Loop Thru Worksheets Not Looping?

Aug 12, 2009

Why wont this loop thru all worksheets? It seems it runs worksheet named "Monday Wk (1)" for each sheet and no others.

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Do While Loop Not Looping

Sep 22, 2007

Another question...

I want to organize the data by broker then by security, I created the following code to do the looping...but it stopped loop and generated information for one broker....Do you know what is wrong with my code?

I also want to sum the results of cell (A,7) based on broker...basically I want to insert a new row to sum the results of one broker, before going to the other...how should I do that also?

Sub OJOM1()

Dim A As Integer
Dim B As Integer
Dim Broker As String
Dim OJOMM As String

A = 2

'Do While Worksheets("historydata").Cells(A, 1) <> ""
B = 1

Do While Worksheets("BrokerList").Cells(B, 1) <> ""
If Worksheets("BrokerList").Cells(B, 1) = Worksheets("historydata").Cells(A, 6) Then
'= Worksheets("BrokerList").Cells(B, 1) Then
Broker = Worksheets("BrokerList").Cells(B, 1)
'MsgBox Broker
Do While Worksheets("historydata").Cells(A, 1) <> ""
If Worksheets("historyData").Cells(A, 6) = Broker And Worksheets("historydata").Cells(A, 2) = Worksheets("MarginReq").Range("B4") And Worksheets("historydata").Cells(A, 3) = Worksheets("MarginReq").Range("B5") Then
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Worksheets("historydata").Cells(A, 6).copy Sheets("MarginReq").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Worksheets("historydata").Cells(A, 7).copy Sheets("MarginReq").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
A = A + 1
End If
B = B + 1
'A = A + 1
End Sub

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Loop Wont Keeps Looping..

Feb 9, 2010

I am doing wrong here, the code seems to keep looping. I broke out of the search and its found the correct information and copied the correct rows, though looped and did it again, and again, and again,

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Loopy Loop Keeps Looping

Feb 12, 2009

I can't work out why this keeps looping. Can anyone help, please? Thanks.

Sub Test3()

LastRow = Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row


ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

Loop Until Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0)))

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

Loop Until ActiveCell.Row = LastRow

End Sub

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Looping Through Worksheets

Oct 19, 2012

I wrote a macro to loop through all of the worksheets in a work book and print all of the sheets except the first one labeled as "BidCandidates" and the last sheet labeled as "Blank".

It works just fine. However, I want it to work even when there is no first sheet labeled as "BidCandidates" and last sheet labeled as "Blank". There will be an unknown number of sheets to print and they will all have a label starting with a number from "02" through "50". For Example "02 - Selective Demolition".

Here is the code I have written;

Sub Print_All_Analysis_Sheets()
' Print_All_Analysis_Sheets Macro
Application.ScreenUpdating = False


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Looping Through Worksheets?

Aug 7, 2008

I am trying to figure out a way to do the following: I have multiple worksheets with 2 columns of data. The data contains name and value, so 2 columns is all I would be looping through.

I need to loop through the multiple worksheets and add any values that are similar to the particular name.

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Looping Through Worksheets In VBA

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to loop through all visible worksheets and then when im those worksheets, I want to run a simple macro.

Here's the code I have:

Sub formatting()

Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets


Next ws

End Sub
The problem I'm encountering is that the macro(Module12.Part6) keeps running in the ActiveSheet (the sheet i have open) and isn't actually looping through the worksheets.

Is there any easier or better way to apply a macro to all visible worksheets?

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Looping- Loop To Force A New Date Install Via A Input Box

Jan 7, 2010

The code below first asks a user to input a weekending date (which must be a Saturday). The value of the input box goes to cell C1 of my spreadsheet. That part works fine. I also have a function in Cell G1 with the function:

=TEXT(C1, "dddd")
I don't know if this is the best way to test for a Saturday but it is what I have,

Where is goes bad is if the date is not a Saturday. I have a loop to force a new date install via a input box but it won't update C1 with the inputed data to recheck for the Saturday value. Below is the whole code I am working with...

Dim aa As String
Dim bb As String

If Range("C1") = "" Then
Do While bb = ""
bb = InputBox("Please Enter a Weekending Date!")
Range("C1").Value = bb
End If
If Range("G1") "Saturday" Then
Do While aa "Saturday"
aa = InputBox("Weekending Must Be a Saturday. Please Enter a New Weekending Date")
Range("C1").Value = aa
End If

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Looping: Run The First Macro An Error Pops Up Saying That A Variable Within The Loop Is Not Set

Mar 27, 2007

the following code should determine whether the searched value can be found in more than just one row and than enlist certain values from each of those rows in ComboBox4 using a loop. Then I have a second macro which would assign appropriate values from a Sheet to other text boxes whenever one changes the value of the ComboBox4:

Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()
Dim vFind
Dim Firstaddress
Dim rFound As Range
Dim wsName As String
Dim SrchRng As Range
wsName = Me.ComboBox1.Value
With Worksheets(wsName)
vFind = UserForm2.ComboBox2.Value
Set rFound = .Range("B1")
Set SrchRng = .Range("B:B")
Option Explicit
End With...............................

