I have to create two combo boxes and when a user selects a value from one combo box, the values should get changed in the other combo box.
For example : if one combo box has values like "c/c++ programming" "java programming" and so on.. ... i would like to display the authors recommended (corresponding to combo box1) in the combo box 2.
I am having a few problems trying to amend the code so that it only uses the text box and combo box below. Unfortunately I am having a few problems. I am new and have amended this spreadsheet / code from another user on this site. When I delete the combo box on the right, using developer mode, a run time error occurs.
I've got a worksheet which uses comboboxes at certain points for users to input data. At other points in the sheet they are entering directly into cells.
I've got the sheet protected, with the input cells unlocked so that it is possible to jump to them using the tab key.
However, I can't seem to make the tab key jump to any of the comboboxes. Ideally I'd like to set the full order for the tab key so that it jumps between input cells and comboboxes at the required stage.
I have a problem where a combo box in a form won't populate from the VBA code in the initialise routine. I've tried a couple of difference methods for populating the combo box without success. The code I have is:
VB: Option Explicit Sub NewTender() Application.ScreenUpdating = False
I tried the excel file uploaded by Norie but it only displayed "Is". Are there any settings I need to modify to allow the add item property to work?
I added a combo box to a worksheet and closed and saved it. But I don't want it amymore. I cannot delete it. I try right clicking it but nothing. The worksheet,(workbook) isn't protected.
I have 8 combo boxes on Sheet 1, which must contain the info from Sheet 2. The "Group" Combo boxes should contain the letter of the group (A, B, C or D - the information should be used from the D2:D5 cells from Sheet 2).
I want when user clicks on the Group Combo box (the one on the "1st Grade" row for example), and select some group (for example A), in the left combo box (which at first says "Choose Group ..."), all the names of studenst from 1st Grade and A group to be displayed.
how to use a combo box to select hyperlinks to take you off to the selected website? I have this, which works but it's hard-coded - I'm looking for something a little more dynamic, i.e. pick up hyperlinks from a range on a sheet.
I have a combo box(form control) and have it populated with data.
I want each item to do something so that when one is selected it triggers and event.
the items are:
Rounds 1 - 5 Rounds 6 - 10 Rounds 11 - 15...just like that all the way to 30
the worksheets are labeled "Rd 1", "Rd 2", "Rd 3" ...etc
When I click "Rounds 1 - 5" in the combo box, besides the "Summary" worksheet (which is where the combo box resides) only "Rd 1 - Rd 5" should be visible, I want all other sheets hidden, and when I click "Rounds 6 - 10" I want "Rd 6 - Rd 10" visible and all else hidden.
I've been mucking around and wondered if it possible to hide a row that has a combo box in it, that when I hide the row the combo box will be hidden to as well and if the row gets unhidden it should also unhide the combo box?
Private Sub Vendor_Combo_AfterUpdate() Pricing_TB = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Vendor_Combo, Range("Del_ID"), 5, 0) End Sub I am trying to populate a TB in a user form with the value selected in the combo box. but it is failing as soon as I click on the Vendor_combo box and I am not sure why, as it is set to do the vlookup after update.
I am trying to add a combo box to a cell, passing in a variable called testerName from a listbox in a form. I can get it to work by just creating a combo box that displays on a sheet but I want it inside a cell. I think I'm reasonably close ....
But some items on this list are missing from month to month and don't need to be included for selection so I need a more advanced version of this that populates from a list in data.
Is there a way for it to look at a column in a data range containing month, then look at the column containing Product and take a definitive list of all products that match a certain month?? So Credit card might be mentioned 300 times for the month of september but it appears only once in the combobox?
I am missing something really obvious here. This cannot be as hard as I am trying to make it. I am trying to use a cell range to populate 2 combo boxes with the following Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'Set reference to the range of data to be filled Set rngSource = Worksheets("Reference").Range("A2:A22")
'Fill the listboxes Me.ComboBox_StartTime = rngSource.Cells Me.ComboBox_endTime = rngSource.Cells End Sub
Both combo boxes will use the same source range. The problem is that when the cells are read into the combo boxes, they revert to decimal values instead of time. I have tried several different things to get them to show as time, but nothing seems to work. How do I get them to show as a time value?
I have a form and a combo box that I want ot fill the items in from cell F22.
Here is my Sheets(PowerAnalysis.xls).Cells("F22").Value = ComboBox2.Text What is the best way to get this done? I have searched here and on the web and I can't seem to find any straightforward answers.
I am trying to set up a combo box in my workbook so that when the item is selected from the list a particular macro will run according to the selection. I tried with the following codes but wonder why it is not executing when running the macro.
Option Explicit Sub COUNTRYCURR2() Dim shtInv As Worksheet Dim shtT_Country As Worksheet Dim Row As Long Dim Row2 As Long Dim lngEndRowInv As Long Dim lngT_Country As Long Set shtInv = Sheets("Inventory") Set shtT_Country = Sheets("T_Country") lngEndRowInv = shtInv. Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row lngT_Country = shtT_Country.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row shtInv.Cells(1, 19).Value = "Country Code" shtInv.Cells(1, 20).Value = "Currency Code".................
I have a long list of clientele in one column, I use a combo box to see all of these. I want to be able to type 'S' and have the drop down list automatically move me to the clients starting with "S". I know I cannot do this with data validation, so I'm pretty sure a combo box is my only choice.
I am trying to search one spreadsheet and return the results of the entrie row into the combobox for on partial queries many answer could be available. The data sheet contains three columns. I would like to have the results of all three columns listed in the combobox. I have attempted many variations however, with the code below, my results in the combobox only reflect column "A"-
Option Explicit Sub Locate( Name As String, Data As Range) Dim rngFind As Range Dim strFirstFind As String With Data Set rngFind = .Find(Name, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart) If Not rngFind Is Nothing Then strFirstFind = rngFind.Address Do If rngFind.Row > 1 Then ListBox1.AddItem rngFind.Value ListBox1.AddItem rngFind.Row ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 2, 3) = rngFind.Value & "!" & rngFind.Row....................
I have several worksheets in one file. Each worksheet has sales figures in it which relates back to the combo box in the first sheet which is the home page.
In the home page i have a drop down combo box with over 20 sales reps names in it. These names represent individual locations and states (e.g. NNO, NSO NWE, NCN) (eg NNO -NSW North) and so on. (the information in one worksheet represents one sales rep)
Each sheet shows sales figures for each sales rep for 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
When you select a sales rep from the combo box on the home page it should automatically retrieve the figures from the correlating worksheet and paste it into the relating cells on the home page
i have acheived this using the IF formula however it will only allow me to do it for 6 sales reps and not 27.