Storing VB Code In A Variable Withing A Macro

Dec 31, 2008

I have piece of code that I'm trying to make dynamic. I want to store parts of an IF statement in a variable and use them when I need them. Here's a little sample of what I'm trying to do

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Storing A Value In A Variable For Use At A Later Date

May 19, 2008

I have an Add-in that creates and formats reports for various users.

Within the add-in I have rules set to disable some buttons on a userform untill a process is run to enable them. I am doing this through the use of a variable - set as "0" untill such a time when the process is run that it will set the variable to "1". A function is then run to enable all of the buttons.

However, once excel is shutdown and re-openned - it resets the variable to "0" for no apparent reason. Is this normal? Is there a way around this - so that the Add-in remembers what the variable was set to before closure?

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Storing A Variable As A Range To Be Used Later

Nov 23, 2009

I am trying to store a variable (I will highlight it in red below) to be used later in the same formula. The formula I have now works, but it puts the variable in cell G20, and I do not need this variable anywhere on the sheet. However, I do need it to perform some calculations later in the code.

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Storing Number As Variable?

Jul 10, 2013

My code needs to find the last date listed in column A, which it already can do. And calculate how many days have passed between today and that date it finds in the column. Which I think my code can already do.

How do I store the number for later use?

Meaning, the next part of this code is going to send a request to a website to retrieve however many days of data that number is to be above ^. So it might be 2 days, 12 days 7 days, who knows...but the http request part will come after.


Sub date()
Dim lngLastRow As Long, lngRow As Long
Dim strColumn As String
strColumn = "A"
With ActiveSheet
lngLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, strColumn).End(xlUp).Row
For lngRow = 2 To lngLastRow


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Storing Variables As Arrays - Code

Jun 29, 2007

I have the following code for a user-defined function:

Function SeriesSum2(A, B, x, C, D, y, z, Num)

Summation = 0

For i = 1 To Num

Summation = Summation + (((A - B) * (((0.01 * B / (A - B)) _
^ (1 / (y - 1))) ^ i) + B - x) / ((1 + x) ^ i))

Next i

Product = 1

For i = 1 To Num

Product = Product * (1 + ((C - D) * (((0.01 * D / (C - D)) _
^ (1 / (z - 1))) ^ i) + D))

Next i

SeriesSum2 = WorksheetFunction.SumProduct(Summation, Product)

End Function

To simplify, suppose Num = 3, and the three terms of Summation are {3, 5, 9}. Call these S1, S2, S3. Further, suppose the first three terms of Product are {1, 4, 12}. Call these P1, P2, P3.

My desired result of the function is 3*1 + 5*4 + 9*12 = 131. Instead, I'm getting 3*12+5*12+9*12 = 204. That is, the function is returning S1*P3+S2*P3+S3*P3, while I want S1*P1+S2*P2+S3*P3.

Can anyone instruct me as to what I need to do to get my desired result? I'm guessing it has something to do with storing Product as an array, but I'm a very novice VB'er, so I'm not sure.

Of course, if there are any other glaring errors in my code,

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Finding Withing Part Of Unknown Sized Column

Jan 12, 2008

im trying to find and delete records within a column if they occur twice. this works great right now but I want it to exclude the top 8 rows... i think it might have something to do with the LookAt:=xlPart constraint ...

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Variable In Formula Added Via Macro Code

Sep 6, 2006

I am needing to write a line of VB code for a macro that will insert a VLookup formula into a cell where the "named" table_array can be a variable. Example of what I am looking at below.

Worksheets("active Worksheet").("active cell").Formula =VLOOKUP(G2,variable,6,False)"

I need it to be imputed in the active cell of the active sheet with the variable able to be gathered possibly from a cell reference. Say the cell c3 on the active sheet says V080606, the formula imputed would be =VLOOKUP(g2,v0806,6,false).

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Add Formula Via Macro Code With Variable As Sheet Name

May 14, 2008

I have a front sheet with a list of all the sheets in the workbook in column A.
In column B I need to use the counta function to count the number of entries in the corresponding sheet to column A.

As there are 70 sheets I'd thought I'd use a Macro but I'm having great difficulties. I've done a search but can't find what I'm looking for.

