I got a couple of userform and want to make sure all form are closed before opening the next one.
I'm trying to pass the active user form as a parameter to a subroutine that will ensure the form is close before opening the main menu, but I'm doing something wrong.
Private Sub CmdMainMenu_Click()
Call gotoMainMenu(FrmInventoryMain)
End Sub
Sub gotoMainMenu(acsheet As String)
Unload acsheet
Unload FrmMainMenu
End Sub
Within a module I have about 10 Label_Click events. Since they essentially do the same thing I want to create a another procedure that these 10 label_click events will call.
This is what the click event on Label2 looks like:
Code: Private Sub Label2_Click() LabelClick (frm.Label2) End Sub
As you can tell I am trying to call LabelClick routine, which looks like this:
Code: Private Sub LabelClick(ByRef lbl As Object) ...{my code here} End Sub
But when I run it, it throws an error at event level saying "Type mismatch".
I also tried "Label" instead of "Object" in the signature, but I get the same error.
What am I doing wrong here? I have a custom form with a combobox on it, and I'm trying to set a variable in my workbook to read that info, but my value always comes up blank...here is my code...
I have been struggling with a problem passing a small array to be used in a form and I hope that somebody can help me. I cannot get the array into the form.
In the main module code I have an array containing information on a book reference:
Private Function PresentForm1(ByRef iID() As String, sBookRef() As String) As Boolean Dim iCounter As Integer For iCounter = LBound(iID) To UBound(iID) Form1.ListBox1.AddItem iID(iCounter) Next Form1.ListBox1.Selected(0) = True
For iCounter = 0 To 2 MsgBox sBookRef(iCounter) ' This bit works fine Next iCounter
I though I could do this with a nested IF statement but it is too cunfusing for me. What I am trying to accomplish is this:
Experiment Is Steward EU ID Location Data Quality GE Entry Order
[Code] ........
I want to have a screen pop-up asking me what my limit < would be for column "ESTCNT" so if I put in 25 or any other number that it would highlight all the rows that are less than 25, then look at the row above and below and if it matches the same number (that is in the cell "Range" of the highlighted column) in column "Range" then copy that row to a new sheet. Meaning all tha rows that match the "Range" would be in the same new sheet.
The rows might be different lengths and that there will not always be a number in cell "ESTCNT". Column headers will always be the same but might not be in the same column each time. And if it is not to hard once it is completed to find column "SPPLOT" in the new sheet created and asking what I want to autofil the column with.
I have a userform, when using the form it has focus, once I click on my "Ok" command button I want to return focus to the workbook while I leave the userform open. I already have the userform open and on top of the workbook.
why the text box "txtjobnum" wont populate with the active cell in my "COMPLAINTS" sheet. The green code below is in the userform and the red text below that is in module 3.
I have a Excel database and a userform to look-up reocrds. I want to be able to connect a Data Sheet which is a PDF file to every product in the daatbase.
I have created an additional column and created hypelinks in front of each product. these hyperlinks are connected to the datasheet of that product which is saved on the drive.
I have created a field on the userform to display the respective hyperlink when a record is searched by user.
My problem is that the user form displays the hyperlink name, but its dead. I want users to be able to click on the hyperlink to view the attached Datasheet. I have tried using Textbox and labels to display this hyperlink,
I am trying to add something to a spreadsheet. I want to do some Conditional Formatting but I am not certain on what the formula would be to accomplish it. I am putting the Cond Format in cell E5 and I need a formula to say: IF F5 AND G5 are BLANK then do the format I set up which is simply to fill the cell with RED. (.ColorIndex = 3)
The next portion of my problem is I need to revise my VBA Coding to check and make sure that there is not any cells in Column E that have the Formatting Active. This is the portion of code I need to alter. I have changed the wording of the message but am not sure on how to change the IF statement:
'Checks to see make sure there are no Actions or Resolutions WITHOUT a Topic
If Sheets("Meeting Minutes").Range("C1").Value = "" Then 'NEEDS TO CHANGE
MsgBox "Oops! You forgot to enter a Topic for Discussion in a cell(s). You MUST have a Topic in order for your Meeting Minutes to transfer to the Master sheet." & vbCr & vbCr & "Please click OK to return to the Minutes sheet so that you may fill in the Topic(s).", vbOKOnly, "CAUTION! PLEASE Note!"
Range("D5").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.StatusBar = "" Exit Sub End If
I have a range of amounts in Sheet 1 from F7:Q13 and im using the find method to search for the active and non active values in the cell. Which means that if there's a value in the cell it will transfer the value in Sheet 2, if nothing is found in the cell the cells in Sheet 2 will return as nothing or null.
I think the problem lies on the FindWhat variable. Im getting a compiled error which im not sure what is it.
I've attached the spreadsheet so you get a better idea of the problem that i encountered.
When I copy the tab and change some of the data within the cells, I want the macro refer to the chart on the current tab and the values in the current tab - as currently it refers to only "Chart 2" and the values in the tab 'Figure 2 - WE OPH'.
I've tried changing the sheet name to ActiveSheet.name but that doesn't seem to work.
My spreadsheet is populated by data coming from MS Query, i'm entering a parameter value to display the desired data in my spreadsheet. My problem is, i have to close and open the file to have the parameter prompt so in that case i can enter the parameter value.
Is there anyway to call the parameter prompt so i will not open and close the file, its really time consuming...
If possible, i just want a command button that calls the parameter prompt.
Looking for a formula that gives the 1st - 5th day of a month, using the day name, e.g. "First Monday of March 2009" returns "2". Even better is if it could accomodate previous and following months, e.g. "First Monday of Next Month" returns "6". 3
I have a a table at the top of my worksheet which is a breakdown of performance. (Table 1), i would like Table 2 to roll up performance using a =SUMIFS calculation. However number of rows in table 1 may vary.
Last time i got macro from this forum how to import files automatically. I am importing the data from the specific folder.In code itself we are hardcoding that file names.But in that folder i have lot of files is there any option to pass any parameter value.That means each time it will asks for filename(Prompt).Once you give file name it will automatically load the data.
How do I adjust the VB code below so when the user clicks the command button they are prompted to set a limit. i.e the code only runs til it hits the limit and stop (instead of running until it there are no more x in the columns)
Row 2, Col 9 stores the column numbers (listed as 1, 2,.....100) so thought this could be used in some way.
1. how do i set up the code so a user can enter a parameter value e.g 50 (which is the limit but also includes the values in column number "50")
2. how do i adjust the code so it take the parameter value and stop when it reaches column number "51"...
I am running a macro where I pass it starting column and it processes the next 10 columns. How can I pass it "J" and have it increment K,L,M,N,O,P,...?
What is the best way for my UDF to return an error to the calling worksheet if it detects an invalid parameter?
In the past, I have usually set a breakpoint so I could check the the values and the logic. Other times, I return an invalid result, like 0 or -1.
I am working on a UDF now that is called hundreds of times. The workbook is a work in progress so I am constantly making changes to the UDF and the calling cells. Periodically, I screw up and do something that causes every call to get an error (like divide by zero).