary, i.e. solution need to have certain flexibility.
NB: The calculations are not that simple, i.e. I cannot use a simple formula - I need to use the exising output cell(s) to feed data.
How do I do this?
The outcome should be basically two rows with a suitable number of columns (or the other way around, two columns in X number of rows). The table will then be used to produce illustrative graphs.
I guess I could hard code a table by simply enter data, but heck, that's not the way to use Excel!
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Apr 15, 2014
I am tracking business hours of various business locations. I would like to be able to enter the businesses operating hours on the "overview sheet" and, based on those hours, have a table generated on another sheet that "autofills" based on the date entered on the "overview sheet". For example:
I would enter the operating hours of the business on the "overview sheet" and it would look something like this:
I want a table for each day created. I would then manually enter the data for the "Ranking" column. The issue is that I have numerous location I want to do this for and all with varying hours of operation. It is very tedious to manually create the tables.
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Aug 26, 2008
I was trying to use the VBA code to generate a data table:
Private Sub createDataTable(WS As Worksheet, initialRow As Integer, numCol As Integer, numRows As Integer)
Dim initialCell As Range 'specify the upper left cell
Dim RefCell As Range 'the reference cell on the caculator sheet
'activate source sheet
Set RefCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 3)
Set initialCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(initialRow, 1)
initialCell.offset(numRows, numCol).Select
Selection.Table ColumnInput:=RefCell
'the calculation should be automatic, if not, then calculate
End Sub
and it kept giving me an input celll not valid error on this line: Selection.Table ColumnInput:=RefCell the thing is, I have defined RefCell as a range object, so it should be OK rite?
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Jun 25, 2009
I want to generate a letter to parents that shares reading fluency data from an excel spreadsheet into a table and a chart. I got the info to post into cells in the table through mail merge. (sample below) Now I want to make a matching line chart to visually show the student's growth over time. I want the data on the chart to change according to the data I put in the cells in the table through mail merge. Is this possible?The data in the cell that says "Cory" and the "88, 100, 112" are placed in this table through mail merge. I want to now be able to take just Cory's information and display it as a line graph. If I highlight those cells and choose "insert a table" it doesn't work.
FallWinterSpring4th grade standards
70-110 WPM85-120 WPM100-140 WPMCory
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Sep 30, 2009
column A = Date : 01/02, 07/02, 14/02, 21/02, 28/02 (x-axis : shows when the table is updated)
column B = project: x, x, x, x, ,x (name of the project and trend line)
column C = Delivery Date : 01/05/2009, 08/05/2009, 20/05/2009, 30/05/2009, 28/02/2009 (plotted on the graph)
column D = Status : Green, Amber, Red, Green, Blue (status of the project. the points should be the same colour as is described in the table)
column E = Comments: original, delay, supply, out of money, on track, delivered-wow! (these comments will pop up if the user holds the cursor over a point)
NB Y-axis scale : 01/01/2009 to 31/12/2009 with increments of 14 days. this will be the same scale used for all projects.
Date Project Delivery Date Status Comments
01/02 x 01/05/2009 Green original date
07/02 x 08/05/2009 Amber delay supply
14/02 x 20/05/2009 Red out of money
21/02 x 30/05/2009 Green on track
28/02 x 28/02/2009 Blue delivered-wow
So id like the macro to draw the line for project x based on the 'delivery date'. The points should be coloured according to the 'status' column and when you hover the mouse over the point the data lable will show up taking info from the 'comments' column.
Would it be possible to create a macro that will be able to generate this graph automatically. I have a few projects id like to do the same thing for.
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Mar 18, 2013
I've read a lot of tutorials on how to use pivot tables, but found them either too basic, or too advanced, and never finding any example of what I am looking to do.
I have a database, column A holds names, and column B their phone numbers. I'd like to generate a list of unique names and their associated telephone numbers. I figure I can use a pivot table to do this.
But I do not quite understand how to format the pivot table to put the name in one column and the phone number in the next. I will use this pivot table as a vlookup range. I assume I can do this.
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Jul 29, 2008
I have a set of accounts (general ledger accounts) that the accounting group posts expenses to. every once in awhile a new account is added. This is captured through a pivot that i have built (sheet A).
on another sheet (sheetB) i want to display the accounts that are shown in the pivot so that i can forecast their future activity.
What i am trying to figure out is how can i make the list on Sheet B change when new accounts are added to the pivot on Sheet A (without simply referencing the pivot table making one cell equal the other)? I am not looking for a data validation pull down, i want a full list of the accounts.
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May 26, 2007
Files :- [url]
i have upload 2 worksheets (in a zip file)
i have attached my 2 files,
1 is report of Feb 2007 & other is March 2007
on 1 Branch,
i got 200 Branches reports & i have to compare the people recored and have to identify following things
1) in which Days bukket is fall in Previous report ( compare with current)
2) if the Account # doesnot match then it should be HIGHLighted!
what i have to do is to compare the Account # with Previous & add a New Column & write the previous days (in number) plus highlight or show some remards that doesnot exisits in last report,
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May 14, 2008
I am trying to create a report that takes two user inputs and looks them up on another worksheet in the workbook and returns the right value. As an example I have the user input a date and a job location and on another sheet there is also a date and a job location that has a population associated with it. Is there a way to return this information so that it changes whenever the user changes these two criteria
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Nov 13, 2008
I'd like to created a 'Filtered Report' in which data changes based on my selection. For example, in this scenario I have 2 columns, 'Part Type'(you may pick Part1, Part2, Part3) and the 'Results' columns. I have displayed 100 entries(which means at this point they're all displayed, no filters).
