Recorded A Function And Got The Message Box "Invalid Outside Procedure" When I Tried To Run The Macro

Jul 28, 2006

I recorded a function and got the message box "Invalid Outside Procedure" when I tried to run the macro. I don't understand what it means or how to prevent it.

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Dir Function - Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Jun 25, 2013

When I step-through my code below, it always opens the first file in the directory "C:Pyramid Files", but when it comes back to the Pyramid Files sub after fully processing the first file via various other subs, the VB Editor apparently doesn't like something about this line: StrFile = Dir(), since it quits after "snapping-back" to the previous sub Initialize(). I have also tried StrFile = Dir, but that doesn't work either. I did Dim Strfile in the General Declarations. When I set Watches for Dir and Dir(), I get the value "Invalid procedure call or argument" for both, as if the directory function lost the value. I can't determine why this is happening.

Dim WSM As Worksheet, WSB As Worksheet, WS1 As Worksheet, [U]StrFile As String[/U], StrDirectory As String, ClientCode As String
Dim Filename As String, LastRowb As Long, LastColB As Integer, LastRow1 As Integer, NextRowC As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer

[Code] .......

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Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument In Function

Aug 30, 2012

This error message in line vpp:

Invalid procedure call or argument

Function fn1(ByVal a, ByVal i, ByVal e, ByVal N, ByVal w, ByVal ta)
Pi = Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi
mhu = 398600
vpp = (mhu / Math.Sqr(mhu * a * (1 - e ^ 2))) * (-Math.Sin(ta * Pi / 180))
fn1 = 2 * vpp
End Function

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Macro Error: Invalid Outside Procedure

Feb 18, 2008

I'm adding a new macro and getting the error message Compile Error:Invalid outside procedure. I'm using the following code

Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim vFound
On Error Resume Next
For Each wSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With wSheet
Set Tble_Array = .Range(Tble_Array.Address)
vFound = WorksheetFunction.VLookup _
(Look_Value, Tble_Array, _
Col_num, Range_look)
End With
If Not IsEmpty(vFound) Then Exit For
Next wSheet
Set Tble_Array = Nothing
VLOOKAllSheets = vFound
End Function

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Compile Error: Invalid Outside Procedure (execute Macro On Pivot Refresh)

Jan 27, 2009

I keep getting this error:

"Compile Error: Invalid outside procedure"

What I am doing is having a macro execute every time my Pivot table is refreshed, the macro invokes a format change.

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Worksheet Function Too Long To Be Recorded In Macro

May 11, 2009

I have a list of items in Sheet1 column A (starting from row 1).

I would like the corresponding column B to have certain values depending on the value in column A (same row), as follows:

If the value in column A has "SYS????CZ", column B should be "HPC"
If the value in column A has "SYSNIS", column B should be "NIS"
If the value in column A has "SYSJBE", column B should be "JBE"
If the value in column A has "ICG????", column B should be "HPC"
If the value in column A has "IL????", column B should be "RUP"
If the value in column A has "SYSHPC08", column B should be "HPC"

What I tried was to record a macro while typing the formula in B1: ...

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Invalid Procedure Call Using ASC

Jan 27, 2008

I am getting an invalid procedure call when the portion of the code that has the ASC function runs. The only change I made to the workbook was to increase the available rows that this macro is totaling from 150 to 300. If I don't increase the rows I do not get the error.

What this code is doing is grouping information from 20 different sheets and totaling them and placing the total in the correct group. Most of the totals will begin with a number, however there will be a small amount that will begin with a letter. The items with letters need to be grouped in the 17000 category.

