Increase In Decimals Returns Strange Result

Jul 21, 2006

I have discovered a strange thing about excel and it is driving me mad and ruining my project.

Basically, If i enter the number 97.4 into cell A1 and then 97.165 into cell B1 and then enter the formula =A1-B1 into cell C1 i get the answer 0.235. Which is correct.

However, when you increase the number of decimal places to 30 the answer that is returned is 0.234999999999999000000000000000.

This calculation result seem to fluctuate wildly depending on the primary numbers in cells a1 and b1. Very rarely have i seen the full 30 decimal places without a bizarre result like this.

Maybe it has been too many years since i was at school and that i am confused with my numbers and that there is a real easy answer to why this result is returned.

As i said it is ruining my project that i am working on. Can anyone help? Why does excel do this? Is there a way to stop this happening? My project relies on this answer to be correct. Is there a way to force excel to stop doing this?

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Keyboard Shortcut To Increase Or Decrease The Number Of Decimals

Apr 21, 2009

Is there any keyboard shortcut to increase or decrease the number of decimals shown directly (I mean without having to use ctrl + 1... etc )

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Why Formula Returns Result For One Line And Not The Other?

Jul 27, 2014

I have a two different formulas the return a numbered result(PO Number) in the same column. I then vlookup both of them with the same formula into a pivot table, one returns the result one doesn't. format appears to be the same.

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VLOOKUP (LEFT) Returns Result Off By One Row

Jan 31, 2014

Code: =VLOOKUP((LEFT(C4,6)),'Data from 7500'!$B$16:$G$195,6,TRUE)

And it works great, except that the data returned is off by one row. For example, the correct value for the sample name in B107 is located in G107, but the formula returns the value in cell G106. I've tried changing the TRUE to FALSE and that returns #N/A.

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Sum Formula Returns Incorrect Result

Dec 1, 2009

I have created a table in excel, and it has a very simple sum totals. When i include all cells in the table the total becomes 0. When I exclude a cell in the table, the total shows. I have deleted the row and re inserted another one and copied the cell content from above that was not having a problem,

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MATCH Function Returns Unexpected Result

Dec 3, 2013

In the attached file I used =MATCH(TRUE,INDEX($B$2:$B$10="",0)) to retrieve the location of the first empty cell.

When using the "Evaluate Formula" tool, it is clear that the position in the array created by the INDEX function is the 6th. Nevertheless, the final outcome is 9, being the last cell in range.

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IF Statement: Just Returns FALSE, Despite The Result Being True

Dec 29, 2008

I have a worksheet called "Raw Data" where in columns J, I and G contain values. I would like to write a formula whereby if all 3 conditions are met, it will count the number of values found in column C.

I've tried to write an IF statement but it just returns FALSE, despite the result being true. Need the right combination of IF/AND statements that would do this?

=IF(AND('Raw Data'!$J:$J="Maintenance",'Raw Data'!$I:$I="Open",'Raw Data'!$G:$G="1-2008"),COUNT('Raw Data'!$C:$C)). I've tried to attach the workbook, but there's a problem with uploading attachments I think. Sorry if my explanation is unclear.

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Function To Indicate Whether An Expression Returns A Non-zero Result (2007)

Jan 28, 2010

I have this COUNTIFS expression buried in a larger formula:


and it always returns a value of zero or some positive integer.

I'm now looking for a little "function" that I can wrap around this expression that will:

A) indicate any non-zero result as 1 or TRUE


B) indicate any zero result as 0 or FALSE

Something like...

AREYOUNONZERO( (COUNTIFS(Table[C7],Table[C7]&"",Table[C21],">=1") )

I'm sure there's a fairly efficient way to do this... but I'm totally stumped at the moment!

