Mulitple Lookup Criteria

Jul 30, 2008

I have a report that I paste into excel. The report contains 4 columns. Column A contains a numeric value. The numeric value relates to a geographical area and the same numeric value may show up more than once. The reason the numeric value may show up more than once is because in column B there is a list of dates showing when a percentage in column D become effective. I have attached an example of the report.

What I am looking for is a was where the user can enter a geographic number in cell J4 and a control date in cell J5 and have cell J7 display the percentage value. I need the lookup to look up the correct area and then use the control date to find the corresponding percentage. So if Area 1 (numeric value) shows up in Column A in rows 2 through 5, the control date will determine which row to pull the percentage from using the effective dates in column B.

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Lookup Value Using 2 Criteria - Criteria Moves Between Columns

Jan 29, 2013

I've got a sheet where I've got products in one column.

The second criteria is "week #" for which the row remains consistent but the column varies e.g. "week 8" could be in cell L12 today and in L18 tomorrow.

I would like to return the value of the cell at which a particular product and week intersect. e.g. if "product a" is in B20 and "week 8" is in L18, I want the value of cell "L20" returned.

Product to determine Row #, Week to determine Column # for returning value.

If they interest multiple times, I would like to sum up the values intersecting.

Neither product nor week # is unique in the sheet.

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Mulitple IF Statements Regarding One Cell

Dec 4, 2008

I am trying to using multiple if staements regarding one cell. What I am trying to achieve is:

if b2=0, then null, however if b2=1, then arable, however if b2=2, then manged grassland, however if b2=3, then forestry/woodland, however if b2=4, then semi-natural vegetation, however if b2=5, then urban, however if b2=6, then water

I have these 2, but they don't work - what am i doing wrong?

=IF(B2=0,null, IF(B2=1, Arable, IF(B2=2, Managed_Grassland, IF(B2=3, Forestry/Woodland, IF(B2=4, Semi-natural_Vegetation, IF(B2=5, Urban, IF(B2=6, Water, NO_LAND_USE)))))))

=IF(B2=0,IF(B2=1,IF(B2=2,IF(B2=3, IF(B2=4,IF(B2=5, IF(B2=6, Water, null), Urban),Semi-natural_Vegetation), Forestry/Woodland), Maneged_grassland), Arable), null)

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Mulitple Action When Condition Met

Oct 21, 2008

How do you set the code so that, if a condition is met, then several cells are filled with values?

So far, my code is

HTML If Cells(i, 2) < Cells(i, 4) Then
Cells(i, 5) = "A"
Cells(i, 6) = Cells(i, 2)
End If

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How To Return Mulitple Corresponding Values

Sep 8, 2005

i want to look up a name that occurs several times in one column of a
spreadsheet and return corresponding values from each row the name occurs on.
Vlookup returns only one value. How can I get multiple values?

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If Not Exist Add, If Mulitple Delete..

Jan 14, 2009

I have a worksheet that has three columns, TYPE, VALUE, PERIOD.

Within TYPE column it will always be either A or B
Within VALUE column a number common to both A & B for that "period".
Within PERIOD column a month-year.

A shown here:


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Combo Box To Remove Mulitple Rows

Jan 12, 2010

I am attempting to design 2 combo boxs by which you can select from a number of equipment types and a criticality:

Equipment Types Criticality
Vac Pump 1A
Filter Dryer 2A
Valve 3A

I want to attempt to write a macro so that when the equipment type and criticality has been selected, a corresponding number of rows will disappear.

For example:

If Vac Pump and 1A are selected then all the rows from 70 downwards will be hidden, and if Filter Dryer and 2A are selected, then the rows from 6 to 38 and from 47 onwards will be hidden.

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Inserting Mulitple Rows Using Macro

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to write a macro that inserts multiple rows by giving user a MsgBox to enter the # of desired rows. Meanwhile, I need to make sure that the formulas in certain cells are filled down (not just copied from cell directly above). I put something together but it's only adding a single row. Attached is my sample workbook.

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Highlighting Mulitple Cells With A Macro

Nov 6, 2009

I need to highlight cells for all of the products and rates I need to get pricing for. I have a macro that goes out to my data and pulls in each different rate and program (columns BM:BN). That macro also sets the first note rate in the range to the lowest of the group, so this will always be different.

I now manually highlight each cell that I need to get pricing, but would like to create a macro that looks up those codes and rates in column BM:BN and highlights the cells for me. I need it to highlight in all 7 boxes. I've attached a sample worksheet of what it looks like after I highlight the cells.

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How Do I Link Mulitple Drop Down Boxes Together

Feb 20, 2006

I have 2 drop down lists made, but I want to have one linked to the other

For example the first list has types of wood in it.


The 2nd one has pricing in it.

If I click on Bamboo - I want the 2nd list to auto generate 3.50. Can that
be done?

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Retrieve Latest Value From Mulitple Columns

May 4, 2008

I have a list of teams in 2 columns (columns A and B). These teams play matches against each other. The teams repeat themselves but vary in their order in which they play and whether they are home or away; i.e. appear in column A or B.

