Optimizing Equations Using Scope Definitions?

Mar 30, 2014

I'm trying to find definitions/commands to make excel find the best combinations of several defined scopes and restrictions to make an output number as high as possible.

This is by using a combination of several different equations, maybe excel has a magic trick for all the variables and formulas.

Attached File: forum_heatexchanger.xlsx‎

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Optimizing Coding

Jun 3, 2008

I have made this vba to go out and look at 2 different locations which contain simular folder names.

The script then writes the folder names in Column A, followed by the Size of both the folders from the 2 locations. The script is comparing the second location folder name to what the first process put in Column A so the folder names will be aligned with the file sizes. It is also converting the file sizes from bytes to the most appropriate one.

The problem I am having here, is once I put the second part in for the second folder, the script is either taking forver (More than an hour) or is freezing. So I am not sure if I put it in a loop somewhere or what exactly is happening. I am just wondering if I can get some help troubleshooting and optimizing this code....

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Name Definitions As Files Or Paths

Nov 28, 2013

I am using formulas that use ranges in outside file locations. Due to my company's file management "nuances" the file paths are exceedingly long and make it difficult to read formulas. Can I use the Define Name feature to enter the external file path and file name? My attempts so fare don't seem to be working.

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Optimizing Weighted Averages?

May 21, 2014

I created an Excel tool into which really thousands of records are based on weighted averages calculations. And discovered Excel struggling in term of permormance.

The issue is: the user needs to uploads a couple of times in a day new data for further analysis, and the only way to make the Excel spreadsheat humanely usable (performance) was to calculate everything upfront.

To optimize the tool performance, I had to:

- First I made all weighted average calculations upfront when data is uploaded the first time. Leaving formulas in the tool was not viable, since this tool run live analysis, every click would have been a pain of 30 sec at best to re-calculate new conditions,

- Second optimization was to not leave formulas into columns > as soon as a calculation is done, the macro copy/paste values

The formula I chose is sumproduct based weighted averages..

Here is my question:

1. Does it exits specific formulas in Excel to handle nicely large amount of weighted averages to calculate ?

2. Should I consider to use an external application (an Access table, SQL or whatever) to perform those weighted average calculations quickly/quicker.

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Product Forecast - Optimizing Dataset

Aug 9, 2013

I've attached a file that is the result of a product forecast.

What I'd like to do is minutely adjust the data in B4:K12 so that the totals shown in blue colour on Row 15 and Column O are respected.


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Matching Dictionary Terms With Definitions

Mar 9, 2009

I have created a dictionary with technical terminology. It is in excel format with about 10,000 entries. The format of my dictionary ("Sheet1") is in three columns:

<vocabulary term> <pronunciation> <definition>

Now, I want to create vocabulary lists using my dictionary. The newly typed up vocabulary list (which only has the term, but not pronunciation or definition), will be copy and pasted into "Sheet2".

The "Sheet2" typed up vocabulary list is in the format:

<vocabulary term 1>
<vocabulary term 2>

I want to run a macro or script to dictionary terms (including pronunciation and definition) from "Sheet1" and put them into my vocabulary list "Sheet2".

The desired output list in "Sheet2" is: .....

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Creating Array Of Numbers With Specific Definitions?

Feb 3, 2014

Lets say I need an array of 100 numbers from zero to 100. I want a mean of 75, and SD of 12. Or the same data based on a skewness and kurtosis value. Can I do that in Excel?

I'm just generating fake datasets for my stats class to analyze.

Edit: I found that =norminv(rand(),,) will work.

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Macro Definitions - File Name Changes From Master Templates

Apr 10, 2014

I am currently working on a performance document. I am working on the principle of having a master template which people can then access, Save As, and use to monitor performance around KPI's.

The issue I am having is around the name of the document changing when it is saved as, as all records have to retained. The macro I am struggling with is designed to unlock the workbook & worksheet, copy the worksheet specified into a new workbook and then return to the workbook the macro is held within and lock it back up. However, when the name changes it just locks the new workbook rather that the version I am asking it to.

ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect Password:="KPIreview"
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="KPIreview"
Sheets("EID Graphs").Select
Sheets("EID Graphs").Copy

[Code] ....

Is there anyway I can change the “Kent – Monthly Activity & Performance Review – Version 17 – Master.xlsm” statement within the macro to reflect the change in name of the document?

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Optimizing Macro To Run Faster - Timer Code

May 3, 2007

Here is exactly what was described:

A good place to start is to add some "timer code" in your macro. Add a small routine that saves a time value, and another routine that compares that saved value to the current time and displays the difference. At the beginning of a section of code you want to analyze, you call the first routine (which saves the start time), and then at the end of the section of code you call the second routine. In that way, you can determine which portions of your code are taking the longest time to execute. These are the code sections you then focus on, so you can figure out what they are doing that is taking so long.

This sounds like a great tool for optimization...

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Copy Named Range Definitions From One Worksheet To Another

Mar 23, 2007

How can I copy the Named Range definitions from one worksheet to another in the same workbook? In case it matters, the Named Ranges refer to cells in a third worksheet in the same workbook.

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Optimizing VBA Code For Copying Data In A Table To Different Sheet?

Apr 27, 2014

The idea is that I start out with a number of XML files, which I'm trying to manipulate to calculate descriptives and make graphs of in Excel.

So I've made a large "script" in VBA to accomplish these goals, which works, but I'm trying to optimize the code step by step.The overall process that I want to achieve, consists of :

1) Open the XML in Excel as an XML Table

2) Use the filters in the top row of that XML Table to select the data that I want to use

3) The resulting selection consists of data in 6 columns of which I only wish to select column 2, 5 and 6

4) I only wish to select the data in the table of column 2, 5 and 6 (without the header and only the cells in the table) and copy

5) Last step is to paste this data in Sheet "Calculations"

The step I'm working on right now, is step 3-4. My current code is: [Code] ......

This does the job, but I'm trying to optimize it, since I'm handling tons of XML files and I'm performing this copy function a number of times per XML file.

This copies the data of all the columns in the table for the cases that meet the selected criteria, but I'd like to make an even stricter selection of only column 2, 5 and 6 to not waste space and processing power.

So I tried to select the data from the 3 columns and combine them with the Union function, to copy them as one array to the sheet Calculations.

Optimized a similar VBA code to: [Code] ........

But I'm having issues with getting the right selection method and when I run the macro, I get the error message that the Copy and Paste area aren't the same size.

I tried to alter my initial code to something in the line of : [Code] ..........

But I get error messages 1004 : Method 'Range' of Object '_Global' failed.

I've also tried [Code] ........

But this seems to select the whole column, including the header and tons of rows even after the table ended.

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Excel 2003 :: Optimizing Macro To Hide Rows Based On Date

Oct 30, 2011

Operating System: Windows XP, Excel version: 2003

Aim: To create a Macro to hide all rows where the date in column D is before today. Column D has about 600 rows.

Current solution:

Sub Hide_Old2()

'Worksheet name
With Worksheets("Schedule")
'set start of date range
Set rngStart = .Range("D2")
'find end of date range

[Code] .....

The problem with this solution is its speed, or lack thereof. It causes the screen to hang and flicker while it cylces through. Is there some way to create a range based on the date and hide the range? or another solution?

Note: Autofilter is not an option, as the spreadsheet with the dates needs to be kept simple for other stakholders and the macro is being run from another sheet.

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Variable Scope

Jun 18, 2006

Just starting with excell and am working on a project for my class. I cannot figure out why the value of the variable "changer" defined by command buttons on sheet1 are not being passed to the procedure contained in command button on sheet 2.

I declared the variable in the general declarations section of sheet1 with

Public changer As Integer

The command buttons on sheet 1 contain

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
changer = 1
Cells(1, 1) = changer
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
changer = 2
Cells(1, 1) = changer
End Sub

The command button on sheet2 contains

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Cells(1, 1) = changer
End Sub

When I click on the command button on sheet2 nothing happens.

