HH:MM:SS Converting..

Mar 24, 2009

I am currently exporting data into excel. The data i am exporting comes in the form of hh:mm:ss. When i export it into excel...everything appears fine. I am also using the data to generate charts. I have multiplied the values by 1440 in order to show as minutes for the charts.

When i import the data to excel and the hours value is bigger than 24, for some reason excel converts it into totally different figures. The minutes caluation (*1440) still works fine, but i need the actual hh:mm:ss to be correct, not amended by excel. Is there a way to do this. Ex. Data imported: 74:51:03 in hh:mm:ss - excel coverts this to 02:51:03.

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Converting XLS To CSV

Jul 29, 2014

I have an excel table .xls : 1.jpg

And I have to convert it to .csv (as the only applicable format for a database mass upload) , but when I do this , all the 0 values (numbers) from the NEW ZIP POSTAL table disappear.

If I save it : 2.jpg

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Converting 10.27M To 10,270,000...

Jan 12, 2009

The issue is that there are six types of "numbers" in the table that I am trying to turn into all numbers. Obviously, I'd like to turn the Ks in 1,000s and the Ms into 1,000,000s:


If there weren't all six, I think I could fix this pretty easily, but as it is I'm pretty stumped (other than a manual fix).

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Converting XLS To Zip?

Nov 29, 2011

I have put VBA code which will winzip all the excel files to .zip files in a folder. But problem is when i run the code it zips the file as .xls.zip.

For example:-

Sub Zipping()
Dim file As Variant
Const SOURCE = "E:Output"


So the output is :- abc.xls gets converted to abc.xls.zip

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Converting 50% To 1.5

Aug 29, 2007

I have some code where it prompts you to enter a %, and then it calculates if the Lst Wk Sales > Avg Wkly Sales + %.

box2 = InputBox("Enter % increased by Sales")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-111]>RC[-121]+" & box2 & ",""YES"",""NO"")"

The problem I have is that excel treats the formula as +50% rather +1.5. Can anyone help me around this issue?

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Converting Hh:mm:ss To AM

Mar 29, 2009

I am working within Excel and am hoping to convert from A LOT of columns containing hh:mm:ss to AM at the end, however I am unsure of a fast / efficient way to do this. I am using MS Office Excel 07....

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Converting To .Exe

Sep 15, 2006

I was wondering if you can convert a program you have made on excel into an EXE. I then wanted to give trial period evaluation copies out, plus secure the program to a specific PC.

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Converting Sumif To VBA

Nov 26, 2013

I know this is a dumb question but I can't get a sumif to work in vba. I want the actual formula in the cell, not just the output value.

This is my most recent attempt:

VB: Range("C2").Formula = "=SUMIF(Z7:Z12000, >0,N7:N12000)"

I get Run-time error 1004, application defined or object defined error.

Why doesn't this work?

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Formula Converting Hh:mm To 00:mm?

Jun 9, 2014

I need a formula that converts time in the format of hh:mm to 00:mm. I only want the minutes.

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Converting Date Getting #VALUE

Nov 14, 2008

I have an export from a database application in which I have thousands of dates. The dates are not in a date format (normal problem) so I wrote a formula to convert them as follows.

Original Date in A1 : 11/13/2008 This is mm/dd/yyyy

Formula : =VALUE(MID(A1,LEN(A1)-6,2)&"/"&LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-8)&"/"&RIGHT(A1,4))

Result : 13/11/2008

This seems to work at first, until I looked more closely. If I change the date I am converting so that the date in cell A1 is 11/12/2008, ie. the dd value is less than 13, then the formula no longer works. It is fine for all values over 12.

All I get in these cases is #VALUE!

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Converting A Database?

Dec 12, 2012

Using an existing database with nonfixed boundaries I am creating a new one with uniform boundaries.
The simple spreadsheet I will use in this comment isn't what the database actually looks like but represents what I am trying to achieve.

