Mailto Link In Excel With Subject And Body

Aug 10, 2009

I am trying to send out an e-mail from excel with all kinds of combined info. Here is what I have so far, which works to send out an e-mail to a certain address with a compiled subject. No luck with inserting the BODY of the e-mail yet from a certain cell.


Also, How do I make the text in each of these cells read "send e-mail" rather than the whole jumbled mess that is currently in there from the combination of the cells?

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Copying Subject And Body Text Of .msg Files To Excel

Nov 17, 2009

I receive around 40 emails per day, all in the following format:

Subject: "Team x.x - date"
Body text: "x files sent"

where x represents a number.

What I'm hoping to be able to do is drop all these emails into a folder (in .msg format), and use excel to look through them and extract the team number from the subject, and the number of files sent from the body text for each message.

Unfortunately, while I class myself as reasonably competent with excel vba, working with emails or .msg files is new to me, so I genuinely haven't a clue how to do this, or if it's even possible.

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Email Hyperlink Adding Body / Subject Text?

May 10, 2013

I have an email hyperlink setup on my excel sheet and I would like to automatically (not manually) add a sentence that is another cell (that changes from time to time) to the subject line or the body of the email.

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Email With Corresponding Addresses And Names In Body AND Subject Using Gmail

Dec 18, 2008

I use gmail, and have an excel sheet with hundreds of rows. I need to send each recepient an e-mail using their e-mail address (row D), and their name in the body and subject (row A). The rest of the body of the email will all be the same.

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Generating Mail Message In Macro With A Specified Subject And Body

Aug 3, 2006

I have a form which is going to be used as an aid to staff, I have created Macro's that when clicked enter information in to fields in the worksheet, I would also like the macro to generate an email with a specified Subject and body filled out. At the moment all I have achieved is to generate an email through File - Send to - Mail recipient.

I have also tried to have an email created through Outlook using MAPI, but once again have been unable to create an email with or without a subject and message body. Below is how far I have got in creating an email using MAPI.

This is part of Macro to insert information Application.CutCopyMode = False

Call SendAMessage
End Sub......................

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Take Contents Of Cells And Use Them To Compose An Email: Address, Subject, And Body

Feb 26, 2008

I need to take contents of cells (which are results of formulas and references to other cells) and use the contents to compose an email.

Here are some cells to illustrate. NOTE: the information in brackets is the formula that's contained in the cell, while the text is the result of the formula.

B3 = This is the link used to compose an email.
C19 = (an email address)
C22 = Login expired on node citrix08. [=concatenate("Login expired on node ",C7,".")]
C25 = Dear Company A, [=concatenate("Dear ",C6,",")]
C27 = The login for citrix08 has expired. [=concatenate("The login for ",C7," has expired.")
C29 = Contact us within 15 days to continue. [=concatenate("Contact us within ",C9," days ...]
C31 = Ticket 444 has been created to track the issue. [=concatenate("Ticket ",C10," has...]
C33 = Lots of other text
D33 = More text
E33 = More text

C48 = Sincerely,

B3 (Named "SEND MAIL") contains the formula used to compose the email from the cells above, however, I cannot add all the cells to the formula without an error. At some point, there is too much data (contained in the referenced cells) and B3 returns #VALUE error.

=HYPERLINK("mailto:" & C19 &"?subject=" & C22 & "&body=" & C25 & "%0D%0A" & "%0D%0A" & C27 & "%0D%0A" & "%0D%0A" & "%0D%0A", "SEND MAIL")

The above formula works now, because it doesn't contain all of the body (of email) I need.

When I click on B3, it properly launches the email client, puts in an address, subject, and two lines of text in the body.

My workaround to this problem is to manually highlight cells C29 through E48, select copy, then go to the partially formed email and paste the rest of the body.

Is there a way to include all the body into an email? I think this can be accomplished with a VBA code, but have no idea how to do it.

