Progress Bar For Loading Userform?
Jun 21, 2014
I have created a Excel userform. Since it has lot of controls, it takes good amount of time to load.
Is there a possibility of displaying a progress bar till the userform is loaded.
Google search has shown me ways to create a progress bar using Excel Forms. However, I am looking for a way to show the progress bar till the main userform is loaded.
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Mar 28, 2014
Im consolidating datas from muliple excel files to single data base excel file.Am having macro and it is working fine for me.But when am loading data to data base file the excel files are vibrating.To avoid this issue i want to Set the progress bar which should indicate the progress of the data loading.
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Apr 24, 2009
The form is not uploading my dropdown box. I know I am missing something in the code, but I am not sure what.
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Apr 1, 2014
I have created the attached spread sheet to work out and calculate gp on products. Sheets and userform1 are working perfectly how ever userform2 wont load and I believe its something to do with the named range? The idea for this userform was to select a product from combobox1 and then change the price on sheet1 and clear the price on sheet 2 in the different sizes.
Also userform2 i would like to create it so that if any of the fields are left blank it wont change price of selected field in sheet 1 and wont clear selected area in sheet 2.
Finally is there a way on userform1 to shrink the userform size depending on how many sizes are needed?
Attached File : NEW GP CALCULATOR.xlsm
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Feb 7, 2014
I made a template file with a userform included to enter data into a protected sheet at the command of a button. When I open the template, everything works fine. However, when I use a macro to create a new workbook and import the template to create a new sheet (or several) the userform suddenly disappears! The template is saved as macro-enabled and the new workbook is saved the same way. What am I missing that I'm loosing the userform??
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Jun 25, 2014
I would like to have a progress bar in some of my userforms.
As an example I attach a sample. progress bar.xlsm
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Oct 23, 2013
I'm working on an excel table in which I have the following information:
Defect Picture
Broken tab
I need a userform in which I choose the field "product" and it loads the picture from the path at "Defect Picture". Is it possible?
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Dec 26, 2012
How to get a listbox to populate from a database sheet the code I am using to do this is posted here and it works great. My problem is now I want to get the Listbox1 results to populate my UserForm5 textboxes from the row selected in the ListBox1 of Userform4, but I am getting the error "variable not defined" and the "rw" gets highlighted. as seen in the code below it.
UserForm4 portion of the code that does the search of the sheet that holds the data
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim sFindText As String, sFirstAddr As String
Dim i As Long, lFindCol As Long, lCol As Long, lRow As Long
Dim rMyData As Range, rMySearchField As Range, cFound As Range
Dim vArray() As Variant
[Code] ......
Userform5 issue is this rw in red doesn't seam to be right
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
TextBox1.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 0) '
TextBox2.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 1) '
TextBox3.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 2)
TextBox5.Value = SrcWks.Range(UserForm4.ListBox1.List(rw, 0)).Offset(0, 3)
[Code] .........
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Jul 19, 2006
Userform Loading with database turns to close all Excelworkbooks completely
Database created in Excel worksheets to load and show in various different objects on userform. At present this project file size is approximately 2.5 mb and more to go as it is not yet complete. Now you can imagine how much big this project can be.
It uses various different types of objects such as listboxes with many columns, combo-boxes, textbox, checkbox and many. Every objects has its own style to display data on userform which is set in its properties itself.
Before loading userform to display, program creates database from manual entry (which is made by user on their working sheets) to database entry sheets (which is made to make compatible to show on userform). Upon loading, it also loads/populate all datas required in their objects to display.
All works perfect when I am in editing mode. It doesn't matter how big the database can be and works as required. This Project is now Password Protected and distributed among all staffs in our company to work with.
Error Occurs, when I tested in non-editing mode. The moment I triggered the macro to load the program, it takes some few times and pops-up with Excel Recover error message box asking whether to send Error Report and to whether recover & start Excel application again??
I don't know what is wrong. Sometimes it also run successfully when in non-editing mode even there is no changes in program codes.??
