Plot Chart With Dynamic Range
Jun 27, 2008
I maintain data which gets updated every week. I have a chart associated with this data which I want to get updated automatically. I tried to use dynamic range on the chart and it kinda works. But the issue with my data is that I have data set in a row, followed by a blank cell which is then followed by average of last two weeks. Hence, when I use a dynamic range, it also displays the last value in the row (average), which I don't want to display in my chart.
So what I am looking forward to do is set up dynamic range or any other solution, which automatically updates my chart with weekly sales data without showing the average value in the chart. I have attached sample worksheet here.
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Sep 26, 2007
I have over 5000 cells of data. I want to take 4 data points at a time, average them then plot them on a dynamic chart. I know how to do the dynamic chart but how can I take the average of the the first 4 numbers store it in a different cell, then the next 4 and so on...
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Oct 24, 2006
I have a chart updating on a weekly basis
a) can i select a whole range without the chart picking up any blank cells or zeros, if so then a lot of my other question will be redundant
b) I only want to show 4 weeks at a time, so when a new column of data is added on, how do i get VBA to shift the range accross 1 to the right e.g.
week 36 37 38 39
Shift to
week 37 38 39 40
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May 16, 2008
I need to plot multiple series in a scatterplot. The problem is that the number of series is user-defined. And also, the number of data poitns in each series is different. I've looked it up already, but a lot of the examples i've seen don't account for the fact that I need to run through a loop and add series into my graph.
In other words, i need a way to select a certain range each time it runs through the loop, and add the data as a series into the chart. Also, the user enters how many series there are, so I use that as a counter
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Jan 31, 2009
What I want to achieve is a script that would create a new scatter plot of multiple series from a selected block of cell. I found a thread that was similar but what is different from my data is that my x values are different for each series.
The format of the data is in the following format, the first series will the first x,y pair, the 2nd series would be the second x,y pair. I don't know if it'll be an issue but one thing is that the date might be different lengths. For instance, the 3rd series, only has 4 data points, whereas the other series contains 6 data points?
So essentially, is there a way I can have the script say, select your range, and then graph the selected range as a scatter plot?
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Apr 17, 2014
I have never used charts in excel unfortunately. I just finished watching a few tutorials but still a little confused. I have a WS with a list of items I want to make various charts of how do you make a chart that adjusts when new items are added? (thus dynamic data) Do you need a macro to do this or is it just standard by defining a range within that sheet?
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Sep 3, 2008
Imagine I am plotting characteristics of a monopoly game: each row of my data represents one property and has a number of characteristics in columns. I have a scatter plot that draws several series from data in a filtered list. This lets me turn some of the points on and off by changing the filters, because the chart only plots the points that are visible. I'm remaking this chart using named ranges so that it will update each series automatically as the named ranges change. I'm doing this because I occasionally want to move datapoints (i.e. rows in the original data) from one series to another, and I don't want to manually go back and edit the series definitions in the chart. For example, if I am charting a monopoly game and each series represents one player, and each point is a property owned by that player, I want to account for the fact that properties may be traded between players.
I got the chart all set up using named ranges so that each series has one named range for the X values and one for the Y values. These are defined to include or exclude points from the list (think of it as the list of all the properties in monopoly) and it works great... except when I use filters on the source data (for instance, filter out the yellow properties) it no longer removes those points from the chart. Because the chart refers to the named range and the named range is immune to the filtering, changes in filtering do not update the chart. My chart named ranges are defined like this:
John_Properties_Cost = (All_Properties_Owner=$B$115)*Cost_Of_Property
John_Properties_Rent = (All_Properties_Owner=$B$115)*Rent_For_Property
I thought a good solution would be to "break up" the named range so that part of the calculation happens in the chart, like this:
instead of
named ranges defined as:
John_Properties_Cost = (All_Properties_Owner=$B$115)*Cost_Of_Property
John_Properties_Rent = (All_Properties_Owner=$B$115)*Rent_For_Property.........................
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Aug 31, 2006
I have created a chart that automatically expands as more data is added. This works great by using named ranges in my Chart's Series' Values and Axis Label fields. The named ranges use the Offset function.
The problem I am having is applying this same technique to to same chart to vary the number of series that I want to chart. I created a name range, using the offset function. But when I add the name to my Data Range formula, it will not stick. It changes the number of series displayed correctly when I add the name. But after I click OK on the Source Data dialog box, the data range reverts back to the address supplied by the name range variable; it does not retain the name range variable itself. Can Chart Data Ranges not contain a name range variable, especially when name range variables are used in the series formulas?
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Jul 8, 2014
I have created a spreadsheet which uses data validation to allow a user to select a company, start Date, end date, and projected months in order to output different figures. I have attached a spreadsheet to this post in case that was hard to understand.
Since there is data validation, indexing, and matching going on, as different selections are made, various tables change as a result. Uou will be able to see what I mean as you open the example sheet and start messing around with the data validation boxes.
The problem I am encountering now, is creating an exponential graph that will also keep changing as the user changes their selections in the data validation boxes. I am unsure if this is even possible, but I figured it was worth a shot to ask. On the example sheet, I have included a graph similar to the one I want, but it only contains data in a certain range of cells, rather than dynamically changing to accommodate whatever data is outputted.