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Formula Returns A Result But The Cell Displays A Zero

Jan 18, 2006

I have a simple formula subtracting one cell from another using =SUM(XX,-XX). When I click on fx and bring up the function arguments box, the formula result is displayed correctly in that box. However, the cell containing the formula will only display a zero. I have tried reformatting the cells to no avail. I have also tried getting a result using =XX-XX and that does not work either.

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Vlookup Returns Data From One Row Above The Desired Result

Mar 18, 2007

I have a three or four letter abbreviation of a last name in A1. Column C contains a list of Last Names; column D contains a list of corresponding First Names; and column E contains a formula concantenating the First Names and Last Names from columns C & D.

I have the following formula in B1:


I am attempting to match up the three or four letter abbreviation with the concatenated list to return the full name (First and Last) in cell B1, however, I'm not getting the desire result. I keep getting the name in the row just above the name I want.

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Index Function Working Correctly When Hit F9 But Returns Different Result

Aug 22, 2012

I'm compiling a list of names on a separate tab from a column that only lists the names sporadically. Problem: In the formula, the IF provides a TRUE, the row function, and consequently, the INDEX function (when I hit F9) provides the correct "name" and row number, but when I hit return, it provides the text 4 cells beneath what it should.


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Formula That Returns A Result Based On All Dates In Column A

Feb 15, 2007

I need a formula to count cells based on the date, so that I can have a blank cell when the answer is 0. I am adding values cumulative and future cells need to be blank because I have a graph that has a trend line and I don't want the trend line to fall off at the end. I also don't want to have to go back to this every month and update it.

Column A
1/2/2007 0:00
1/3/2007 0:00
1/10/2007 0:00
2/10/2007 0:00
2/10/2007 0:00
2/15/2007 0:00
3/22/2007 0:00
3/22/2007 0:00
3/22/2007 0:00
4/31/2007 0:00
4/31/2007 0:00
4/31/2007 0:00

Column B
Invoice #

I have this formula in cell F3 that will add the dates through the end of January:

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Formula That Returns Result & Font Color Of Referenced Cell

Apr 3, 2008

I have 2 tables, 1 beneath the other - table 1 columns represent date ranges and their values. Columns and their data are alternating color coding. Table 2 references, by means of array formula, this data - IS it possible to include the font color as a result?

BCDEFGH503/0310/0317/0324/03609/0316/0323/0330/03712348Prod113,91113,69713,58213,4849Prod21,9241,8943,1151,86510Prod31,2601,2401,2301,22121Age (Days)22Prod1211391123Prod22624Prod326

Formula in H22 = '{=SUMPRODUCT(((H$5-$D22)>=$E$5:$O$5)*((H$5-$D22)

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Matrix To Return Risk Rating - Array Returns Opposite Result

Nov 20, 2013

I am looking up a risk matrix to return the risk rating... it is very simple, it works on one sheet, but on a different sheet (looking up different data, but same basic format) it returns exactly the opposite rating.

My formula is: =INDEX($G$6:$K$10,MATCH(I19,$G$5:$K$5,0),MATCH(J19,$F$6:$F$10,0))

Here is F4 to K10

I have data validation on I19 and J19 based on the cells below


Very Low
Very High

[Code] ..........

BUT... when I put Very Low and Very Low in the two cells (I19 and K19) I get Very High as the return.

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Convert Degrees Minutes & Decimals Of A Minute (12° 34.567') To Degrees And Decimals Of A Degree (12.57611°)

Oct 29, 2008

I am trying to convert Degrees Minutes & Decimals of a minute (12° 34.567') to Degrees and decimals of a degree (12.57611°). I have the formula to convert latitude, that is two digits, but it doesn't want to work with longitudes, three digits. (see attachment). This is the formula that I am using:


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IF Formula That References A Cell And Returns A Different Result Dependant On The Number In The Cell Being Referenced

Oct 2, 2009

I'm trying to do a formula that references a cell and returns a different result dependant on the number in the cell being referenced.

For example I've said if A1 has a 3 in it then put the word TEST as the result, plus if it has a 4 put the word RESULT.

