Read Text File And Write Text
Feb 16, 2007
What if you have text that are hyperlinked to a txt file and you want to read from it and copy it into excel. What can I do then. Here is what I have been working on so far:
Sub GoToHyperLink()
Dim cell As Range
Dim link As Hyperlink
Dim Textline As String
For Each cell In Selection
Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False
I can not get it to write it to excel.
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Dec 11, 2009
I need help for reading data from text files and saving it under different columns in the excel file using vba macro.
For example: I have many text files in the following format ....
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Jun 4, 2012
Is it possible to write vba code that will generate a text file with ALL changes that were made to an excel file. Ex. If Cell A17 = "Monday, June 4, 2012" and a user updates Cell A17 to "N/A", I would like to know what the value was before and after the udpate was made.
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Nov 21, 2006
I have verified that there is data in the worksheet...but while the text file is created and properly closed, nothing is written to it.
Sub ScoresToDeko() 'writes a text file
Dim Scores As String
Dim CRLF As String
Dim count As Integer
Scores = ""
CRLF = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
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Jan 7, 2007
Are there any examples, instead of having MsgBox, but have a log file created ?
So instead of MsgBox, it might be MsgLog
Is there such a thing in VBA ?
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Jan 4, 2008
I'm getting an object required error in excel, but don't really understand.
rivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()
free_number = FreeFile()
Filename = app.Path & "/file_write_output.txt"
StringToSave = Cells(1, 1).Value
Open Filename For Output As free_number
Write #free_number, StringToSave
Print #free_number, StringToSave
Close #free_number
End Sub
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May 31, 2008
The problem with the Write macro was that, although it did work, it used SendKeys which has to be slowed down considerably.
Here is a new version of the Write macro that works as normal. I originally tried to use CDDBControl.dll version which is widely available on the internet but found that I could only get it to change 1 file before crashing Excel.
I have put the READ macro in the next message.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim FromRow As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim FilesToChange As Integer ' number of files to change
Dim FilesChanged As Integer ' number of files changed
Dim MyFilePathName As String ' full path & file name
Dim MyFileType As String ' mp3 wma etc.
Dim id3 As Object
Dim MyArtist As String
Dim MyAlbum As String
Dim MyGenre As String
Dim MyTrack As String
Dim MyTitle As String
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set id3 = CreateObject("CDDBControlRoxio.CddbID3Tag")
LastRow = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row ' count worksheet rows
FilesToChange = ws.Range("A2:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count
If FilesToChange = 0 Then MsgBox ("No files to change."): Exit Sub
FilesChanged = 0........................
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Apr 29, 2009
I have a tool that accesses a master sheet. Multiple people use the tool (sort of a user interface).
In some cases I need to write to the Master in which I check to make sure its not read only when the macro opens it (that works fine).
In other cases, like when just pulling information, read only is fine. But, I have not specified read only when I open the master.
Sometimes the users are getting a "File Now Available" with a read-write and cancel option. I do not want them to get this message.
My current universal call to master looks like this: ...
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Mar 25, 2009
I found this thread ,
on the forum site which involves
saving a file by value in a cell.
I want to change the code so that it saves that name by
a cell value + "_BOM"
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Jan 5, 2005
I know how to pull an entire text file
into an Excel Spreadsheet, but I only want specific information from
the text file not the entire text file.
What I have is about 25 text files stored in a folder, let's say
C: est.
Each file is named by a property address as follows:
209 MAIN ST.txt
213 MAIN ST.txt
111 ELM ST.txt
2356 WOOD AVE.txt
On the 11th row of each file is as follows:
Property Address:209 MAIN ST
On the 31st row of each file is as follows:
Total Value:30500
What I would like to do is read each file located in the "C: est
folder and write a record (row) into a single Excel Spreadsheet for
each property. I would like the Excel Spreadsheet to look as follows
once completed. Note the 1st row below is a header row that needs to
be generated by the code.
