Put Variable Code In Cell Using VBA

Jul 9, 2012



The row on the top currently matches the column on the left side. This was done by using simple commands like "=A4", "=A5", "=A6" in the top row. Now I am trying to expand this table to a variable amount of columns and rows (there will always be 3 more rows than columns like there currently is above), so I want to write some code in VBA that will put these equations in the cells for me.

Here is the tricky part though. The numbers in the left column are actually calculated using the solver, and the numbers in the middle cells reference both the left column and top row. Because of this, I actually need to put an equation in the top row (like the previously mentioned "=A4") so that it always has the newest result from the solver.

The left column will always be in the same row, so only the number itself needs to change, but I'm not sure how to do this.

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Insert Variable From Sheet Cell Into SQL Statement In VBA Code

Oct 29, 2013

I have the following code to execute a connection to a DB and return the result of the SQL statement. I have a variable in the statement that I want to be able to change from user input in a single cell. Unfortunately I am unable to get this to work.

Here is my code

cell_value = Sheets("some sheet").Range("P8")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("some sheet").Cells.Clear

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

[Code] ........

This fails and gives me a debug error, however if I declare the condition I want the code executes fine. This would mean having to update the code every time the condition changed or putting the whole query in a cell on the sheet which I do not want to do.

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Find Method Code: Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Sep 8, 2006

I need my program to:
- find the cell containing the string "Datum/Tid"
- record the column and the row of the found cell in two variables lCol and lRow

Here is my

Sub test()

Dim rFoundCell As Range
Dim lRow As Long
Dim lCol As Long

'Find method of VBA
Set rFoundCell = Range("A1")
Set rFoundCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:Z50").Find(What:="Datum/Tid", After:=rFoundCell, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)

'for anyof the two lines down I get the message "object variable OR block variable not set"

lRow = rFoundCell.Row
lCol = rFoundCell.Column

End Sub

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Macro Code To Add Sum Formula/Function, With Variable Rows, To Cell

May 29, 2008

I am having to copy and paste rows of data into a new worksheet where the rows sizes change and I am wanting to add a new row at the end of the pasted rows but with the sumation formula to add the relevant column

e.g copy range B14:AA17 with in this case columns E to AA holding the numerical values. Therefore I wish in cell E18 to sum the value of E14:E17 and so on ending with cell AA18 holding the sum of AA14:AA17

As these vary I have all relevant variables, Range to add sumation values to eg E18:AA18
Start Cell E14 and so on.

I tried adding "=SUM(x:d)" where x and d are vars relating the the column cell required eg x = E14 and d = E17

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VB Macro For Variable Cell Merge Into HTML Code Based On Criteria

Oct 7, 2009

Does anyone have a VB macro that will copy information from a cell (this will be variable based on criteria) and paste it into the middle of another cell that contains HTML code?

The criteria for the copy/insert/paste is that the information in the cell that is to be copy/inserted must match up with the correct number (part number).

I hope this makes sense. I have attached an example spreadsheet. (Pictures are worth 1000 words. ) Hope someone can help. I checked this site and couldn't find anything that was solved that matched the specifics.

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VBA Code That Consider Variable Change

May 25, 2011

Trying to create a VBA code that will enter a formula such as: SUM(Q2:Qt) in a range of cells for instance A2:A10, and if there is information in B11, B12, B13 etc., it will consider that variable change and enter the SUM formula in cells A11, A12, A13.

I read that Dim LR As Long is the solution but not sure how to apply.

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Use Of Variable In Path Code

Feb 4, 2007

I have been using this code to auto print a series of workbooks whose file date contains the day i want. Each if statement looks to a different folder location to find the spreadsheet with the desired date and auto prints that sheet before moving on to the next if and spreadsheet, and then finally closing. I use an input box to get the date/day variable.

The spreadsheets i auto print are in folders labeled for different months of the year, i.e. 0107, 0207 etc. I want to be able to enter the MONTH i want the spath to look for, in other words, i want to be able to input first the month, which tells the rest of the routine what folder to look for the next input, which is the date of the spreadsheet. I am flummoxed by the variable itself.

The code is below.

