Message Box For Invalid Selection With Dropdown Box
Dec 10, 2013
I have a Configuator sheet and the way it works is I have 6 different descriptions (plug connector, socket connector, length, jacket type, color, gauge). So when you choose a Plug Connector only the socket connectors that go with that plug are available to choose using data validation. Then depending on on the plug and socket connector it gives you the lengths that are available and so on.
Then I have a button with a macro that matches the descriptions you have chosen and returns the following: part number, Description, case qty, Available Stock, and Price. My issue right now is Not all plug connectors share the same Socket connectors so when someone changes the Plug Connector and has a invalid Socket connector from a previous selection the value returns as #N/A.
So what I would like to do is when I run my "Find Cable" Macro it will match each selection and if one is invalid returns a message box telling you which field is invalid i.e. socket, length, jacket type, color, gauge.
I'm trying to attach an Excel file but I keep getting a message stating it's an invalid file. I don't remember having trouble before attaching here, but I am now. What must I do?
VBA code. I think I need a worsksheet change event. Here is what I'm looking for:
If cell K1 = 3 and if the value of any cell in column A is < 80000 or is > 86666, or if the five digit number begins with an alpha, then a msg box will pop up stating "Invalid range".
More background: The user will be manually inputting 5 digit numbers into column A, but if they've selected cell K1 to equal 3 from a dropdown menu (which the user also does), then values entered that are less than 80000 or greater than 86666 are 'out of range', and the user should be alerted and if possible the number they entered gets cleared.
Additionally, some of the numbers the user could type in might begin with an alpha prefix, such as "G1234" - these would also be considered out of range when K1=3, so if the conditional statement could also recognize this it would be useful.
Column A will be blank until the user types in the 5 digit number, so the code only needs to trigger if the number typed into a cell in column A is outside of the aforementioned range.
So to sum it up once again, I'm looking for a msgbox (and clear cell) if the following criteria is simultaneously met- *If K1 = 3 (meaning that K1 equaling anything other than 3 wouldn't cause the msgbox) *And values typed in column A are less than 80000 or are greater than 86666, or begin with an alpha (meaning that values typed in between 80000 - 86666 wouldn't cause the msg box.)
I'm looking to put a formula in the last column (Card Valid/Invalid (N3:N8)).
I want this formula to say IF Project Name OR Start date OR Due Date or Type OR Author OR VS are empty then I want the last column to say Invalid else if all of these columns are filled in then give valid. Also if a completed date or no. of review loops are filled in but not both then give Invalid but if both are filled in then as well as all the rest of the info give Valid.
I am trying to develop a system to allow me select different parts from multiple sheets and then add them into a bill of material on a separate sheet.
[URL] ...........
I have written some VB script the best I can and it includes a 'commandbutton' to make it easy for the user of the workbook to use.
This is how it works:
Go to 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' tab and highlight one of the yellow cells.Once you have selected a yellow cell, you then click the 'select' button above.The value (along with other values) are copied to the 'Smart Calc' sheet.Then you go to 'Step 2 - Gland Plate' tab, select a yellow cell, click the 'Select' button.Notice how the 'Step 2 - Gland Plate' value is entered into a different group in the 'Smart Calc' sheet - this is great................BUT
The issue I am having is:
If the user goes to 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' tab, highlights the desired yellow cell then presses the 'Select' button twice, it will add two lines of data in the relevant 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' section....This is ok.But when the user clicks a third time, the 'Step 1' data will overflow into the 'Step 2' section of the 'Smart Calc' tab...because the script tells the data to look for the next available line to write to. This is what I am trying to avoid!
Instead, i would like a message box to popup to indicate to the user that they cannot add anymore data into into the 'Step 1' or 'Step 2' sections of the 'Smart Calc' tab until they clear the data from within the relevant section in 'Smat Calc'.
I would like to set limits on where each 'Step 1' or 'Step 2' data is written to the 'Smart Calc' sheet (so it is within its relevant section). As you can see the script basically looks for the next available cell but this isn't really good when the data 'overflows'.
