Lists And Background Colors

Jun 10, 2009

I have a list of number (these numbers are related to incidents) and I want to use the numbers as a basis to split of the spreasheet by coloring the rows. There is no order to how many of the same number there is. So, what I would like to do is fill rows with a color based on the numbers. For example.

My list (part of it) looks like this: ...

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Cell Fill (Background) Colors

Mar 6, 2009

when I copy a worksheet from one workbook to another, the colors on the sheet in the destination workbook, become dull/faded. They actually change from the original colors to some off colors. I copy by selecting the source sheet, hold down ctrl key, then drag from one workbook to another). Also, is there a way to get the sheet back to the original colors.

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Background Color Of Cell Based On Colors In Column

Sep 28, 2013

I have a data base in which I classify cells in three colors (green, yellow, and red) on my own. I would like the first cell in each column to indicate if there is a red or yellow cell in it's column. Because red cells are more important then yellow cells, if there is a yellow and a red cell in the column, I would like the red to over ride the yellow and the first cell would indicate red.

So basically, if there is a red cell in the column, no matter what other colors there are, the first cell should show red. If there is only yellow or yellow and green cells, the first cell should show yellow. If there are only green cells or green cells and clear, the first cell should show clear.

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Excel Pallet Lost Colors (hovering Displays Colors But Visual Clues Are Not Shown)

Jul 7, 2013

My pallet lost color-coding - if I hover over each little scare it displays the names for the colors and if I click on them they color the cells with the right colors, but the palette itself lost the visual display of colors except for 8 colors: black, blue, red, magenta, yellow, cyan, and white.

I use color-coding of cells a lot and I find it difficult to work without visual clues. At least the hover-support allows me to get the work done, but with difficulty.

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How To Make Text Background On Editable Cells And Print Without Text Background

Oct 28, 2013

How to make a text background on editable cells and print without text background?

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Add Or Remove Info To Two Lists In Sheet1 And Sheet2 And Difference Between Two Lists

Mar 29, 2014

My problem in the given excel file

1. Sheet1; how to Add "B000" in the List A or "B00" if the digits and 5 in the list
2. Sheet2; how to remove "B000" or "B00" from the list
3. Sheet3; how to highlight difference or find out the difference between to lists


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Lists, How To Make Drop-down Lists Optional

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to make a drop-down list optional? When I create drop-down lists the user has to make a choice from that list.

Example: a list of doctors. I need the user to be able to select from that list if the patient saw one of those physicians, but if the patient saw another doctor not on the list, I need the user to be able to enter the name of that other doctor. Currently the user has to select from the list or not enter a doctor. I am using Excel 2003.

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Set Background In Cell Depending On Another Cell's Background

Jan 15, 2009

In a range of cells (A1..d8) which have background set with multiple colors. Is it possible to set another range of cells (H1..K8) whith the same backgrounds as the other range and so that if one cells background changes the cell in the second range whill also change to that new color?

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Get More The Colors

Mar 28, 2009

Is there a way of getting more colors in Excel than what is shown on the standard pallet.

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VBA To Change All Tab Colors?

Dec 8, 2011

How to change the color of a single tabe. What I'm trying to do now is reset the tab color for all tabs.

Here is my code:

Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Tab
.ColorIndex = xlNone
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
On Error Resume Next
Next ws

I'm new to using loops so I'm not exactly sure what the above code is doing. When I debug it goes through the steps without any errors but it doesn't actually change the tab colors.

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Different Colors In A Listbox

Nov 15, 2007

The following code is the code "behind" the run button on my userform. The last section reads in a column ( of numbers and text) into a listbox based on the users choice. Is there any way I can have only certain rows in a different color - based on either if the value in that row is greater than a certain number of if the text in that row is a particular sentence?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'Dimension all variables
Dim fqc As Long
Dim eptg As Long
Dim newlabel As String
Dim BorC As String
Dim now As Long
Dim secondorthird As String

'Collect User Choices
fqc = TextBox3.Value ' Final Quiz Choice
eptg = TextBox5.Value ' Expected Post Test Grade
BorC = TextBox4.Value ' Is desired grade a B or C
now = TextBox6.Value ' Number Of Weeks after term has started
secondorthird = "second"
If (now = 3) Then secondorthird = "third" .....

