Pivot Chart Layout

Oct 10, 2006

I'm trying to Create a pivot chart from Data. I've attached a sample of the data I'm using. What happens when i try to create a chart is test 1-9 get assigned to Open which is fine. I can then drag Open to the position in the chart i want using the layout feather. I could then uncheck test 7 if i didn't want it or whatever. I want that same process to run horizontally for the numbers from 1-10 to go under the header WW so that i can unclick any WW that i don't want in the chart if you get my meaning. I included an example of what i'm talking about. Sheet 1 contains the raw data and Sheet 5 contains a small explanation.

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Pivot Tables: Pivot Table Layout

Oct 14, 2003

if there is a way to display a table as column percentages but have the totals as raw numbers.

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Impossible Layout With Pivot?

Apr 15, 2006

I've got the data sheet and try to make the report like the one below pivot. I've tried many ways e.g: calculate field...but I just find one way to do that manually from three changes from pivot and make that report by copy/past. Can I do that directly from pivot?

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Organizing Data Table In A Bar Chart Layout 5

Jan 31, 2014

I have a bar chart that monitors month over month activity. I use Layout 5, which allows for the numbers data to neatly be organized in a table below the bar chart. However, i recently started using the data on a secondary axis to accurately reflect trend lines. It works great, but now the data table below displays redundant information. see attachment.


I just want that data in the data table to be displayed once, completely leaving of the axis legend.

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Pivot Table Or Macro For Stock Layout

Jul 22, 2007

I have an excel file, attached. I have a system that output all the stock in the format of sheet "price listing".

At the moment I manually create the layout for the text in "sheet 1" and use a macro to update prices etc. There are about 400 lines in the full listing and having to update the layout constantly for new products, deleted products is very time consuming. I send this list to customers every few months for them to see the range and the prices, so it has to look well.

I am looking for a macro or a pivot chart or something that I would be able to run on the "price listing" sheet and would put it in some usable format. Different customers can have different prices so that it needs to be quick and flexible. I send this list to customers every month for them to see the range and the prices, so it has to look well. Is there any way to create an index also from an excel workbook?

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table Layout

Apr 12, 2012

In my data, I have:

1. Age (up to 20, 21-30, 31-40)
2. Gender (male, female)
3. Location (London, Paris, Berlin)

I want to see Age and Gender as column labels and Location as row labels. However, I don't want Gender as a sub-set of Age - I want Age Labels followed immediately by Gender labels ie:

Upto20 / 21-30 / 31-40 / Male / Female

I don't want: 21-30 Male / 21-30 Female / 21-30 Total / etc etc..

Is there a way to specify this in a pivot table?

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Pivot Table With Dynamic, Updatable Chart, But Not A Pivot Chart!

Dec 19, 2008

My boss wants me to design a dynamic, updatable chart in Excel 2003. I initially made a Pivot Chart based on a Pivot Table which worked perfectly, but it doesn't look professional enough when printed (or viewed) and she wants me to approach it a different way.

So, I created a graph based on the data in a Pivot Table, and used dynamic ranges as the source for the graph series so that the chart updates when the criteria fields are changed for the Pivot Table. I then added two combo boxes (ie data validation lists) to the Chart sheet, and wrote VBA code so that whenever the combo box values are changed, the Criteria fields for the Pivot Table on the 2nd sheet are updated accordingly, and this in turn causes the graph to be updated as well.

This solution also worked perfectly, but now I've been told to create the graph without macros.

Does anyone have any suggestions? The requirements/details are as follows:

1. The Pivot Table is on sheet "PIVOT", and the graph is on sheet "GRAPH"
2. The Pivot Table has two criteria - School Name and Year Level
3. On sheet "GRAPH" there are two data-validated fields, School and Year, which only allow the selection of valid Schools and Year Levels

Is there any way to make the Pivot Table update when values are changed in the fields on the CHART sheet so that the chart also updates, but without using code nor a Pivot Chart?

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Default To Classic Pivot Table Layout In 2007

May 9, 2008

I have upgraded to Excel 2007 and the PivotTable formats are different. I prefer the old 'drag and drop' formatting, and would like to default to that.

I can switch to the classic format by going to Pivot Table Tools ---> Options ---> Display --> Classic Pivot Table Layout, but I have to do this for each table I create. I'd like this to be the defaut choice.

I've searched the board and someone posted that if you add the Pivot Table/Chart icon to your task bar, that will open the old layout --- it opens the wizard, but the table that is created is still in the new format which does not enable drag and drop.

