Matching Data With Named Ranges
Apr 6, 2007
I have a workbook that I'm trying to figure out. It was made by a previous employee.
This is what the formula looks like =MATCH(B49, OFFSET(Array_Data,,2,,1),0)
Array_Data consists of cells $H$4:$DN$506 on a different worksheet. I've tried to trace the formula but I can't get it to work. I thought I understood the offset function but I've never used it with a named range. Does anyone have a clue on how I can break this down and figure out what cell this data is refering to?
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Apr 28, 2014
I have written this macro to convert into a csv file to run for all defined named ranges in the activesheet. It run jst perfect when I hit SAVE button and it creates that many different CSV files for each named range.
However I am trying to use same macro in the another file and the problem I am facing is there a lot more named ranges and I want to run the macro for only selected NAMED RANGE. In this case 2 Named Range / 24 Named range.
What part of code do I need to change and to what to make it work for just 2 named ranges ?
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May 8, 2007
I want to validate data in a cell, using a list of two named ranges, so that in dropdown box the items from first range and then the second one are shown.
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Feb 4, 2010
I am using OFFSET to make dynamic named ranges- the only problem is that I'm having trouble using it with linked data-
The Situation:
-Cells A1:H500 are linked to another sheet, with each cell containing a formula like =IF(ISBLANK('C:...[workbook.xlsx]worksheet'!A1),"",'C:...[workbook.xlsx]worksheet'!A1)
-Currently only cells A1:H100 have data, but this is dynamic and will change
-I want a named range that will only select the cells with data in them...the problem is that COUNTA counts the link formula even if the cell is "blank" (because it isn't blank).
-I hate hard-coding ranges...the solution for the named range =OFFSET($A$1,0,0,500-countblank($A$1:$A$500),8) is ugly!
Any solution to making dynamic named ranges with linked data that may or may not be "" ?
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Feb 9, 2012
I have a worksheet with many pivot tables and (eventually) 2 data sheets. I run a macro that creates the first pivot table and copies it 17 times. Then, using Call, I would like it to create the second data table, "Credits" (I'm working on that, but that's a seperate issue). Finally, I want one of the existing PT to change to the new data, "Credits".
I'm using an named range and that seems to be where I'm breaking.
Sub Remove_Credits()
Dim CSD As Worksheet
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Dec 30, 2008
hello. i'm new to excel and i'm really hoping for some serious help here. i have the basics down however i'm really stumped at this point. Let me try to explain my worksheet. the worksheet has a sheet for data which is used for drop list values in the new patient template sheet. the new patient template which is just that a blank entry sheet that the user duplicates and adds a new patient to the worksheet to track the visits made by medical staff. there could be over a hundred new patient sheets (each named by the patient) at any given time.
here is what i need help with: my sheet is setup on a monthly basis so each patient has a total of 4 - 5 weeks listed with entries for everytime a nurse visits that patient. what i need to know is how to search the cell entries for the first time a visit occurred and the date it occurred and this needs to be broken down by the 1st of the month - the 15th and then again for the 16th - the end of month for every patient sheet in the workbook. the ranges are not together that i need to search for example f14:f20, i14:i20, f35:f41 and so on for the first 15 days of the month. this all needs to happen like in a macro or somehow automatically.
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Aug 7, 2014
I am unable to use dependent data validation lists using the INDIRECT function when the initial named range is a dynamic one.
See attached.
The named ranges 'Men','Women','Children' are all dynamic based on number of entries in each column order to accommodate a growing list, whilst also not having blanks in the dropdown (hence I haven't used entire column ranges). The named range 'test' is a static one.
Column H has a dependent data validation based on entry in Col G. This works for the static list, but not the dynamic one!
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Oct 20, 2009
I am trying to apply data validation to a column of cells using named ranges. However, each row has a unique associated named range. For example:
I can easily apply data validation to these three rows separately using named ranges.
Ie three separate named ranges:
However, I need a way to quickly apply data validation to column B using different named ranges for each row because there are about 2,000 rows. Is there a way to reference text in the cells of column A that contains the name of the named range? Or maybe a bit of VB code that could do it quickly?
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Mar 25, 2014
Can you create a Pull-down List that contains data from Multiple Ranges.
If I have a List of Names Running down column A (A2:A10) another List of Names Running Down B (B2:B25) and a Third down C (C1:C15) each of them named Ranges ("List1", "List2" & "List3"), can I create a Pull-down list in Cell A1 that would include the names from all three ranges?
