Macro To Loop Bloomberg Formula

Aug 21, 2014

i have the following macro that loops through 100 tickers in sheet 1, gets the trades for each, pushes each ticker's trades to sheet 2 to create a list of all trades. The problem is that I just get a #N/A requesting data for each ticker. This seems to be a wider problem with fetching external data from Bloomberg. However, I cannot seem to get a fix for it.

Sub Macro()
On Error Resume Next


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Bloomberg BDH Refresh Via Macro Loop Application.Ontime

Dec 10, 2009

Firstly you don't need to know anything about Bloomberg to answer this query, only that Bloomberg has various functions that take time to update.

The code Application.Run "RefreshEntireWorkbook" will update these functions but Application.OnTime (Now + TimeValue("00:00:25")), "RunList" is required to allow them time to get the data from the feed. However this only works if the refresh and wait commands are in a seperate function. So in simplified terms it must go like this in vba:

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Refresh All Bloomberg Data Using Macro Or VBA

Jun 24, 2014

I attempted doing this by recording the macro but the macro doesn't read me clicking onto Bloomberg Refresh Data Button. How can I do this using VBA?

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Macro To Force Refresh Bloomberg Data

Feb 8, 2007

I have a workbook that pulls in index data from Bloomberg, most data is updated realtime, but one index we track is only updated late at night. I want to write a macro that will refresh all of the data in the worksheet and then save a snapshot of the workbook. I have all the code for saving the snapshot, but getting the data for the one index to refresh is proving difficult. None of the standard ways I know to refresh external data (both Excel commands via tools menu, and Bloomberg specific refresh commands) seem to work on these cells. The only way so far I've found to get these cells to pull in current data is to delete them and rewrite the formulas.

suggestion for a Macro that would force a refresh of this data?

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Excel VBA Pausing For Bloomberg?

Apr 30, 2014

Trying to create a macro where it will begin by inserting today's date into a cell, then pause for roughly 35 seconds while the massive correlation matrix pulls all the correlations of the portfolio in, then takes an output value that is generated in the workbook from the filled correlation matrix (correlation coefficient) and copy's and pastes it in a different cell. Then it repeats this process again using "Today's date - 1" (yesterday's date), waiting 35 seconds again and taking the new output value and copy and pasting it below the previous one.

I know I am not close but here is what I have for code thus far (which does not work properly).


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API Bloomberg (trying To Use BLP_DATA_CTRLLib.BlpData)

Jul 9, 2009

I have a problem with this this code trying to use BLP_DATA_CTRLLib.BlpData.

Sub MultidayHistory()

Dim objDataControl As BLP_DATA_CTRLLib.BlpData
Set objDataControl = New BlpData
Debug.Print "Formulaire Ouvert"

Dim vtResult() As Variant
Dim arrayFields As Variant
Dim vtSecurities() As Variant
Dim CalculDate As Date ' rien à voir avec cdate
Startd = Range("C10").Value
Endd = Range("C11").Value

arrayFields = Array("PX_LAST", "PX_VOLUME", "SPOT_PRICE", "CHG_NET_1D", "CHG_PCT_1D")
arraySecurities = Array("GLE FP Equity", "SX5P Index")......................

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Loading Data From Bloomberg

Dec 3, 2008

I hope there's someone who's familiar with Bloomberg in this forum.

My problem is, I have a template which conducts checks with data extracted a Bloomberg Terminal. I want to ensure that all data has FULLY loaded before I execute the checks.

So is there a way to detect if data is still loading?

Like for example, I need data to load from A1:A100, but data has only populated until A50. In this case I need to know that the other 50 cells are still populating.

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Data Retrieved From Bloomberg

Jan 5, 2009

refer to the picture:

Column H and column X contain dates. If column H = column X, "OK" will be shown. Otherwise "CHECK" would be shown.

The dates are the same, but the problem is, Excel reads column X differently from column H.

I've tried converting both columns to ddmmyyyy and then comparing them, but it doesn't work.