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Pivot Chart Object: Find Any Suitable Object To Choose From To Make A Pivot Chart In Powerpoint

Mar 21, 2007

1) i have office 2003 on a laptop. within powerpoint, i can create a 'microsoft excel chart 11' object. to create a link to the excel data source, do i have to go through the odbc sql setup? it works, but i don't want my powerpoint to be dependent on some excel file somewhere. what are the other options to insert/make a functional pivot chart in powerpoint with the data also within powerpoint? the data as sheet option does not result in the chart being a pivot, it's just a plain chart. it has to be a proper object, not an image paste or a chart that updates links with the excel file open.

2) i have office 2007 on my other laptop. i can not find any suitable object to choose from to make a pivot chart in powerpoint. what's the best way to go about in 2007 version?

3) am i going about this the wrong way with the objects? should i be after vba code?

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Pivot Table Layout - Generate List Of Unique Names And Their Associated Phone Numbers

Mar 18, 2013

I've read a lot of tutorials on how to use pivot tables, but found them either too basic, or too advanced, and never finding any example of what I am looking to do.

I have a database, column A holds names, and column B their phone numbers. I'd like to generate a list of unique names and their associated telephone numbers. I figure I can use a pivot table to do this.

But I do not quite understand how to format the pivot table to put the name in one column and the phone number in the next. I will use this pivot table as a vlookup range. I assume I can do this.

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Show Missing Values In Pivot Chart (line Chart) Axis?

Apr 18, 2013

How can I add missing values to the axis in a pivot chart line chart? I have a numerical X-axis with values such as 0,1,5,8,14, etc. I have another set of Y values that correspond to the X values. If this was an XY-scatter plot I'd be able to plot X vs. Y and connect the dots for "gaps" in the X values. Since it's a pivot chart I cannot use an XY-scatter plot, I can only use a line chart. The line chart doesn't give me the ability to add the "missing" values, so it gives the impression that my data is more closely packed than it is. The data source is external to my spreadsheet, so I cannot add the values before creating the pivot table/chart.

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Pivot Chart Error: Unable To Set The _Default Property Of The Pivot Item Class

Aug 15, 2006

I have created quite a nice little macro that;
drills through a lot of key figures, updates a pivot chart and copies the chart to powerpoint.

However it crashes on one particular data set every time with this error:
Run-time error '1004':
Unable to set the _Default property of the pivot item class

The code where the debugger stops is the last line below here.

lngKpi = Sheets("Helpfile"). Cells(lngRow, 2)
ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("KPI # (overall").CurrentPage = lngKpi

I can manually change the pivot chart to the keyfigure it crashes on and thereby workaround the problem in the macro. Also it works for more than 50 other keyfigures without problems.

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Convert Layout Of Excel Table To Make It Suitable For Pivot Table

Mar 27, 2012

I have a very large excel data file, which I want to analyse using pivot tables. The problem is that while most of the columns are headed with the variable name (e.g. country) and have the list of variables displayed under that heading for each observation (e.g. Italy), the years are spread across the columns - i.e. the heading for column X is not "Year", but is 2003, with the next column being 2004, etc.

Is there a quick way I can re-arrange the data so that the layout is consistent and so that I can use it for pivot tables? I have way too many observations to do this by hand.

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Convert Chart Into Pivot Chart

May 16, 2006

Please look at the sample workbook below. The chart you see below is fine BUT I would like in a pivot table chart, so I could select any days on the pivot chart. I have tried it to do it myself but for some reason the time is not displaying on the pivot chart correctly. Any help please ?

P.S. If not possible then can we add a scroll bar or something?

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Pivot Chart Changes Chart Upon Refresh

Aug 12, 2006

I have created a pivot table and chart. The pivot chart consists of three sets of data from the pivot table. Two of the data sets are lines and the third data set is displayed as columns. I made the third data set into columns by right clicking on the data series line and selecting chart type. I change the chart type for that data set to a column and it worked great. The only problem is that when data is refreshed in the associated pivot table, the entire chart turns into columns with completely different formatting. Does anyone know how I can maintain the graph with the two lines and one column data set when I refresh the data?

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How To Create A Pivot Chart

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to create a pivot chart that show the average response times in hour but for some reason my charts looks not right. The axis show a max of 1 but the graph itself showed us up to 17. I think easier to explain if I attached the worksheet.

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Add Top Five Rank Without Using Pivot Chart?

Oct 13, 2011

Within a pretty large key indicator report I would like to add a top five rank without using a pivot chart.

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Chart Without Pivot Table

Jan 3, 2013

If I want to produce a pivot chart using VBA can I do it without producing the pivot table?

I am guessing that the following are a possibility:

Do in a virtual sheet that is not shownhide the sheet (can do already)

I am looking for the virtual sheet option or something similar.

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'Top 10 Autoshow' In Pivot Chart

Feb 1, 2010

Hi everyone - I'm just starting to get my head around the wonderful world of pivot tables and pivot charts, and I'm stuck ...

