How To Add A Bloomberg BDP Function To Lookup Statement

Oct 16, 2012

I need to add a Bloomberg BDP function to my lookup statement. The formula that i'm trying to replicate in VBA is =IF(ISBLANK(h23,"",BDP(H23&" cusip","long_comp_name")). update my macro.

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Bloomberg - Excel Function To Get Information Through ISIN Code?

Apr 15, 2014

, just by using the ISIN code of a Bond in bloomberg, to get in excel:

- Coupon
- Cpn Freq
- Day Cnt
- Maturity

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LOOKUP / MATCH Function To Lookup The Owner Name Typed In Cell

Jan 2, 2009

I have a workbook with 2 different types of sheet - 1 containing source data and the others 'collecting' data from the source sheet, depending on what the sheet is for.

For example, the data source contains different pets, their names, ages and their owners.

The other sheets are on a one-per-owner basis.

What I would like to do is use a LOOKUP / MATCH function to lookup the owner name typed in cell A1 of the output sheet and match it with the corresponding owner name(s) on the source sheet. I would then like it to return with each pet and append the results on the sheet accordingly - like below:

John Smith (in cell A1)

Pet - Name - Age
Dog - Rover - 3
Goldfish - Tom - 1
Gerbil - Chewit - 4

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Lookup Table (adjust Which Column The Lookup Function Refers To)

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to perform a lookup (vlookup) function in a cell in excel and wish to have the range as a variable, so that I can adjust which column the lookup function refers to.

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Lookup Function To Lookup For Data In Another Table

Jul 29, 2008

I am trying to use lookup function to lookup for data in another table (we call it table A). Unfortunately, whenever the code is not in the table A, Excel will return the data from the previous row.... is there any possible way to prevent this... in another word, if the code does not exist in the table A, I want Excel to return 0 or some other figures.

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Lookup/If Statement Combination

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to do a lookup from the price list based on the below data file, my problem is I need the price that falls within the qty range from the price list, the price list is not consistent and changes with every item. I would like one formula that is sophisticated enough to work no matter where the qty range lies.

Item #_____Qty Ordered________Price List

Price List
Item #____Order Qty________List Price

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Complicated If Then / V Lookup / Match Statement

Dec 6, 2005

I need a formula that would be able to calculate the distance from the start
of a code to the end of a code. An example table is below. The start and
end of a code is indicated in the CONT. column. (Start of first code = S1,
end of first Code = F1, Start of second code = S2, end of second Code = F2,
etc.) Maybe a table could be used (E1:F2) that shows the corresponding Start
& Finish Codes. Two conditions need to be met before the length (in DIST
column) is to be calculated, the Report numbers and the Codes must be the
same for both rows.


In the table above:
- Code B in report 100 would go for a distance of 7 (12-5).
- Code A in report 100 would go for a distance of 6 (16-10).
- Code B in report 200 would go for a distance of 6 (10-4).

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Changing Lookup Formula To IF Statement

Feb 12, 2013

How the Lookup will break down within an IF statement?


HTML Code:
'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _

Non-Working If statement. I realize that the Lookup isn't currently here. Including it kind of defeats the purpost of breaking this out into IF's, doesn't it?

HTML Code:
If MyFirstCell.Offset(0, -2) "" Then
MyFirstCell.Offset(0, -1) = Search("Principal")
MyFirstCell = 1
ElseIf MyFirstCell.Offset(0, -1) = Search("Foreclosure") Then
MyFirstCell = 1


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How To Lookup Pre-determined Value Based On IF Statement

Mar 26, 2014

I am working in cell T3 of 'workbook A'.

I want to lookup a value from cell C4 in 'workbook B' if the value in cell G3 of 'workbook A' equals "Yes". If the value of cell G3 in 'Workbook A' equals "No" I need the value to be 0.

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Excel VBA Pausing For Bloomberg?