What I wrote as my formula is as follows-


It works fine when I only use one result but goes wrong when I add two. If I change the words I want to show to numbers it comes up fine but with words it just returns a Value error.

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IF Function Formula Logic: For Every Increase Of Of Mhz, Give 25.00 Per 100 Increase

Nov 2, 2006

I have a test due in the morning, and I really need this question answered ASAP, if anyone could. I need to create an IF formula for this situation: the standard Mhz is 500. Give 55.00 for that standard. But for every increase of of Mhz, give 25.00 per 100 increase.

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Refernceing Cells: Formula That Looks At A Cell On A Front Sheet, And Then Returns The Contents Of That Cell As The Result If It Meets The Criteria

Apr 5, 2009

I have a formula that looks at a cell on a front sheet, and then returns the contents of that cell as the result if it meets the criteria. So for example this formula would be in Cell A1 on Sheet2 IF(SHEET1!A1,"New",Sheet1!A1,"-")

This formula is always in the same cell (different sheet) as the cell that it is looking at, down 1500 rows. Instead of having the formula named for each cell is there anyway to ask excel to 'look at this cell but on this other sheet'.
e.g IF(Sheet1!"This Cell" etc). That way no matter what cell you put the formula in it is always referencing the correct cell for the formula?

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Remove A Strange Scroll Bar

Feb 27, 2009

I dont know the real name about this scroll bar (like you can see in my attachment), so I cant search in the forum, sigh! how can I remove the bar in the red circle?

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Strange INDEX Phenomena?

Oct 8, 2009

INDEX(Sheet1!$F$2:$F$10,0,1) returns #VALUE!
INDEX(Sheet1!$F$2:$F$100,0,1) returns 110 (e.g.)
As Both index have zero(0) for its row reference (row_num) I would expect both formulas to return #VALUE! (or even #REF!)

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Strange Round Off Error

Jun 16, 2006

when mixing data types: a real and a complex as in


if G1 and H1 are both exactly equal to 4, the answer whould be 0

see [url]
and look at location I1 (highlighted).

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Strange Characters Appears

Sep 16, 2009

there is a strange character that appears in an excel spreadsheet. It looks like a square with a question mark in it.

what this means and am I able to remove them

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Strange Characters Equal EOF

May 28, 2006

I made a userform that spits out 'logs' in a more readable easy to understand. It basically shoves everything into a nicely organized list box.

I have a load button that if pressed accepts .csv's

It works perferctly for practically every type of .csv that contains these logs however 1/100 times the logs contain korean or chinese characters which cause the program to crash.

I gone through some debugging and I found out that the characters that cause it to crash happen to equal the EOF character. So not only does it spit an error on that line, it stops loading anything after that point.

Here is my CheckFileSize function that runs first to tell me how long I should make my list.

Private Function CheckFileSize(ByVal TempFileName) As Double
Dim TempData As String
Dim SizeCount As Double

how to do this besides loading it into a worksheet first?

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Strange Thing Only On One Computer Running This XLS

Feb 4, 2009

Copy of the scaled down Workbook are enclosed. Password is "j". Sheet("Final Schedule") is one of 11 sheets in the Workbook. Range("a10: BE120") is copied from another Sheet and pasted.

ISSUE BACKGROUND: Entries into cells are Data Validation and a drop down on each cell. In cells C15, 16, 17, 18 or O15, 16, 17, 18 First time the Sheet is opened: user has no problem if they select a D from the drop down.

But if user types in D and hits enter key, contents of G10: M10 (merged cells) is copied into that cell. Any thoughts on where to check or what settings to check? It only happens on that one computer.

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Today Function Works Strange

Aug 24, 2009

I have a column, where i want to calculate the difference between today and another date/or viceversa. The problem is, that in the first two cells, it calculates it well, but then, it shows #VALUE and when I press to see the "calculations steps" , it shows "29/09/2009"-40049. It turns the today function into a number. Why?

