I'm trying to insert two rows in a subset of worksheets in a workbook by defining a range in a worksheet and loop through the worksheets in that range, but the code will only run on the active worksheet.
I'm trying to insert two rows in a subset of worksheets in a workbook by defining a range in a worksheet and loop through the worksheets in that range, but the code will only run on the active worksheet.
Sub StatePIPData() Dim sheet_name As Range For Each sheet_name In Sheets("WS").Range("A:A") If sheet_name.Value = "" Then
I am trying to e-mail a portion of a spreadsheet that I have. My approach is the following: I save a copy in a temporary folder, open that copy, remove all the sheets that I don't need to send out, save it (same name as the e-mail subject), and then e-mail as an attachment.
The current approach does not remove the macros and references though. I use the following to remove the macros and references:
I have a workbook that contains, say, 50 worksheets: the first two worksheets summarise the data and are static in that they don't move position. However, the next four worksheets contain certain data for any given month. Each time a new month comes along, say, November, I insert four new worksheets after the two static ones as a result October's four worksheets are simply moved down the line in terms of worksheet order.
I need a macro to refer to the first six worksheets only (not the other tabs). I opted for index referencing for each worksheet, ie one - six. Now within these six worksheets in any given month, I need to sort the data by a certain column. The problem: in sheets 1,4,5 and 6 I need to rank by column E, but in sheets 2 and 3 I need to rank by column C. I have stepped through the code, which works for sheets 3-6, but doesn't seem to refer to sheets 1-2.
Sub WorksheetLoop() ' ' Loop through an indexed number of worksheets; _ ' & this ensures that the worksheet range is dynamic _ ' and is able to adjust when new sheets are added/removed, etc. ' 'Dim ws As Worksheet Dim i As Long Dim ws As Worksheet
Just need to delete some hyperlinks in column A on 50+ worksheets. Thought a loop through all the worksheets would do it. Only works on active sheet. Forgive my ignorance, don't really even know where it goes, once it works - module or workbook?
I'm trying to perform the same process to all the worksheets in my workbook. This is the code I have now, but it will only apply to the single active worksheet:
LastRow = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row For i = 2 To LastRow Worksheets("Sheet1").Formula = "=IFERROR(+IF(+K2=0,0,+R2/(+IF(+K2>L2,K2,L2)*$AE$1/365)/P2),0)" If (Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AE" & i).Value < 1.5) And _ ((Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("K" & i).Value > 0) Or (Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("L" & i).Value > 0)) Then Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AE" & i).Font.Color = 255 End If Next i
My loop here works just fine, and my Formula works in testing. However when I move my formula inside the loop I get an error.
Is the syntax wrong in this line = Worksheets("Sheet1").Formula = "=IFERROR(+IF(+K2=0,0,+R2/(+IF(+K2>L2,K2,L2)*$AE$1/365)/P2),0)"
I have attached a screencap of an example source table that I am trying to write a macro to manipulate each day. Starting conditions are that I have data in column A and B. Column A would be reference numbers that may be on one line, or more likely, on multiple lines repeating with varying counts. Column B is the weight associated with each line. I would need a macro that could loop through column A, determine if the ref number has changed, and then calculate/populate column C. Column C is the % of the total weight for the unique reference number. I have illustrated this in the table using column D. This is taking me incredible manual effort to complete right now and I do know VBA, I just don't know how to loop a variable range in this case.
I am having a problem with a custom funciton I am trying to create. It will exit after it is finished with the IF Then Else statement. I need it to continue onto the Do loop at the bottom that does all the work.
Function UPCECheck( num As String) As Long Dim CheckNum As Long Dim TempCheck As Long Dim X As Long Dim Holdtxt As Variant UPCECheck = 0 CheckNum = 0 Debug.Print Len(num) If Len(num) = 12 Then Holdtxt = num ElseIf Len(num) < 12 Then Holdtxt = "000000000000" & num Holdtxt = Val(Mid(Holdtxt, Len(holdtext) - 12, 12)) End If...................
i got a long macro to delete all rows with contains a column with the value 'xx'. The macro works in sheet 2K, 2F and 1G. But the weird thing is it doesnt work in sheet 1K (i copied the exact same part of the macro out of the other sheets). Is it possible that there are to many rows in the sheet (sheet 1K has 24.000 rows, 50% or more will be deleted with the macro. The error says bug in the line: If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.EntireRow.Delete It stops showing all the rows wich should be deleted.
Sub GrondeigenarenVerwijderen() Application.Goto ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("2K").Cells(1, 1) Dim DeleteValue As String
i have written a code in VBA to interpolate the value of Y0 corresponding to X0 using a set of (X,Y) points. (I have written this in module1) . This function works when i call it through a Sub or another Function in VBA. but it does not work when I try to use it as a function in my excel worksheets (when I type : =interpolate(A1:A10,B1:B10,30) .... 30 is an arbitrary value). in this case I get #value! error
The function is known in within the worksheets because when I start typing its name, the Auto Name Complete feature of excel, finds this function.
I am new to VAB for excel. Please give me a hint to see my mistakes of if something is missing inside my code.