Apr 30, 2014

Trying to create a macro where it will begin by inserting today's date into a cell, then pause for roughly 35 seconds while the massive correlation matrix pulls all the correlations of the portfolio in, then takes an output value that is generated in the workbook from the filled correlation matrix (correlation coefficient) and copy's and pastes it in a different cell. Then it repeats this process again using "Today's date - 1" (yesterday's date), waiting 35 seconds again and taking the new output value and copy and pasting it below the previous one.

I know I am not close but here is what I have for code thus far (which does not work properly).


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API Bloomberg (trying To Use BLP_DATA_CTRLLib.BlpData)

Jul 9, 2009

I have a problem with this this code trying to use BLP_DATA_CTRLLib.BlpData.

Sub MultidayHistory()

Dim objDataControl As BLP_DATA_CTRLLib.BlpData
Set objDataControl = New BlpData
Debug.Print "Formulaire Ouvert"

Dim vtResult() As Variant
Dim arrayFields As Variant
Dim vtSecurities() As Variant
Dim CalculDate As Date ' rien à voir avec cdate
Startd = Range("C10").Value
Endd = Range("C11").Value

arrayFields = Array("PX_LAST", "PX_VOLUME", "SPOT_PRICE", "CHG_NET_1D", "CHG_PCT_1D")
arraySecurities = Array("GLE FP Equity", "SX5P Index")......................

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Loading Data From Bloomberg

Dec 3, 2008

I hope there's someone who's familiar with Bloomberg in this forum.

My problem is, I have a template which conducts checks with data extracted a Bloomberg Terminal. I want to ensure that all data has FULLY loaded before I execute the checks.

So is there a way to detect if data is still loading?

Like for example, I need data to load from A1:A100, but data has only populated until A50. In this case I need to know that the other 50 cells are still populating.

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Data Retrieved From Bloomberg

Jan 5, 2009

refer to the picture:

Column H and column X contain dates. If column H = column X, "OK" will be shown. Otherwise "CHECK" would be shown.

The dates are the same, but the problem is, Excel reads column X differently from column H.

I've tried converting both columns to ddmmyyyy and then comparing them, but it doesn't work.

For i = 2 To range("A" & rows.count).end(xlup).row

If Format(Cells(i, 24), "ddmmyyyy") = Format(Cells(i, 8), "ddmmyyyy") Then
Cells(i, 36) = "OK"
Cells(i, 36) = "CHECK"
End If


Is there a foolproof way of doing it?

Column X is data retrieved from Bloomberg, so the format cannot be changed directly.

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Import Bloomberg Data

Aug 5, 2007

If it is actually not possible to change the way that bloomberg exports the information to excel then i think there might be two potential ways around it...neither of which i am sure how to do...

1) write some sort of macro which takes data from the new workbook, pastes it into the active workbook then closes the newly created workbook. Potential problem here is that whenever it creates a new workbook it has a slightly different name. eg. "abc1" then "abc2" etc.

2) Write some sort of macro which gets a list of companies from bloomberg with upcoming events over the next week, put this into the active workbook and then simply use the bloomberg get functions to fill out the info.

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Set Up A Lookup Function With Two Lookup Values?

Apr 18, 2008

Is it possible to set up a lookup function with two lookup values? For example, say I have a list of items such as:

1 A 14
1 B 22
2 C 84
4 D 25

I'd like to have the lookup go to the above table and find the number 1 and the letter B and return 22. I can't seem to visualize how to make this work.

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Excel Looping With Bloomberg And Pause

Apr 30, 2014

I have an excel workbook right now with a 75x75 correlation matrix. It has 75 stock prices and uses bloomberg to pull in the correlation between each of the holdings. There is a lot of data so it takes roughly 35 seconds for it all to get pulled in from bloomberg. The input value that I can change is the date. The output value is a specific correlation coefficient. Thus, if I input today's date into a cell in the file, it will run the correlation matrix and tell me the correlation between all the holdings using the past year's data. Then it will produce a single output value.

