Highlight Name On One Sheet Depending On Cell Value And Name On Another Sheet
Apr 18, 2014
I administer an excel spread sheet which over the years I have added bits of code to which now generates our weekly roster sheets and our daily duty sheets. Sheet 1 is the weekly roster and sheets 2 to 8 are the daily sheets. If an employee is on leave or sick for the coming week the value S or L is entered in to Column B on each daily sheet and when the roster is processed for printing it strikes through the names of the employees for each day that they are off. What I would like to do is then Highlight the name on sheet 1 the weekly roster sheet so at a glance we can see on the main week sheet any issues we may have for the next week. What it needs to do is if the cell in column B contains S or L on sheets 2 to 8 the name which is in column C on these sheets needs to be matched to the name in column D on sheet 1 and this cell highlighted.
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Apr 27, 2014
with the attached spreadsheet?
I want to populate "selections" sheet with data from the previous sheet (it will be the date) depending on the value of a cell in column G. You will see I have already got the data from 27th April into my selections sheet but wondered if it can be done by a formula to save me copy and paste time?
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Mar 25, 2014
I have two Sheets, first is Service Data, the second is Log Sheet. In the Service Data sheet I have a column of serial numbers in column A. I also have a column of serial numbers in the Log Sheet, column A.
I'm looking for a conditional format whereas I enter numbers into column A on the Log sheet it will auto highlight the cell if I duplicate a serial number from row A in the Service Data sheet. I would like it to highlight the Duplicated number on the Log sheet. I know new versions of excel make it easier to do this but unfortunately I have Excel 2003.
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Jan 23, 2014
In sheet 1 i have the data like this
Date Amount
20-Mar-13 2000
now in sheet 2 i need the date and amount fields in which amount is present.
i need sheet 2 like this
Date Amount
20-Mar-13 2000
3-Apr-13 3000
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Jul 14, 2009
on sheet1 cell a1 is there a way to make sheet1,s name appear as the contents of cell a1
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Jul 21, 2008
I currently written the following formula, but always have issues when adding additional depending on selection.
D8 is the selection ( Validation ) on PERF EXP FORM Tab, Once you enter the selection... you then go to the Accounts per hour Worksheet
=IF('Perf Exp Form'!$D$8="Test1 14-18 station",IF(('10220DBHE'!B9=A6),IF('10220DBHE'!C9 > 11000,11000,'10220DBHE'!C9),"N/A"),"N/A")
Perf Exp Form
Perf Exp Form *ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ4 *1. GENERAL INFORMATION****************5Customer***Date / Name(s)*6ApplicationSheet Size1UP/2UPOrientationSOG/EOGFold TypeFold Plate# CH***78 1/2 x 142 UPPortraitSOGLetter/ZHeavy1***8Machine / model**Enduro 4-6 station9ConfigurationCHANNEL 1CHANNEL 2CHANNEL 310590-4720-4910 Dual DeckNONENONE11Date / Name(s)*** Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4 ......
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Jun 26, 2012
I am wanting to transfer data from one sheet to another depending on cell input
If I enter "2" in sheet1 cell B1, then I want a macro to take A1 to sheet2 but place it in A1 & A2.
Then say I enter "1" in sheet1 cell B2 goto sheet2 and put A2 into A3 and so on.
Depending on the number entered on sheet1 column B, the Macro duplicates the info from Column A in that row into column A on sheet2. ??
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Jul 28, 2006
This is the code I have:
Sub Auto_Open()
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-9
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
1) How do I set this up so that if the cell Z1 reads 1, it will paste the data to the "January" Sheet, if Z1 reads 2, it will paste to "February" Sheet, if Z1 is 3 it will paste to "March"......