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Variable Scope Mean?

Jan 19, 2007

What does the term variable scope mean?

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Polynomial Equations

May 14, 2006

y = 1.083333333x4 - 7.3333333x3 + 16.416667x2 - 6.16667x + 4

Above is the polynomial equation of a trend line as shown on my chart, I have extracted the numbers into separate cells using LINEST, so now I have in cells A20 to E20 the numbers 1.083333333, -7.333333, 16.416667, -6.16667 and 4 respectively.With a "y" value of 25 how do I go about solving for a value of "x".

I've been stubbornly struggling with this on and off for a couple of weeks now and I'm not getting any closer to working it out and the websites I've found explaining the procedure all seem to go over my head by the time I get into the fourth or fifth paragraph.

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Solving Equations Using VBA

Oct 24, 2013

I am given the function
y = a x + b

And I am supposed to ask the user to enter a value for a and b twice

So I could have 2 equations and solve them

The problem is I am not sure how to solve the 2 equations using VBA?

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System Of Equations

Apr 19, 2007

how the Process to solve the following problem:

1A = 15x + 32y + 5z
1B = 6x + 2y + 8z
1C = 3x + 11y + 19z ...

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Implicit Equations

Feb 17, 2003

I was wondering if the solver was the only way to solve implicit equations. I am looking for something that will automatically solve an implicit equation after the appropriate information is entered into the referenced cells.....

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Object Variables That Don't Go Out Of Scope?

Oct 4, 2013

How to prevent a variable holding a pointer to an object from going out of scope and releasing the object pointer after the VB project is reset due to a runtime error during code execution or due to manually resetting the vb project ?

Hooking the Application events in a class module is a scenario where this could be particularly useful - For example, let's assume the application events are hooked upon opening the workbook . Now if the variables go out of scope the application events are no longer functioning which is what i am trying to avoid.

I did once worked around this by creating a VBS script on the fly and continually monitoring the state of the variable from outside excel but this approach has proven problematic on some machines where running scripts is restricted.

I thought about writing an activeX dll in VB6 , loading it in the excel process and hook the application events from there but I don't think this would work because the dll shares the same memory space as the host process.

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Scope Of Public Variable

Feb 10, 2007

I have a few lines of code as follows:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
fileName = ThisWorkbook. Name
fileLocation = ThisWorkbook.Path
Dim strFound As Boolean, pos As Long
If Not fileName = "" Then
strFound = False
pos = 1
Do While strFound = False
stringFound = Mid(fileName, pos, 1)
If stringFound = "-" Then
productName = Mid(fileName, 1, pos - 1)
MsgBox "Name of Product Is: " & productName
strFound = True
pos = pos + 1
End If
End If
End Sub

It would return "Test" if the file's name is "Test-Part1.xls". I then declare the productName variable as Public (Public productName As String) in one of the modules. But the productName only holds the value for a certain amount of time. After a while, it's empty.

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Variable Scope And Printing

Apr 13, 2007

I am trying to create a primitive counter. My idea is to write a value to a file, read it, add one and write it back. The file as a single value tab-delimted of 5000. The code below produces the odd output on debug. I really cant understand it.

Public Function nextInv() As Integer
Dim fname As String
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim stringArray()
Dim invNum As Integer

fnum = FreeFile()
fname = "nextInv.txt"

stringArray() = parse(OpenRecordClassesFn(fname), vbTab)
For i = UBound(stringArray) + 1 To LBound(stringArray)
invNum = stringArray(i)
If FileExists(fname) Then
Open fname For Output As #fnum
End If
invNum = invNum + 1
Debug.Print "invNum"
Print #fnum, (invNum & vbTab)
Close #fnum
invNum = invNum + 1

End Function
Public Sub testHarness()
Debug.Print nextInv()
End Sub

with a output of

and the value in the file of 1. It should be 5001.

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Combining Equations To One Line

Dec 12, 2013

I have three different equations i am trying to combine to one line so I do not have to use three columns.