Here is what I am looking for in the graph:
1. Whatever dates are selected by the user in the data validation boxes, along with the projected dates will be on the x-axis.
2. The PMPM figures associated with the selected dates, and the projected dates on the y-axis.
3. Ability to make different selections from the data validation boxes and still have a dynamic chart that keeps updating itself.
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Feb 14, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that I have setup to have raw data pasted into. Long story short, it pulls the maximum reading for a given 5 minute period and returns the highest value for each 5 minute increment where there was a reading. It does this for all of the different dates entered, returning a separate data table for each date.
What I now need is to graph the data on a line chart. Since the number of time values can be variable, I have to include the entire range (for example A3:B5002). When I graph this out, it has all of the data clumped up at the beginning and flatlines for 99% of the chart.
I tried building dynamic named ranges using offset, but that seems to yield similar results once charted.
See the link below where I've dumped some sample data in (it wouldn't let me upload due to the size and I can't upload only part of it without breaking the whole thing). The data I need to chart is from columns A&B on the GraphData sheet. Sheet 1 contains the chart I have been trying to use. The endgame of this is to have the end user paste in their data and *POOF* charts.
My only restriction is that I cannot have Macros/VBA.
I tried following this post and using NA() instead of "" dice, it just puts #NA at the bottom labels instead of spaces.
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Sep 9, 2011
I'm setting something that allows the user to compare bond yield curves on a graph. The setup involves a dropdown to select the final year of data the user wants to see and several date drop-downs.
For example, if the user wants to compare the current yield curve out to 2031 against how the same curve looked the end of Q1 2011 and Q2 2011, he would select "2031" in the first dropdown and then select "4/1/2011", "7/1/2011", and "9/8/2011" in the other three dropdowns.
The data is on a separate sheet, and mechanics of my named ranges are sound. However, Excel won't allow me to add my named ranges to my graph.
As is, the series looks like this:
I'm trying to replace $B$3:$B$25 with CRV_DATES and $C$3:$C$25 with CRV_ONE (when I get this to work I'll add the other curve to the chart). When I try to add them, though, I can't get out of the series dialogue. When I hit enter, nothing happens--no error message, no nothing. The change simply won't "stick".
Here are my primary named ranges and the ranges/functions I use within them:
CRV_DATES: =OFFSET('2011'!$B$3,0,0,FindCurve,1)
CRV_ONE: =OFFSET('2011'!$C$2,1,MATCH(DATE_ONE,StartDateRange,0)-1,FindCurve,1)
FindCurve: =MATCH(CRV_END,MaturityRange,0)
StartDateRange: =OFFSET('2011'!$C$2,0,0,1,COUNTA('2011'!$2:$2))
MaturityRange: =OFFSET('2011'!$B$3,0,0,30,1)
CRV_END: =Sheet1!$L$3
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May 31, 2012
I have created a chart that provides a hisotry of events on a timeline. It relies on named ranges and allows me to change the upper and lower date ranges displayed on the x-axis of the chart by changing the date in cells that define the upper and lower dates. In order to display the events on the timeline I have a table that includes 3 columns... a date colmn, an event description column, and a event height column. To display the information I have used a line chart with data points that uses the "event height" data to determine how high up on the graph to display the event information. I have hidden the line, added a label for each event, and added an error bar that draws a line between each label and the bottom of the chart. By default the labels displayed the "event height" information (as expected), so I selected each label individually and added a formula that causes it to display information from the "event description" column instead of the default value. All of this works perfectly with no issues.
The problem comes when I change the date range displayed in the chart. Currently the chart displays event information for 1/1/2012 - 5/30/2012. I can modify 5/30/2012 to be any date I would like that is greater than 1/1/2012 with no problem. Everything displays correctly. However, if I modify the 1/1/2012 date the labels change to reflect the original value (event height data) instead of what I modified it to (event description).
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Jun 7, 2012
I created a named range linked to a slider.
Problem is after I put in the range as the chart data range it reverts to -
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Nov 26, 2006
Using the Dynamic Named Range tip, I defined named variables as follows:
then tried to define my Chart series as follows:
but it gives an invalid reference error. What am I doing wrong?
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Nov 30, 2006
I am attempting to use a dynamic named range in a chart data series as described in Excel Hacks (Hack #42 and Hack #52).
Using Insert|Name|Define I have created a named range called CashFlowSaleChartDataRange that is set to the following value:
=OFFSET('Cash Flow-Sale'!$O$10,0,0,NumFlows,1)
When I subsequently assign a reference to this named range in the data series dialog it will accept the answer and my chart will adjust to reflect the updated range. However, if I return to the data series dialog, I now see the range address returned by the OFFSET function rather than the named range reference.
