Macro To Delete Specific Cell Content

Apr 24, 2009

I am having some trouble writing a macro to delete cell content. I know which cells I want to clear, but I can't seem to get the macro to do it.

I also want to have something in the macro that inserts data into the lines that I am trying to clear. I want cell A67 to say "Payment" and cell A71 to say "Total."This is the code I am using:
Sub DeleteCell()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 67 To 71
If Range("A" & i).Value = "--" Then
Range("A" & i).Delete
Next i
End Sub

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Name A Range By Content Of Specific Cell

Feb 7, 2013

Column"A" on spreadsheet has list of unique Order Numbers. The orders are whole numbers with no letters or characters.

I want Columns B:J in each row to be a "named" range using the content in Col A as the range name.

So if A5 says "12345" I want b5:J5 to be named "12345".

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If Something, Then Delete Cell Content

Jan 8, 2010

I am trying to find something that will let me look at a Log Book Page (a Worksheet). I need it to look through Cells E4 trough E15 I want it to look for the 1st entry of 3 different materials.

3/4" Plywood
1/4" Plywood
3/4" Particle

These names are in a drop down menu from a different sheet in the same work book

Sheet Name link '.'!
'.'!A2 3/4" Plywood
'.'!A3 1/4" Plywood
'.'!A4 3/4" Particle..............

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Delete Cell Content If Zero 0

Mar 18, 2008

I need a macro that will search though Column AD and delete the cell contents if the cell contains "0" (zero). Edit: I'm sorry I just figured this out using the following

Dim lastrow, j As Integer
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "ad").End(xlUp).Row
'I presume the last row C is not blank
For j = lastrow To 1 Step -1
'MsgBox j
If Cells(j, "ad") = 0 Or Cells(j, "ad") = "0" Then
Range(Cells(j, "ad"), Cells(j, "ad")).Clear
End If

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Shorten Cell's Content When Specific Conditions Are Met?

Feb 1, 2013

I have need of VBA code that will check collumn D, starting at cell 7 until cell 206, for when data that is entered starts with 100. When this occurs it will remove all of the data in that same cell except for the last 12 digits.

Here's an example.

When using our barcode scanner to capture a FedEx Tracking number the barcode captures the following:


Embedded in that long string of numbers (which are formatted as Text) is the tracking number. Specifically the last 12 numbers are the tracking number. However, FedEx varies this code at times so the last 12 numbers are the tracking number only with the raw data captured by the scanner starts with 100. Until I find additional conditions this VBA code will have to ignore all of data that is captured in collumn D starting at cell 7 until 206.

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Delete Only Part Of Cell Content

Jul 29, 2006

I got some data like this


What i want to do is to delete everything after the dot. And the dot itself

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Move Cell Content And Delete Source?

Sep 19, 2012

i have code like this to copy certain word in cell and place it at new sheet:

Sub Foo()Dim i As Long, iMatches As Long
Dim aTokens() As String: aTokens = Split("Accommodation", ",")
For Each cell In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C:C")


the problem is the cell source is not deleted. what line should i change in code above to move the result to new sheet and delete row source

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Delete Cell Content But Keep Formula / Lists And The Like

Oct 18, 2013

I recorded a macro:

Sub Makro4()


[Code] ......

This code is working home on my MacBook, but I wonder if you have any suggestions for improvement? I will assign this macro to a button.

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VBA To Delete Cell Content With Spisific Data

Jun 19, 2009

I need a VBA that i will attach to a button that will delete spisific data in the cell.

Eg... delete all the cell CONTENT in column A1:A65536 with the word "NONE" in them, it must only delete the word not the cell.

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If X Number Of Words In Cell, Delete Cell Content, Else Do Nothing

May 26, 2009

This formula counts the number of spaces between words in a cell:

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Writing Specific Content From Excel To External File Of Specific Name

Apr 29, 2013

I have a worksheet that contains two basic columns of data, A and B. What I would like to do is based on the value in column A, I would like to copy the contents of column B to a textfile (preserving the basic line structure and hopefully without any extra characters like quotation marks attached). So for all the values in column A = 'Account', Id like to take all the corresponding values in Column E (for example) and save them to the same file, preferably where the filename itself as ''. And I would like to do this for all unique values in Column A, that is do it for 'Account' and 'AccountPrivilege' etc. Note Column A is essentially presorted alphabetically already. There are actually 1000s of rows with hundreds of unique A values so Id like to find a way to automate this process.


Company Information


[Code] ........