Public Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sCurFile As String
Dim sPath As String

fpath = InputBox("shift and day (BXX) of the month to print?", "print")

'Get the path
sPath = "k:2007207"
If sPath <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If Right(sPath, 1) <> "" Then
sPath = sPath & ""
End If

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Determine Variable Value & Run Code Accordingly

Feb 20, 2008

I'm looking for a way to identify the caller procedure and to act according to that.
I tried the CALLER command but it seems not to be the appropriate one. The sample code is as follows:

Sub AAA()
MsgBox "This MsgBox is displayed from within Proc. AAA"
MsgBox "This should NOT to be shown if Proc CCC was called from here"
End Sub ............

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Passing A Variable Into A Different Piece Of Code

Mar 6, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that has several buttons on that run code using the cells around the code for parts of the data. eg

ColumnA1 ColumnB1 ColumnC1 Button1
ColumnA2 ColumnB2 ColumnC2 Button2

I want the buttons to run a seperate piece of code to start, but then all buttons run a similar piece of code at the end. I am hoping to be able to pass a variable from the first piece of code each button runs into the section of code that all share (which I have done as a seperate macro)

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Pass A Variable To The Form Code

Jun 8, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with about 30 charts on it that I would like to attach a macro to which opens the chart in a form. I've figured out how to do this last part, but am stuck on how to pass a variable to the form code which tells excel which chart to copy. Essentially what I'm doing creating a macro for each chart which would run when that chart is clicked on. This macro is identical for each chart except for the name of the chart being passed.

Sub Chart1_click()
ShowChart "Chart 1"
End Sub

Sub ShowChart(c As String)
End Sub

In the UserForm_Initialize code located in the userform module, I'd like to call the code which saves and loads the image of the clicked on chart. But here's where I'm stuck. How do I pass c to the code in the form module...e.g, how to pass c to UserForm_Intialize and to ChartZoom? Here's what I have so far...

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize(c As String)
ChartZoom c
End Sub

Private Sub ChartZoom(c As String)


Dim Cht As Chart
Set Cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(c).chart
Dim CName As String
CName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "cht.gif"
Cht.Export Filename:=CName, FilterName:="GIF"
imgCht.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom
imgCht.Picture = LoadPicture(CName)

End Sub

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Variable Code In R1c1 Formula

May 19, 2007

I am trying to figure out how to use a variable as a row number for use in a range name and/or a pivot table range. Right now I have a range of R571C17, but the row number will change with each use of the pivot table formation macro.

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AutoFill Code With Variable As Row Number

Aug 7, 2007

Just a niggling problem, I've got lstRow as a Long and it contains the value of the last row offset by (1, 0). The problem is i'm trying to add it into a range

Selection.autofill Destination:=Range(C" & lstRow &":K" & lstRow &")Type:=xlFillDefault

Like that.. Except i've tried a million different combinations of " and & in different places to try and get it to compile. It refuses too. It always gives the error "Expected list seperator or )" I know I could just do it individually from C to K but I'd like to learn how to do it this way as well.

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VBA Code For NPV Function With Variable Interest Rate?

Feb 2, 2014

I would like a function which works like the NPV function except that the interest rate should be variable and a range rather than a single number.

Is it possible to see the code for the excel NPV function so that I can modify it?

Or alternatively has seen such a function?

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Storing VB Code In A Variable Withing A Macro

Dec 31, 2008

I have piece of code that I'm trying to make dynamic. I want to store parts of an IF statement in a variable and use them when I need them. Here's a little sample of what I'm trying to do

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VBA Code To Open File Using Variable Date?

May 29, 2014

I need a code which will open up a previous days file. I have the code to pick the correct file but I am stuck because the folders are multiple levels down to year then month.

Eg. Folder Name > YYYY > Month

So i need to have a code which can look in to the relevant folder based on the current date and then be able to open the file i need.

I.e. today is 29May so i need the code to open the 2014>May folder.

For 1st day of month I would need it to open last months folder I.e. 01June Open May folder

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Putting A Variable Range From Excel Into SQL Code

Feb 12, 2010

I suppose this is kind of SQL as much as anything so apologies if this isn't really the right place for it.