So heres part of my code (it uses loops etc which I've managed but this just errors)

cell.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=counta(" & str2&" C[-1])-1"

The str2 is the string name to reference the sheet in the formula (for example sheet1), I can't figure out how to enter this into the code so it works and is accepted.

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Macro To Add Conditional Formatting Code To Variable Range

Jun 12, 2008

I am working with a large report that needs to be broken out and sent as separate files to recipients for confidentiality purposes. I'd rather not use views/protection since there are many different ways particular people need to see the data, plus it is a very large file and flattening it works to everyone's advantage. My goal is a macro that will copy each tab into separate workbooks, paste special values, and save as each as Cell A1 (or the tab name-same thing). I have tried recording macros and editing (I'm very new to VBA) many times but it's a mess.

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Macro Code To Add Sum Formula/Function, With Variable Rows, To Cell

May 29, 2008

I am having to copy and paste rows of data into a new worksheet where the rows sizes change and I am wanting to add a new row at the end of the pasted rows but with the sumation formula to add the relevant column

e.g copy range B14:AA17 with in this case columns E to AA holding the numerical values. Therefore I wish in cell E18 to sum the value of E14:E17 and so on ending with cell AA18 holding the sum of AA14:AA17

As these vary I have all relevant variables, Range to add sumation values to eg E18:AA18
Start Cell E14 and so on.

I tried adding "=SUM(x:d)" where x and d are vars relating the the column cell required eg x = E14 and d = E17

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VB Macro For Variable Cell Merge Into HTML Code Based On Criteria

Oct 7, 2009

Does anyone have a VB macro that will copy information from a cell (this will be variable based on criteria) and paste it into the middle of another cell that contains HTML code?

The criteria for the copy/insert/paste is that the information in the cell that is to be copy/inserted must match up with the correct number (part number).

I hope this makes sense. I have attached an example spreadsheet. (Pictures are worth 1000 words. ) Hope someone can help. I checked this site and couldn't find anything that was solved that matched the specifics.

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Find Method Code: Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Sep 8, 2006

I need my program to:
- find the cell containing the string "Datum/Tid"
- record the column and the row of the found cell in two variables lCol and lRow

Here is my

Sub test()

Dim rFoundCell As Range
Dim lRow As Long
Dim lCol As Long

'Find method of VBA
Set rFoundCell = Range("A1")
Set rFoundCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:Z50").Find(What:="Datum/Tid", After:=rFoundCell, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)

'for anyof the two lines down I get the message "object variable OR block variable not set"

lRow = rFoundCell.Row
lCol = rFoundCell.Column

End Sub

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Autofill In Macro Range Is Constant How Can I Code To Be A Variable Range?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to write a macro which will autofill specific columns. The macro will set the range from the start of my autofill to the end of my autofill as a constant range.

The problem I need to get around is the end of my range can always change each time I run the macro. For instance, the first time I run the macro I may only need to autofill from row 4 to row 15. The next time, I may only need to autofill from row 4 to 23 (because of user updates). How can I make the end of my range not be a constant address but variable?

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2007 Macro: Run-time Error 91:Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Feb 20, 2009

I'm fairly new to macro's and VBA, by searching on the internet i've copied and pasted some code together into a macro.
But it ends in a Run-time error 91...

The macro opens a target .xls file in a selected folder, performs copy - paste actions from masterfile to targetfile.
Than it filters data in the targetfile sheet1 and copy's the results to the various other sheets; saves and closes the targetfile.
The next target file in the folder is opened and the actions are repeated in this second target file.
For the first target file this works smoothly; but for the second one (of a total of around 100) it does not copy the filter results to the other sheets in this workbook.
The error message i get is: "Run-time error 91:Object variable or with block variable not set."
When i hit debug it highlights the line "ActiveSheet.Next.Select" which, at least in the first file, seems ok.