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Sep 9, 2012
I am working to make an automatic result card in which excel automatically gets data of every student which is present in sheet within the workbook by simply writing roll number of the student in a cell. and i have done it easily by Vlookup and index functions but the only problem i am facing is, that i want to show the picture of each student by roll no. pictures are in one folder on my hard drive, now i want that as the roll number of the student is written the result excel should display the picture (from the folder, each picture named by roll)of the student. for example i write 1234 in roll no cell and want to get and show the picture no 1234 in another cell. (from the folder)
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Sep 9, 2013
I have an Excel spreadsheet.
On Sheet1 I have a vast amount of data (over 7000 rows and up to column AA):
eg A Code, B Description, C Page, etc etc AA Proposed Deletions (this column is currently blank and I want to highlight from those found in Sheet2),
On Sheet2 I have a list of proposed deletions (500 rows and 3 columns).
A Code, B Description, C Page
How do I make Sheet1 look up the deletion from Sheet2 and highlight them on Sheet1?
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Dec 22, 2013
I would like to know the formula to highlight the color of text in particular cell if the value of the particular cell ( value is text ) is so and so.
For Ex: If the J6 is "Vacation" then the J1 text should be in red color.
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Jul 29, 2011
code to manipulate to get my spreadsheet to do what I want. To no avail, I entered file records in a spreadsheet and each file will be given a certain location that pertains to where they go in the storage container. I have a mapping of the storage container in the sheet labeled "Container Mapping". There are three seperate sheets labeled "Files", "Purchasing PO's", and "Part Numbers". Each of these sheets has a column labeled "Location" on them. What I would like to do is create some code that updates the container mapping in the "Container Mapping" sheet when new locations are entered into the three other sheets. Also, an error check to prevent duplicate entries and entries outside of the container mapping range would be ideal to have as well.
I have some code that I have already created using If and For loops but I have heard that using loops is very inefficient. Since my programming knowledge ends at using the C programming language I did not know any other way to implement the highlighting function. Also, I have a Auto Caps function implemented for the location columns so the user is safeguarded against entering a non capitalized location number.
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Jul 11, 2013
I have a sheet (sheet1) of around 900 rows with data in columns A-K. Column B contains a unique value.
Sheet2 contains data which needs to be highlighted in sheet1 and each row in identified by a unique value in Column B.
In sheet 1, I only want to highlight the cell which exists in sheet 2 for the matching reference number in column B. For example, in sheet2, the value 'PM328491CN' exists and the value 'CN' is present in cell c2. I want the cell that contains this value in sheet 1 to be highlighted (cell C6).
So, find the matching reference, the highlight the cell in the row which is present in both sheets.
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Oct 30, 2009
I have a WB with 31 sheets, each dated 1st to 31st and currently hidden.
I have been trying to write a VBA code that would open a sheet based on todays date... so if today is the 2nd of Nov it would unhide the sheet 2nd, I would also like it to check if a sheet dated 1st is visable, and if it is, hide it.
The date for the sheet to hide would I think need to be relative... but I don't know how to get it right.
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Dec 30, 2009
My problem is that I need to get button to move information from sheet1 A5:E5 & A8:E8 & A11:E11 to sheet2 B1:P1 if Sheet1 A1=1 to B2:P2 if A1=2 etc
I can only make it by if or case macros, but it becomes so long code
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Nov 21, 2008
"Sheet1" of Book1.xls contains the daily efforts of each members in the team. The detail changes automatically everyday like:
Date Name Task1 Task2 Total
1/1/08 Mark Design-2 Analysis-2 4
1/1/08 James Design-3 Analysis-2 5
1/1/08 Paul Implement-4 4
On the very next day the details will be automatically changed as:
Date Name Task1 Task2 Total
1/2/08 Mark Design-2 Analysis-4 6
1/2/08 James Design-3 Analysis-2 5
1/2/08 Paul Analysis--8 8
i.e. "Sheet1" will contain only the details of current date.
I have managed to do it in "Sheet1"...
Here I need to add all the details automatically for each and every day in a separate worksheet ("Sheet2") from "Sheet1" of the same excel.
As soon as the date changed, then it will be reflected automatically in "Sheet2" in the next blank row for each member of the team...
