Macro To Go Down Active Cells With Data?
Oct 18, 2012
i have the following macro that copies data from sheet2, sheet 3, sheet 4 and consolidates it into "master" sheet.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetDeactivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim ofs As Long
If Sh.Name = Sheet2.Name And Sh.Name = Sheet3.Name And Sh.Name = Sheet4.Name Then
ofs = CLng(Mid(Sh.Name, 2)) - 1
Sheets("Master").Range("C9:BB400").Offset(ofs * 500).Value = Sh.Range("C9:BB500").Value
End If
End Sub
i am not well versed with macros
1) the macro is not going to sheet2, sheet 3, sheet 4
2) how can i make my range dynamic. for example, my range is C9:BB400.
-can i make it so the range is C9:BBxxx (where xx is the last active data cell in the range?)
it will prob take a pro a few seconds.
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Oct 24, 2006
writing a macro that will refresh all the active cells in my "Master" worksheet.
Every month, I append data from one Excel worksheet to the end of my Master worksheet. I want all the cells in the Master worksheet to be formatted as text. However when I copy the cells, I get different formats, i.e. text, general, number, etc. Simply selecting the new data and applying the text format from the Format Cells popup, does not work. I know I need to "re-enter" all the data for the new format to take effect but I really don't want to F2-> Enter thousands of cells.
how to write a macro that will refresh all active cells in a worksheet?
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Apr 2, 2007
I need to get this macro to process the cells for every worksheet in a book rather than just the active one
Public Sub test()
Dim Lr As Long, i As Long, x As Range, _
v1 As String, v2 As String, v3 As String
Set x = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
If x Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Lr = x.Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = Lr To 1 Step -1
v1 = Cells(i, 2)
v2 = Mid(Cells(i, 3), 1, 1)
v3 = Cells(i, 4)
If v1 "OP00" Or v2 "L" Or v3 "CC" Then Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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May 14, 2014
I currently have the following macro running to set a chart's data values:
Sub C3Quarter12013()
' C3Quarter32013 Macro
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = _
[Code] ......
When I copy the tab and change some of the data within the cells, I want the macro refer to the chart on the current tab and the values in the current tab - as currently it refers to only "Chart 2" and the values in the tab 'Figure 2 - WE OPH'.
I've tried changing the sheet name to but that doesn't seem to work.
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Dec 20, 2007
Trying to put together a macro that looks down active sheet for all cells that contain a value, sets a print area and then prints !
Is this possible?
FYG, I have a column that run from 3 - 2000, which contains a formula, which may produce a value depending on corresponding cells.
I used this code from a post on a similar topic, but excel is complaining code
in bold
Private Sub Print_Area_Click()
Dim lastCell As Range
Set lastCell = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 0)
Do Until Application.Count(lastCell.EntireRow) 0
Set lastCell = lastCell.Offset(-1, 0)
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Range(Cells(1, 1), lastCell).Address
End Sub
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Jul 16, 2012
Thats the best I could describe that What I face today is the means to run a VBA Autofilter from an Activecell. The Activecell is a search result. I have a table that spans from A1 to E5000. The Activecell will always be in Column A. What I need to happen in when the Activecell is found an Autofilter is placed in the block of data from Column B to E. The rows will change after every search hence my dilemma. Each block of data has its own header as well
So if my Activecell is A2 then I need B1:E4 Autofiltered then Column E sorted Smallest value to Largest. The Activecell needs to remain static. The size of the blocks of data are exactly the same.
Here is a photo example of the desired result. Untitled.jpg
There are hundreds of blocks of data like this.
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Feb 12, 2014
I am new to VB Macro creation and I am creating VB Macro which will:
1. Sort data in Columns within an active spreadsheet
2. Create new Worksheets
3. Delete Values in rows based on value in Column.
I have listed my "Step by Step" instructions in the tblTest Excel file on attachment. The instructions are clear and straight to the point.
Below are some VB Macros I was experimenting with but it is not complete.
Sub Sort_Ascending_With_Header()
'Sorts a worksheet in ascending order and assumes there are headers on the data
Range("A1:DZ20000").Sort _
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Feb 17, 2014
I have a worksheet that has macro events attached to command buttons. When a ‘Start’ command button is clicked, a timer begins counting in seconds and displays the value in cell B3 until a ‘Stop’ command button is clicked. The event works flawlessly as long as I don’t open up another workbook (to continue working in Excel).
