Macro For Opening Series Of Spreadsheets And Copying The Data - 1004 Error
Aug 20, 2014
The macro (used to) go down the list of spreadsheets and copy certain data from them into this master workbook. Now I'm getting a "'C:Users310108841DesktopTestFolder' could not be found" error and don't know why.
The error appears to happen here:
[Code] ....
What's more infuriating is that this appears to happen at random. I have been trying all afternoon to get it to work, and had no luck. I have literally just run it now, and it works fine. I can't believe it just works at random.
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Feb 11, 2010
I've been trying to use the below code,
Sub combine()
'This will copy data from all sheets of the selected workbooks
'To a sheet named 'Data' in the sheet in which the macro is run from
Dim pasterow As String
mainsheetname = ActiveWorkbook.Name
MsgBox ("Please select spreadsheets to combine")
filestoopen = Application.GetOpenFilename(MultiSelect:=True)...
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Nov 16, 2009
worked at one point but now gives a '1004' runtime error. What I am trying to accomplish is have the user display a line of data on a userform, modify it, then write it back to another sheet in the workbook.
My ...
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Apr 17, 2014
I'm generating a runtime 1004 error with the macro I have attached to CommandButton1, "Clock_In".
The macro is copying the name, date and time from 3 cells on Sheet1 and pasting special values to another sheet.
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Mar 12, 2014
I have attached a workbook (excel 2003), I have few userforms in it.
I tried to copy data from all the tabs in the workbook to "Master" tab but getting an error.
You have to login to file details are as below:
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Jul 16, 2014
The following script runs fine the first time I click the command button on an Access form but after I close the Excel workbook and click the command button again to edit a new spreadsheet, I get the follow error message:
Run-time error '1004': Method "Columns' of object'_Global failed.
It fails here:
The script is being run from Access 2007 and is opening a spreadsheet in Excel 2007 (but using xls extension)
Private Sub IdahotoExcel_Click()
Dim dlg As FileDialog
Dim idahofile As String
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Jun 28, 2006
I created a form that takes information from textboxes and places them onto a new worksheet. This is done about 20 times until I have 20 different worksheets.
What I'm looking for is a way to Copy only certain information from all the spreadsheets and paste it onto one spreadsheet. For example if column C has a cell with the word "Not Accepted" in it, that information needs to transfer to a new worksheet.
I'm looking to do this so that it will run through all spreadsheets and grab that specific information and dump it into a new sheet...
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Jul 11, 2007
I have about 10 open spreadsheets (the name of these changes each time but has a certain format). What I need to do is write some code to cycle through all the open spreadsheets and copy and paste the data into a single master spreadsheet. All these spreadsheets have a single worksheet.
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Jul 25, 2008
I have been trying to create a Macro that can do the following.
Open a Excel Workbook, Copy the Worksheets that I need (ignoring ones that are not needed.), Save them in the correct location with a new folder of date and time and saving them as csv files.
I have all the elements but can't seem to get them to gel correctly.
Just wondering if anyone has anything like this that I could adapt or edit.
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Feb 3, 2010
I'm getting error 1004 for some files and i'm not able to figure out what the issue is.
I need to find out what is causing the error. I have attached the macro
(MergeFiles_v2.xls ) and 3 files ( Migration_Request.Xls, Migration_Request1.Xls & Migration_Request2.Xls ).
if i run the macro for any file other than Migration_Request1.Xls , i get the error.
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Dec 8, 2008
I have a vlookup table with will define the Job description based on the job number & cost code. The function is working fine but the problem come when i try to convert it into macro.
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May 6, 2009
Is there a setting within excel that could cause a user to get a run-time error 1004? I have a workbook with a macro that adds additional sheets to the workbook when a button is clicked. The thing works fine on my machine and 3 or 4 other machines that I have had guys test it out, but I have a user that it will not work for. He is at a location about 3 hours away so I cant see exactly what he is doing, but he says after he clicks the button he gets a run-time error 1004 that says "Unable to set the PrintQuality property of the Page Setup class". I'm thinking that it is a setting within excel?