Dim c As Range
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range(Cells(3, "R"), Cells(lastrow, "R"))
For Each c In rng

If c < 20 Then c.Offset(0, 1) = "01000"
If (c > 19) * (c < 26) Then c.Offset(0, 1) = "02000"
If (c > 25) * (c < 161) Then c.Offset(0, 1) = "02600"
If c > 159 Then c.Offset(0, 1) = WorksheetFunction.Text(c, "000") & "00"
If Asc(Left(c, 1)) > 58 Then c.Offset(0, 1) = "17000"
If c > 170 Then c.Offset(0, 1) = "18000"
Next c

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Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Nov 7, 2007

This error occured me, and i clicked "Debug" to see where was the error and i found a strange thing that i don't know how to solve it:
The line has the following

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Compile Error / Invalid Outside Procedure

Nov 21, 2011

Compile Error: Invalid Outsid Procedure

I have Compile error coming up when I try to run Sub DeleteRecord on Sheet 2. It brings me to the VBE with sheet 1 code brought up and the Compile Error showing, with the xlup portion of the code highlighted. I okay the error and it highlights the Sub DeleteRecord on Sheet 2 with a yellow arrow.

Sheet 1 code as follows:

Dim y As Long
y = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("A1:A" & y), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("J1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("J1:J" & y), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("K1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("K1:K" & y), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("L1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("L1:L" & y), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("M1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("M1:M" & y), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("N1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("N1:N" & y), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("O1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("O1:O" & y), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("P1").AutoFill Destination:=Range("P1:P" & y), Type:=xlFillDefault

Sheet 2 code at follows:

Sub DeleteRecord()
' DeleteRecord Macro
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveCell.Offset(4, 3).Range("A1:H2").Select


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Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument On Second Run

Jan 10, 2007

I have some VBA that appears to work perfectly on the first run, but I get the following error if I run it again or any alternate runs;

Title: Error (App_WorkbookBeforeClose)
Number: 5
Message: Invalid procedure call or argument

The only way my code currently works is if Excel has just been launched. The VBA creates, saves and modify's files so I imagine it has something to do with the ThisWorkbook object when a file is being saved or closed. I have googled the error but didn't really get anywhere as it is pretty generic and seems to be returned for a number of Excel products.

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Compile Error: Invalid Outside Procedure (making Changes To Row)

Jan 16, 2009

I'm making changes to row A, but am getting an invalid outside procedure, not sure why. Don't even know what it means. It's not even in the same worksheet....

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Run-time Error '5' Invalid Procedure Call (CommandBars)

Nov 13, 2009

I create and load a commandbar, prior to loading it I attempt to check if it exists, then delete it, and recreate.

I dont understand why this seemed to work for months and now creates an error.
It appears that every now and then the created commandbar is not created when I open a file. Thats when the error pops up. I can manually run the Create_Bar sub and it will be fine, for a while.

Run-time error '5':
Invalid procedure call or argument

This section is in my personal.xls file in "ThisWorkBook" of personal.xls.

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Runtime Error - Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Jun 24, 2014

Dim LR As Long Dim Dash As Long, _
Whole As Double
Dim pi ', WorkSheets, Range
LR = Sheets("Sheet3").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

[Code] .........

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Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument Referencing Files

Nov 6, 2006

I am using a procedure to loop through all files in a folder and am encountering an

Invalid procedure call or argument, error on the ChDrive line:

mypath = "\Eo1
ChDrive mypath

Is it something to do with the mypath syntax? Recently our drives have been reorganised. I used to just use "G:Surveys..." which always worked. Does anyone have any thoughts? I hope I've explained properly - you can probably tell I don't know much about this sort of thing.

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Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument Adding Conditional Format Condition

Oct 4, 2006

I would like to apply different conditional formatting at different times with a click of a button. I setup a dummy and turned on the recorder and recorded this

Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=$C7=1"
Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
End Sub

I tried changing to this

'/Conditional Format - OTHER EXPENSE B/L
Set rngConditional = wsData.UsedRange
With rngConditional...............

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Getting A Message Stating It's An Invalid File

Feb 19, 2007

I'm trying to attach an Excel file but I keep getting a message stating it's an invalid file. I don't remember having trouble before attaching here, but I am now. What must I do?

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Message Box For Invalid Selection With Dropdown Box

Dec 10, 2013

I have a Configuator sheet and the way it works is I have 6 different descriptions (plug connector, socket connector, length, jacket type, color, gauge). So when you choose a Plug Connector only the socket connectors that go with that plug are available to choose using data validation. Then depending on on the plug and socket connector it gives you the lengths that are available and so on.