While trying to run the first macro an Error pops up saying that a variable within the loop is not set. I've got no idea how to fix it

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Loop Through Index Worksheets Using For Loop And Select Clause

Nov 4, 2013

I have a workbook that contains, say, 50 worksheets: the first two worksheets summarise the data and are static in that they don't move position. However, the next four worksheets contain certain data for any given month. Each time a new month comes along, say, November, I insert four new worksheets after the two static ones as a result October's four worksheets are simply moved down the line in terms of worksheet order.

I need a macro to refer to the first six worksheets only (not the other tabs). I opted for index referencing for each worksheet, ie one - six. Now within these six worksheets in any given month, I need to sort the data by a certain column. The problem: in sheets 1,4,5 and 6 I need to rank by column E, but in sheets 2 and 3 I need to rank by column C. I have stepped through the code, which works for sheets 3-6, but doesn't seem to refer to sheets 1-2.

Sub WorksheetLoop()
' Loop through an indexed number of worksheets; _
' & this ensures that the worksheet range is dynamic _
' and is able to adjust when new sheets are added/removed, etc.
'Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet


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Looping Through Worksheets: Null Value Or 0, Then Delete The Row

Jan 5, 2010

The code should go through each worksheet and if the row in column A has a null value or 0, then delete the row. The count is based off of column T. The row deletion portion of the code works, but something is wrong with my worksheet looping structure.

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Looping Through Worksheets - Define Variables

Oct 19, 2011

Code to loop through worksheets 1 to 3 only and perform a certain task, and how to define the variables i.e. worksheets 1 to 3 when I am not using actual sheet numbers, but tab names. (worksheet 1 to 3 is just the positionof each tab).

What i need the code to do is perform a task on the first sheet, loop to the next sheet, perform the same task, until it has done the 3rd sheet.

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VBA Store Input Box Value Before Looping Through Worksheets?

Feb 4, 2014

The problem with the code below is that it re-prompts the input box for each worksheet that the macro runs through.

What I would like to happen is the Input box appear at the begin, and that value is stored and then the same value pasted into A2 on each worksheet.


Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
Rows("1:1").Insert Shift:=xlDown


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Referencing Cell When Looping Through Worksheets?

Jun 10, 2014

I'm getting an "Invalid or Unqualified Reference" error at the 'division=.cells' line when I try to go through each worksheet and paste some info from there onto a summary sheet. I know there is probably a simple solution that I am oblivious to.

For Each sheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
i = 1
division = .Cells(2, 1)


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Looping Through Specific Worksheets In A Workbook

Oct 27, 2007

Looking for For Loop to loop through 5 specific worksheets in a work book.

Something like this, but can't find right syntax:

For iCounter = 1 to 5
If worksheet.name = "Recap" & iCounter Then
'do stuff
End If
Next iCounter

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Fill Array By Looping Worksheets

Aug 23, 2007

I am trying to write code that will loop through one sheet, fill an array and then use that array to populate cells in another sheet. I have a sheet with group names in column A, then in column B through Column IV there are the members of that group. There may be no members in a group or every cell through Column IV could contain data. I need to loop through each row, one at a time, see if a cell contains data, if it does, put it in the array, if it's empty then the array is done for that row. I then need it to go to another sheet and dump that data, however, now it needs to drop it in five consecutive cells in a row, then drop to the next row for the next five cells, etc.

Once this is done it then goes back to the first sheet, drops to the next row nad starts over.

I know how to loop through the rows, I just am not sure how to fill an array using variables for rows and columns. i.e., I can't say fill array with b1 to b30 instead I have to say fill array with intRow,intFirstColumn through intRow, intLastcolumn.

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Loop Through Worksheets Not Working (delete Some Hyperlinks In Column A On 50+ Worksheets)

Jan 16, 2009

Just need to delete some hyperlinks in column A on 50+ worksheets. Thought a loop through all the worksheets would do it. Only works on active sheet. Forgive my ignorance, don't really even know where it goes, once it works - module or workbook?

