We have a system that used to export postcodes with the " "(space) in the correct space, the system has changed and no longer requires exposts with spaces
I need a formula that puts in the space depending on if it has 7 digits or 6
For Example
TE557TT needs to become TE55 7TT if postcode is 7 chracters " " after 4
TE57TT needs to become TE5 7TT if postcode is 7 chracters " "" " after 3
I have been working on different formulas to return the text string between the first and last space and have been unsuccessful. Is this possible?
I have tried several combos or Left and Right, I have been able to get the values after the first space, and the values before the last space, but not between the spaces.
Desired results: D60 CULT NUCLEUS 3X2 SPRING WST BK
I have the following formula that works fine until someone uses the space bar to clear a cells contents
When the space bar is used to clear a cells contents the COUNTA statements includes the space in the count. How do I count the number of cells with content and exclude the space bar space in a cell?
When presenting spreadsheets to suppliers for markup and corrections it would have space for them to write or make handwritten notation between rows on the printout. I've tried using alternate rows in Excel, but after a sort, Excel groups them all together again.
Is there a convention for adding space between rows?
When using SUBTOTAL for counting values in a column, well this function is counting also the blanks cells having space inside
Well i can use an COUNTIF to avoid this problem, but when using autofilter , the count is gone, that's inconvenient.I can use autofilter to select blanks and then delete space inside but is quite long.
I chopped a macros inspired by jindon:
Sub SpacesBlanks()
Dim X As Integer Dim r As Range X = CLng(InputBox(Prompt:="Quelle colonne?")) If (X < 1) + (X > Columns.Count) Then Exit Sub lastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp).Row For Each r In Range(Cells(1, X), Cells(Rows.Count, X).End(xlUp)) If r.Value = "" Then r.Value = ClearContents End If Next
At the top of my spreadsheet I've got the date displayed using TODAY(). In 'G5' theres a proposed collection date. In 'F5' I entered, =IF(G5>$D$1+1,"PENDING","NOT COLLECTED"). Which is fine except, if 'G5' is blank I want 'F5' to be blank also. And if a date is removed from 'G5' I want 'F5' to be blank. I've tried various things with "" but I cant get it to do what I need. I'm sure this is very easily cured, but not by me clearly..!
I have a set of data in a column and I'm trying to add them but can't because of the way it was imported. Each cell has a number with a space at the end. How do I remove that space without having to manually go in there and deleting via F2 > backspace, F2 > backspace, and so on.
I'm trying to automate the importing and processing of a fairly large formatted text file (~15000 lines) containing many tables of data. I've been refining this process for several months and recently was alerted to a problem. A few of my tables have widths greater than 255 characters (309 to be exact).
My process involves opening the text file in Excel then performing a .Copy on the Worksheet into ThisWorkbook, naming the sheet "Source". I then perform up to 66 separate parse operations on the various tables depending on which options a user selected from a form.
The problem is that I assumed that the Copy Method would simply make a duplicate of that sheet in ThisWorkbook. Instead, it seems to have truncated any columns that are longer than 255 characters, leaving me with partial data in a few tables.
My workaround was to perform a TextToColumns on the text file prior to the import such that it would simply split the data into columns that could be reassembled on the other side. In doing so, I seemed to have stripped a leading <space> from each cell which was apparently put there previously. This is causing a lot of problems for my formatting code which also uses TextToColumns to separate the tables into columns. The simplest solution seems to be trying to add the spaces back in, assuming there isn't a better way to import this data in the first place.
Just prior to copying the sheet into ThisWorkbook, I'm using the following code after the TextToColumns to add the space back in, but it's taking an awfully long time and causing a noticable time delay in processing my code and adding considerable size to the finished workbook it creates. If someone could recommend a better solution, either to the import process or to replace this God-awful loop, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Application. ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To 65535 wkbk.Sheets(1).Cells(i,3).Formula = " " & wkbk.Sheets(1).Cells(i,1).Value wkbk.Sheets(1).Cells(i,4).Formula = " " & wkbk.Sheets(1).Cells(i,2).Value wkbk.Sheets(1).Cells(i,1).Formula = wkbk.Sheets(1).Cells(i,3).Value wkbk.Sheets(1).Cells(i,2).Formula = wkbk.Sheets(1).Cells(i,4).Value Next i wkbk.Sheets(1).Range("C:D").ClearContents Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Also, I don't know how long the actual file will be, so I'm almost forced to assume 65535...
Trying to manipulate basketball statistics copied from websites ... each cell has a leading space before the number(s) ... is there any way to globally eliminate the leading space from the cells
Tried find/replace, finding [space] replacing with 0 (which would then be disregarded ... didn't work
Tried converting all cells to number format, didn't work
Is there any formula that will count the space of a cell. For Example. If I type Mr. Ashish Patel in a cell the formula should give me count as 2 as there are 2 spaces in this name One after Mr. and another after Ashish.
I have a list of phone numbers in which name of the person and phone numbers are joined together. I would like to separate the name and phone number. Is there any way to do that. Example: I have the text like George9898989898, now i want it to appear as George 9898989898.
I have a list of date and any of the entries that have less than 6 digits have spaces after the last digit. How can I remove the spaces without having to delete each one manually?
Our system, when displaying times adds a space before the time, space05:14:15 - space14:56:39, When I use this formula, =(F292-E292+(F292<E292))*24-0.5, to figure out hours worked, it does not work. If I remove the space, the formula works fine. Is there an easy way to automatically remove the space instead of having to do it manually?
In my column A I have a space before all my text in every row......how can I delete that? I have a lot of records so doing it for each will take forever.
I've got a list of postcodes in one column and some of the postcodes do not have the correct amount of spaces between the characters.
So I'm looking to have a macro that will insert a space after each third character and then possible a separate macro to insert a space after each fourth character.