Then I have a button with a macro that matches the descriptions you have chosen and returns the following: part number, Description, case qty, Available Stock, and Price. My issue right now is Not all plug connectors share the same Socket connectors so when someone changes the Plug Connector and has a invalid Socket connector from a previous selection the value returns as #N/A.

So what I would like to do is when I run my "Find Cable" Macro it will match each selection and if one is invalid returns a message box telling you which field is invalid i.e. socket, length, jacket type, color, gauge.

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Multiple Condition Message Box - Invalid Range

May 31, 2013

VBA code. I think I need a worsksheet change event. Here is what I'm looking for:

If cell K1 = 3 and if the value of any cell in column A is < 80000 or is > 86666, or if the five digit number begins with an alpha, then a msg box will pop up stating "Invalid range".

More background:
The user will be manually inputting 5 digit numbers into column A, but if they've selected cell K1 to equal 3 from a dropdown menu (which the user also does), then values entered that are less than 80000 or greater than 86666 are 'out of range', and the user should be alerted and if possible the number they entered gets cleared.

Additionally, some of the numbers the user could type in might begin with an alpha prefix, such as "G1234" - these would also be considered out of range when K1=3, so if the conditional statement could also recognize this it would be useful.

Column A will be blank until the user types in the 5 digit number, so the code only needs to trigger if the number typed into a cell in column A is outside of the aforementioned range.

So to sum it up once again, I'm looking for a msgbox (and clear cell) if the following criteria is simultaneously met-
*If K1 = 3 (meaning that K1 equaling anything other than 3 wouldn't cause the msgbox)
*And values typed in column A are less than 80000 or are greater than 86666, or begin with an alpha (meaning that values typed in between 80000 - 86666 wouldn't cause the msg box.)

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Cells To Be Able To Only Allow Multiples Of Fifty And A Message To Pop Up Of Invalid Entry For Everything Else

Apr 19, 2009

I need cells to be able to only allow multiples of fifty and a message to pop up of invalid entry for everything else.

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Formula That Checks If Cells Are Empty Or Filled In And Gives Valid Or Invalid Message

Aug 11, 2008

I'm looking to put a formula in the last column (Card Valid/Invalid (N3:N8)).

I want this formula to say IF Project Name OR Start date OR Due Date or Type OR Author OR VS are empty then I want the last column to say Invalid else if all of these columns are filled in then give valid. Also if a completed date or no. of review loops are filled in but not both then give Invalid but if both are filled in then as well as all the rest of the info give Valid.

Project Name - Valid/Invalid is B2-N2

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Perform Copy / Paste Between Sheets With Command Button And Add Message Box To Indicate Invalid Action?

Aug 23, 2013

I am trying to develop a system to allow me select different parts from multiple sheets and then add them into a bill of material on a separate sheet.

[URL] ...........

I have written some VB script the best I can and it includes a 'commandbutton' to make it easy for the user of the workbook to use.

This is how it works:

Go to 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' tab and highlight one of the yellow cells.Once you have selected a yellow cell, you then click the 'select' button above.The value (along with other values) are copied to the 'Smart Calc' sheet.Then you go to 'Step 2 - Gland Plate' tab, select a yellow cell, click the 'Select' button.Notice how the 'Step 2 - Gland Plate' value is entered into a different group in the 'Smart Calc' sheet - this is great................BUT

The issue I am having is:

If the user goes to 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' tab, highlights the desired yellow cell then presses the 'Select' button twice, it will add two lines of data in the relevant 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' section....This is ok.But when the user clicks a third time, the 'Step 1' data will overflow into the 'Step 2' section of the 'Smart Calc' tab...because the script tells the data to look for the next available line to write to. This is what I am trying to avoid!

Instead, i would like a message box to popup to indicate to the user that they cannot add anymore data into into the 'Step 1' or 'Step 2' sections of the 'Smart Calc' tab until they clear the data from within the relevant section in 'Smat Calc'.

