Progress Bar For Macro Code

Apr 1, 2008

I am getting compile error for following code saying sub or function not defined with updateProgress getting highlighted

UserForm2.LabelProgress.Width = 0
UserForm2.Show vbModeless

MsgBox "get_blades (lookinname)"
UpdateProgress 0.25 ' 25%

MsgBox "sort_data"
UpdateProgress 0.5 ' 50%

MsgBox "Get_Nom"
UpdateProgress 0.75 ' 75%

MsgBox "get_info"
UpdateProgress 1 ' 100%


Unload UserForm2

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Display Progress Of Macro Procedure & Interrupt Code

Feb 26, 2008

I have a program that screen scrapes data fom a mainframe emulation program. There are many loops used in order to slow the program down checking for things to load before taking the information. I would like to build some kind of display showing the user what the program is doing and allow them to stop the program if they like. Right now while the program is running everything is frozen and unresponsive.

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Progress Bar Code In VBA

Dec 22, 2011

I struggling in progress bar code, Once code executes code execution stops, Once if i close the userform at runtime step wise code continues from next line in this case i mean UserForm.ProgressBar1.Min = 0

Sub test()
UserForm.ProgressBar1.Min = 0
UserForm.ProgressBar1.Max = 100


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Progress Bar In Code

Oct 20, 2007

I am using the following code to activate a progress bar.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

Dim dTime As Date
Dim i, t As Integer
For i = 1 To 100 Step 100 / 8
dTime = Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
Application.Wait TimeValue(dTime)
ProgressBar1.Value = i
Next i
End Sub

This works fine and the progress bar moves in 8 steps.

However, I want to include this into a module of code and it moves along according to how far down the module my code is running.

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Adding A Progress Bar To Vba Code

Feb 20, 2010

How would I add a nice progress bar to the following

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Adding Code To VBA Userform Progress Bar

Aug 16, 2002

I have just discovered the exciting world of the additional controls that can be added to userforms. provide me with some sample code to make a progress bar increment and to activate a windows media avi file from a user form. I only need to know the code (I know how to add the controls etc)

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How To Place VBA Code In Progress Bar With Percentage

May 26, 2014

My VBA code will copy and paste several workbooks into master list. The cells to be pasted will be starting on cells(13,9) until cells(13,501) or Range("I13:SG13"). While the max row will be determined by Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row

Here is the progress bar code I found in internet, maxrow/column has been changed to my requirement but how to place my VBA code to this script? the one highlighted in red, I guess it

Sub ShowProgressInStatus()
Dim Percent As Integer
Dim PercentComplete As Single
Dim MaxRow, MaxCol As Integer
MaxRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
MaxCol = 501


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Progress Bar: Use A Msgbox As A Progress Indicator For A Routine In An Application

Mar 16, 2009

I want to use a msgbox as a progress indicator for a routine in an application. I cant figure out how to do this.

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Show Progress Of Code Executed In Excel Sheet?

May 31, 2013

i want to know how to show the progress of code exceuted in an excel sheet. like when we download a file from web or server it shows the staus of the file transfer.

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Macro Progress Bar For Macro Taking Long Time

Dec 2, 2008

I have a macro that is taking a long time, so long that I think something is wrong but I dont really have a great way to check. I want to put up a little window showing the progress either by saying "i'm on row XX" or having a progress bar.

Looks like msgbox requires action before the code continues so it is not a good thing to use if you want to get progress. My formula looks for bad values in a data file and fixed them. It takes forever. I would like to have a box there that simply tells me what row it is working on.

Clearly I dont want to hit the OK button for it to continue processing. I want it to update the message box on its own and then take away the message box when it is finished processing.

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Set The Progress Bar Which Should Indicate The Progress Of The Data Loading?

Mar 28, 2014

Im consolidating datas from muliple excel files to single data base excel file.Am having macro and it is working fine for me.But when am loading data to data base file the excel files are vibrating.To avoid this issue i want to Set the progress bar which should indicate the progress of the data loading.

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Progress Bar Macro

Jul 1, 2007

I'm using a mostly recorded macro to do some rather lengthy formatting in a workbook. The formatting is lengthy enough that I don't want people to think the PC is hung. So I'd like to use the progress bar. I'm trying to trim the code down to just the bare essentials for running the progress bar during the macro procedure (and so I can better understand what's happening in the code). The attachment shows what I've done so far. When I press the "Format Workbook" button then I have to press another button ("Run Progress Meter") to really launch the progress bar.

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Progress Bar While Macro Is Running?

Mar 10, 2014

I have a macro that takes about a minute to run. I would like to add a progress bar to appear once the macro starts running. There are no loops in the macro. What are my options?

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Display Progress Of Macro

Aug 28, 2007

I have a macro that runs when the file is opened and takes some time. I turn off the screen updating to speed the process. I want a msgbox, or something, to tell users that file is processing information that does not require a response to continue the code.

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Progress Bar For Non-Looping Macro

Aug 12, 2008

I'm running a simulation that utilizes the Data Table function. The table itself is quite large (280 elements in the row, 10K in the column). It currently takes about an hour to run. (Full disclosure: I did this instead of a couple of "for" loops because I have to consolidate/manipulate a bunch of data from several sheets and it seemed to be running slower than a data table). how to write a progress bar for this type of code? I.e. code that does not loop and is just time-consuming?

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Progress Bar To Work While Running The Macro

Jul 6, 2005

I was looking at a previous post to get a progress bar to work while running
a lengthy macro. Below is the post on how to incorporate the progress bar
into your code.

That works fine expect for one thing. There is a cancel button on the progress bar, and when it is pushed the rest of my code continues running. How do I end my code if I press cancel on the progress bar?