When I apply the filter, and I choose Part Type to display Part1 and its "Results', I would like to dynamically be able to display somewhere in that Sheet something like this:
Part Type: Part1
Total: This would be a =sum(of the 2 cells below, in this case it'd be 17)
Pass: 14
Fail: 3
But I'm not sure how to dynamically count it based on what I've filtered, so when I change to Part2, it would give me:
Part Type: Part2
Total: This would be another =sum of the 2 cells below
Pass: 25
Fail: 4
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Apr 18, 2006
I use excel pivot tables a lot for most of my information gathering for reports that I produce. Problem I keep running into is the 64k row limit. I work with up to 200K rows of excel data at a time and just need to pick out a summary of certain columns. I have read (mostly adverts) good things about crystal reports and have been considering giving it a try. It will be a steep learning curve for me, but I was wondering have this group any views on the program before I splash out on books, DVD courses etc.
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Jul 2, 2007
I have an Excel Spreadsheet WorkSheet Analysis Work there are two reports side by side. A) Source of Truth & B) Analysis Studio.
What i'm trying to do is find out if Analysis Studio Matches off with the Source of Truth.
The columns in Analysis Studio being Column M & Column N have to match the Source of Truth Columns E "Cil account" & Column I "Code Name". Now the problem is that the names in Analysis studio Column M Example Cash is Different to the Source of Truth Coloumn I Example Cash Assets. This is what I would match as Yes being the Same as it is. The other Problem is Analysis Studio Column N has the Account & Name in one cell whilst the Source of Truth has both these in separate Columns. I’m happy if it can just match off Column E being the account to the Analysis Studio Column N. Ideally would love the results to fall either go in Column O being YES it matches or Column P it does not match the Source of Truth.
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Dec 3, 2013
calculating the percentage for outstanding reports.
My employees have 30 days to complete a report so if they complete the report within 30 days it is 100%
Each day the report is outstanding the % is reduced i.e. 32 days = 98%
I also have dates set-up to give me the actual # of days the report is outstanding i.e. (date received by me) - (date of the meeting) 12/1/13 - 11/30/13= 30, but the % is not working well
What I have tried for the % is
number of days outstanding /100 * 30 (number of days per month)
The % is needed for yearly evaluations
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May 16, 2008
Every week I run the same report for different projects to show financials and such.
Each project will have a different number of rows based on how large they are or the scope or a combination.
The number of columns is always the same as well as the basic headings.
The system that provides the output creates a bland (well, ugly) report. Not the type of thing you want to distribute.
I'd like to create a report format that I can quickly and easily cut and paste (or use another functionality) to use on these reports. Yes, I can cut and paste the formatting from the "Master" report's format but it's not easy to do as I have to keep highlighting each report's data range before pasting. I'd like have my OWN template under autoformat.
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Oct 21, 2009
I do testing of industrial equipment, collecting a lot of data along the way. Once I've calculated the performance metrics of existing systems, I do a cost analysis on proposed repairs or replacements.
I have a couple of goals in trying to streamline my spreadsheet process and make it more effective.
My worksheets usually end up with way more columns than I can view on the screen and that gets pretty cumbersome, so I want to develop input forms that will make data entry simpler. I've tried transposing the formats but they get even more difficult to handle that way. I just ran across the "Build a UserForm for Excel" pdf in this forum and I think that's going to help quite a bit.
Then for each of these types of projects I need to develop at least two report formats, one that will be comprehensive for each individual piece of equipment or subsystem that I'm analyzing, and another that's more of a summary of entire systems, such as a network of pumps all owned by the same customer. Ideally, this summary report would allow me to rank the subsystems by various criteria, such best ROI or most critical to operations. Format-wise what I'm looking for here is to strip away anything not relevant to decision makers, just reporting the important ID info and key results.
Finally, I'd like to be able to store all similar jobs in a single database so I can easily search through past results for comparative purposes when doing higher level analysis on new projects. I keep seeing the term "relational database" bandied about but don't really know if that's what I'm talking about or not.
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Jan 19, 2013
i would like to create reports and queries in excel just like in access is this possible or do you import a layout,i have a sheet that has data on i would like to be able to pick just one row or mutiple rows and print them off could i save them to a menu to use over and over again,would i use a userform to search for these or can it be done otherways ,have seen pivot tables but seem bit complicated
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Mar 9, 2013
I coach High School track and recorded all the kids workouts in DATAEASE - I had to upgrade my PC - (Dataease no longer works) so I am trying to record the kids workouts in EXCEL and be able to produce reports either by Code or NAME. Attached worksheet - SHEET 1 - data entered / SHEET 2 - is a report I would like to produce.
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