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Macro Error Message (object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set)

Jul 7, 2009

When i try to run the code below i get the error message - object variable or with block variable not set-


Cells(Sheets("POINTS").Range("DD801").Value, Sheets("POINTS").Range("DD800").Value).Select
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="1"
Dim sFormula1 As String
Dim sFormula2 As String
Dim sCell1 As String
Dim sCell2 As String
Dim sSheet1 As String
Dim sSheet2 As String
Dim r As Range
Dim MyRange As Range 'for testing

With Sheets("Points")
sFormula1 = .Range("CY1").Formula
sFormula2 = .Range("CY2").Formula
End With

strFormula = "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(RC[-1],MASTER!R4C3:R17908C7,3,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP(RC[-1],MASTER!R4C3:R17908C7,3,FALSE))"
r.FormulaR1C1 = strFormula
Dim ar As Range 'an area is a range
For Each ar In r.Areas 'areas are discrete, contiguous ranges of cells
ar.Value = ar.Value
Next ar

Cells(Sheets("POINTS").Range("DD801").Value, Sheets("POINTS").Range("DD800").Value).Select
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1

End Sub

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Find Dates Macro: Object Variable With Block Variable Not Set

Nov 21, 2006

I found this nice little bit of code for a date range search in column A but it will not work. Apparently i have not set a variable or something.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim startDate As String
Dim stopDate As String
Dim startRow As Integer
Dim stopRow As Integer
startDate = InputBox("Enter the Start Date: (dd/mm/yyyy)")
If startDate = "" Then End
stopDate = InputBox("Enter the Stop Date: (dd/mm/yyyy)")
If stopDate = "" Then End
startDate = Format(startDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
stopDate = Format(stopDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
startRow = Worksheets("sheet1").Columns("A").Find(startDate, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).Row
stopRow = Worksheets("sheet1").Columns("A").Find(stopDate, _
LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole).Row
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & startRow & ":A" & stopRow).Select

End Sub

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Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set Error With Macro

Mar 12, 2009

I attempted to modify "macro_1a1ay" to look into the "comments" sheet (column a) for a specific text string. If that text string is found, I have it delete the entire row, then re-sort the page and return to the calling page. It works well as long as it finds something. When it does not find the string (i.e. like now when the page is blank) it gives me the run-time error mentioned above.

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Storing A Table

Jun 17, 2009

I want to create & store ad-hoc tables in excel.... can anyone suggest the best way of doing this? Maybe can i use some sort of marker to distinguish when one table ends, and another begins? For eg, maybe i want to store 3 tables - 1 of different fruits and fruit volumes, the 2nd of employees and their shift times, and the third of various different leaflets, paper codes, volumes and dates.... eg, no particular theme

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Storing And Using A Logo

May 18, 2006

I have solution that uses userforms, the intro/menu has a company logo on it. What I want to be able to do is use this logo on actually worksheets that I have set up as templates for sending out invoices etc.

The person I am doing this for sometimes uses pre-printed headed paper and sometime plain papper. So I have a check box that asks whether headed paper is used. If so not a problem, if not, I need to add the logo at the top of the page, ideally from within the workbook.

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Storing In Array

Feb 20, 2007

Here's the code linked with excel spreadsheet:

Function Function1(DailyClose, EFBillsYield)

TradingDays = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(DailyClose)

For i_cnt = 1 To TradingDays - 1
DailyReturn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Ln(DailyClose(i_cnt) / DailyClose(i_cnt + 1))
Next i_cnt

AnnualReturn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(DailyReturn) * TradingDays
AnnualVolatility = Application.WorksheetFunction.StDev(DailyReturn) * Sqr(TradingDays)
RiskFreeRate = Application.WorksheetFunction.Ln(1 + EFBillsYield)

Function1 = (AnnualReturn - RiskFreeRate) / AnnualVolatility

End Function

When I enter the parameters DailyClose (which is an array of numeric), and EFBillsYield, which is a numeric also, the function will calculate the DailyReturn (in array) for each array element in DailyClose.

The problem is, I don't know how to catch the DailyReturn for each DailyClose element. The above code only loops and calculates DailyReturn one by one, but not storing it as an array.

How should it be modified so that the DailyReturn can be numeric array also, so that it can perform average and SD functions below the loop?

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Storing Information By Date

Apr 1, 2009

I've created a workbook that I use daily. The workbook has two sheets. One for entering information. The other for storing information.

On the first sheet, I enter health information about myself. I also enter the date.

On the second sheet, I have rows dated from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009. If the date entered on the first sheet matches January 1, 2009, then the information is copied to that respective row. If the date entered on the first sheet matches January 2, 2009, then the information is copied to the corresponding January 2, 2009 row, etc, etc.

So far so good. I enter the information, the date, and instantly the information is copied over. I save the workbook and go to sleep happy................