When the second workbook is open…then time stops working in the workbook where the macro was created…and starts displaying the ‘timer count in seconds’ in the new active workbook--which overwrites/destroys the data in the newly opened workbook. When I go back to the original book that called the macro…it continues counting again.
I need this timer to continue running in the workbook with the command buttons (in the background) while I work on other worksheets in other books. Is there a way to keep the timer running no matter how many other workbooks are opened and prevent it from overwriting whatever sheet is active? This code in the Increment Sub below ‘overwrites’ the contents of cell B3 on whatever sheet is active---and stops the timer in the on the sheet with the ‘Start’ command button.
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Oct 11, 2006
I have been trying to create a macro in excel to chart a selection of data and to output the chart on the active sheet where the data was taken (as opposed to a named sheet). So basically, I have about 300 worksheets with data, and I would like to have a button on each page that automatically charts that data when clicked, and outputs the chart to the page where the macro was clicked. However, I have not been able to figure out a relative reference that will allow me to make the LocationasObject reference simply the ActiveSheet as opposed to a specifically named sheet. See my code below, which references an output to a worksheet called "Charts". Right now, all of my charts are outputting to the sheet called "Charts", as opposed to the active sheet.
Sub ConsDiscChart()
ActiveCell.Offset(29, 11).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1:B1").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Range("A1:C24").Select
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Charts"
With ActiveChart
.HasTitle = False
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
End With
End Sub
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Apr 23, 2014
I have a worksheet that I want to populate with specific data from another worksheet.
If all of the following are met:
1) Column A equals "763" and
2) Column K is formatted Red (255, 0, 0) from conditional formatting
3) Column P is blank
Then in my blank worksheet I need to display the data from Columns A, B, D, K, O
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Apr 21, 2009
I have 2 workbooks open in the same excel session. each with its own unique name. The macro looks for a specific name and then copies data from this workbook to the 2nd workbook. For some reason it no longer like the name of the workbook #1 which has not change (as far as I can tell) When I run the macro i get the run time error '9' subscript out of range, when i click on the debug this is what is highlighted and underlined.
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Dec 10, 2011
I have a macro that runs when the workbook is saved, it starts to enter in certain formulas onto the worksheet, how can I have this maro run only when 2 specific sheets are active
So basically I want the macro to run if either worksheet "Sales Jan-Jun" is active or worksheet "Sales Jul-Dec" is active, if they are not the active sheets I want to exit sub
This is what I tried without success
If ActiveSheet ("Sales Jan-Jun") Or ActiveSheet ("Sales Jul - Dec") Then
Exit Sub
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Mar 18, 2009
I have written the below macro to copy data from a sheet called "Fixit Example 1" to a sheet called "Fixit Summary Example". It works fine, but I'd like to be able to run it from any "Fixit Example XX" worksheet. As written, the data is always copied from "Fixit Example 1" regardless of what worksheet I have open.
I tried replacing Windows("Fixit Example 1.xls").Activate with Windows(Active.Worksheet).Activate but got an error "Run time error 424. Object required."
Sub MoveData()
' MoveData Macro
' Macro recorded 18/03/2009
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Jan 10, 2010
Can't seem to get started with this one. I've got a workbook with several worksheets. I want a macro to run BeforePrint but only if both these conditions are true:
Wsheet "BEN SHEET" is active
Value of A1 on BEN SHEET = value of B2 on BEN SHEET
If both true, I want MsgBox with question asking "XXX ?". If Yes, print, if no, no action.
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Jan 14, 2014
Is there something built in to excel that highlights the cell or cells that are currenyl selected and then not save any highlighted cells when the sheet is saved. Maybe if not something that is built in but a vba script?
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Feb 26, 2014
I have a macro that activates a cell on row 30. The active cell could be either E30, F30, G30 ... etc.
I need a macro that sums all values from cell D30 to (and included) the active cell and returns this value to cell B1.
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May 14, 2014
I have my active cell.
I know ActiveCell.copy
I need to not only copy the active cell but the two that are right next to it, to the right.
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Feb 19, 2007
It changes the active cells interior colour.