Sometimes I feel there can be a virtual memory issue, but my Pc is more than enough with 1GB ram. I hv also increased virtual memory limits and tested but all vain attempt...
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May 31, 2007
The code I'm trying to execute is given below
Public Sub datafill()
Sheets("Bloomberg Data and Formula").Activate
' Creates prompt to input date to be checked
Dim InputAnswer As Date
InputAnswer = InputBox( _
prompt:="Enter NAV date for verification against Bloomberg in the format DD/MM/YYYY", _
Title:="Date Input Screen", _
Range("C1").Value = InputAnswer
' Clear out previous day's data
Range("A6 : Z6").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
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Sep 1, 2008
I have some code that runs in conjunction with a userform progressbar....
I launch my progress userform like this from a userform commandbutton:
Load UserForm6
(I suspect the load command may not be needed....)
Then when my progress userform launches:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Call UpdateTasksAll
End Sub
Then my macro:
UserForm6.Label1.Width = 0
UserForm6.Frame1.Caption = "0%"
If UserForm4.TextBox1.Text = "" Then GoTo 4
OL_TK_Crit = UserForm4.Label24.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label23.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label38.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label3.Caption 'your task subject to be updated
The problem is that while the code is running, my userform refuses to show it's face, and only appears when the macro has finished! I get this quite frequently, and cant fathom the cause
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Nov 29, 2007
I am using a version of the Progress bar code shown below which I found on a thread here.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim dTime As Date
Dim i, t As Integer
For i = 1 To 100 Step 100 / 8
dTime = Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
Application.Wait TimeValue(dTime)
ProgressBar1.Value = i
Next i
End Sub
I have the code written so the progress bar shows the progress by taking the total number of loops that need to happen divided by the number of times the loop has taken place. During each loop, the macro copies and pastes data and formats it, then loops again after updating the progress bar. The progress bar works great and shows the progress of the macro if I step through the macro. But if I run the macro at around 25% or 30% the Userform with the progress bar stops updating the bar and the progress seems like its stuck at that percent. The macro still runs fine and finishes without any errors. The macro does not turn off the screen updating. I just can't figure it out.
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Sep 22, 2007
A custom UserForm pops up when a cell is double-clicked. The form contains a ListBox that presents the user with a list of values to select. When the UserForm first pops up I want the item that matches the value of the activecell to be highlighted/selected.
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Jun 23, 2014
So this is my first attempt at creating a UserForm progress bar. I currently have the status bar doing basically what I am trying to accomplish but I'm trying to broaden my skills (BTW, I've deleted all company sensitive data but the code should still work for you). I got almost all of this code from microsoft's web page on UserForm Progress Bars and then modified it to work with my existing code. When I execute the code (Click the macro button) the UserForm comes up, but the progress bar is not updating like I was expecting.
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Aug 16, 2002
I have just discovered the exciting world of the additional controls that can be added to userforms. provide me with some sample code to make a progress bar increment and to activate a windows media avi file from a user form. I only need to know the code (I know how to add the controls etc)
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Mar 11, 2014
I am trying to make a Progress bar with a statment using a Userform with a label saying Please wait. I call the form using UserForm1.Show vbModeless.The form shows and functions as needed but the label with the caption please wait is not visible. how to get the label to show?
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Jul 10, 2009
On opening of my WorkBook I refresh my PivotTable and that takes a while so while its refreshing. So I want to launch a UserForm that basically have a loop showing progress bar similar than the Windows loading bar (i.e. a set of green vertical green bars moving in a black rectangle).
Here is the code in THisWorkbook:
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Feb 7, 2013
I'm trying to create a userform with a progress bar. The progress bar does NOT need to be 'real' and accurate, but simply act as a timer to illustrate to the user that the program is running some quick calcs.. Again, basic progress bar, with about about a 4 second completion time..
(using excel 2010 VB)
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Aug 4, 2014
I have a macro that calls 3 other procedures during its run. I have the positon set in the UpdateIndicator sub
With ProgressIndicator
.Top = Application.Top + 300
.Left = Application.Left + 400
end with
and the Userform StartUpPosition property set to 0 - Manual (though I did experiment with the other settings as well.