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Feb 26, 2008
is it possible to refer to more then one named range in my validated list's source field? If not, how can i make more than 1 named range to be the source of my validated list.
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Jun 2, 2006
I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...
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Sep 25, 2009
I can use a dynamic named range and a direct reference to the name and the DV works.
I can use a standard named range (not dynamic) and an INDIRECT() reference to a cell with the name of the range in it and the DV works.
But if I try to use a dynamic named range and an indirect reference to a cell with the name of the range in it, the DV fails.
Any workarounds out there? This project includes a LOT of DV lists, getting them to self-maintain is important if I can do it.
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Mar 13, 2013
I have a chart in a workbook that works fine by looking at the following data series:
In the data series above...where the numbers are 2 and 35 I have named ranges "CHART_Start_Row" and "CHART_End_Row" which will change dynamically as appropriate and can replace these static numbers - but how do I incorporate these named ranges into the data series reference?
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Apr 22, 2013
A lot of the Workbooks that I design for use by myself and colleagues require data to be copied in from external data sources. To avoid named ranges from failing, I always use the following method:
Calculate the length of the data set:
=COUNTA(INDIRECT("'Data Sheet'!"&"$A:$A"))
(There will be no gaps in the data, hence a count is fine.) This named range is called DSROWCOUNT.
Example named range for the data in column A:
=OFFSET(INDIRECT("'Data Sheet'!"&"$A$1"),1,0,DSROWCOUNT-1,1)
I use INDIRECT to ensure my named ranges do not fail if the data is deleted (accidentally or intentionally), as #REF! errors will occur.
The problem with this method is that it automatically makes the Workbooks volatile because of the use of OFFSET and INDIRECT, hence the Workbooks always needs to be in manual calculation mode to be usable.
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Jul 28, 2014
Is there a way to add cascading lists (from data validation or form/activex controls) to my excel spreadsheet WITHOUT using named ranges? Maybe structured references?
I need to avoid the named ranges because it will cause my workbook to have duplicate named range titles which I cannot avoid.
As a general example my issue arises because I have something like this where the titles are the same but they map to slightly different data. These also have to be cascading because the titles align to another list which I do not show in the example. I also considered using pivot tables, but the issue there is that the data validation lists repeat in the same worksheet. So I would have 3 cascading lists in row1 dependent on each other, but the same 3 lists in row2 dependent on row2 but not the previous row.
[Code] .....
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Nov 10, 2008
I cant seem to find the correct syntax for creating 14 validation lists using array members as the source of the named ranged. The validation lists are stored on a different worksheet, the Named Ranges are created fine, as are the ranges that are having the validation applied. The Syntax I am having a problem with is
Public Sub assignDVList(WSD As Worksheet, sListName As String)
Dim DVListName As String
DVListName = "DV" & sListName
Application.Goto Reference:=sListName
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=" & DVListName
It is the Formula1:="=" & DVListName that is creating the headache. The sub is called as the array moves through the columns, using the header row as the Name for the Named Range, and the data Validation worksheet uses the same naming except it has DV in front.
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Mar 14, 2013
Merge two columns into one list in excel
I would like to combine List1 and List2 into a 3rd named range called List3. I was wondering if this were possible without using any additional cells/columns (i.e. I don't want to use Column C like in the example shown in the link above).
Here's the formula from the example:
I've played around with it, but could not come with any that worked.
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Sep 15, 2014
I am trying to make a UDF that searches for a header, grabs everything under the header, and pulls it somewhere else. My UDF has three parameters:
1) Output_Range: the named range where the parameters will be pulled to
2) Header: the header to search for in order to copy the data underneath it
3) WorkbookName: the name of the workbook to search in
It looks like this:
Function LoadParameters(Output_Range As Range, Header, WorkbookName As String)
MyTimer = Timer
'Defining the variables.
Dim HeaderCell, HeaderCellEnd, HeaderRange, Output_Range
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Dec 30, 2008
I have some named ranges that refer to 5 pieces of data organized into a row. For example, the name MyNamedRange might refer to $C$5:$C$10.
I am trying to loop through each column and get the values in MyNamedRange, then change corresponding values in a different named range. However, when I try to use Offset to access the subsequent columns of MyNamedRange, it doesn't work. It only gets the value of the first column right, the rest return <EMPTY>.
Sample .......