PHP Public Function Interpolate(ByRef X() As Double, ByRef Y() As Double, ByRef X0 As Double) As Double Dim I As Integer, Slope As Double, NData As Integer NData = UBound(X) For I = 1 To UBound(X) - 1 If (X(I) = X0) Then Interpolate = Y(I) Exit Function ElseIf (X0 < ListMax(X(I), X(I + 1)) And X0 > ListMin(X(I), X(I + 1))) Then Slope = (Y(I) - Y(I + 1)) / (X(I) - X(I + 1)) Interpolate = Y(I + 1) + Slope * (X0 - X(I + 1)) Exit Function End If Next I End FunctionPublic Function ListMax(ParamArray ListItems() As Variant) Dim I As Integer ListMax = ListItems(0) For I = 0 To UBound(ListItems()) If ListItems(I) > ListMax Then ListMax = ListItems(I) Next IEnd FunctionPublic Function ListMin(ParamArray ListItems() As Variant) Dim I As Integer ListMin = ListItems(0) For I = 0 To UBound(ListItems()) If ListItems(I) < ListMin Then ListMin = ListItems(I) Next IEnd Function
I have a number of sheets in my workbook which I'd like to run the same code against. Rather than calling each by name is there a way to define each sheet as an array number and use that to loop through?
For this example we'll use Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 and Sheet4
I have a simple macro with a loop which selects sheets in a workbook. sheets are named "Sheet 1" to Sheet 6". Two sheets are missing (say sheet 3 and sheet 5). The On Error code works when the macro tries to find sheet 3 but crashes on the second error (when it tries to find sheet 5).
Sub SelectSheet() For i = 1 To 6 MySheet = "Sheet" & i On Error Goto 10 Sheets(MySheet).Select 10 Next i End Sub
I am trying to loop the following code for a total of 15 worksheets without copying and pasting that same code 14 more times for each worksheet. Right now it is only executing the code on the "CAN" tab. Is there a way to make it loop where indicated below?
I’m trying to copy some data from each sheet in WorkbookA, except for the first sheet which is called “Menu”, into a single sheet in WorkbookB. I’m trying to loop through the worksheets in WorkbookA but don’t know how to exclude the first sheet. The code for copying and pasting works fine. It’s just the looping (as always) I’m having trouble with. The code I’m trying is:
Code to complete the same task across a number of worksheets.
Basically I have 20 Worksheets currently. The first one is called "index", then I have 17 called App1, App2, App3 etc up to App17 and a final two called Collate and register.
What I want to do is to copy cells A2:E2 from App1 and paste it in the next blank row of "index". I then want to do the same in App2 and so on to App17 and then stop. I don't want it to do the same in index,Collate or Register.
in the past i have used something like (this is from something else I am using at the moment)
This macro should copy all data from all worksheets and past them into the sheet named "Consol" however It is not looping and only pastes the one sheet.
Sub LoopThroughSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Formula FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row Range("A2:U" & FinalRow).Copy
I have over 200 worksheets in my workbook. I made a macro to have the sheet change to landscape orientation and adjust the column widths how I wanted them. I don't know how to make the macro loop to all the sheets in the workbook.
I have a worksheet ("Issues Report"). Based on the value in column A, I'm trying to cut the entire row and paste it on another worksheet ("Closed Issues").
Here's what I've written so far:
Dim C As Range Dim xlSheet As Worksheet Set xlSheet = Worksheets("Issues Report") Set C = xlSheet.Range("A:A")
With xlSheet For Each cell In C If cell.Value = "Ready to Close" Then ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Selection.Cut Worksheets("Closed Issues").Range("A65536").Select Selection.End(xlUp).Paste End If Next cell
This seems logical to me, but it's not working as planned. The code gets hung up on the 11th line of code.
Trying to write a macro that will reference one cell in about sixteen different worksheets and return the value of each of those cells. Is there an easy way to do this?
For n = 1 To n = 15
Worksheet(n + 1).Cell("A1")
Return A1
I know this isn't even close to the right code but this should give you an idea of what I'm trying to do.
I want to loop through all worksheets and sort all columns in each worksheet. Here is what I have, but for some reasson, it only sort the first sheet. Any suggestions?
Sub test2()
Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Worksheets
Cells.Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("E1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _ DataOption1:=xlSortNormal Next End Sub
I have a piece of code from a form command button. its supposed to colect data and put it to appropriate cells.
VB: FoundColumn = 0
For Each c In Sheet19.Range("A5:A33").Cells If c.Value = student1.Value Then 'check if date allready exists For Each cc In Sheet19.Range("c4:nc4").Cells If Calendar1.Value = cc.Value Then
[Code] .....
I need this for Sheet19 and to 10 more worksheets like Sheet20, Sheet21 etc. I can manually copy paste the code and change the Sheet19 to whatever but it just does not seem the right thing to do. I tried:
VB: For i = 1 To 6 naming = "Sheet" & i MsgBox naming.Cells(1, 2).Value Next i
I have been trying to create new worksheets, name them and create webquery according to the input on table B4:C13 in test1 sheet attached (code is in module 1). After I run the code it stops after creating sheet with name 1 and shows error 1004. here it is the
I've got a data set (words and text) where in column J the number 100 appears at random intervals. Each time the number 100appears, i want to take all data from cell A:J and copy that data to a new worksheet and then name it with the word in cell A.
I am trying to perform certain actions on just some worksheets in a workbook. I realize this is probably a simple thing, but I've been unsuccessful in my search of the web so far.
What I'd like to do is define the worksheets (i.e. "in worksheets" below) in the below code to only include a list of worksheet names (which I can provide - ideally via a list in the worksheet in Excel, say in cells A1:A15 of a tab called "Tab List".).