How To Cause Each Item In A Combo Box To Do Something Different
Apr 6, 2008
I have a combo box(form control) and have it populated with data.
I want each item to do something so that when one is selected it triggers and event.
the items are:
Rounds 1 - 5
Rounds 6 - 10
Rounds 11 - 15...just like that all the way to 30
the worksheets are labeled "Rd 1", "Rd 2", "Rd 3" ...etc
When I click "Rounds 1 - 5" in the combo box, besides the "Summary" worksheet (which is where the combo box resides) only "Rd 1 - Rd 5" should be visible, I want all other sheets hidden, and when I click "Rounds 6 - 10" I want "Rd 6 - Rd 10" visible and all else hidden.
I simply added a combo box to my sheet and or word doc. I have tried using .additem, but I get nothing in the drop down. I am on 2003 SP 2.
I have tried the following:
Private Sub combobox1_form_initialize() ComboBox1.AddItem "Computer" ComboBox1.AddItem "Internet" ComboBox1.AddItem "Book" ComboBox1.Text = ComboBox1.List(0) End Sub
Private Sub combobox1_userform_initialize() ComboBox1.AddItem "Computer" ComboBox1.AddItem "Internet" ComboBox1.AddItem "Book" ComboBox1.Text = ComboBox1.List(0) End Sub
I have a couple of combo boxes. I want to use a macro to control them: when I run the macro, all the combo boxes select the first item in the drop down list. My code is:
I use ComboBox to add items to the ListBox in userform
I am tring to loop through the ListBox to check each name in the ListBox, so ifthe name chosen by the ComboBox exists in the ListBox then donot add it, but both codes do check the number of the item in the ListBox.
I need to check the name of the item?
With ListBox1 For i = 1 To ListBox1.Value If i = ComboBox1.Value Then MsgBox "u cannot add this item" Exit Sub Next i
For i = LBound(ListBox1.List) To UBound(ListBox1.List) If i = ComboBox1.Value Then MsgBox " u cannot add this item" Exit Sub Next i
.AddItem tot.Value .List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = ComboBox1.Value End With
Im using code from website:
to display a combobox when I double click any cell that contains a validation list in it. I'm not great with VBA so I am having problems finding what each part of the code does. This is causing problems for another bit of code that I use to display a msgbox when certain values are selected from the list.
The MsgBox shows up great when I select an item from the validation list but does not work at all when I select the same item from the double-clicked combo box. It would be great if I could get the MsgBox to work both ways. This is the code that displays the MsgBox when target value is selected from list
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Select Case Target.AddressLocal(False, False) Case Is = "B4", "B5", "B6", "B7", "B8", "B9", "B10", "B11", "B12" If Target.Value = "H" Then MsgBox "This is a pop for extra information. Savvy?", vbYesNo, "Yo!" End If End Select End Sub...............
I am trying to create a combo box whereby i need to populate a list of name into the box and when user click on the name, it will linked it to the corresponding letter in MS Word.
Have tried a number of codes available in this forum (to populate the combo box) but were not successful.
VB: 'enables user to click [U]highlight and select[/U] an item in ListBox1 and ListBox2 item (same row in index) is also [U]highlighted[/U] (highlighted only not selected) Private Sub ListBox1_Click() ListBox2.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListIndex End Sub
Question: Is it also possible to enable a user to click to select an item in ListBox1 and ListBox2 item is also selected simultaneously (same row in index). Is there excel vb code to do this?
I think the code may be along the lines of the ListBox SelectedIndex property. What would be the Excel VB code equivilant for the ListBox SelectedIndex property, if so?
I need some way that can identify when the item in the description column doesnt match the first item of the same number- for example, here the 1-blue and 3-orange would be flagged because they should match the 1-yellow and 3-green.
I need to do this on a much larger scale (approximately 20,000 data points), so I wanted to create a formula or macro that could do this for me.. I thought making a reference page with would work but I keep getting an error.. I haven't done VBA in a while, so I may have syntax errors.
If Range("A2:A9").Sheets("Sheet1") = Range("A2:A6").Sheets("Ref") And Range("B2:B9").Sheets("Sheet1") = Range("B2:B6").Sheets("Ref") Then Range("C2:C9").Sheets("Sheet1") = "x" End If
I am getting close to finishing the drop down menu capability when filling in column L in tab Transactions. However, there is a snag. When I enter part of account say "fin" (the important part here is that the part of the word should not be the beginning of the account name) - then I select an account from the menu - but it does not stay in the cell if the part of the name is the beginning of the account name - all is fine.
I am using a vlookup and have a problem. I am assigning a category to an item number based on the first two characters of the item number. For example item number 60123 would equal scrap because of the first two characters of 60. But the item number can begin with either a number or letter. Here is the formula I am using that works for item numbers that begin with numbers:
It works fine until I reach a item number that begins with a letter, then I get the dreaded #Value error. If I take the value out of the formula then it works for the letter based number items but not for the number based item numbers.
I have to create two combo boxes and when a user selects a value from one combo box, the values should get changed in the other combo box.
For example : if one combo box has values like "c/c++ programming" "java programming" and so on.. ... i would like to display the authors recommended (corresponding to combo box1) in the combo box 2.
Here I would like to get your valued guidance for the usage of "IF" formula. I am having two sheets one is new XL-1 and other is old XL-2. I want to have a item number from the old file corresponding to the same item descprition in the new file. I am attaching the snap shots of two files which is more explanatory than describing in words here.
I am using Vlookup to compare our item number with the suppliers item number but the result is removing the decimal point on some but not all items.I have included a small sample but it concerns almost 10.000 items.
I am having a few problems trying to amend the code so that it only uses the text box and combo box below. Unfortunately I am having a few problems. I am new and have amended this spreadsheet / code from another user on this site. When I delete the combo box on the right, using developer mode, a run time error occurs.
I've got a worksheet which uses comboboxes at certain points for users to input data. At other points in the sheet they are entering directly into cells.
I've got the sheet protected, with the input cells unlocked so that it is possible to jump to them using the tab key.
However, I can't seem to make the tab key jump to any of the comboboxes. Ideally I'd like to set the full order for the tab key so that it jumps between input cells and comboboxes at the required stage.
I have a problem where a combo box in a form won't populate from the VBA code in the initialise routine. I've tried a couple of difference methods for populating the combo box without success. The code I have is:
VB: Option Explicit Sub NewTender() Application.ScreenUpdating = False
I tried the excel file uploaded by Norie but it only displayed "Is". Are there any settings I need to modify to allow the add item property to work?
I added a combo box to a worksheet and closed and saved it. But I don't want it amymore. I cannot delete it. I try right clicking it but nothing. The worksheet,(workbook) isn't protected.
I have 8 combo boxes on Sheet 1, which must contain the info from Sheet 2. The "Group" Combo boxes should contain the letter of the group (A, B, C or D - the information should be used from the D2:D5 cells from Sheet 2).
I want when user clicks on the Group Combo box (the one on the "1st Grade" row for example), and select some group (for example A), in the left combo box (which at first says "Choose Group ..."), all the names of studenst from 1st Grade and A group to be displayed.
how to use a combo box to select hyperlinks to take you off to the selected website? I have this, which works but it's hard-coded - I'm looking for something a little more dynamic, i.e. pick up hyperlinks from a range on a sheet.