Sub Main
Dim PB as clsProgBar
Set PB = new clsProgBar

'if your subs are being called from a userform, hide the form first using
With PB

.title = "some title"
.caption1 = "Executing, this may take a while"
.caption2 = "Doing task 1"

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Macro Progress Bar To Show % Process Done

Oct 25, 2008

As i have a pretty "complex" macro, which takes around 20-30 minutes to do (honestly)....

I was wondering if there was a way to create a progress bar just showing me how many % it has done so for?

Or even tell me which sub routine it is up to? (but % would probably be better)

And preferably a pop-up box one?.. not one on the status bar because i have stuff updated on the status bar already...

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Diplay Progress Of Slow Macro

Jan 14, 2008

I'm running some macros that take a bit of time (1000-2000ms), and would like to give the user some feedback as to what's happening.... Ideally, I'd like to show a msgbox-like pop-up window saying something "processing..." while the macro executes.

I have tried using userforms (based on this post Excel VBA Macro- How to Create a Splash Screen for your Excel Workbook); however they halt background execution...

Is there any built-in functionality similar to .statusbar, but more obvious/visual that would allow this? I'm about to experiment with showing/hiding a textbox shape, but this seems a bit sloppy...

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Macro For Progress Bar In Status Bar As A Percent Of Time

Jun 26, 2014

I have been looking for a macro (and have failed to find one) that would give a progress bar in status bar as a percent of the macro run time, e.g

If I had a macro that took say 5 minutes (which I would know in advance) to run is there a way to have a progress bar in status bar that would progress incrementally as a percentage of the 5 minutes or even simpler break the 5 minutes into 1 minute increments?

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Show Progress Indicator If Macro Execution Take Some Considerable Time

Jun 7, 2007

is it possible to show progress indicator if macro execution take some considerable time say more than 10 seconds?

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VBA Macro Code Needed To Run The Code Contained Within A Cell

Dec 17, 2008

I have a macro that, when run, needs to read the contents of cell B5, and run the code that it contains.

Cell B5, for example, would contain the text:
Range("B13").Formula = "SUM(D12:D14)"

I need a macro to "execute this code", as if it were in the macro itself.

I have assigned the above to a variable, but am not sure how to execute it.


Dim the_calc
the_calc = Range("B5").value

Now, how do I run the_calc ?

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Progress Bar In Userform

Jun 25, 2014

I would like to have a progress bar in some of my userforms.

As an example I attach a sample. progress bar.xlsm‎

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Status Bar As Progress Bar

Apr 29, 2009

Im forgetting how to code something for this ....

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Progress Tax Calculator

Jun 19, 2006

I'm trying to come up with an efficient formulae or function to calculate tax

The problem I have is that the tax is progressive. As below

the first 20,000 is taxed at 5%
the next 20,000 is taxed at 6%
the next 20,000 is taxed at 7%
the next 20,000 is taxed at 8%
the next 20,000 is taxed at 9%
more than 100,000 is taxed at 10%

I'm trying to do a formula like below

Cell B3 is my taxable amount
Cell B5 =IF(B$3>20000,20000*0.05,B$3*0.05)
Cell B6 =IF(B$3>40000,40000*0.05,(B$3-20000)*0.05)

This gives me a problem in that for 35k say, I end up with a negative number for the second part in cell B6. My other issue is that each calculation will take up 6 rows on my
spreadsheet. I was hoping to set up a function that could do this in a cell, but even the simple stage defeats me at the moment.

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Dick's Progress Bar

Nov 13, 2007

There is a nice progress bar at

Sub DoStuff()

Dim ufUpdate As UUpdate
Dim dtTime As Date

'instantiate the userform
Set ufUpdate = New UUpdate
ufUpdate.lbxStatus.AddItem "Starting Process..."
ufUpdate.lbxStatus.AddItem "Do the next thing..."
ufUpdate.lbxStatus.AddItem "Done!"

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Incremental Progress Bar

Apr 20, 2006

I have a code that has a loop with up to 100,000 possible iterations. The max number of iterations, N, is variable and to be specified by the user via user form.

That's why I like to show only incremental progress , say 5% competed , 10% completed ,... , so on. What is the best way to code it?

Another question: I tried to show it via

Application.StatusBar = Format(PctDone, "#.##%") & " completed"

but for some reason it does not get updated while the code is running. Is that because the user form is visible? For now, I'm trying to add a label progress bar to the user form, but StatusBar would suffice.

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Vertical Progress Bar

Mar 26, 2008

I want to be able to have a progressbar that populates upwards. When I use a scrollbar to adjust the height it wants to go down.

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Merge VBA Macros For Progress Bar?

Nov 14, 2012

I have 2 macros ready and i need to merge it to one to make it run.

First macros will do the calculation and the other is adopted from a website as an sample to display % of process. Now the issue is i don't know how to merge it. Can any one help me to setup this file please. Copy of sample file is attached for your reference.

Calculation Macros:

Sub Premium()
Dim ws As Worksheet, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim cel As Range, cel2 As Range, cel3 As Range, cel4 As Range, found As Range, rng As Range, age As Variant


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Progress Bar For Loading Userform?

Jun 21, 2014

I have created a Excel userform. Since it has lot of controls, it takes good amount of time to load.

Is there a possibility of displaying a progress bar till the userform is loaded.

Google search has shown me ways to create a progress bar using Excel Forms. However, I am looking for a way to show the progress bar till the main userform is loaded.

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Moving Progress Bar From Bottom To Top?

Jul 8, 2014

I want to create a progress bar that will show how much percent is completed from bottom to top. It should count total total number of cases in the table. suppose they are 280 then it should show 0 to 280 in a label. 0 at the bottom and 280 at the top. then count how many cases have been completed as a percentage going up when percentage is increasing.

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