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Aug 26, 2009
I am getting a run time error 1004 when i am running this macro. I got this macro to my earlier thread. As i am a beginner in a macro, I am unable to identify the problem. I have attached the workbook for the same
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a macro, operating in my excel document. It works and does it's function. The only problem is every time this macro is running I get the run time error 1004, Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed. After clicking End in the error window it opens up a newly created sheet that I need. I don't need to save the file in the desktop, I need it just to open up like it does right now.
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Oct 25, 2006
I have created a macro which sorts 4 columns of data in asceding order numerically. I have assigned this macro to a button so that when the button is clicked, the columns of data are sorted.
Unfortunately when the button is pressed i get a vba run-time error 1004. I havent a clue how to resolve this. I recorded the macro useing the excel recorder function as opposed to typing it out manually.
The code created is given below. If i click debug when the error pops up, the code referring to column f:f is highlighted yellow.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a lot of files with data that i need to copy into a master file.
I could open each file copy the data i need and paste it into the file. But I know there must be a way to do a loop macro.
All the files are labled "Sauce Data "Date"". all the data is in the same place in each file. I can easy have a list of all these file names in a tab in a main file "Main Data".
I what to be able to open each file copy from tab "Sauce info" A1:B65, and paste into "Main Data", tab "main" and then create a long list of data.
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Jan 28, 2009
I am using the following code to enable users of a form to made make selections by adding a tick in one of the boxes by clicking on it. It works fine with thesheet unpotected but when I protect the sheet with cells E33:k33 unlocked i get Run Time Error '1004'
Unable to set the Name property of the font class.When I debug, Target.Font.Name = "Marlett" is highlighted.
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Aug 21, 2014
I manage to find a macro online, which aims to insert a desired formula into desired cell range. However, when I execute the macro, i get a "run-time error, 1004".
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Nov 5, 2009
I am trying to write in VBA sorting button but I am receiving error 1004. I have recorded Macro while selecting 2000rows and sorting it by B then C then A. Columns go to T and some of the columns are empty. However, first 3 lines are completely filled. This is what I have got from recorder(I have adjusted first 2 lines to suit)
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Nov 7, 2012
Am getting 1004- object or application undefined error in macro excel.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-4],[Book1]Sheet1!R1:R65536,4,FALSE)"
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Nov 19, 2008
i am running a macro thru vba (beiing called from a ms access module) and am getting a RuntTimeError 1004.
the code opens a workbook...then open a second workbook (which houses the macro) then activates the desired worksheet and call the Maco via the run command but errors out.
if i open the workbook and set focus on the desired sheet ....tool>macro>desired macro name it runs fine.
the line of code in the macro is: "ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate"
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Nov 21, 2012
I am basically using a combobox in word that opens an excel spreadsheet and pulls information about the people entered in the combobox. The information pulled from excel is then pasted into the original word document.
The problem that I am having is that the macro may be needed to run twice (ex. suppose the user forgot to include an individual in the first run) and on the second run the excel document cannot be opened and it gets stuck on the loop. The macro will only work again if the word document is closed and reopend. I suspect that the excel document is not completly closing on the first runthrough.
I've included my code below. The initialize combobox code is on the bottom. I
PHP Code:
Dim WordApp As Word.ApplicationDim xlApp As Excel.Application
'Dim xlWB As Excel.WorkbookPrivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()Bios
= ActiveWorkbook.NameNewWBookName
= ActiveWindow.CaptionSet WrdDoc
= ActiveDocumentlastrow = Range("A1").End(xlDown).RowS
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Oct 26, 2006
I have a user form with a TextBox (TextBox1), the user enters a filename and presses CommandButton1, this then opens the file. I have set an error trap so that if the file does not exist a MsgBox prompts the user to re-enter. So far so good, however if the error trap operates any further files entered are declared as non-existent even if I know they exist. I thought this would be quite easy but once again VBA bites me back!!
here is my code
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
stPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
stFilename = "Retention" & "" & TextBox1 & ".xls"
stFullname = stPath & "" & stFilename 'completes full path of for TextBox1
On Error Goto Errorhandler: 'go to this if file does not exist
Workbooks.Open stFullname
ActiveWorkbook.RunAutoMacros xlAutoOpen
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Feb 1, 2010
I'm trying to do a simple loop which creates charts based on an ID number. I recorded a macro and has tried to modify it but am having trouble defining the correct reange when settign the data source. Here is my
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Aug 4, 2014
I run a large simulation experiment. I have a loop plotting data in excel of a user defined area. Because of the limit of 255 series I have allowed a maximum of 250 simulations (they all need to be plotted). But the length of each simulation is free. I know there is a limit of 32.000 data points in a graph and I have this as a condition too.