Can the it be adjusted to change the colour of the last changed cell (or range)
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim strRow As String
With Target.EntireRow
strRow = .Address
.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, _
Formula1:="=COUNTA(" & strRow & ")>0"
.FormatConditions(1).Font.Bold = True
.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 8
End With
End Sub
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May 13, 2008
I have some code as below
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
This should basically go down a list and stop when there is a blank cell. However due to a previous operation in my excel program, it is not doing so.
Basically this list has been formed from copy and pasting from a list of formulas. some of these formulas return a result and others return "" leaving the cell empty.
When i have pasted i have used paste special/values... but it still seems to paste something into these cells because this macro wont work.
I even went and manually selected the first blank cell and pressed the delete button and when i do this it correctly selects the cells only with content, so clearly when pasting a "" value it stops the activecell operation from working..
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Jun 8, 2006
is it possible to keep the same active cell when switching sheets in the same workd book. I am in sheet1 and cell C15 is my active cell. When i move to Sheet2 it either defaults to A1 or the last place i was in this sheet. I guess it would be the Worksheet_activate() and deactivate function but not sure
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May 22, 2014
My code and see why it's not executing properly?
[Code] .......
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Apr 27, 2009
I'm trying to enter this very simple macro that is supposed to switch from one active window to another. However, I'm getting an error, which I can't quite figure out. Here is the
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Aug 21, 2009
Using vba how do I tell a macro to select the row that the active cell is in?
I'm just using a basic delete Row macro but I'd like for the macro to automatically select the entire row when it's time to delete instead of me highlighting the section.
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Dec 20, 2013
Is there a way a person can enter the active cell and have the cursor go to the upper left part of the cell and enter the current date and remain in that cell for additional data? More often than not there will already be data in the cell but sometimes it will be blank.
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Mar 27, 2014
Say i have a Worksheet named "gateway" or sometimes it will be "gateway (2)" (3) and so on. Is there a macro that i can call that in some ways calls the active worksheet and renames it to just "gateway" everytime?
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Nov 14, 2006
Sub display_all_false()
With Application
.DisplayGridlines = False
.DisplayHeadings = False
.DisplayOutline = False
.DisplayZeros = False
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
.DisplayFormulaBar = False
.DisplayStatusBar = False
.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = False
.CommandBars("Standard").Visible = False
.CommandBars("Formatting").Visible = False
.CommandBars("Control Toolbox").Visible = False
.CommandBars("Drawing").Visible = False
End With
End Sub
But, when I run the code, seems there're run-time errors detected at these codes:
.DisplayGridlines = False
.DisplayHeadings = False
.DisplayOutline = False
.DisplayZeros = False
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
1. Is there any way to correct these codes?
2. Does the bolded codes applied to ActiveWindow (Worksheet) only (eg. With ActiveWindow ...)? Can I change it to ActiveWorkbook (perhaps)?
3. Can the command menus (File Edit View Insert Format ...) be hidden also?
4. Does looping method for each worksheet
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May 12, 2006
Basically trying to make change the active worksheet using a macro code. I want the user to be able to click a button and it will automatically switch the worksheet to another within the workbook.
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Jul 24, 2007
I am using Excel to tabulate scores for my employees. We work in a very busy and open office, so there is a need to be able to obfuscate the scores, but also help keep from losing my place while punching the scores.
I would like it to be able to return to the last cell that I was punching a score in...I used "ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Select". I have also used " x= cells(Rows.count,2).end(xlUP).row" followed by "cells(x+1,2).select", but both with no luck...
Sub Hide_Scores()
ActiveSheet. Unprotect
With Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
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Apr 19, 2014
So for example if I have a1, a5, and a6 selected, I want to be able to select row 1, 6, and 7 in one action. Is there a hotkey for this, and if not what macro could I use?
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select only gives me one row. I want to be able to select all of them at once.
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Mar 31, 2013
I was wondering if is possible to apply a conditional format rule to a range of cells only when certain other cells outside of the range are the active cells. eg row C4-J4 has a conditional format to identify duplicates from range C5-C10, but I also want the same conditional rule to apply separately and uniquely if the active cell falls within the next active range D5-D10. So basically only apply conditional formatting separately and uniquely as the active cell moves its way across the columns?
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