StartFinishAssigned #

Here I have the old data, organised into sections that have the same assigned number. (Note: the assigned number may be the same as the previous cell). I wish to change it into this structure:


It will be organised by the start and finish instead of by the assigned number. Instead I would like the number to reflect the lowest assigned number that occupies a part of that area.Is it possible to create a forumla which would achieve this?

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Converting Value To A Currency?

Oct 10, 2013

How to produce invoices in excel as opposed to Sage because it works better for them, with this in mind I will have to use excel for everything......

My invoice layout is basically like this.

Travel Hours Site Hours Rate Additional Material Total

2.00 2.00 1 £180.00
1.00 1.00 1.5 £135.00

I have different rates for different customers......then I have 3 rates for each of those customer. So If I charge £45p/h to one customer (normal rate) it then becomes 67.50p/h (1.5) and £90.00p/h (2).....depending on the time of call out. You will see above that one call out could incorperate two different rates, depending on arrival and departure time etc.

1) How do I get a value (travel and site hours) converted into £
2) How do I set a specific value for each rate customer, and rate? Can I have a rate saved so i can then select that rate relevant to that customer when inputting?

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Converting Time With VBA

Jul 8, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that automatically inserts the colon into time entries (2123 converts to 21:23), my problem is that the VBA doesn't recognize single minutes (i.e. when when a time is entered from 12:01am (0001 or 01) until 12:09am (0009 or 09)). When entered I get a "Run-Time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument"

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Converting To 2007

Oct 6, 2009

My office converted to 2007 last night. I had created my own macro toolbar in 2003 with frequently used macros on it. How do I recreate this in 2007?

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Converting Excel To Pdf

Dec 6, 2009

Is it possible to convert an excel file to pdf format using vba code?

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Converting Raw Data From Hh:mm To Hh:mm:ss

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to calculate the entire amount of time taken by each person in my team to complete a number of dictation files. The program we use exports the data in this format:

MacroLab 15:3029/02/2012 17:561/03/2012 8:00MacroLab 15:2129/02/2012 15:411/03/2012 8:29

Where it says 5:30, excel shows it in the formula bar as 5:30:00 AM.

What I've been trying to figure out (with very little understanding of how excel works) is how to format that column so that it shows 00:05:30 (as in 5 minutes, 30 seconds) so that I can sum the entire column for each typist and get the total amount of time spent typing per day.

I started changing it manually, but there's rows and rows of the data, for a few months now and its taking me forever. I've been googling my self ragged, but I either don't understand what people say, or I'm not searching the right way (probably a combination of both).

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Converting LBS To Grams

Jul 20, 2014

I have an excel workbook that has a column called Weight in LBS. I already have about 7000 products all shown in pounds. Im switching to a new program that requires the weight be shown in grams! Is there any way of converting all of my existing rows to show as grams? They are all different weights, some less than a pound all the way up to 20 pounds!

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Converting T To A Number Value

Oct 12, 2007

I am trying to convert a number which uses T to signify Thousand, and M for Million.

How would I program excel (or a VB Macro) to recognize and convert those letters to 0's?

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Converting From Access

Jun 2, 2008

I am trying to convert An Access macro/function programs to Excel and I am having trouble processing the following in Excel:

Set rsbuildinforce = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(InfTable)

(InfTable) is defined as an Access linked table name. The values of columns in rsbuildinforce drive the logic of the macro/function

The object of the program is to read in data from excel, do some manipulations, reformatting, etc... and output .csv files.

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Converting Formula To UDF

Jul 10, 2008

creating a formula that would convert a string like 63008 (Mdyy format) to a format that Excel can read as a date


In other words IF(the length of the cell value is 5, parse the date this way, otherwise parse it another way)

If I2=63008, this would output 6/30/2008

I want to convert this to a function since that formula is rather tedious to type out, but I am new to Excel programming

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Converting Date To Day

Jan 16, 2009

I am currently converting a date in column "A" to a day in Column "B"

Columns("B:B").NumberFormat = "dddd"
Range("B3:B" & lrow).Formula = "=A3"
can someone please advise what code I need to make the day stay as text only in column "B"
If I do a copy / paste special for column "B" and change it to text it reverts to the number of the date.
I would like it to stay as the day,eg, Monday, Tuesday, etc.