I dont want to send the mail, just compose it using cells that have calculated what is needed in the body. I can then read the email, confirm it's content, and click send in the email client manually.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a better (but simple) approach?

I know this could be done via javascript on an html page, but I dont know how to code this at all.
I do know excell quite well and have many cells to calculate what is needed in the body of the email, but, alas,
still can't compose the ENTIRE email from the formula in B3.

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Place Excel File Path As Link In Lotus Notes Email Body

Oct 29, 2013

I have an Excel sheet that I use as a mailing automatism for reports. As it currently is it attaches an actual copy of the excel workbook to the email and send them out. The mailer contains several different people, and they get different report each day. Due to the size of some of the files, I am starting to run into an issue where I cannot sent the emails anymore because they are too big, so I am wanting to switch to sending links to the files instead, and I have hit a wall.

I use Lotus Notes 8.5. The VBA will cycle through a range, and each cell has a list of report delimited by a ",". It takes the list and passes it to the mailer as a string. The mailer takes the string, turns it into an array and splits it out, and then checks to make sure the reports are current. One email could have up to 10 different reports in it. I have tried creating an HTML MIME email to include the links.

Here is the code I currently have:

Sub Send_HTML_Email(ByRef Name As String, ByRef Address As String, ByRef Reports As String)
Const ENC_IDENTITY_8BIT = 1729
'Send Lotus Notes email containing links to files on local computer
Dim NSession As Object 'NotesSession
Dim NDatabase As Object 'NotesDatabase
Dim NStream As Object 'NotesStream
Dim NDoc As Object 'NotesDocument


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Generating Multiple Email With Message Body / Subject And Emails Automatically

May 9, 2013

My task here is to generate email automatically. When i enter x to run the sub findvalue macro.

Any cells on the column D that has the value of 10 should generate email with the message body, subject and email address automatically.

Example if there are 3 task that are 10 days to deadline, 3 email will be generated after entering "x"

I have edited the Sendmail sub to locate the email's body, subject line and email from the excel.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target = "x" Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Target.Worksheet.Range("G2")) Is Nothing Then
Call Findvalue
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub Findvalue()
Dim Rng1 As Range
Dim foundemail As Range
Dim a As Variant
Set Rng1 = Range("D2:D10")
For Each a In Rng1
If a.Value = 10 Then

Set foundemail = Sheets("Email").Range("A:A").Find(What:=Cells(Target.Row, 1), _

[Code] .......

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Putting A Clickable Link In The Body Of Email Sent

Nov 18, 2008

I've managed to get the following macro working except for one small thing - the link to the folder where the spreadsheet (that will be attached to the email) resides (which I got to work fine in a macro to send out tasks) just ends up as plain text and is not clickable

Make this link clickable in the email so that when the recipient receives the email they can just click on the link and go straight to the relevant folder please? (I've highlighted the line with what I would like to work as a link in red)

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Excel - Looking For Subject And Copying Attending Student?

Feb 26, 2014

cannot seem to get a function that works.

I have a sheet named "Master" with student reference numbers (A2), student names (B2/C2) and their four subjects (D2, E2, F2, G2).

I need a separate sheet for each subject, so potentially 30 additional sheets, and i would like for where a subject is mentioned in one of the four columns of the master, the students reference and names would then be copied and pasted into a row on that subject specific sheet. Leaving the subject sheets with a list of names and numbers of the students studying.

So you would have a student on the master sheet and then they would appear on four additional subject sheets.

Ideally it would also update subject sheets as new students are added. And additional information is being added to the subjects sheets so they cannot be cleared.

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Excel 2010 :: Send Workbook In Email With Subject And Message?

Nov 29, 2012

I did this 10 years ago so I admit I am rusty at this but here are what I had in my notes that worked with Excel XP. I am currently using Excel 2010

With ThisWorkbook
.HasRoutingSlip = True
With .RoutingSlip


The last line will send the workbook but I need a Subject and Message to go with it.