For i = 2 To range("A" & rows.count).end(xlup).row

If Format(Cells(i, 24), "ddmmyyyy") = Format(Cells(i, 8), "ddmmyyyy") Then
Cells(i, 36) = "OK"
Cells(i, 36) = "CHECK"
End If


Is there a foolproof way of doing it?

Column X is data retrieved from Bloomberg, so the format cannot be changed directly.

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Import Bloomberg Data

Aug 5, 2007

If it is actually not possible to change the way that bloomberg exports the information to excel then i think there might be two potential ways around it...neither of which i am sure how to do...

1) write some sort of macro which takes data from the new workbook, pastes it into the active workbook then closes the newly created workbook. Potential problem here is that whenever it creates a new workbook it has a slightly different name. eg. "abc1" then "abc2" etc.

2) Write some sort of macro which gets a list of companies from bloomberg with upcoming events over the next week, put this into the active workbook and then simply use the bloomberg get functions to fill out the info.

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How To Add A Bloomberg BDP Function To Lookup Statement

Oct 16, 2012

I need to add a Bloomberg BDP function to my lookup statement. The formula that i'm trying to replicate in VBA is =IF(ISBLANK(h23,"",BDP(H23&" cusip","long_comp_name")). update my macro.

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Excel Looping With Bloomberg And Pause

Apr 30, 2014

I have an excel workbook right now with a 75x75 correlation matrix. It has 75 stock prices and uses bloomberg to pull in the correlation between each of the holdings. There is a lot of data so it takes roughly 35 seconds for it all to get pulled in from bloomberg. The input value that I can change is the date. The output value is a specific correlation coefficient. Thus, if I input today's date into a cell in the file, it will run the correlation matrix and tell me the correlation between all the holdings using the past year's data. Then it will produce a single output value.

I am now looking to use VBA to make this more robust. What I have been trying to do is have a macro which will -

(1) input the current date into the input cell
(2) have the code wait 35 seconds (and since it is using bloomberg pull in the traditional wait methods do not work because they actually stop the data pull in also)
(3) copy the output value
(4) paste special that value in a different cell
(5) repeat the process but this time use the date from a day before and have the output value copied and pasted to a cell below the previous one.

This loop would continue over 20 times.

Below I have some code that allows me to do this process once but is not looped and I have been stuck trying to make this work with a loop given the bloomberg delay. When I add a loop, it does not wait the 35 seconds I need before doing the whole process again.

[Code] .....

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Bloomberg - Excel Function To Get Information Through ISIN Code?

Apr 15, 2014

, just by using the ISIN code of a Bond in bloomberg, to get in excel:

- Coupon
- Cpn Freq
- Day Cnt
- Maturity

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Formula In VB Loop

Jun 24, 2009

I'm trying to have a Formula that I created in excel to be expressed through loop in VB.
Some parts of the Formula should remain constant, unchenged.


The parts of a code that are in red should remain unchanged though all 200 lines.

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For Each Next Loop W/ Formula Assistance

Apr 12, 2007

I only grasp the basics of loops and not any experience w/ formulas in VBA to date.

For each item in col "I" run this formula (the cell references are relative)
=RIGHT(I6,LEN(I6)-FIND(" ",I6))

I am only at this point so far:

Sub ItemName()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim LRow As Long

Set ws = Workbooks("TGSItemRecordCreatorMaster.xls").Worksheets("Record Creator")
LRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row

For i = 6 To LRow
=RIGHT(I6,LEN(I6)-FIND(" ",I6))

End Sub
The basic function of the loop is to Delete the first term of each cell in the range including the first space.

Enjoi Barletta Deck

Resulting in:

Barletta Deck

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R1C1 Formula/Loop

Nov 1, 2007

I want to subtract one date from another to find out the total waiting time, and repeat this action for multiple rows.

I'm trying to use an R1C1 formula within all of this.