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Looping Through Specific Worksheets - Find And Replace

Mar 7, 2013

Where i want to carry out a find and replace specific to different worksheets.

At the moment i have:

Sub Changeme ()
Dim SH As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim rCell As Range

Set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("sheet3").Range("A8:C10")

[Code] ........

Where column A contains the tab name, column B contains what to replace and column C contains the replacement.

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Loop Across Worksheets: Perform The Same Process To All The Worksheets In My Workbook

Aug 10, 2009

I'm trying to perform the same process to all the worksheets in my workbook. This is the code I have now, but it will only apply to the single active worksheet:

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Vlookup Looping (for Each...next?). Vlookup Loop Technique

Jul 24, 2009

I have data in a pivottable which I want to compare with another table. The lastcolumn+1 of the pivottable needs to get data from another table. I have this for an example:

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How Do I Loop Through Worksheets

Apr 8, 2008

I have a number of sheets in my workbook which I'd like to run the same code against. Rather than calling each by name is there a way to define each sheet as an array number and use that to loop through?

For this example we'll use Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 and Sheet4

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Loop Through Worksheets

Dec 22, 2006

I have a simple macro with a loop which selects sheets in a workbook. sheets are named "Sheet 1" to Sheet 6". Two sheets are missing (say sheet 3 and sheet 5). The On Error code works when the macro tries to find sheet 3 but crashes on the second error (when it tries to find sheet 5).

Sub SelectSheet()
For i = 1 To 6
MySheet = "Sheet" & i
On Error Goto 10
Next i
End Sub

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Loop Code Through Certain Worksheets?

Nov 15, 2013

I am trying to loop the following code for a total of 15 worksheets without copying and pasting that same code 14 more times for each worksheet. Right now it is only executing the code on the "CAN" tab. Is there a way to make it loop where indicated below?

The 15 worksheets are:


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Loop Through The Worksheets In WorkbookA

Oct 14, 2008

I’m trying to copy some data from each sheet in WorkbookA, except for the first sheet which is called “Menu”, into a single sheet in WorkbookB. I’m trying to loop through the worksheets in WorkbookA but don’t know how to exclude the first sheet. The code for copying and pasting works fine. It’s just the looping (as always) I’m having trouble with. The code I’m trying is:

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Loop Through Cells And Then Through All Worksheets

Jan 30, 2010

Not sure what is missing here, but this will only highlight duplicates on the active sheet and won't cycle thru all worksheets in the workbook.

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VBA To Loop Through Multiple Worksheets

May 10, 2013

Code to complete the same task across a number of worksheets.

Basically I have 20 Worksheets currently. The first one is called "index", then I have 17 called App1, App2, App3 etc up to App17 and a final two called Collate and register.

What I want to do is to copy cells A2:E2 from App1 and paste it in the next blank row of "index". I then want to do the same in App2 and so on to App17 and then stop. I don't want it to do the same in index,Collate or Register.

in the past i have used something like (this is from something else I am using at the moment)

HTML Code:

Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] ....

Is there a way without having to write code for each sheet (which seems very inefficient) to complete the same task but ignore the three other tabs.

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Loop Through All Worksheets - Failing?

May 14, 2013

This macro should copy all data from all worksheets and past them into the sheet named "Consol" however It is not looping and only pastes the one sheet.

Sub LoopThroughSheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A2:U" & FinalRow).Copy


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Loop Through Multiple Worksheets?

Jan 17, 2014

I have over 200 worksheets in my workbook. I made a macro to have the sheet change to landscape orientation and adjust the column widths how I wanted them. I don't know how to make the macro loop to all the sheets in the workbook.

Sub Macro5()
' Macro5 Macro


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Cut/Paste Loop Between Worksheets

Apr 13, 2009

I have a worksheet ("Issues Report"). Based on the value in column A, I'm trying to cut the entire row and paste it on another worksheet ("Closed Issues").

Here's what I've written so far:

Dim C As Range
Dim xlSheet As Worksheet
Set xlSheet = Worksheets("Issues Report")
Set C = xlSheet.Range("A:A")

With xlSheet
For Each cell In C
If cell.Value = "Ready to Close" Then
Worksheets("Closed Issues").Range("A65536").Select
End If
Next cell

This seems logical to me, but it's not working as planned. The code gets hung up on the 11th line of code.

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Referencing Worksheets In A Loop

May 2, 2006

Trying to write a macro that will reference one cell in about sixteen different worksheets and return the value of each of those cells. Is there an easy way to do this?


For n = 1 To n = 15

Worksheet(n + 1).Cell("A1")

Return A1

I know this isn't even close to the right code but this should give you an idea of what I'm trying to do.

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