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Colors Missing

May 4, 2007

For some reason colors will not show on any EXcel doc. When I type colored text in a cell, it shows the color until I press enter, then it goes black. Cell fill colors do not show at all.

However when I send the doc to another computer the colors wil show.

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Sum Cells By Colors

Mar 26, 2008

I am trying to create a Holiday/Absence Sheet that will count up hours of Holidays, absence, business Visits etc etc.

The only way I can think of doing this is by colour and filling the cells with the Number of hours holidays, Absence & Business Visits but to do this I need to create a formula that will sum by colour. I've tried a variety of things and I'm sure this can be done using VBA but it's something I have never used so I am at a loss.

So, what I need is a SUM (A1:A31 if colour= Red) and SUM (A1:A31 if colour= Blue) etc.

I hope this makes sense or one of you geniuses out there can come up with somethign smart that works better than my idea!

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Same Colors To Same Data Series

Nov 27, 2013

I have a big set of data and I want to create different graphs in different tabs with it.

So Imagine that in Tab 1 I want to do the sales forecast for the next five years for product A for all countries in Europe
Tab 2 would be the same, but for product b
Tab 3 the same, but for product c

So with dynamic tables in each tab I can easily do my graph

The problems is that since values vary per product country A in tab 1 is red, in tab 2 is blue and in tab 3 may not exist.

How can I set up a template so taht I do not have to color code each country in each tab? I.e. I want Spain to be blue in all my graphs in the workbook, Italy red and so on...

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Changing Header Colors

Jan 12, 2009

When a workbook is opened, (using OnOpen() ), I trying to get two header titles colors (A2, B2) to change from their usual Black to Red to Black to Red and finally back to Back.

I'm battling, especially with the time (1 second) for each change. I'm probably using the wrong approach. Can anyone suggest a sound method to achieve this?

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Mark Dates With Colors

Nov 22, 2009

i want to know how to mark the cells with color where the starting date is not greater than ending date.

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Format Cells For Different Colors?

Sep 15, 2013

How do I go about formatting selected cells for different colors for each different number in the selected cells? If I have numbers scattered about I want the cell to show a different color depending on the number that is inserted. EG: 115=red, 365=blue.

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Shift Colors To The Left

Jan 2, 2009

I need to change to shift the colors to the left instead of the right.

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Changing Cell Colors

Apr 3, 2012

Trying to format cells b9 through b 24 and cells c9 through c24 to change from white to a light grey color by clicking the mouse button once. so one click white, another click grey. The color grey I need is white, background 1, darker 25% in the autofill field in excel. I have search other forums they all lead to changing the code, I did this already. just copy pasted a code I found but all cells were selected to change a bright green.

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Change Colors In A Cell?

Jun 27, 2012

I am making some grids which will have a series of numbers in the individual cells. But I can't figure out how to change the colors of the digits. If I change one digit to Red; all the numbers in that cell change to Red. Whereas I would like to have them as Red,Green,Black,Blue,etc.

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VBA To Change Cell Colors?

Jun 25, 2013

I'm trying to update a workbook with a new look and want to change the cell color based upon what the cell color currently is.

I'm having problems with the code that I created. I just can't seem to get the syntax correct for the code.

For the code below, my Range of A5:D5 is just a test range where each cell should change colors. When completed, my range will be much greater.

Sub ChangeColors()
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Range("A5:D5")


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Changing Colors In A Calendar Using

Dec 15, 2007

I have 2 cells (B2 and C2) with date format, showing dates from a calendar.
FYI, These cells are NOT in my Calendar.

Now, I need to write a formula for my calendar cells to check these two cells (B2 and C2) and change the color of the cells inside my calendar according to the date sindicated inthese two cells (B2 and C2).

I did this with numbers using conditional formating and it works perfect but doing this with dates is giving me a hard time. Is there a way to do this? below is a link to my excel file.