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Referencing To CSV File In Strange Format

Oct 21, 2009

I am working on an excel dashboard to display life information about energy consumption.

there is currently a bespoke syatem which does this but we need the dashboard to be changed so the job has fallen to me.

Energy usage across the site is recorded in a spreadsheet (automatically) every half an hour and is saved in a folder named CSV data, however the files are saved in a format which i assume is something for the current package: *.ew7

I can open and view the data by clicking "open as" and selecting excel.

I can reference to this data from another excel spreadsheet (dashboard) whilst they are both open it will update.

However when i close all spreadsheets and open just the dashboard it tells me that the links cannot be updated.

I need a solution or a way around this so i can reference from one workbook to another.

Has anyone had any experience of this kind of thing? can anyone offer a humble analyst a bit of advice?

I was not able to attach the file here (as its in the ew7 format) but i have uploaded it to rapidshare for anyone who wants to take a look...

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Strange Characters Pasting To Textbox

Dec 20, 2006

it is a very simple marco. It contains a textbox input within a user form. The only problem I have is, when I use CRTL-V to paste some text into the textbox, it has a wired character attached to the end of the text.

for example, I highlighted an email address (ex. from an email, use CRTL-C to copy, and I make sure that there is no space after the .com, and after I pasted using CRTL-V to the textbox, a wired character, like a reversed P sign..... very much like the carriage return in MS Word, would anyone know how to avoid that or disable that extra character?

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To Rid Fields Of Strange Social Security Numbers

Mar 16, 2007

weeding out a huge file I have of 10,000 users. When the usernames and social security numbers were entered originally, there were many mistakes on the social numbers, some were longer than 9 numbers and some were shorter....well now I need to delete the rows of the numbers that are nonsense, so I need help in finding or creating a script that goes thru my XLS file and strips out all the rows with less than 9 or more than 9 characters....can someone direct me on how to do this? here is an example of what im talking about

484818227 | John | Doe |
283298383 | Bob | Smith |
2039022221 | James | Dean | <--------need this row removed
293938832 | Billy | Bob |
29832E | George | Bush | <--------need this row removed as well

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Bulk Convert Strange File Format In Multiple Folders.

Oct 27, 2009

I have a series of files in *.ew7 format (i know its a random program)

I have some code which i can run which will simply open the relevant file and save it as xls.

The files are saved in multiple folders in format "yymm" eg: 0910 - oct 09.

inside each folder there is a ew7 file for each day in rthe format: "01ddmmyy" eg 01271009 = 27th oct 2009.

I have folders going back as far as may 2002 (in folder 0205) and i need a way to convert these all into xls format and save them in the same location.

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Convert Daily Returns Into Weekly Returns

Apr 19, 2008

I have a nice case to prepare and need weekly riskfree interest returns on the UK treasury bond. Right now I have daily returns and want to convert them into weekly. The problem is, weeks do not always contain five trading days. How can I turn my data into weekly average riskfree interest returns?

******** ******************** src="*********>*********>Microsoft Excel - UK interest daily.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=ABCD1DateInterest rateweekday 24-Jan-889.871 35-Jan-889.992 46-Jan-8810.053 57-Jan-8810.094 68-Jan-8810.135 711-Jan-8810.051 812-Jan-8810.072 913-Jan-8810.283 1014-Jan-8810.114 1115-Jan-889.985 1218-Jan-889.871 1319-Jan-889.962 1420-Jan-889.913 1521-Jan-889.864 1622-Jan-889.715 1725-Jan-889.71 1826-Jan-889.762 1927-Jan-889.693 2028-Jan-889.564 2129-Jan-889.555 221-Feb-889.741 232-Feb-889.622 243-Feb-889.643 254-Feb-889.684 265-Feb-889.755 278-Feb-889.931 289-Feb-889.852 UK interest daily [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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