Property AddressTotal Value
209 MAIN ST 30500
213 MAIN ST 60700
111 ELM ST 20400
2356 WOOD AVE 20900
Can I read a header list (in a spreadsheet, text file, or hard coded in
the code) which I would prefer the spreadsheet or text file method,
write the header row in A1 then B1. Next read the 25 text files and
search based on the header info written above (Property Address & Total
Value) and write the appropriate to the single spreadsheet. The 11th
row of the First text file value written in cell A2, then read the 31st
row of the First text file write the value in cell B2, then loop to the
Second text file and values from The 11th row of the Second text file
value written in cell A3, then read the 31st row of the Second text
file write the value in cell B3, so on and so forth until the last text
file is read and the last record is written.
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May 30, 2013
I have a excel sheet with rows and columns. I want to use these values to write a text file.
[Code] .......
HTML Code:
Project n 1
Project n 1
and so on, until all rows and columns has been written
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Feb 25, 2009
I have written a VBA to read data from a text file (almost 5 MB = 2 lakh rows) and write into excel file. The script runs fine and transfers all data to the excel.But when i open the resulting excel file, only the first 2 and the last worksheets are visible. The worksheets in between and the data in it are missing. Second issue is tht, although i have written code to create a new worksheet when row number reaches 65535, the script writes only till row no. 32768.
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May 21, 2014
I've a word form that collects free text and tick boxes. I'm reading these into separate rows on an excel sheets. So far what works...
I've got excel vba converting the word to a delimited text file
I've got excel vba to remove the erroneous rtns that people have entered into the free text that was things up.
In the free text there are commas entered as well as the tick boxes and this is a csv. Example
"how do I do this, I don't know",1,1,0,1,"really seems to be a challenge!"
If I just use excel to open the text file then the columns work out ok and on a single row - I think the 'text qualifier' is playing a role here.
But I can't replicate this in VBA. If I record a macro it's a query table and I don't know how to amend the code to read into rows.
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Oct 26, 2006
I'm using the following code to read a text file that I downloaded from a mainframe file.
Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, myLine
Debug.Print myLine
It reads and prints the first line, but then drops out of the loop. According to the help file, "Line Input" is looking for a carriage return (Chr(13)) or carriage return–linefeed (Chr(13) + Chr(10)) sequence. I have pasted a sample of the text file below. I'm not sure what the characters are at the beginning of each line, but perhaps I could find a way to replace each of them with a carriage return.
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Apr 14, 2008
In VBA, is it possible to write to a text file, on 1 single line (without carriage return or line feed) the values of a dynamic array? For instance, I have the array:
Dim my(n) As Double 'n is changeable
my(0) = 0
my(1) = 1
my(2) = 2
I want to write to a text file, like this: Write #filename, my(0), my(1), my(2) '..... until my(n) but n is changing
I want them on 1 line, because I use the other direction (up - down) for other things).
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Jan 23, 2008
I want to read data from Notepad into Excel. I found this code on the net and have been trying to modify it for my needs:
Sub ImportText(FileName As String)
Dim X As Long
Dim FileNum As Long
Dim TotalFile As String
Dim Lines() As String
Const DataRowStart As Long = 1
Const DataColStart As Long = 1
FileNum = FreeFile
Open "" For Binary As #FileNum.................
This pastes the contents of each line into 1 cell but I want to paste each value into a seperate cell. So in the attached data.txt there are 5 records each of 2 lines. For example in the 1st record I want to paste 05-693-1900 into 1 cell then 0040 in the cell to the right of that, Town A into another cell, 000000 into another cell....and so on. For the 2nd line it should be 000000000033 into one cell, AA28816 into the adjacent cell...and each remaining number into a seperate cell. I also want to leave 3 blank lines before going to the next
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Feb 1, 2008
I have a comma delineated text file that is full of stock item details such as stock code, description, 3 different prices etc it is about 15 fields wide by about 400 rows down. I need to be able to import all rows but only certain columns into an excel worksheet using vba. I know I can easily just rename it to .xls or .csv or something like that but its a text file we export out of our system at work and we need to be able to give it to customers who then can import into this excel spreadsheet/calculator I am creating.