The issue is that when the series of subs are running, the Indicator jumps and shifts (by 10 or so pixels down and right) and sometimes blinks off completely as each new sub is being called and subsequently returns to the initial macro.
It is accurate and does what it's supposed to do, I just find it annoying and that it probably looks a bit unprofessional (and unstable) to the eyes of some coworkers who use the macro as well.
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Mar 16, 2009
I want to use a msgbox as a progress indicator for a routine in an application. I cant figure out how to do this.
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Nov 28, 2009
I am not sure whether it can show a loading gif in the front when it executes the vba, after the executions , the loading gif will desappear.
for example here is a loading gif :
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Apr 27, 2009
Over the weekend I did some edits to an Excel file on my home computer. This morning I did some edits to the file on my work computer. When I try to access the VBA code, I get the message "Error in loading DLL", which is error 48.
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Jun 4, 2009
I am loading my UF combo box based on data in one of my sheets. I want in a way that if I keep adding to my data sheet, it would add with it.
For some reason it is not loading as I wanted to. I have tried as module and as UF code. Again, for some reason it is not loading.
Here is my code
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May 15, 2007
I'm trying to load an array with numbers from 3 to SheetCount. If someone wouldn't mind giving me a nudge in the right dirrection, it'd be appreciated.
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Aug 17, 2007
I'm trying to achieve: -
I want to create a spreadsheet which will include a column with email addresses in it.
Here's my problem.......
I want users to be able to click on an email address (like a hyperlink) and by doing this open their mail client (in this case Microsoft Outlook) and send an email. I would like the mail client to load a specific template just by clicking on the link from Excel. I'm not sure if this is possible, but there doesn't seem to be many things you can't do on Excel.
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Oct 7, 2009
I have a list of accounts that is constantly changing(could be anywhere from 50-7500) and on that same sheet I have a count formula that will count all the accounts. This sheet is not going to be visible to the user.
On another sheet, I have a form that pops up with some data entery. What I am trying to do is when the form pops up, for the number of accounts to show up in a text box. If anyone could help me with the VBA code id appreciate it. The worksheet name is "Accounts", the cell is T17, and the textbox name is just TextBox1.
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Aug 31, 2013
I have ten customers who have multiple locations where we do work. On ourinvoice I want to use Data Validation (list option) to read the input "CustomerName", and then change the validation list in the "Job Reference" cell accordingly. For example if A1 is the customer name and A2is the "Reference" where the data validation list will be. Customer ABC has 3 locations, XYZ has 5, CompanyD has 4, and so on. The range for thevalidation array is C1:C5. ABC's list oflocations is located at A10:A15, that of XYZ at A16:A20, and Company D atA21:A25 (and so on, for the others). Howcan I load the data validation range (C1:C5) with the correct list from, forexample A16:20 based on A1 being customer XYZ?
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Dec 5, 2006
I am using the following Macro to load a selected sheet:
Windows("Prototype Worksheet.xls").Activate
Windows("Test Data.xls").Activate
Windows("Prototype Worksheet.xls").Activate
Windows("Test Data.xls").Activate
Application.CutCopyMode = False
This works fine as long as I load the file named Test Data, lolz, but on the line"Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show", I actually select the file to be loaded. how can and what should I change on the line "Windows("Test Data.xls").Activate" to achieve this
and also
at the very end of the macro I want to close the loaded file without the save box coming up.
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Aug 7, 2008
I have a dropdown box with a few options in it. What I want to do, is have excel load a particular picture, that I have saved on my computer, into the background when a certain option is selected from the dropdown box.
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Nov 5, 2008
I am trying to distribute an app that uses MSCAL Control. I am including the MSCAL.ocx file in the setup file and it saves it to a dierectory. However, when the app runs it will not load the activex Control (MSCAL)
Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References.AddFromFile("c:Program FileBM ApplicationMSCAL.OCX")
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