I would like to set limits on where each 'Step 1' or 'Step 2' data is written to the 'Smart Calc' sheet (so it is within its relevant section). As you can see the script basically looks for the next available cell but this isn't really good when the data 'overflows'.

Note that you are able to highlight the yellow cells in the 'Smart Calc' tab and press the delete key, it will delete the data to clear the line. That is how i designed it to work so if the user makes a mistake they are able to just delete the relevant line and enter new data.

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Clean Up Recorded Macro?

Jun 1, 2014

I want to clean up this recorded macro but not sure how, it highlights duplicate values in a column


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Shortening Recorded Macro?

Jul 15, 2012

shortening the below recorded macro?

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro


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Invalid Function When Using Absolute Reference On Another Worksheet.

Jan 14, 2009

I'm creating a chart that will show a running average of a set of values. First column has the values and the second is a running average. Here's my sample data:


My formula for the second column is as follows, =AVERAGE($G$1:G1), =AVERAGE($G$1:G2)... and so on.'

My problem is when I try to run the same formula on a different worksheet to put on the current worksheet, I get an error from Excel that the formula is invalid. Here's the formula I use, =AVERAGE('Team Stats'!$A$I1:AI1), =AVERAGE('Team Stats'!$A$I1:AI2), ...

Is this a bug with Excel? Is the format wrong? I've tried just using the function wizard and it tells me that the absolute reference is invalid.

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Eliminating Clutter In Recorded Macro

Oct 26, 2011

I have recorded the following macro and made few changes to it with my little VBA knowledge. But the code still looks very messy.

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"FINDER;E:MacrosBSE Indices.iqy", Destination:=Range("A1"))
.Name = "BSE Indices"
.FieldNames = True

[Code] ..........

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Build Undo In Recorded Macro

Oct 2, 2006

I have recorded certain macros. But after executing macro 'Undo' do not work. How can I do it ?

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Calling A Function In A Procedure

Feb 2, 2010

I need to extract the filename “My Excel File” from Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1”), whose value = C:Documents and Settingsuser1DesktopMy Excel File

I found on Chip Pearson’s site a Function TrimToChar which, using SearchFromRight and a TrimChar of “” will trim OFF the filename “My Excel File”, leaving the Path.
But, I think I could use his function to tell me the number of characters in the Path and then use that to extract the remaining characters from the total character length (Mid Function)

Problem is, I don’t have a clue how to call a Function in VBA to work on Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1”). How do you set the InputText , TrimChar, & SearchFromRight?????

(eventually, this will be in a loop, where I extract the filename from a Dynamic Named Range (list) in Column A)

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How To Call A Procedure / Function

Mar 2, 2012

I have found some code that does what I want- but i do not understand how to use - call it. The programmer says ...

' can be called from a worksheet cell using the formula:
' =GetNetworkIPAddress()

I have put this in a cell but i ger an error #Name?

what should i do ?

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Pass Value From Function To Procedure

Aug 11, 2006

If I have code like this

Private Sub cmdHex_Click()
Dim HexNum As String
HexNum = Me.txtHexVal
'Call a function
ToBinary (HexNum)
'Now do something else
End Sub

And the function ToBinary creates a value called BinVal. How do I pass it back to my subprocedure to do something with it.

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Recorded Macro Missing Paste Commands

Nov 13, 2008

I have been using the "record macro feature". What I want the macro to do is as follows.
1. cut all data from column C and paste it into G.
2. Use the textTocolumns feature to split a comma delimited string into 2 seperate columns.
3. user the textToColumns feature to remove any leading spaces from column G.
4. cut columns d-H and shift them left startign in column C.

I can do all of this find bu using the GUI while recording the macro but when I check the vb script it's completely missing the paste commands.

When I try and run the macro it, quite rightly, returns "run-time error '1004':No data was selected to parse.

Below is the resulting recorded macro.

How do I amend this macro do include pasting the cut data?

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