Note that you are able to highlight the yellow cells in the 'Smart Calc' tab and press the delete key, it will delete the data to clear the line. That is how i designed it to work so if the user makes a mistake they are able to just delete the relevant line and enter new data.
If a user selects certain options from a drop down list created by cell verification (from list), is it possible to display an input box and have the resulting input populate on another worksheet in the workbook? I have an attendance template I'm working with and if a user selects OT (Over Time) then a input box is displayed prompting for how many hours. The overtime is then tracked on another worksheet.
I recorded a function and got the message box "Invalid Outside Procedure" when I tried to run the macro. I don't understand what it means or how to prevent it.
I am looking for VB Code / Formula which will does the following:
Before the Cell is selection; it will shows a message for guidance purpose; but the moment the same is selected; the Validation list which I prepared will appear.
For Eg: before the Cell is selected; it will show as"< select from drop-down list>"; but the moment cell is selcted; the normal validation list will appear.
I know that there is Input Message option in Validation List; but this appears only when the cell is selected. I am looking for message which will appear before the cell is selected.
I was just wondering if it was possible to get a collapsible menu/dialog box for excel when a user clicks on the cell of interest. I don't want to use the collapsible list function as I would rather the user be able to click on the cell of interest and then have that cell produce maybe another window/dialog box which will show the user what I have put in there - maybe a chart or table or just a set of data - and perhaps allow them to cut and paste the data as well? However, most importantly, I just want a dialog/window box to appear rather than having to group and use the collapsible list function. I've attached an image of what I have in mind.
I am trying to make a spreadsheet where I use a drop down menu for several of my vendors. When I select the Vendor's name from the drop down menu (for example in A1), I would like A2 to display that vendor's phone number. But when I switch vendor name from drop down list in A1, A2 would need to reflect the new vendor's contact info.
How to create a dropdown menu to pick from two selections?
Basically, I have a 'Status' column and the status will always be 'Open' or 'Closed' and I'd like you just to be able to click a cell in that column and select one or the other.
I have a a sheet with a drop down, if the selection of Critical in the drop down (A57) is selected, i need E57 to have a message saying we need to elaborate on the explanation or when critical is selected a popup with NEED TO ELABORATE in the description comes up.
How to add an equation to a drop down selection if you take a look at the picture in the link supplied, what I want to do is: I want the calculator to take the number in D12 then if the drop down box under it the selection is (as it is) too high then subtract 50 (k11) from D12 and display the answer in D14. I have listed the 3 drop down choices in column L, Lap 2 I would do exactly the same and so on [URL] .........
I am trying to make a spreadsheet where I use a drop down menu for several of my vendors. When I select the Vendor's name from the drop down menu (for example in A1), I would like A2 to display that vendor's phone number. But when I switch vendor name from drop down list in A1, A2 would need to reflect the new vendor's contact info.
I have created several records, each record is in it's own row. I'd like for the row to be displayed if the name of that row is selected in a drop down. How can this be accomplished? I've attached the spreadsheet to show my current progress. When a player is selected in a drop down, I would like for that players record to be displayed below the drop down.
Having a drop down box in the document, i need to select multiple choices at the same time. VBA program for the same...attaching the file which i am working on.
I have an excel file with a date dropdown box. The date is populated from another sheet in the same file. I need to create a macro, which will select the latest date by default when the file is opened. Is this possible and if so could someone please lead me in the right direction? I am using Excel 2003 and the date format in the dropdown box is "dd-Mon-yy" --> eg "21-Dec-09"
I am trying to create a simple order entry worksheet. In cell M1 I need a dropdown box that lets the user select which options go on the product. You can have multiple options. The list of options is contained in column A of the Options worksheet. Depending on which options are selected, I want to put a 1 in column B of the Options worksheet. how to do this or have a sample workbook that I can look at.