Dim TotalTimes As Long
Dim iTime As Integer

TotalTimes = Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row

For iTime = 1 To TotalTimes

Cells.Find("Waiting Time").Offset(iTime, 0).FormulaR1C1 = [R[iTime]C[-1]-R[iTime]C[-2]]

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How To Loop Through A Range ? For Formula

Nov 25, 2008

Image column A, starting at A2 to LASTROW of say 10, I have the LASTROW value stored in a variable.

Each cell in the range contains a file location/document name, example:

C:Documents and Settingsuser-idDesktopDOCSDoc01.xls < cell A2

this repeats for A3, A4, to A10, for each different document.

So starting at LASTROW + 3, I've created a new Header for Hyperlinks: and below that I want to create the 10 hyperlinks for each of the 10 documents above.

formula is =hyperlink(a2,a2) and then (a3,a3) and so on...

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Loop Macro ...

Apr 15, 2009

I found this script which is very similar to what I want to do but I am not sure how to finish modifying it.

This script compares every cell in Column B to Z on Sheet1 with Cell A1 on Sheet2, if it matches it will copy the active cell in column A and past the results to column A no Sheet3.

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Loop If Then Macro

May 12, 2012

I am the consolidator for a specfic Excel file to be converted into CSV. In order for this file to be uploaded into our database properly it needs to be in a specific format and certain values must be entered if other cells have been filled in. At this point I have locked the formating so users cannot change it and I have created a Macro for blank cell rules.

The Macro is to verify that cells are not blank if the value in A is not blank. At this point it works as it should, for row 4. However, I would like to Loop this Macro throughout the entire worksheet.

The Macro I have created is (minus several columns for simpler reading purposes):

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If Worksheets("JE FILE").Range("B4").Value = "" And Worksheets("JE FILE").Range("A4").Value "" Then
MsgBox "You must fill in Customer."
Cancel = True

[Code] .......

How do I LOOP the Macro?

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How To Loop Macro's

Feb 28, 2008

Currently, I have two spreadsheets.

The first (SS1) is where my raw data is populated.

The second (SS2) is my template.

In the first spreadsheet, I have a macro (button) that opens up SS2.
Then in SS1, I also have another button that I click and it 'transfers' the first line of data to SS2.

In SS2, I have a save Macro, which basically saves as per the name in Cell A1.

What I would like to do is to loop the process, i.e. when I click the 'Transfer' button in SS1, it will open up the 'template' spreadsheet (SS2), copy the information across, save & close and repeat this for the remaining data in SS1.

Is there a simple coding to use that can loop this process for me?

I would attach the two spreadsheets for you to view but I am unsure how to upload on here.

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Macro Loop

Dec 10, 2008

I would like the macro to loop through rows and highlight the cell in column G if the value is at least 2x greater than the value in the cell in column D.

Right now I have a very long macro... but I'd like to change it so goes through all the rows I assign it to instead of writing many lines of code (lots of if then statements):

Sub Macro4()
If Range("G28") > 2 * Range("D28") Then
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = 65535
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
End If

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Loop In Macro

Apr 30, 2009

if i am in an active cell which is empty and want to stop the macro at this point, what code should i type in visual basic to achieve this

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Macro For Loop

Aug 4, 2009

I'm trying to get this macro to loop and have no idea what I need to do do to get the macro to keep repeating until it gets to the last item in a list.

I have a list of addresses (some are 3 rows long, some 4 and some 5). And I want to Copy each one then paste special in the empty cell between it & the next address entry.

Here's the code for my simple macro that does one copy & paste ... I have to do each one manually & would like to modify the macro to go all the way to the end of my list.

I read that there are 4 types of loops (While Loop, For Loop, Do While, ??) ... don't know how to choose which one or how to use/format with my exisiting macro.

Sub Transpose_j()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
End Sub..........................

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Loop Macro

Jun 17, 2006

I have record a macro to sort the data on one .csv file .

I have about 1000 of this similiar .csv files, I would like to have a macro loop to repeat the sorting and arrangement .

Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
With Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With

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Creating Loop With Small Formula?

Mar 13, 2014

I am trying to get the following thing started but my loop doesn't succeed. I've got 3 columns. I need to place a formula in column C if A is empty.


A2 contains data so do nothing.
A3 is empty do: C3=B3+B4.
A4 contains data so do nothing.
A5 contains data so do nothing.
A6 contains data so do nothing.
A7 is empty do: C7=B7+B8.

this is what I've got so far:

[Code] ..........

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Create New Sheet / Name It And Add Formula With For Loop?

Jun 23, 2013

I keep getting errors with this vba code. I'm trying to make 10 new worksheets with the name of each worksheet in the Newname array. I'm trying to put the same formula (with the difference that each formula would take from a different "Newname" file. I'm trying to put first formula from A1 to A 560 and second formula from B1 to B 560.

Sub Namesheetformula()
For x = 1 to 10
Newname = Choose(x,"A","B","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j")
Firstformula = if(isna(match('Master!'A1,'Newname'!A1:A560,0),"",'Master'!A1)

[Code] .....

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Can't Get Formula To Work When Put Inside A Loop

Apr 14, 2014

LastRow = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LastRow
Worksheets("Sheet1").Formula = "=IFERROR(+IF(+K2=0,0,+R2/(+IF(+K2>L2,K2,L2)*$AE$1/365)/P2),0)"
If (Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AE" & i).Value < 1.5) And _
((Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("K" & i).Value > 0) Or (Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("L" & i).Value > 0)) Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AE" & i).Font.Color = 255
End If
Next i

My loop here works just fine, and my Formula works in testing. However when I move my formula inside the loop I get an error.

Is the syntax wrong in this line = Worksheets("Sheet1").Formula = "=IFERROR(+IF(+K2=0,0,+R2/(+IF(+K2>L2,K2,L2)*$AE$1/365)/P2),0)"

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Optimize VBA Loop For Inserting Formula

Aug 4, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with 10,000 rows. In column A dates are mentioned and in column B I'd like to calculate the specific Quarter via VBA code as I can't have formula's in my sheet.
My VBA code is:

Sub QuarterCalc()
Dim myCell As Range
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For Each myCell In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(10000, 2))
myCell.Formula = "=INT((MONTH(RC[-1])-1)/3)+1"
myCell.Offset(0, 0) = myCell.Offset(0, 0).Value
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Loop Through Array And Perform Formula

May 10, 2006

trying to loop through an array, with each loop calculating a formula (VLOOKUP) for one cell based on the values of a cell in another sheet.

Not sure but I think it has something to do with looking up a text value while the loop returns a value.

Private Sub ExpandFormula()
'calculates Counttarget formula in COUNTTARGETS sheet across required range
Dim CellsDown As Long, CellsAcross As Integer
Dim i As Long, j As Integer
Dim TempArray() As String
Dim TheRange As Range
Dim CurrentValue As String

'get the dimensions
CellsDown = Worksheets("SEPARATE").Range("D9").Value
CellsAcross = Worksheets("SEPARATE").Range("E9").Value

'redimension temporary array
Redim TempArray(1 To CellsDown, 1 To CellsAcross) .....................

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Changing Macro To Use A Loop

Mar 12, 2014

I'm using a macro to drag down a formula across a worksheet then again further down the worksheet which is working ok but I know there has to be a better way of doing it. At the moment every time I add a new column I have to edit the macro over and over and its getting out of hand. I know there must be a way of rewriting the macro into a loop but my skills are obviously still new.

Here's the macro:

[Code] ......

This continues over to column AO so far then I drop down a few rows and do it again:

[Code] .....

I think I need to set variables that set the row and column each time. maybe a "drag formula one column at a time from row x to row y until column header is empty then move to the new row and repeat"?

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Loop Through An Action Within A Macro

Nov 19, 2008

I am trying to loop through an action within a macro and require some assistance.

I have the following

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