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Storing And Organizing Data

Jul 11, 2014

I'm setting up a type of form in excel where I have some validated drop down lists and I'm trying to use a macro that will, upon a button click, take the data from the drop down lists that are entered into the boxes, and organize them into a chart on a different sheet of the document. This would be the form with some drop down lists.

Juice Type

Juice Size
8 oz.

Juice Buyer

I want to add it in to a table with every button click filling in a new row in a table like this,

Juice Type
Juice Size
Juice Buyer

8 oz.

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Store A Value Without Storing It In A Field

May 17, 2007

Can I store a value with out storing it in a field? -with the macro ending?

Ex macro1 runs and gets A1.value
Stores the value (Not in a cell)

I later run macro2
Gets the stored value

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Storing Autofilter Criteria In A Range

Sep 17, 2013

I would like to know that is there any way of recording criteria when I filtered data.

For example; A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10 and A11

I have this data such as Data,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (starting from Range A2). Now when I created auto filter as

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$2:$A$11" _
).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("2", "3", "4", "5"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

And this criteria can be changed by the user anytime. Now for some reason sometimes I trigger a code which works under Function key(F8) and it refresh some data from the database. Just before it gets the data, it will remove the filter such as :

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$A$11" _
).AutoFilter Field:=1

My problem is after I run my code (under F8), I want to filter back with the same criteria. Is there anyway that i record my criteria in any cell whenever I filter?

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Storing Long Strings In Workbooks

Mar 6, 2009

I need to associate a fairly long (800 characters) string with a workbook as a template SQL query for an ODBC connection. I've thought about putting it into a cell, into a shape, into a standalone VBA module (with some 'magic' to stop it compiling). All I need is to be able to access it fairly easily via VBA (which I'm comfortable with).

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Creating A Form And Storing Information?

Dec 14, 2011

This challenge may be better handled in Access or a true database but the person making the request only uses Excel.

1. Create a form that will accept names, dates, and grades.

2. Store the information on a separate worksheet so that it's being accumulated and reports can be ran from it.

I'm aware of Excel's automatic form but it doesn't allow for validation.

Example: some score ranges are 0-5 others are 0-15. We can't allow for a 12 to be put in where the max is 5.

I know how to do the validation. The big challenge now is telling Excel: I've completed entering this record. Now clear, and start a new record on the next row?

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Storing Textbox Contents In Array

Feb 13, 2012

I've created a textbox, call it Textbox1, where I've set EnterKeyBehavior and WordWrap to be true. If someone types something like


in the textbox, and I use the following code


Dim TextBoxVal as String
TextBoxVal = Textbox1.Value
then TextBoxVal will be applesbananascherries.

I'd like to have the array be something like

apples,bananas,cherries, or

or something else so I can tell when the user has hit the enter key. Is there any way to do this?

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Storing ListBox Mulitselect Selections

Nov 30, 2006

I am writing a macro that allows a user to select which fields they would like to copy from over 100 workbooks. I am using a multiselect ListBox on a userform that I populate using the "additem" approach. There are around 20 fields for the user to choose and each represents a column in the worksheet (all 100 worksheet are in the same format).

I need to use the user selection to identify which columns to pull from all worksheets.

How can I identify the selection the user made and incorrporate that in a copy range type of code. I planned to "Unload" the form after the user hit the "Run" (command) button (not sure if this will matter).

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Compare Variables Storing Times

Dec 27, 2006

I have tried lots of alternative for making Excel Dates & Times calculation work in vba. I can't find the place its creating problem. I have attached spreadsheet to have better look at it. When I am using time in one column (Calender!C) in VBA code, it works fine and update values in R1,R2... columns. But, when I am using time in another column (Calender!D), its not working properly and not updating appropriate columns. I will appreciate if someone can look at vba code in attached file. It looks like I am missing some kind of setting in excel/vba.

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Storing 3d Arrays In Named Ranges

Jun 1, 2007

I have created a 3d array in visual basic that i want to access from a worksheet. it is basically a linked set of 2 dimensional arrays (i.e. there a x items with a x b data arrays). I want to stored in a named range, as a and b may both be more than 255 (i.e the width of a worksheet). is there an easy way to store and reference a 3d array in a name, or will i have to store each a x b array as a seperate name. Also, if I have to store them separately, is there an easy way to strip the component parts of a 3d array into 2d arrays?

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