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If Specific Row Contains A Word Then Clear Specific Content In Corresponding Column

Jun 18, 2014

I have a row (will always be row 3) where each cell contains a day of the week, the days repeats for a year or so, making the row almost 400 cells.

Like this,
Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - and so on...

Though, A3 doesn't have to be "Mo" because the days in this case can change (A3 can start with "Tu"), hence I think I need a macro.

So if this row contains a weekend, "Sa or "Su" I want all the cells in the column beneath that which contains a specific value to be cleared.

Example, if "Sa" or "Su" has 3 values in the columns under them, all the values that contain "X" or "Y" has to be cleared.

Like this:
Rows (1,2,3...,)
3 Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su - .. and so on..
4 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- B --- Y
5 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- X --- X
6 A --- B --- X --- Y - --X --- Y --- C

After the macro it should be:

3 Mo - Tu - We - Th - Fr - Sa - Su
4 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- B ---
5 A --- B --- X --- Y --- X --- ---
6 A --- B --- X --- Y - --X --- --- C

Notice the two examples in the excel file.


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Macro To Delete Buttons In Specific Row

Aug 8, 2013

I need to have my macro select all buttons in the current row (including the button I clicked on and delete them. There are many rows with buttons. Each row needs to have this button. So I need it to be row specific.

I know that this is how to select the row that the button is in:

VB : sh1.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row

But I do not know how to select the buttons in that row. It needs to be included in this:

Sub move()
Dim shname As String, sh1 As Worksheet, lc As Long, rw As Long
Set sh1 = ActiveSheet
lc = sh1.Cells.Find("*", , , , 2, 2).Column
rw = sh1.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row

[Code] .....

After many attempts and alot of research, I have some more code for this problem: This deletes all buttons in the sheet:

Sub DeleteShapes()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim myVar As Shapes

[Code] .....

And this deletes the current button only:

Sub pressbuttons()
With ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller)
End With
End Sub

Any way to either limit the first code to just a particular row, or expand the second one to the entire row.

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Macro To Look For A Specific Word And Delete Rows

Jan 27, 2009

I need to build a macro which will look for a specific word say :"ABC" in a particular column say "B" and delete 5 rows including the row containing the word "ABC"

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Macro - How To Delete Rows With Specific Criteria

May 21, 2012

I was searching for a macro to delete rows that obey a specific criteria. I downloaded [URL]..... and copied the Loop Example to my WorkBook.

When using Mr. de Bruin example, it worked perfectly, it did really delete the rows that obeyed my ">2" criteria. Although, when using on my workbook, the macro deleted the values, not the entire rows. Here's what's happening:

I would like to delete rows, not only values.


'The code below will delete every row in the usedrange with "ron" in the A column.
'If .Value = "ron" Then .EntireRow.Delete
'I use the A column in my example, change the A to your column in this code line.
'With .Cells(Lrow, "A")
'Change ron and the A to your search word and column before you try the macro.
'See the examples on the worksheet if you want to do something different.
Sub Loop_Example()
Dim Firstrow As Long


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Macro To Delete Row If Specific Name Shows Up In Column D

Jul 23, 2012

Macro that will delete rows in an excel table if "W2" shows up in column D. This will be multiple rows that it will need to delete.

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Macro To Delete Specific Range Of Rows

Jul 12, 2014

I currently had to start from scratch as my formula kept raising the debug screen. I know the answer is simple but I cant figure out what it is. I have column A, rows 9 through 1000 with data. I want to delete the entire row of any "x" value present in column A rows 9 through 1000. I am new to VBA. So simple is good.

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Using Content Of Cell Within A Macro

Feb 25, 2009

I am attempting to use a cell reference generated using the "address" function and text function (so the cell displays text only, not formula) as a means of defining the top left cell into which I want to paste a column of formulas. The reference cell is static, but the contents is dynamic.

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Excel Macro For Find And Delete Specific Data?

Aug 20, 2013

I need a Macro that will search all of the cells for specific text, and delete all cells containing the text. I prefer to make a list of the specific texts and run macro to find all of them and delete all cells containing the text. I need to be able to add some more text into the list in future.

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Run Macro Everytime Cell Content Changes

Jan 15, 2008

I want a macro to run everytime the value in say cell D6 changes.

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Run Macro Based On Cell Content

Aug 7, 2006

I have a drop down list made from the Forms toolbar with a list of items: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I have set it with a linked cell, so when you choose, say 3, from the dropdown, 3 appears in B10.

I was hoping to add a 'Go' button, which would run another macro depending on what is in B10, i.e. so if 3 was chosen, then you press 'Go', Macro3 would be run.