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Apr 20, 2007
I have seen one of your posts in which you make a graph update based on dynamic named ranges. Here is my problem, I already defined the name of my ranges as:
ChurnDiario =OFFSET(Clientes!$E$25,0,0,1, COUNTA(Clientes!$E$25:$AH$25))
Ejex =OFFSET(Clientes!$E$8,0,0,1,COUNTA(Clientes!$E$8:$AH$8))
The issue is that when I tried to enter the values and category (x) axis with:
Values: =offset(ChurnDiario,0,0)
Category (X) axis labels: = offset(Ejex,0,0)
On both, excel replies “That function is not valid”. I’ve tried, but still can’t make it work.
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Jun 16, 2008
I've read through every thread I can find about dynamic named ranges as source data for a chart. It seems as if everyone can get it to work but me. I have a chart on one sheet that needs to update dynamically from data on another sheet when a button is clicked. Here's my code that runs when I click the button:
Sub Update_Center_Chart()
Sheets("Center Data Chart").Select
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Center Data").Activate
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source = Range("CenterData")
End Sub
I get the error message: "Type mismatch." The data is in B1:F2 on a different sheet. The formula in the named range, "CenterData" is this:=OFFSET('Center Data'!$B$1,0,0,COUNT('Center Data'!$B:$B),4). The data will expand by 1 row every time.
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Dec 6, 2006
I have some weekly data that I need to produce a graph from (100% Stacked Column). Each time I create the graph using the dates as the x axis i only get a thin line which looks like it represents one day, the other space looks like it is for the other 6 days of the week. I know that you could add an apostrophe to the beginning of the date but this is to be an automated report.
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Oct 8, 2007
I have a set of data which indicates readings taken at different dates/times at varying intervals.
I want to create a chart where time is the X-axis but the usual charting feature would spread the data points at regular intervals. I want the data is spread out across the X-axis according to the actual timings.
I have a sample data in the file attached to this posting. There I showed the type of chart I want to see (which I achieved only by modifying the original set, Table 1. The modified set of data is in Table 2)
how to achieve this with the original table of data, Table 1.
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Jan 1, 2008
I am trying to figure out the best way to plot this data -- For each region, I want to plot December 2006 snowfall against December 2007 snowfall. So starting on row 12 to row 41 (in the attached file). First challenge: the dates are not aligned because it is using the retail calendar where 12/3/2006 is compared against 12/2/2007. How can I plot the snow depth for the Northeast for example? I can't just use a dual axis chart because there are also dual dates...
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Apr 14, 2014
I would like to create a chart in vba which contains 2 sets of data, both using the same x axis. The first must be a line graph, the second a staggered bar chart. This must be represented on one chart with data labels. Also, how do I change the colour of the plots?
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Aug 12, 2008
I have a 46000 rows of data. I want to make a chart, but only want to plot the highest and lowest data points in the data set. How do I get Excel to automatically find and plot only the highest and lowest data points?
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Mar 17, 2006
I am trying to set up a bar chart that will not plot values where I have left the cell blank so that I don't have to keep resizing the source data / sorting the data whenever I add more data.
I have tried putting NA() as the value as you would for scatter plots
I have also tried leaving the category cell blank
Neither of these seem to work. I have attached an example.
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Oct 20, 2006
one of my excel reports, i am using a dsum formula and plotting a chart against it. i do not want to show the zeros on the graph, is there anyway i can do that, i could not find anything in the tools -> options.
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Nov 9, 2006
I have a large amount of data recorded from a logging device which i then need to convert to a graph. Is there some nice coding to enable the user to select a range of dates from column A and times from column B then allow the user to select the column in which relevant data is contained and plot a line graph of the data contained with named axes.
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Jul 11, 2007
I have 2 columns og data, for example
I want to plot them via a chart. But here is the problem..
My code.....................
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Apr 10, 2014
I have a data series plotted as columns. Then I want a horizontal line at $5,000 to appear all the way across the chart. It appears from the 1st to the last data point, but there is blank space before the first point and after the last point. I would like the red line to extend into this blank space before and after, so that it is going across the entire chart.
I tried playing around with different axis settings and no luck.
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Jan 16, 2007
im having problem formatting my graph.
chart type = line.
I have 1 series of data, which is N values vs. Time.
Time however, is specified by specific dates. The graph is not putting a plot point accorrding to the date corresponding to the N value.
Example values:
date:____1/1/05 _______ 5/7/05 _____ 8/13/05
n value: __55 ___________ 22 _________ 11
I want the chart to reflect the time between the dates and put a plot point (n value) under each date listed and connect with a line.
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Aug 18, 2006
how can i plot multiple series of values in one graph after checking some check boxes, which i have previously done, randomly?
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Aug 21, 2006
For Excel 2000:
In worksheet A, there is a column of numbers that can be 0 or not zero.
In worksheet B, there is a column of cells that determines if a corresponding cell in worksheet A is zero or not.
'As an example, for cell 'B!C6
=If( 'A!B52=0,"",'A!B52)
The column in worksheet B is used in a chart.
The chart settings are:
Tools | Options | Chart | Active Chart- Plot empty cells as: Not plotted
The chart is not treating "" as EMPTY, and therefore is not presenting correctly.
How would I set the value of cell 'B!C6 to EMPTY (or null, or blank, or whatever Excel calls it) using an IF statement, such that 'B!C6 would evaluate to EMPTY, and be ignored by the chart?
Would this be any different in Excel 2003?
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