I had an idea of how to use a concatenated string in Excel to utilise the SQL IN statement for listing parameters that vary from day to day.

Annoyingly my code does not work:

If my range of codes is for example


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VBA Code For Printing Variable Print Ranges

May 5, 2009

I am trying to write VBA code that will print a print range that is presented in cell F3 on a "Reports" worksheet. The content of F3 will change depending on how many reports the user selects to print. For example, he could select one, two, three reports etc - up to twelve. The cell ranges of each report are named (e.g. Report1, Report2 etc) so that if the user selects to print Reports 1 and 2, the contents of cell F3 are "Report1,Report2". If I replace WhatToPrint with "Report1,Report2" the print macro works.

Sub Macro2()
Dim WhatToPrint As String
WhatToPrint = Sheets("Reports").Cells(3, 6).Value
'sets the variable to equal the contents of cell D3 which contains the formula
'summarising the print ranges I want to print
Sheets("Reports").Cells(3, 6).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = WhatToPrint
' pastes the variable in cell F3 - just to check that it looks like I want it to
Sheets("Reports").PageSetup.PrintArea = WhatToPrint
'uses the variable to set print area - this is where it fails!
'if you replace the variable with the contents of cell F3 the macro will work
End Sub

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Referencing Sheet Code Names By Variable

Jul 18, 2006

I have a set of worksheets (Sheet31 through Sheet49 by codename) produced by a machine in the lab. I want to create a summary sheet that references cells in those worksheets.

Rather than go through the annoyance of doing this manually 40+ times I'm working on creating a macro to populate the summary sheet for me.

This is what I have so far

For J = 31 To 49
ResultSht = SheetJ.Name
ActiveSheet.Range("A4").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

It hangs up on the "SheetJ.Name" however. My objective is to be using the object SheetJ, where the object SheetJ is the codename of the results sheet I'm trying to reference (for example, in the first pass through the loop it would be Sheet31). Could someone point out my mistake in this object reference?

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Variable In Formula Added Via Macro Code

Sep 6, 2006

I am needing to write a line of VB code for a macro that will insert a VLookup formula into a cell where the "named" table_array can be a variable. Example of what I am looking at below.

Worksheets("active Worksheet").("active cell").Formula =VLOOKUP(G2,variable,6,False)"

I need it to be imputed in the active cell of the active sheet with the variable able to be gathered possibly from a cell reference. Say the cell c3 on the active sheet says V080606, the formula imputed would be =VLOOKUP(g2,v0806,6,false).

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Vba Code Which Saves A Workbook With A Variable As The Filename

Jun 25, 2007

I have a VBA form that the user enters information into and once they click submit on the form the code opens a new workbook and then enters the information from the form into that workbook. What I need is for that code to then save the workbook with a filename from one of the fields entered into the form but I'm not too sure how to do this.

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Object Variable Error With Code For Solidworks

Jul 11, 2007

I recently wrote the following macro to drive several dimensions in a Solidworks assembly using cell values in excel. The strange thing is that I witnessed the macro work on several occassions with the exact same code, however now it always produces "Run-time error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set". I read in another forum that macros in excel can become fragmented with repeated editing, and unloading all the macros then loading everything back up again actually worked for a little while, however I would rather fix an issue with the code if there is one:

Note: In Debug mode the lines

Part.Parameter("D1@Sketch1@CORE INNER.Part").SystemValue = _
Sheets("AEM Core and No Load Loss").Range("B4").Value / 1000

are highlighted

Sub Generate_Core()
Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set SelMgr = Part.SelectionManager
Part.Parameter("D1@Sketch1@CORE INNER.Part").SystemValue = _
Sheets("AEM Core and No Load Loss").Range("B4").Value / 1000
Part.Parameter("D2@Sketch1@CORE INNER.Part").SystemValue = _
Sheets("AEM Core and No Load Loss").Range("B5").Value / 1000................

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Add Formula Via Macro Code With Variable As Sheet Name

May 14, 2008

I have a front sheet with a list of all the sheets in the workbook in column A.
In column B I need to use the counta function to count the number of entries in the corresponding sheet to column A.