If I set the data range to 100 columns and 3000 rows the graph is produced when I plot by columns. (code below)
But if I set the data range to 250 columns and 1000 rows I get the above mentioned error message. Even though I only have 250 series.
After the data is plotted it is the code below that gets the error:
[Code] .....
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Dec 19, 2009
I have a macro that works by pasting formulas into cells and then pasting over them with the values produced by the formulas. It works fine for 500 iterations then crashes at this line:
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Nov 20, 2013
I have been given a macro recorded on a mac and it works fine with Mac Excel 2011. Unfortunately, I need to make it to work on a windows machine, but it comes up with an error message "macro unable to set width property of the window class. Run-time error 1004". When I press debug it takes me to the line .Width = 1456.
Below is the chunk of the code that becomes highlighted when pressing debug.
With ActiveWindow
.Width = 1456
.Height = 795
End With
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Mar 26, 2014
I have the following code that allow me to select all of the cells with the color same as the active cell within a selected range:
Sub SelectCellColor()
Dim CellColorFormat As Long
Dim RangeString
I'd like to ask how can I fix the error so that there will not be a limit of the number of colored cells in a selected area?
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May 17, 2008
I cannot figure out how to get my error handler to work, or actually, not work. It seems to work fine when there is an error, but the code still gets read even when there was not an error. Basically, I am trying to open a file, which may or may not be there. When it is not there I want a message to pop up informing the user. However, when the file is there and it opens, the error handler still gives the message box. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Private Sub btnOK_Click()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim LCSfile As String
LCSfile = frmSelectFile.Listbox1.Value
On Error Goto ErrHandler
Workbooks.Open Filename:=sPath & sDate & "" & LCSfile & "QUANT.CSV"
MsgBox ("File is not quantitated. Please select another file.")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Aug 23, 2012
I've been using a macro successfully for the last couple of years, but this morning when I went to use it, it decided to fail. I have a workbook which contains various spreadsheets. The macro that has failed performs the following tasks:
1. It copies a list of email addresss from an external workbook to a sheet in the current workbook (still works)
2. It copies the referral sheet I want to send to a new file, and saves it with an appropriate filename to an appropriate folder (still works)
3. The macro then creates an email with a standard subject line, attaches the new worksheet and emails it to each of the addresses as above (broken)
The error message is from Microsoft Visual Basic. "Run-time error '1004': Mail system failure. Check your mail installation."
I'm guessing there is a setting somewhere in Excel that has changed as part of an update.
I've been through a number of the options in the developer menu to remove any obvious restrictions (& reopened excel afterwards), but so far it hasn't resolved the problem.
For what it's worth, here is the macro code.
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Run "PullInSheet1"
Dim oldbook As String
[Code] .......
In case you're wondering about the pullinsheet code, I'll add it below - but I probably grabbed it from this forum a couple of years ago (like some of the above) & just made some changes.
Sub PullInSheet1()
Dim AreaAddress As String
'''''' Sheet11.UsedRange.Clear
Dim ClRange As String
[Code] ........
There are a couple of things I've wanted to do to improve the macro, but I couldn't justify the need to spend time working it out (since writing spreadsheets isn't really my job). Since it's broken at the moment, I can...
1. I'd like to create a subject line that reflects the name of the person being referred. For some reason though, anything other than text in the cell reference caused an error for me. eg, I tried using concatenate to create my subject line, but it didn't work.
2. I'd like the copied sheet to contain all of the formatting of the original sheet. Presumably there is a paste option that will do this and I just picked the wrong one.
The mailsystem we use is Groupwise 8. I couldn't find any settings in that program that have been changed, or that I could change.
I should change the extension from xls to xlsx in the code since I'm using Excel 2010 (but changing it doesn't fix the problem).
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