I am now looking to use VBA to make this more robust. What I have been trying to do is have a macro which will -

(1) input the current date into the input cell
(2) have the code wait 35 seconds (and since it is using bloomberg pull in the traditional wait methods do not work because they actually stop the data pull in also)
(3) copy the output value
(4) paste special that value in a different cell
(5) repeat the process but this time use the date from a day before and have the output value copied and pasted to a cell below the previous one.

This loop would continue over 20 times.

Below I have some code that allows me to do this process once but is not looped and I have been stuck trying to make this work with a loop given the bloomberg delay. When I add a loop, it does not wait the 35 seconds I need before doing the whole process again.

[Code] .....

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Macro To Loop Bloomberg Formula

Aug 21, 2014

i have the following macro that loops through 100 tickers in sheet 1, gets the trades for each, pushes each ticker's trades to sheet 2 to create a list of all trades. The problem is that I just get a #N/A requesting data for each ticker. This seems to be a wider problem with fetching external data from Bloomberg. However, I cannot seem to get a fix for it.

Sub Macro()
On Error Resume Next


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Refresh All Bloomberg Data Using Macro Or VBA

Jun 24, 2014

I attempted doing this by recording the macro but the macro doesn't read me clicking onto Bloomberg Refresh Data Button. How can I do this using VBA?

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Macro To Force Refresh Bloomberg Data

Feb 8, 2007

I have a workbook that pulls in index data from Bloomberg, most data is updated realtime, but one index we track is only updated late at night. I want to write a macro that will refresh all of the data in the worksheet and then save a snapshot of the workbook. I have all the code for saving the snapshot, but getting the data for the one index to refresh is proving difficult. None of the standard ways I know to refresh external data (both Excel commands via tools menu, and Bloomberg specific refresh commands) seem to work on these cells. The only way so far I've found to get these cells to pull in current data is to delete them and rewrite the formulas.

suggestion for a Macro that would force a refresh of this data?

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SUM Function With An IF Statement

Jul 9, 2008

I have a cell range which needs to be added up, but if all cells in the renge

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Bloomberg BDH Refresh Via Macro Loop Application.Ontime

Dec 10, 2009

Firstly you don't need to know anything about Bloomberg to answer this query, only that Bloomberg has various functions that take time to update.

The code Application.Run "RefreshEntireWorkbook" will update these functions but Application.OnTime (Now + TimeValue("00:00:25")), "RunList" is required to allow them time to get the data from the feed. However this only works if the refresh and wait commands are in a seperate function. So in simplified terms it must go like this in vba:

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Using Match And If Statement In Function

Feb 13, 2014

I have a very long function I created. But I need to edit it in a matter I have never done before.

Below is my function and i will like to add a new condition to it.

IF the text value in cell C7 is equal to any text value in Workbook2 B10:K10 and the value underneath that cell (I.e if B10 then B11 etc..) is Deleted then I want to have one of the conditions of my function below display "Deleted".

=+IF(AND(E7<=0,J7<>0,Y7<=0,AO7<=30),"Check Inventory",IF(AND(E7<=0,J7<>0,Y7<=0,AO7>=60),"Delete Listing ",""))

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Put The If Statement Function In The Cell

Jun 30, 2009

i have the condition below.

1<=x<2 = a
2<=x<3 = b
3<=x<4 = c
4<=x<5 = d
>5 = e

how to put the if statement function in the cell? or any better function to use?

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Function-select Statement

Jul 21, 2008

I have this select statement:

Dim ResourceMonth As String
Dim mActiveSheet As String
ResourceMonth = Sheets("Finanace").Range("J2")
Select Case ResourceMonth
Case "Jan"
Cells(8, 4).Select
z = ActiveCell.Row
SSRR = ActiveCell.Value
mActiveSheet = "Jan"
Sheets(mActiveSheet).Range("[test1julycheckbook.xls]Jan!MaxHoursJan") = (Sheets("Workdays").Range("F2")) * 8

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SUMIFS Function With OR Statement In One Criteria?