So I have 5 macros called Macro1 - Macro5, and I need some code for the 'Go' button which will run the right macro depending on what number is in cell B10.

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Macro - To Delete Whole Rows After We 'control' Find Something From A Specific Column

Aug 26, 2008

I am not the best at this, but we recorded a macro and we want to delete whole rows after we 'control' find something from a specific column. WHen we recorded our macro, it finds the first instance and we hightlight the whole row and 'control' 'shift' 'end' and delete all of the rows. We did this because we sorted and made sure the information we wanted to delete was at the bottom of the worksheet. we realized that each day the spreadsheet we pull from an ip address gets bigger and the row that we started from to delete starts on a different row each day. How do we get all the information to delete everyday, even when the row that Owned starts on changes? ...

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Read Cell Content & ADD Content + Font Properties *SOLVE

Sep 12, 2007

I use this to read cell content, add some text/characters (ie. [ and ]) and change the properties of the complete cell

Worksheets("DVD Lijssie").Activate
If ActiveCell.Value 0 Then ' Change all in to ... ... ...
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ActiveCell.Value & " " & "]" & " " & "["
With ActiveCell.Font
.Name = "Arial Narrow"
.Size = 8
.ColorIndex = 16
End With
End If
End Sub
HOW can I change this vba-code so it leave's the content of the cell like it is and add some content with the use of let's say TexBox1 and ONLY use different font properties for the newely added content?

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How To Create A Macro To Edit Cell Content

Nov 9, 2007

I'm trying to create a macro which will edit the content of a cell and update. I'm just using the "Record New Macro" option in tools.

It doesn't seem to perform the F2 edit function within the macro.

I'm sure this has been discussed previously, but I can't get the search function to work for me.

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Use Macro To Increase Cell Content 10 Points

Nov 17, 2007

I don't know if I am asking for something impossible,but is it possible to create a MACRO to automatically add or subtract 10 to whatever number is in the cell? for example:

A1= 20

I would like to have a macro that lets you either add 10 to it to become 30 or subtract 10 to it to become 10.

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Macro To Copy Content From Cells Into One Cell

Oct 20, 2008

I have a question.

What code do I need to make the data that is in more cells to be shown as data in one cell ?
ex. A5 D5 to be shown as D2(in a new workbook)
1 1 11

And that for every row?

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AutoFilter Macro Using Cell Content As Criteria

Oct 5, 2006

I was wondering if I could pick up the Field number and the criteria from a cell in excel rather than changing the code in VBA.

Range("A1:K1"). AutoFilter Field:=Range("A1"), Criteria1:=Range("B1")

I was trying this code but I got an error message. Does anyone know if I can pick up these information directly from excel.

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Macro To Copy Specific Cells From Row From Source & Stop When Next Row Cell = Specific Value

Nov 7, 2008

I have a protected template and unprotected source worksheets - - - what I would like to happen is for the macro to start and if the source worksheet cell B3 equals "Report Total" then stop - otherwise copy template worksheet then copy 6 specific cells from the source to paste values to specific cells on the newly created worksheet (B_ to C7, D_ to I7, E_ to C9, F_ to K9, A_ to C11, M_ to K11 and then K13=F13-30)

After that then start all over again unless the next row’s cell (B4, B5, B6, . . .) is "Report Total" then stop - - - the row count could be from one to a couple hundred.

Here is what I have so far but I know that with each copy the name will change and as it goes down the source file each row will change and I also need help with that.

Sheets("ee template").Copy After:=Sheets(3)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -11).Range("A1").Select

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Simple Macro For Dividing Cell Content By 100 Needed

Dec 14, 2006

I'm only starting to get into the Macro side of excel, and I've created a couple of macros to automatically format cell contents and the like.
However I'm having trouble trying to divide some cell contents by 100.

I have 2 files I'm working with, one contains information regarding cd's and percentages, however the percentages in this file cannot be formatted to percentages (so the powers that be say) for whatever reason.
I copy all this information into another file which does have the percentages formatted as percentages, the result is that the values get multiplied by 100.

So values that read:

for example, appear on the new sheet as:

Is it possible to write a macro that will divide these percentages by 100 so the read correctly as:

the macro will have to work on selected ranges.

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Macro For Saving Filename Based On Cell Content

Feb 3, 2009

Is it possible to create a macro attached to a button that allows me to save the workbook based on content of 2 cells in the workbook?

I like to save the workbook based on content of cell A4 that contend a text string. After that saving another time with the contend of cell A4 plus cell A9 which contend the today() function. I am doing this because this workbook is constantly updated and a backup copy is done based on the date the file is save.

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