As there are 70 sheets I'd thought I'd use a Macro but I'm having great difficulties. I've done a search but can't find what I'm looking for.

So heres part of my code (it uses loops etc which I've managed but this just errors)

cell.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=counta(" & str2&" C[-1])-1"

The str2 is the string name to reference the sheet in the formula (for example sheet1), I can't figure out how to enter this into the code so it works and is accepted.

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Macro To Add Conditional Formatting Code To Variable Range

Jun 12, 2008

I am working with a large report that needs to be broken out and sent as separate files to recipients for confidentiality purposes. I'd rather not use views/protection since there are many different ways particular people need to see the data, plus it is a very large file and flattening it works to everyone's advantage. My goal is a macro that will copy each tab into separate workbooks, paste special values, and save as each as Cell A1 (or the tab name-same thing). I have tried recording macros and editing (I'm very new to VBA) many times but it's a mess.

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Worksheet_Change Code: Determine How To Get The Code Below To Fire Whenever Cell J10 Is Populated

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to determine how to get the code below to fire whenever cell J10 is populated and do nothing when cell J10 is not populated but I can't quite get it. (Cell J10 is manually changed and is not changed based off of a formula)

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VBA Code For Opening File With Variable Version Number In File Name?

Jan 29, 2014

I have a file that I save with a new version number each time I make major changes. The file name currently is: "Telephony Equipment Inventory v26 (Summary).xlsm". The "26" is the variable number. give me the vba code to ensure I open the file with the highest version number?

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Autofill In Macro Range Is Constant How Can I Code To Be A Variable Range?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to write a macro which will autofill specific columns. The macro will set the range from the start of my autofill to the end of my autofill as a constant range.

The problem I need to get around is the end of my range can always change each time I run the macro. For instance, the first time I run the macro I may only need to autofill from row 4 to row 15. The next time, I may only need to autofill from row 4 to 23 (because of user updates). How can I make the end of my range not be a constant address but variable?

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VBA Macro Code Needed To Run The Code Contained Within A Cell

Dec 17, 2008

I have a macro that, when run, needs to read the contents of cell B5, and run the code that it contains.

Cell B5, for example, would contain the text:
Range("B13").Formula = "SUM(D12:D14)"

I need a macro to "execute this code", as if it were in the macro itself.

I have assigned the above to a variable, but am not sure how to execute it.


Dim the_calc
the_calc = Range("B5").value

Now, how do I run the_calc ?

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Workaround For Public Variable Bug: Creates Different Cell Colors Based Upon The Cell Contents

Oct 15, 2008

I am in the process of reformatting an excel workbook to act as a review tool for different factors in a process. Part of my redesign includes the use of coding that creates different cell colors based upon the cell contents. The new workbooks will be used to handle existing data for this year. I have developed a process macro to open an existing workbook and copy and transfer the original data worksheet into the newly formatted workbook. The data gets transferred to the new worksheet and the resulting workbook is renamed and saved, Heres'' the rub... the newly saved workbook is missing all of the coding for the worksheets... apparently this is a MS bug.

Has anyone figured a workaround for this. One thought I had is to open both( new and old )workbooks and rather than move/copy , i would transfer the data using cell references.

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Set Variable: Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Jun 4, 2007

I have the following code (just pasting the relevant section) which crashes when it reaches the highlighted line of code. and a dialog box pops up with the text: "Object variable or With block variable not set"

Sub test()
Dim StartRng As Range
Dim Buffer As Range

Set StartRng = WorkSheets("Sheet1"),Cells(1,1)

ActiveCell. CurrentRegion.Select

Buffer = rngStart.CurrentRegion.Copy

' I also tried the following line of code but that didn't work either
'Set Buffer = rngStart.CurrentRegion.Copy
End Sub

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Finding A Cell In A Variable Location Based On The Contents Of The Cell

May 2, 2012

I am creating a macro to automate data analysis for work, but I've become stuck.

I need to find the coordinate of the first cell in a column with word "reserved" or "extended" contained in the cell, and then assign the row number of that coordinate as a variable to use for moving data around. Basically, I want something like VLOOKUP, but instead of returning a value, I want it to return the coordinate.

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