Equation 1.
If recommend quantity is < 100, and the Number of times part number used is one, then Recomnend quantity was used

Ex =IF(F277 100 and the Number of times part number used is greater then one and less then 10, then Recommend quantity was used

Ex =IF(G277100,*and(E277>1),F277*2.0)

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Solving Polynomial Equations

Feb 16, 2007

I don't actually own Excel as yet - but I'm wondering if someone could tell me whether Excel is capable of solving what I'm told are 'polynomial equations'. An example of the sort of equation I hope to solve is: d/(1.18 + d) + d/(1.86 + d) + d/(9 + d) + d/(8.8 + d) = 2
d=? {I happen to know d = 3.65(approx) in this example btw}

Often there will be many more than four terms...

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Solve Set Of Simultaneous Equations

Oct 9, 2007

I am trying to solve a set of simultaneous equations by using SolverOk function in VBA.

I dont want to use the 'SetCell' option so, I wrote the following

SolverOk MaxMinVal:=1, ByChange:= Range("V34:V36")
SolverAdd CellRef:=Range("AK4:AK6"), Relation:=2, FormulaText:="0"

but I get an internal memory error. However, if I use the solver dialog box directly from excel and not through a macro and keep the 'Set Target Cell' as empty, I get the right solution.

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Limiting The Scope Of Auto-updating

Jan 5, 2009

It's some code I found and altered that automatically updates the cell to the right of a column that has drop down box data validation, creating a list of the selected values seperated by commas. The thing is, I only want it to do this in columns 8 and 10 but data validation drop-down boxes have been used in several other columns. I've tried various methods of limiting the scope, the latest being the line: If Target.Column = 8 Or 10 Then. But the auto update is still being applied to all drop down boxes in the sheet. So, how can I make sure the auto update only happens when the drop down boxes in columns 8 and 10, updating into columns 9 and 11.

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Variable Lifetime/scope In A Workbook

Jan 27, 2008

about variable lifetime/scope in a workbook. Basically I have a Class Module that I set up in the Workbook_Open() event as follows:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Set CurrentClient = New CClient

End Sub

Once the workbook is open the user can select their "client" and all properties/methods for that "client" are available throughout the workbook until they close it, and it all works fine. However, whilst developing I'm obviously making lots of changes to the code, and every time I do the object is no longer available in memory.

I've tried manually running the Workbook_Open event after I make a code change, and even put in a button with the same code, but whatever I do the object won't remain in memory until I close & reopen the workbook. It's so frustrating having to close & reopen the whole workbook every time I want to test a code change I've made!

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Compare 2 Values & Determine If Outside Of Scope

Oct 19, 2007

I have two numbers I need to compare using and IF statement. The two numbers are virtually the same, and I want the IF statement to round the numbers so any difference under 100,000 is not detected. For example:

Cell A1 = $32,194,884.45
Cell B1 = $32,194,884.37

I would like the statement to look at this number as 32.19 (divided by 1M). I am using the below equation currently, but it is not working:


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Solving System Of 3 Nonlinear Equations

Feb 12, 2013

I have a system of 3 equations with 3 unknowns that I would like to solve in Excel.

The equations are
24.792 = A*e^(B/(100-C))
9.857 = A*e^(B/(70-C))
4.590 = A*e^(B/(40-C))

Where e is the exponential function.

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Using If Statement For Cells With VLOOKUP Equations

Mar 17, 2014

I have two cells with the following equations:

H3=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A3&TEXT($A$1,"m/d/yyyy"),'CLABSI_Raw'!$A$1:$M$300,13,FALSE)," ")
I3=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A3&TEXT($A$1,"m/d/yyyy"),'CLABSI_Raw'!$A$1:$M$300,10,FALSE)," ")

In an adjacent cell, I am trying to use an if statement


I am not getting a return in cell J3.

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Equations :: Solve An Equation For X With Two Variables

Jan 11, 2008

Can excel solve an equation for x with two variables.

Example: 102=125000(X-910)/50000.

I need excel to solve for X

The variables are 102 and 125000

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