Apr 20, 2014

I need to do a SUMIFS with 2 sets of Criteria, but I need the second Criteria to be an OR Statement. The numbers I am adding up is in Column E, with any where from about 20,000 to about 60,000 records (will fluctuate all the time). The first Criteria is easy - match up the name in AG12 with any of the names in Column C. The second criteria is to match up the numbers in Column A with any of the numbers in AD1 through AD40.

I tried this but it didn't work: =SUMIFS(E:E,C:C,AG12,A:A,AD1:AD40). I've alos tried a million other variations of that, imbedded SUM(IF( statements, SUMPRODUCT statements, and DSUM statements and no luck. I can't find anything that allows me to make that second second criteria look at the numbers in Column AD as being AD1 or AD2 or AD3 so on and so forth.

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Match Function Nested In An If Statement

Dec 9, 2009

I have multiple sheets within one Excel file. Each sheet is structured the same way. Column B lists Client's last names, which differ from sheet to sheet, though some clients may be repeated in several tabs. I have a column K which displays either the number 1 or 0. This is consistent between sheets.

I have created a formula that will look at the last name in a specific cell in column B of sheet 2 (FY 07) and search sheet 1 (FY 06) column B for the same last name.

=IF(MATCH($B5,'FY 06'!$B$5:$B$24,0),1,0)

If the same last name exists and if column K of sheet 2 and sheet 1 display a "1", I want it to place a 0 in the formula cell.

So, if there is a client that is in both sheets and has a "1" in both columns K of each sheet, I want the formula to let me know.

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Using InStr Function In Case Statement

Sep 9, 2012

I am attempting to use the following code to move certain sheets to specific locations in my workbook. The case statement containing the InStr function isn't working eventhough the "Data" tab does exist and the InStr function does return 1.

ThisSheetToMove = Sheets(SCount).Name
Select Case ThisSheetToMove
Case "Schedule"
Sheets("Schedule").Move Before:=Sheets(1)
Case InStr(1, Trim(ThisSheetToMove), "Data") > 0
Sheets(ThisSheetToMove).Move After:=Sheets(SShtLast)
End Select

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Anomaly On Set Statement Using Find Function

Dec 8, 2013

I have an anomaly with this loop that seems to be a bug, but I need a second opinion on it. The split statement is working and produces a single array. The Set col statement works on the first iteration and post the value onto sheet 2. The problem is that after the first iteration the Set col statement will not set, although the dys(i) value is correct, The Find function apparently does not return the range value.

dys = Split(c.Offset(0, 1), ",")
For i = LBound(dys) To UBound(dys)
Set col = sh2.Rows(1).Find(dys(i), , xlValues, xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not col Is Nothing Then
If i = LBound(dys) Then


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Copy And Paste Function In An IF Statement

Feb 22, 2008

Can I write Copy and paste function in an IF statement
PTPO #Part #Line #DescriptionVendor #UOMLTPO Entry #Due DateAllowed DaysWork daysQty OrderQty RecvdUnder/ OverRectp dateDays Po lateMB550427917495072PANEL, SW MOLDED SLVR0BAY008EA204/16/20075/14/200728215014-365/7/200702013135/30/2007-280232023236/1/2007-28025

formulae in the column Q " days PO, Late" =IF(P3

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Forming An IF Statement Function (calculate The Grades Of The Students)

Jan 1, 2009

Writing a single nested IF statement function to calculate the grades of the students the following rules:

If the student grade isHis/her letter grade is
Greater or equal to 90:A
Greater or equal to 80 and less then 90:B
Greater or equal to 70 and less then 80:C
Greater or equal to 60 and less then 70:D
Any other grade:F

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