I am trying to create 2 drop-down lists (based on named ranges), where the contents of the second selection change based on the first selection. On one sheet, I have a list of equipment that is quite long, but is broken up by categories. I have named ranges for all the category names, and the equipment in each category. On the other sheet (user side) I made the first drop down the list of categories, and would like the 2nd drop down to be the pieces of equipment that correspond with the chosen category. I have tried using data validation and nesting IF formulas, but it only works for the first 4-5 categories, bc my formula is longer than the Source field allows in Data Validation. Any other way I can make this work? Can I use a macro for this? If so, how to write it as this would be my first macro
I have a spreadsheet which is made up of 4 worksheets. I have a drop down menu on the front page (created with data validation). I want to be able to choose one of the 7 geographical areas from the drop down menu, then have a formula search through the other worksheets for rows of data with this geographical area in it. Any ideas on how to do this, I have tried with VLOOKUP but cannot get the formula to refer to the drop down menu for the first input, i.e. the geographical area that it should be looking to match.
I am working on a time table worksheet and I need to insert a time Offset that can range from 5 minutes to an hour with 5 minute increments. The message box or user form will prompt, "How long is your Offset:"
The problem is that I only know how to do make a drop down list that is populated from cells on a sheet. Do I have to use a user form?
I have created a User Form that has been tested and is working properly. Now my last step is to do the following:
I would like to Display the User Form (coded as CommRM) if in Column C (can be any cell as it is a large worksheet) someone selects "Retail News" from the drop down option.
The code that I have been able to create so far is below. The problem is that when I select Retail News from a drop down in Column C the user form does not appear.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Range (C14, C3333).Text = "Retail News" Then Call UserForm_Initialize End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Load CommRM CommRM.Show End Sub
There are multiple duplicates of different part numbers in a column. When I autofilter the column, it shows 1 selection for each part number. I am trying to extract this selection fromm the autofilter dropdown box. I want to use it elsewhere in a dropdown box.
I have a excel file to keep track of sales pipeline. What I am looking for, is an automated utility or code that will allow excel to automatically move entire rows once a task is completed and can be moved to another sheet. In Prospects sheet I have a column for " Stage" and here you have to select from a drop down menu, either "Prospect", "Contacted" "quoted" "WON" "LOST" What I would like, is that once you have selected one of the sales stage, the entire row or entry, will be automatically moved to the right tab from the "prospects" to a new sheet according to each stage.
I am developing a spreadsheet at work that is very similar to one that I made at a previous job. I am using the same formula in each spread sheet, but the one I am developing now does not work, where the previous one works perfectly.
I have a drop down menu created with data validation. Each possible selection is one or two letters of text, or the selection can be left blank. The drop down is cell A12, and an example of the if function that is used many times in this spreadsheet is as follows:
In the previous spreadsheet, the function returns true only when the appropriate selection is made. In the latest version, it will return true if the appropriate selection is made, or if drop down selection is blank. I have been able to work around this with the following:
I am trying to create a sheet for identifying work hazards based on the job assigned. So what I have set up is a drop down list to select the job type. Once this job type is selected I want the pre written hazards to autopopulate in the hazard box. I would also like the required PPE to appear in the PPE box for the job selected.
I have 6 different choices in the drop down list. For each choice I have the hazards and PPE in a separate sheets in the worksheet.
Is there a way to get this information to autopopulate?
Any way to apply a formula to a cell depending on what choice is made from a drop down box in a cell that it refers to.
I have a drop down box in A1 with 2 options: Cookie Making Costs - or - Cake Making Costs In cells A3 through A10, I have cells with the costs for all the ingredients (and B3 through B10 for cake ingredients). If I select Cookie Making Costs, I would like B1 to apply a formula that sums up all the costs associated with making cookies "=sum(A3:A10)" If I select Cake Making Costs, I would like B1 to apply the sum of the cake ingredients "=sum(B3:B10)"
I am trying to develop a worksheet that will adjust dates based on a selection from a drop down box. I can do basic formulas in excel
I am trying to get the drop down box in "Revisit Type" to include three selections ("Sanitation", "Spark", and "High Five"). Once the dropdown box is created I want to be able to make a selection and enter an initial visit date under "Initial Visit Date" then have the "Earliest Return Visit Date" and the "Latest Return Visit Date" automatically populated based on this information below:
Sanitation or Spark = 10-30 day window High Five = 10-21 day window
I am at a loss . I have attached a sample of the workbook for reference.