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Converting Many Tabs To One!

Feb 23, 2009

I have a PDF document that is one single table but it is long so it takes up 30 pages. When i convert from PDF to Excel (Using a converter) it gives me one tab per page I.E. 30 tabs.

I need to do calculation on the data, and need them on one page. Is there a way to merge tabs, or a macro that will do it for me?

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Converting Time H:mm To Dec

Jun 17, 2006

I'm having trouble converting Time to Decimal

8:00 1:00 AM8:00 AM
8:00 1:00 AM8:00 AM
1:00 7:00 AM7:00 AM

Using CellRef * 24 only works for Columsn B and C

resulting ex:

#VALUE! 1.08.0
#VALUE! 1.08.0
#VALUE! 1.07.0

For some reason, it only recognizes cols b and c as Time.
The "AM" only shows when you click the cell, and it is displayed in the formula bar. When clicking a cell in Col A, there is a trailing space, ie: "8:00 "

Tried a couple things but couldn't get it to associate col A with time, besides manually removing the trailing space from each row. Using Trim() does not work.

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Converting Web Imports

Jul 27, 2006

I have created a Workbook which uses imported data from a web page on a daily basis.
I require a macro code so daily and once only Imports done every day according to the variables in Sheet 3, I hope the code can reference from.

The problem:

The data has date and times and the most important aspect the date is within the URL.
Each day is the same URL but with new current date.

The format for that date within the URL is: [url] ..

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Converting Numbers

Mar 13, 2007

im working on making a price list from a pdf file. however, the pdf file has the prices in euros listed as 1.300,00 and 765,00 and 45,00 and 1.565,00 . i was wondering if there was a tool or so in excel that can change the comma and periods in the number so they read as american format like 1,300.00 and 765.00 and 45.00 .and also if there is a formula or so to convert these numbers to Dollars in another column.

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Converting String To Int

Apr 3, 2007

I was wondering if it was possible to do something like this:

x = 15
test = "x"
MsgBox (test)

with the message box saying "15" instead of "x". I guess more specifically what I want is:

x = 15
test = Range("A5").Value 'Range("A5").value = "x + 2"
MsgBox (test) 'I want "17" to be outputted

Is this possible? Somehow convert the string test into an integer and read the variable?

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Converting Hh:mm:ss To Hours

Apr 9, 2007

convert hh:mm:ss into hours, that is 90:10:20 to 90.1722

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Converting Dates To Cell Value?

Aug 20, 2014

Backstory: I am converting PDF documents to Excel files and some of the numbers are being transformed into a wonky date format which to the ***** eye looks semi correct but the underlying value in the formula bar is incorrect. Basically I need to copy and paste the value but when I paste special values it doesnt work. Below is the example

The cell value should be: 9856 When it is converted to excel the value shows 98 5 6 but in the formula bar it shows: 5/6/2098 The cell is formated as: Custom yy m d;@

If I get the value in the cell to read 98 5 6 I can use trim or something to get it down to 9856 but the issue is when I use those functions they return 72446. I guessing this is because they read the formula value not the cell value.

I need to somehow get the value in the formula bar to read 9856.

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Converting Numbers To Date

Jan 11, 2007

I have a HTML table with a column with numbers like


and so on...

When I'm trying to open this table in Excel (.csv or if I cut n paste from HTML) Excel keeps converting it to date format.


This wouldn't be a problem if I could only go to Format -> Cell and choose Standard or something.

The problem is it ends up like this then:



I want this!


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Converting Column Data To Row

Oct 8, 2008

I have a column of data (A1:A38) that I need to convert to a row (A1:AL1) and I can't figure out how to do it. Forgive me if the answer is in the forum but I don't know excel well enough to use the proper search terms. I tried searching on pivot which only yielded pivot tables which I do not *think* apply to this.

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