I've managed to build a pivot chart exactly how I need it to look ... except that there are 140 different data fields showing, and I only want the top 10 values to be displayed. The top 10 would then update depending on the Page Fields selected.

My searching for an answer keeps returning results that say "click Field Settings, then Advanced, then Top 10 Autoshow" etc but the Advanced option doesn't show in the associated Pivot Table - I only have 'OK', 'Cancel', 'Hide', 'Number' & 'Options'.

So is it possible to use Top 10 Autoshow in this case? And how would I go about it?

This is what the pivot chart looks like at the moment: ....

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Pivot Table Chart

Jun 21, 2006

Is it possible to use the chart wizard for a Pivot Table yet maintain that chart in the same worksheet and not have it in another? Every time I click on the wizard a chart is created on a separate page.

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Creating Pivot Chart

Jan 15, 2007

I am trying to create a Pivot Chart. My data consist of staff whom had errors in their work done. The data has a time when the work was completed by the staff. I would like to generate a Pivot Chart that has a line chart that shows when the work was completed based on the time and can be sorted easily by team, date, staff ,shift and errors.I know the easiest way is by Pivot Chart. I am not sure how to accomplish this as I had tried with the Pivot Chart and it did not work.

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Pivot Chart Grouped At Two Levels

Aug 21, 2012

I have daily data that has columns for day, day of week, week end, month, year. I am trying to create a pivot chart that displays the data as a line chart day by day and as a secondary axis column chart by week.

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Pivot Chart Not Updating When Filter Changes

Apr 29, 2014

I am trying to filter pivot chart by strategy and it does not update the combined Sum of Cumulative chart when I uncheck / filter strategy.

I have attached the example : Strategy_Combined_Analysis_Wkly_All_Example.xls‎

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Pivot Chart Top Population Multiples

May 5, 2014

I'm trying to make a sales chart defining the top 6 most popular items I'm having a problem.

Attachment 316136

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Formatting The Date In A Pivot Chart

Jun 11, 2014

I am trying to format the date in my x-axis which is currently 'month-day-year' but I would llike it to be 'month-year' I know it is because my data that was used for the date is 'month-day-year' but since I am using power pivot I can not change the data. Is there a way I can change it to my desired format so that my pivot chart will only have the 'month-year' format in the x-axis?

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How To Resize A Dynamic Pivot Chart

Jul 1, 2014

i have a dynamic pivot chart. It works well, except the chart area size, it remains the same. Is there any way how the chart area can be automatically adjusted/resized (see the example attached)? Maybe with VBA?

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Refreshing Pivot Chart Range?

Jul 1, 2014

I'm looking for a way to refresh my pivotchart and update my pivot table data every time that a certain macro runs. I could just delete it and make a new one everytime but that runs in to the problem of defining a new sheet every time. Is there a simple way to do this. say I my pivot chart is on "Sheet 7" and it there is only one pivot chart in the workbook and my source sheet is on "Combined Data". and at the moment the data range is "A1:N435" and say next time I run my macro the data range will add 20 rows of data and the next 25.

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Adding Averages To Pivot Chart?

Jul 15, 2014

I'm trying to do something that I thought would be very simple for excel to do. All I want to do is show the average score of the data selected by the selectors in the chart. For instance, in the attached file, I have the following selection (AMER, North America, Canada & USA, Purple) and from this data selection I have 4 columns of data. I would like the chart to show somewhere on the chart the average of the total revenue (both columns) and the average of the GOP. Is there not a way of showing on the chart any data metrics?

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Blank Data - Pivot Chart

Nov 16, 2008

Have an auto-calculator sheet on..mean formulas are input in rows (to calculate yield from no. inspected & no. found defective)....am running a pivot chart based on it to calculate no. of defectives by product and date...

The issue is had selected the entire worksheet for the pivot (including the rows with no data input as of yet but will be inputed in the future)...the problem is the pivot data gets all messed up because of the blank inputs...as soon as i select only the area with data input it works fine.....as of now have put in a generic format so that it reads it...but is there a way where i can leave it blank and still the pivot will refresh and calculate the data when put in????

current format is date-week-no. inspected-no. defective-yield...have input 1 jan 2001 as default date...and 0 and 0 as default no. inspected and no. defective....do not want to keep on doing this...

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Pivot Table Chart Differences In 03 And 07

Sep 17, 2009

I have attached a portion of my Pivot Chart in Excel 2003 and have been trying to recreate this in 2007 with some difficulty. I am particularly interested in displaying the field list headings (specifically 'Count of Hit or Miss') in the pivot chart in 2007 but cannot make it work.

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