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Copy Paste From Email Body To Excel

Jan 18, 2013

I have an email with body in tabular form. I need to copy this into excel in the as is condition.

When I do it manually, I see that the table nicely fits in different cells and looks good, but when I use a macro , I see that everything gets copied to a single cell.

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Copy Email Body To Excel Worksheet With VBA

Aug 14, 2012

I am trying to automate a process whereby i receive an email via outlook with a particular subject line every day and i want to copy the body of the email into an existing excel spreadsheet and save it.

It's the first time i've really used vba in outlook, and i have written one to save any attachments which works ok using rules/run a script, but i'm stuck when it comes to copying the body

It would be really useful if when pasting into excel it didn't go all into one cell and just pasted over like if you were performing it manually

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Get Certain Text From Email Body Message And Paste It To Excel

Jul 19, 2013

I am having trouble with copy-paste-from-outlook-to-excel routine. Is there a way where I can get a certain text (or numbers, perhaps) from an outlook email message and transfer it to an excel? It is fine to copy and paste one or a hundred emails, but it already exceeds 30 thousand email messages. I just wanted to know is there is a way for me to simplify my work through VBA.

Here is a sample of the email body:

"The lead with phone number 1231234567 is in the federal DNC list and has been rejected. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. This email was automatically generated, please do not reply to it."

In this email body, i wanted to get only the number 1231234567 and paste it in the excel.

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Disabling 'mailto'

Oct 13, 2008

I am just using a simple sheet to keep track of email addresses. Every time I enter an email address it automatically creates it as a hyperlink/mailto function. So if I click on the cell, it will create a new email via outlook addressed to that person.

This is driving me nuts! I have a few thousand emails, mostly copied from other people's sheets, and 90% of them are set like this. Is there a fast way I can disable this function so that every cell is just text?

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Using Cell As Mailto Value

Dec 17, 2008

I have a three columns
a = first names
b = surrnames
c = mailto value

I would like to find a way of making the mailto value the value in the cell. I'm currently using a formula to convert the name to an email address, 'C9 & "." & D9 & "","email " & C9 & " " & D9' , but I can't work out how I can make it a mailto link?

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Error When Trying To Embed Picture Into HTML Body In Email - Excel VBA To Outlook

Sep 3, 2012

I just cant get this working, and I cannot see why....

I try to set the image address like this:

(With an extra space after)

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Excel 2007 :: Error In Creating Email Message In Body Text

Mar 16, 2014

I've set up an email to be sent via a macro (excel 2007 and outlook) and I expanded the body of the message and it now comes up with an error "Compile error: invalid outside procedure"

It was working when I only had 4 lines and now it's not working.

strbody = "Hi," & vbNewLine &_
"abc." & vbNewLine &_
"def." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"ghi" & InputBox("Enter Response date (dd/mm/yyyy)") & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"jlk." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"lmn" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"ABC" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"XYZ" & vbNewLine & _


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Runtime Error 4065 - Pasting Copied Data From Excel To Outlook Email Body

Apr 24, 2014

I have a VBA excel file that pulls data from a CSV file downloaded from a link. I format this data into a table through excel and then copy it over to Outlook. This is where the problem is. I get a runtime error 4065 for "file is locked for editing".

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Excel 2007 :: Find Range Of A Table And Copy / Paste Into Body Of Outlook Email

Apr 12, 2011

Am working in Excel 07, but this would need to work in 2000 as well.

Need a macro that will...

1. Select a range of cells from B4 to RX. X is defined as the last row where Column A has a value.
2. Copy the visible cells
3. Open an email in Outlook (not via the email workbook function of excel), enter "Submission" into the title, enter "Dear X," insert 2 returns.
4. Paste the copied table (not the workbook, just what is on the clipboard) into the body the email.

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Mass Delete Mailto: Entries In Cells,

Mar 6, 2008

I have an accounts spreadsheet that I copy and paste customers names and addies into from the website back end sales information.