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Red Yellow Green Colors

Feb 19, 2009

I am trying to create a formula that looks at a spreadsheet containing training percentages for employees. I need to look at these percentages and based on the date that the person started I need to look at certain rules. First it needs to look at what has happened more recently , moving to a new department or promotion. Next it needs to use that info to decide which rule to use. Ex. the person started 90 days ago then they are subject to rule A. The training percentage then needs to be looked at to see what rating they have. EX. percentage < 90% but > 75% gives a rating of 1. percentage than 50% gives rating of 2. percentage < than 50% rating of 3. Rule B would contain different criteria. My problem is that I tried nesting IF statements but I need more than 7. When I tried to do this in VBA I couldn't get it to work.

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Conditional Formatting With More Than 3 Colors

May 23, 2009

Is there any way to have more colors in conditional formatting since it only allow maximum 3 colors. Anyway for your info I have an attendance sheet which I want the data to change colors every time the data is enter as below :-

MC / EL / NS = RED

The data range is G6:AK82

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Cell Colors Not Formatting

May 23, 2009

I have read the instructions for conditional formatting and I don't think that is what I need. I have 10 diff year 2005,06,07 etc. I want each cell with with a diff year to turn a diff color. Like I want 2005 to be red and 2008 to be blue.

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Conditional Worksheet Tab Colors

Nov 8, 2006

I've worked out the following to change the tab color of a "sub" sheet when data on a master sheet is changed. Could anyone recommend the best way to apply this to multiple sheets (20+) without writing an "if" statement for each "sub" sheet?

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
If Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("E7").Value <> 0 Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Tab.ColorIndex = 4
Else: Worksheets("Sheet2").Tab.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
End If
End Sub

The master sheet is a bill summary where totals are added, if one of the line items is a subcontracted item the total on that particular subs sheet changes from "$0" and i would like the tab color to change on any sub sheet that is affected by the current quantities billed.

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Changing Cell Colors With Vba

Mar 17, 2007

I'm trying to have change if the date on it is passed "now()". I am already using the 3 conditional formatting fields and need this one and another one. Here are 2 problems I seem to be having.

First - the code below only works if I change the date on the cell. I want code to either work with Worksheet Active or any other way so the user does not have to redo the date’s everyday.
Second - a record might have conditional formatting already. Is it possible for the target cell in this code can show this color while the rest of the row shows the color of the conditional formatting?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G1:G2000")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case Is <= Now()
icolor = 39

End Select

Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
End If

End Sub

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Modify Default Colors

Jun 12, 2007

I have an interesting dilemma. I have Microsoft Excel 2003 and in one workbook I have a choice of certain colors for autofill and for font colors. In another workbook I have a DIFFERENT pallete of colors to choose from. Both workbooks are in excel 2003. Is there a reason why one workbook has one set of colors and another does not? Also, is there a way to change the second workbook so I have the same set of fill in colors in both?

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Function For Colors Not Recalculating

Jul 31, 2007

It is working, but the problem It doesn't change the color number automatically after I change the color. There is any way to set up that option so can change automatically?

Function CellColor(rCell As Range, Optional ColorName As Boolean)
Dim strColor As String, iIndexNum As Integer
Select Case rCell.Interior.ColorIndex
Case 1
strColor = "Black"
iIndexNum = 1
Case 53
strColor = "Brown"
iIndexNum = 53
Case 52
strColor = "Olive Green"
iIndexNum = 52
Case 51
strColor = "Dark Green"
iIndexNum = 51...................

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Conditional Font Colors

Jun 14, 2008

We use a several Excel files to keep track of who has booked retail space with us. We have a main sheet that has every space within every shopping Mall we deal with. We then have different files for each Mall (this is so we can email the file to the shopping mall to show who is booked in each space but they don't see all the other shopping malls details). We have the other files set-up to read information from the main sheet so when we update a cell with the booked companies name it updates a cell on the relevant file.

This part all works fine, but we also change the booked companies colour depending on if they have they have paid, not paid or awaiting invoice. Currently we change this by hand on the main file then on the other files. I am hoping someone maybe able to explain a way of adding to the formula we already use to update the relevant cells automatically to enable the font (or cell if its easier) colour change to be carried across to the other files.

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