The details of "Sheet2" will be:
Date Name Task1 Task2 Total
1/1/08 Mark Design-2 Analysis-2 4
1/1/08 James Design-3 Analysis-2 5
1/1/08 Paul Implement-4 4
1/2/08 Mark Design-2 Analysis-4 6
1/2/08 James Design-3 Analysis-2 5
1/2/08 Paul Analysis--8 8
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Apr 15, 2014
I am tracking business hours of various business locations. I would like to be able to enter the businesses operating hours on the "overview sheet" and, based on those hours, have a table generated on another sheet that "autofills" based on the date entered on the "overview sheet". For example:
I would enter the operating hours of the business on the "overview sheet" and it would look something like this:
I want a table for each day created. I would then manually enter the data for the "Ranking" column. The issue is that I have numerous location I want to do this for and all with varying hours of operation. It is very tedious to manually create the tables.
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Jun 18, 2007
In sheet1, i wan to enter a date in cell A2
after i have enter a date, in sheet2 it will search the date entered and bold the cell to red.
*Sheet2 looks like a calender that have all the dates*
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Dec 31, 2013
I have an excel sheet which looks similar to below and with some more columns.
Area1Area1 Branch110Product 110
Area1Area1 Branch25Product 16
Area1Area1 Branch38Product 28
[Code] ......
I want to have data in other sheet With respect to Product details. Where It gives me the count of Product 1 and so on.
I am able to get the count using countif function and it displays like below.
Product Count
Product 16
Product 28
Product 34
Product 49
Product 510
Product 68
Product 78
Product 89
Product 97
Product 108
What I want is when I select "Product 1" It should display some selected columns data from sheet where complete data is available.
Branch Empolyees Other
Area1 Branch1 10 abc
Area1 Branch2 5 xyz
Area1 Branch5 7 pqr
Area2 Branch5 5 wxy
Which function we can use. I tried Vlookup but was not successfull.
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Dec 13, 2007
I have a Workbook that I use to log invoices and credit notes and it is password protected so that the cells that contain formulas are locked and therefore not selectable.
What I wanted to know is. Is it possible to lock other cells depending on what values are in certain cells?
Let me explain. I have Columns G & H which contain the heading 'Credit Note Number' & 'Credit Note Amount'. Now in columns I & J I have the heading 'Invoice Number' & 'Invoice Amount' respectively.
What I have done is to make a condional formatting so that If I put a value in cells in column G it will change the colour of the adjacent cells in columns I & J, likewise If I fill in cells in column I the conditional formatting will change the colour of adjacent cells in coulumn G & H. This helps me to see whether a row contains a credit note or an invoice.
What I would ideally like is for a Macro that would automatically locks cells G & H in a particular row that I am currently working on if I enter data into the cell in column I. Likewise if I am entering data in column G in the row I am currently working on for a credit note, then lock columns I & J in the row I am currently in.
Any Ideas how this can be done? Also can locking and unlocking of cells be done in VBA while the sheet is protected or would the macro need to temporarily unprotect sheet, lock the cells then protect sheet again?
PS: I have uploaded a Jpeg of what my conditional formatting does to try and illustrate what it is I need.
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Jun 2, 2009
i have a certain column that tells me if a client has withdrawn from the company, and the column just says "y" or "n" i want excel to automatically copy the whole row to another sheet if that cell is a "y" for yes the client withdrew...
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Aug 14, 2008
Normally when you double-click on a formula you see its component cells highlighted.
But when I do this with a formula that uses cells from different worksheets NO cells are highlighted.
I wonder if anyone knows how to get the highlighting working for such formulas. Or is there an add-on which enables this?
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Feb 10, 2010
I’m trying to assign building and office keys to various personnel, by appointing different classification levels to each set of keys given out. Very similar in the way an administrator would assign permission levels to individuals.