I do not copy e-mail addresses.

I have a mailto: with an e-mail address appear in the file in lots of places, it seems I delete it from some cells and it appears in others, my file is infested with the things now.

I can delete one by one, but this would take me weeks any ideas of how I can ctrl a select all cells and mass delete these things.

I am face with making a brand new accounts file which is a lot of work.

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Hyperlink Mailto With Large Email With Multiple Lines?

Jun 12, 2013

I have a hyperlink mailto - =HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("mailto:",C2,"?subject=",C3,"&body=",C4),"Request Update")

But the body only supports a line or two of text, which isn't useful, and doesn't allow for different lines to be placed within it.

I then tried addeding extra text with another cell - =HYPERLINK("Mailto: "&C2&"?Subject="&C3&"&Body="&C4&" "&TEXT(C5,"$#,##0.00")&".")

But this doesn't work either. Both come up with #value error with too much text..

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How To Link Excel Charts To Other Spreadsheets

Feb 6, 2014

I have to enter data into a spreadsheet daily and update a line graph with the data for 10 different production machines. I want to place the charts on their own separate excel file that way they can be easily viewed without the data next to them. I tried copying and pasting the graphs to another excel spreadsheet, but when I update the graphs on the original excel file the data does not change on the one I copied the graphs to. I use the select data range option to update the line graph data. Basically, I just want both graphs to update at the same time on both spreadsheets, but the links don't seem to update. How would I link the graphs so that both update across files?

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Users Can't Update Excel Link

Jul 9, 2013

I have created a spreadsheet that consists of a link to an Access query. Everything works fine for me. I have put the database in a location that is accessible by the people that I want to use the spreadsheet but when they open it they get the error : "The query did not run or the database did not open."

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Link Two Text Boxes In Excel

Dec 5, 2013

How can I link two text boxes in excel so the text can flow from one to another?

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Link Excel Cell To Image?

Dec 24, 2011

It is possible to link excel cell to a image and when need i can see it just typing in cell.

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Link Excel And Access Through Macro

Mar 16, 2014

I have a large excel file with lots of data that it takes a long time to manipulate in excel. What I would like to do, is to import it in access, do some manipulations, and export it in excel again.

All these have to be automatic, so that the user does not do anything. Is it possible to do so through some macro?

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Link Formula To Unopened Excel Workbook

Oct 14, 2012

Im looking to insert a formula in vba code that inserts the formula from a closed workbook to the active cell. At the moment i have this as an example of what i need:

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[SRS 5FFBEP.xlsm]7%'!RC"

However the file part in square brackets [SRS 5FFBEP.xlsm] and tab 7% i would like to replace with a link to a cell reference that contains the file path as this needs to change and update so i would end up something like this:

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=('" & Workbooks(Worksheets("SRS Files").Range("d29")).Worksheets("SRS Import").Range("c10") & "'!RC)

Note that cell Worksheets("SRS Files").Range("d29") contains the full file path (in text format) and Worksheets("SRS Import").Range("c10") is the link to the tab that reads the 7% (in text format).

As it stands the first set of code works fine however i need it to be able to change as previously stated. So what i need is to replace the file name and tab with cell references

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Break Link Between Excel And Bash Session?

Aug 7, 2014

This is the code I use to start a bash session and run a .sh:


It works well but it is a long-running program and I would like to close down Excel, or run different sessions of Excel, while it is running. Right now, if I close Excel while the bash is running, the external script stops.

Is there a modification to this command line that would safely sever the link between Excel and the bash session?

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Excel 2007 :: Display Picture From A Link

Dec 9, 2011

I got a database that include a link for pictures stored in my drive.

I would like, to scroll trough the database entry and have the pictures resisze and displayed in a define region of my sheet.

How do I display a picture from a link?
How do I re-size so it fit in the region?
Working with Database

I'm using Excel 2007. I don't see anymore the form creation tool that I have used many many years ago.

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