Each team has a points brought forward value in column C or D which correspond to the teams in column A and B respectively. They also then have a carried forward points value in column E or F produced after the points from the current game (not shown in the attached file).

I need to be able to find a formula which will retrieve the latest (last match) carried forward value for a team and enter it into the brought forward cell. This is made difficult because the team may last appear in columns A or B and there is no logic as to when they last played. It is easy enough to use lookup to find the value from the first row of an array but i cannot work out how to find the value in the last row.

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VBA Copy Workbook To Mulitple Workbooks

Apr 25, 2007

I am attempting to create a macro that does the following. I need to copy the active workbook to 25 new or existing workbooks without showing "save as" etc. These workbooks will reside in the same directory as the active wb. Problem is, I have multiple directories that I will need to do the same action.

C:ClientClientNameExample1.xls (only has sheet1)
---This will be the master which needs to be copied to 25 more times like below.


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Macro To Search Particular Column On Mulitple Worksheets

Sep 15, 2009

I am using the code below to search my entire workbook for a value entered by the user at a popup.

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3 Way Switch Or Change Values From Mulitple Places

Dec 29, 2006

On sheet 1 there is a dropdown box that indicates a condition. For example the choices are 1-4. On Sheet 2 calculations are made based on the condition in the drop down box.

I also show the condition # on sheet 2 with a simple =sheet1!a1. What I would like is the ability to have the drop down box on both sheet 1 and sheet 2 and that if you change the value in either place then is changes in the other. Same way that you can operate a light with 2 different switches.

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Data Search & Copy From Mulitple Worksheets

Dec 31, 2009

I have a workbook with 26 multiple worksheets that each represent 1 of 26 payperiods per year (bi-weekly payperiods). These worksheets consists of rows of employees names and hours worked each day. The columns consist of dates representing each day in that payperiod.

I need to be able to search all the worksheets (ie. search all 26 payperiods) to find specific 30 day intervals and then copy each employees hours worked to a master spreadsheet. I have tried variations of Index & Match formulae as well as vlookup/hlookup/ISNA without luck. I am not able to use VBA.

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Select Mulitple Sheets Without Naming Each Sheet

May 14, 2006

Im sure there is a post somewhere on this forum as I have seen it before but I cant find it anywhere. All I want to do is be able to select Sheets Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat without naming each of the sheets. The post I seen would select all the sheets between the two sheets that were stated in the vba code. something like: Sheets( Array("Sun" To "Sat").select

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Bringing Data From Mulitple Worksheets To A Master Sheet

Jun 10, 2008

Each salesman has an enquiry log / hot prospect sheet that they are responsible for.

At present at the end of the month our receptionist has to consolidate this information manually onto a master sheet.

I would like to create an automatic master sheet that auto updates each time it is opened.

It has to read data from about 13 work books each with varting amounts of date. All works books are formatted identically (or they will be)

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Search In Mulitple Columns And Return Corresponding Column/Row Result

Apr 30, 2008

Basically, I need to look for an item, lets use "apple" as an example, in a range of cells, A1:D100. Then the corresponding result would be in another column in the same row.

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Import Mulitple Single Column Text Files

Apr 20, 2008

I am trying to get a VBA code to import multiple text files into an excel worksheet. The text files contain about 5,000 words each listed in a single column. I found this thread Import Multiple Text Files and the code listed there:

Sub test()
Dim myDir As String, fn As String, ff As Integer, txt As String
Dim delim As String, n As Long, b(), flg As Boolean, x, t As Integer
myDir = "c: est" '<- change to actual folder path
delim = vbTab '<- delimiter (assuming Tab delimited)
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.txt")
Do While fn <> ""
Redim b(1 To Rows.Count, 1 To 1)
ff = FreeFile
Open myDir & "" & fn For Input As #ff
Do While Not EOF(ff)..........................

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Lookup Value By Two Different Criteria

May 16, 2014

I have duplicate product ids on same date with different unit sold and need to extract all the unit sold for a product id on a particular date. How to concatenate a formula? The array formula that I use does not work:


[Code] .....

The formula needs to lookup units sold in UnitssoldOnlineVlookup tab and enter them in Units sold column (highlighted in orange in the attached UnitsSold workbook) in Performance tab.

UnitsSold Workbook.xls

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Lookup With 2 Criteria

Apr 6, 2009

I have attached a workbook with 2 worksheets Refund & Factor. In brief I wish to work out the refund on a ticket. To do this I have entered the start date & surrender date. In C29 I have a formula that gives the datediff in months & days. I then have some VBA that extracts the numbers and enters them into D29 & E29.

I now need a formula to look at the factor sheet and find the intersection between 3 (months) & 19 (days) which is 13.96 and copy this to B36 on the refund sheet.