•Is there a way to pick up an array of non-sequential numbers from one sheet (values 1 -36)
•Find those values which are assigned to columns laid out as a table,
•Then highlight those found values
I’ve attached a dummy sheet to illustrate my question.
I have not attempted coding this because I wouldn’t know where to start.
Theoretically is this even possible?
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Sep 5, 2009
I have a list of serial numbers for coins I collect. As I collect the coins I wouldlike a spreadsheet where I can enter on a sheet and it will then highlight that serial number from a data sheet I have already created.
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Dec 23, 2007
I have a workbook with two sheets imported from different sources. Sheet 1 is an AdHoc query from an Oracle 10g based program. Sheet 2 (PBIC 8 in my file) is a report generated from a property accountability program. The information from Sheet 2 is manually inputted into the Oracle program that generated Sheet 1.
I would like to have a macro that would compare the cell contents in columns "RegistrationNbr" (column S) and "SerialNbr" (column T) with the cell contents in Sheet 2 (PBIC 8). The match in Sheet 2 could be an identical match or part of a longer string. The matching cells in both sheets should be highlighted.
One thing to be considered is the column names in Sheet 1 will always be the same but the column letter designation may change base on the fields selected in the AdHoc query.
I didn't realize my file was too large and didn't upload.
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Apr 24, 2013
I am trying to use condtional formatting to highlight a row in a table if the order number is NOT on another table, on a different sheet. Example: Order Number 1001 is in my table on Sheet4, Once the order has been filled is comes off my "Pending Orders" table on Sheet1, which is based on a data connection, so it updates once the connection is refreshed. I would like the row with order number 1001 in my table on Sheet4 to be highlighted letting me know it can now be removed, since I have to manually manage this table. I am using Excel 2010.
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Aug 13, 2012
Using macro's on Excel 2010. What I'm trying to do is create a macro that will copy a range of cells from one sheet to another depending on a option being selected from a drop down box. I've tried to use formulas but without success.
sheet 1 contains a list of approx 20 people with rows containing sales figures per week.
Is it possible to have a macro that will copy the rows to sheet2 depending on the dropdown? The drop down has already been setup with people's names
if sheet 1, cell a1 (with data validation setup) dropdown contains "mr smith", copy sheet2 row A1:A9 to sheet 1 cell a2
if sheet 1, cell a1 dropdown contains "mr cooper", copy sheet2 row B1:B9 to sheet1 cell a2
etc... for each name in the dropdown
The idea is so that i select a dropdown and it copies the sales figures that match the dropdown name, if i then select another dropdown, the corresponding figures are copied to the same place.
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Jul 23, 2012
I have 2 workbooks in Excel 2010, each contain just 1 sheet. (see attached) I need to compare on sheet 1, cell D1 and column A:A (this column will be much longer), with the data in columns C:C & A:A on sheet 2, if a corresponding match is found, the data contained in column D on the same row on sheet 2 is written to the cell with the matching data in sheet 1.
My attempt is in cell D2 on sheet1.
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Mar 21, 2013
I have workbook that has several sheets within the workbook that are set up identical. Each of the sheets in the workbook are for a specific company.
As of right now I have been adding a sheet to the workbook that is an overview for what is in each sheet (the individual companies). Currently I am doing the formatting of the heading and column names manually and I pull the data from each sheet with a VLookup. I have been trying to enhance my VBA skills with coding something that will fill in the appropriate cells from worksheet to worksheet.
What I am trying to do is to populate an overview sheet with cells C24, C25, and B36 being static on each row per sheet. Then each row will be populated with cells C(36, 59, 70, 81), D(36, 59, 70, 81), F(36, 59, 70, 81), G, and H(36, 59, 70, 81). The overview sheet will have the diagram below in a ru
I attached an example : example.xlsx
Sheet 1
[Code] .....
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Jan 28, 2014
I was wondering if there was any way to do a cell format so that if I type in a word in sheet1 say "mike" on sheet2 the word "mike" cell would be highlighted? or if there is a formula you could use to do that.
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