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Jul 17, 2006
How do I go about using named ranges instead of cell names(ie A4:A9)
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim intIndex As Integer
UserForm1.ComboBox1.Clear 'Clear combobox
lngRow = 2 Do While Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value <> ""
For intIndex = 0 To UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListCount - 1
If UserForm1.ComboBox1.List(intIndex) = Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value
Goto NextRow
End If
Next intIndex
UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem Sheet1.Range("a" & lngRow).Value
lngRow = lngRow + 1
End Sub
I wanted to change "a" to the defined range "search"?
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Dec 5, 2007
the code to add two independent named ranges cell by cell in vba. Both of the named ranges have the same structure and the sum would be posted to a third area of the same structure cell wise.
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Aug 11, 2008
I am trying to write a formula that will return a result based on which list a cell is found in.
Column A comprises of aisle/position information. The values range from B01 to B65, C01 to C65 ... H01 to H65 (Like aisles/shelf positions in a supermarket). This is not a static list, as the information in column A will change from week to week. It will be sorted prior to trying to work with it. The first three characters of the values in A will be what I'm comparing to the list. There is a fourth character that determines further details about the item that are not pertinent to this issue.
I need to match the value in column A to one of the four groups of values below and have the correct color display in column F. The correct color would be the name of the list that the value is found in.
Blue (K2:K61) contains the values B01 through B25 and C01 through C25.
Red (L2:L80) contains the values F01 to F21, G01 to G23 and H01 to H35.
Yellow (M2:M95) contains the values B36 to B65, C45 to C65 and D23 to D65.
Green (N2:N124) contains the values E36 to E65, F34 to F65, G34 to G65 and H37 to H65.
It probably boils down to a nested IF statement that checks to see if LEFT(A2,3) is found in any of the four lists, but I just can't wrap my head around how to write it.
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Jan 28, 2014
At the moment I have to click in the cell and then look at the cells used and look across to the title of the rows.
So for example, performance = D3*D4*D5*D6
I would like, performance = vehicles*availabliity*utilisation*TKM.
That is easy if I have just 1 option. But what if I have 3 options? Naming each cell would be a way to do it but pretty laborious, is there a 'smart' way to use named ranges here?
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Feb 12, 2010
I'm creating a KPI spreadsheet which utilizes named ranges to allow for Dynamic charting. I've created the first data input sheet for one of the 10 areas being KPIed. The sheet has 60 named ranges in it.
The goal is to duplicate the existing sheet (Area 1A) 10 times and adjust the named ranges and formulas within the named ranges according to the sheet names.
Is there a way to accomplish this without having to manually recreate or edit every named range for each new sheet?
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Jun 16, 2014
I want a sumIF function (based on three criteria) to fill the values of cells in a column so long as there are values in the cells in the column before that one. I was working with trying a loop, but have been shown a faster way is using the With function.
There are four named ranges that all exist on a separate sheet in the file: Crude, Location, Year and Volume. Based on the first three columns of the file I wish to have an output for the sum of volume based on crude, location and year.
Right now, my output simply returns the total sum of the "volume" range in each cell in the output column.
For example, if total sum of values in the volume column is 100 then my output column currently looks like:
Here is my code including the named ranges:
[Code] ......
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Jun 20, 2014
I created a simply macro that will adjust the headings of a group of cells as follows.
But if I add a row/column to the sheet, it will then of course attempt to place the headings in the wrong cells.
I have now given that group of cells/range a Name of "AR_Buckets". But I'm not certain how to modify the macro to ensure it always places the information in the correct place.
[Code] ....
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Nov 24, 2008
What is the correct syntax if I want to replace two named ranges below to Rng and Rng2 in my code?
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Jan 14, 2009
I am having problems getting the code below to follow my intentions. I have 2 files. I have a temporary file that holds all the data that I need. I have a destination file that needs to have data copied into it. In the temp file, I have data for several dates and product types. What I intend to do is to do a vlookup in VBA to look for the date and the product type in the temp file and copy the appropriate data to the destination file. I have numerous named ranges both in my temp file and my destination file. For the code below, I wanted to make a loop to find the date in the temp file that is listed in the destination file. Once this is done, I wanted to find the product type in the temp file that is listed in the destination file. If both conditions exist, then copy a certain range from the temp file to the destination file. My intention is evident in the code, but I don’t think that I am putting in the correct “code format”.
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Feb 24, 2009
Macro for two named ranges. I have this code, which works fine...
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Apr 29, 2009
(Using Office 2003 on XP Pro) I have two named ranges that I want to union into one big named range so that I can use the big named range in a validation table. Unfortunately the big range does not appear on the list of named range so I switched to VBA to try and lick this but really I was hoping a non-VBA solution exists. Exploring possible VBA solutions, here is what I have so far:
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