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Using Lookup(2,1/) For 3 Criteria

Nov 13, 2009

Currently using Lookup(2,1/...) to match 2 criteria before giving me my end result. It works perfectly. I'm now needing to match 3 criteria... is there an easy way to modify this to allow it? My Current formula looks like

=LOOKUP(2,1/(Upload!$D$1:$D$25&":"&Upload!$F$1:$F$25="Gordon Brown "&":Downing"),Upload!$I$1:$I$25)

And as well as matching Gordon Brown, Downing, I'd like to match the word Motor which it would search in Column E of the Upload sheet.

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Two Lookup Criteria

Oct 21, 2006

i am having problem with two-way lookup criteria.I have a chart for permissible weight as per height of a person.But there is another criteria of age-e.g.col A (A8:A25)has the various height-groups(from156cm to 190cm) and row 7 (B7:I7) has the age-groups(from 15 years to 48 years) .All figures of weight are within B8:I25.Now if i want to get the permissible weight of a person whose height and age are known ,how do i get using the lookup function?

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Lookup With More Than One Criteria

Nov 23, 2007

I need some VBA help for my project...

attached is my sample spreadsheet...
I need the excel to be program so that when i input the 'Grade' and 'T', it will automatically select the py value.

Say i select the Grade S275, and input T= 10.4, thus excel will look up at the S275 table, then to the T< 16 (because T=10.4) and thus select '275' and input it at cell E7.

if i put input Grade S355 and input T=43, then it will look up at the S355 table, then to T<63, and then select '335' and inout at cell E7

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Lookup With Two Criteria

Jan 10, 2008

I am having some difficulty creating a lookup that takes two values and uses them both to perform an action analagous to a vlookup. That is, use the two input criteria to select a roow of data, and then taking an input column number to return the resulting cell's value. I cannot concatonate and create an index because my second value is a number that may not match exactly. I also need it not to involve too many loops as it will be used thousands of times on the same sheet on my client's older machines.

I have seen the listmatch and matchinglists examples on Ozgrid and they do not quite address my need. I am not an excel novice, but my VBA is not that strong. the codes I have written to date ( attached) will not allow my data set to be on a different tab than the tab on which the function is used, as i require.

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2 Criteria Lookup Without #N/A

Mar 31, 2008

I am trying to lookup the value in a table based on two criteria. For the purpose of illustration, I attached the file here. What I am trying to do is that I want to fill Table 2 with data from Table 1 which match the company and the dates. If all the dates match for the companies, that problem would be much easier, However, as you can see the dates from each company do not match on the same row,totally massed things up. In my real file I have 70 companies, any one have a solution for this??

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Lookup Value Based On Three Different Criteria

Jun 6, 2014

I have two workbooks. I'll call them wkbk1 and wkbk2.

I am looking at three cells in the same row in wkbk1.

I need to identify which row in wkbk2 contains those values and then return a value from a cell in the same row in wkbk2.

How do I structure this look up?

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Vector Lookup With 2 Criteria

Nov 10, 2009

I am looking up values L, M, and S from a seperate worksheet based on two factors. age in months, and gender. I have read enough to figure out how to lookup values L,M,S one at a time using a vectorlookup, from one worksheet to another. However, the LMS values being looked up are for females only. I know I must get the gender codes worked in but not sure how to work this in.
I don't know if I need an and If function, to meet the gender (1male, 2 female) or what.

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Multiple Criteria Lookup ..?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm trying to figure a formula that provides a numerical value when certain criteria are met across a range of cells. The criteria are numerous though and here is where I'm having trouble.

For example, the formula needs to look at Cell A5, then at a range of cells (C5,G5, E5, I5) and depending on the value of those cells provide a predetermine result in Cell K5.

For example, IF (A5 = 'A', and C5=1 or G5=1 or E5=1 or I5 = 1, then P5 must = 15), or if (A5 = 'A', and C5 or G5 or E5 or I5 = 2, then P5 must = 10), or if (A5 = A, and either C5 or G5 or E5 or I5 = 3, then P5 must = 6), or if (A5 = A, and either C5 or G5 or E5 or I5 = 4 then P5 must = 2), or if (A5 = A, and C5 or G5 or E5 or I5 = 5, then P5 must = 1)…….this needs to be duplicated for a list of possiblities.

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Using LOOKUP With Multiple Criteria

Dec 26, 2012

I'm making a schedule grid has varying start & stop times. I've made a table so the people using it can check that there is overlap when they are scheduling themselves and the members of their shift.

The rows have the employees and the columns has the hours, (one row for each hour in the year 2013)

Each employee has a 1 under each hour where they work and they can easily see where their shift overlaps onto the next persons and by how many hours. I also have a row on the bottom that checks how many people are on at any given time so everyone can check that we have a minimum number of people on and a maximum number as well.

As it is pretty difficult to look at this grid as it is, i made a 2nd table which we could print to see which days we shoud come in and what time. (with each column being the day/ date and the cell having the time frame one comes in.)

The problem i have is that if any adjustments are done to the first table, (with the hourly columns) it isn't reflected in the 2nd table.

I've created a LOOKUP table with each hour/ shift, but i do not know how to have lookup check the starting hour, the ending hour, and what date it is.

I was considering placing a look-up formula in each cel for each employee for each day for the entire year, i just don't know what the formula should look like.

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