The file looks something like this:
"String 1", ""String 2", "String 3", "String 4", ...... all the way up to 15
There is 400 or so rows (which represent stock items)
Now I need to copy all rows in column 1 (string 1) all rows in column 12, 13, 14, 15 (This is the only data I need from the text file in this particular spreadsheet/calculator)
I have it working fine reading the entire row in one at a time splitting it up into a string array using the Split() function and then only copies the certain array indexes i need into the worksheet here is the code for this: ...
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May 28, 2008
I have a Text-File with characters coded in simple chinese (gb2312) rsp. codepage 20936 and I want to read this file, paste the content in my worksheet. Later (after a chinese edited the text) I've to write this back to a text file.
The only way I found to make this, is by copy/paste e.g. from WordPad, but I want to automate it with VBA.
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Feb 5, 2008
I am trying to write the contents of a worksheet to a notepad file. Also, the worksheet has some hidden columns.
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Sep 17, 2007
I m trying to write a macro which could take the text from a single column row T2 to row T313 and write it to a .txt file. Have the .txt file name created by the text in T4 or I could also put the text to name the file in T1 if you think it would be easier.
Then carry on to the next named sheet and produce another .txt file in exactly the same way until all 15 sheets have been completed. It would also be helpful if prior to starting to write each text files, it could test for any text in cell A2 of the sheet. The first empty A2 cell of a sheet would determine the end of the run, if it was prior to sheet 15 being reached.
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Apr 10, 2014
I need to get a code that will just read the text in a cell that contains text and numbers example abc123 I want it to only read the abc as the numbers can change and cant write them all into my macro all the time.
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Sep 18, 2009
I have an existing spreadsheet with a column of strings (actually VIN numbers). These numbers correllate to a bunch of text files, that can exist in one of three folders (UsernameDesktop1, 2, or 3) on my desktop. What I need the macro to do is:
1) get the filename from A2 (A1 is a heading row)
2) Find the appropriate text file in one of the three folders
3) Put the folder name into I2
4) Scan the text file for some strings, and copy some data that follows those strings into J2:O2 (I can handle programming this)
5) Close the text file
6) repeat above for the remainder of filenames (about 1800 files)
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Nov 21, 2007
I have a macro which imports data from a mainframe dump text file and performs 'Text to Columns' on the imported data so that formula in the spreadsheet can act on the data. The code works perfectly well when I use it, but if a different user logs on and performs exactly the same mainframe dump and import macro the Text to Columns action splits the raw data in a different way and the result is that the split renders the formulae useless.
I've experimented a little and for some reason it appears that the 'Field Info' parameters which are produced when the Text to Columns function is recorded in a macro differ between users even though the raw data is exactly the same.
FieldInfo:= _
Array(Array(0, 1), Array(18, 1), Array(35, 1), Array(56, 1), Array(70, 1), Array(88, 1), _
Array(102, 1))
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Aug 13, 2013
Got a slight problem; I am making a "worker-plan", where you should be able to write a name on one file and have it updated (removed) from the equivalent columns on another file automatically. Here's an example with two separate projects:
Project 1 before and after changes:
Attachment 257366
Attachment 257367
Project 2 before and after changes:
Attachment 257368
Attachment 257369
You can see here how I intended it to work. When one worker is moved from Project 1 to Project 2, that worker should also be removed from those weeks in Project 1. The previous worker from Project 2 should also be removed from those weeks (in Project 2).
Are there any formulas that can make this work automatically? All week numbers will belong to the same columns in all files.
Edit: There are 30 files that should be syncronized, not just two.. I could also gather all files into one file with sheets, instead of having seperate files.
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Sep 21, 2009
Ok I have these ini files for a access control system. We have 40 different systems. All on different databases. that look like the following: ...
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Jun 30, 2007
I have had a long-held belief that Excel/VBA methodology is very suited to solving this problem. I have investigated several possible methods noted below and picked one that gives a "quick win". I offer my results so far as a step towards the goal, as well as giving an example of how to manipulate a non-MS Office application using VBA. In this case Windows Explorer - I have used similar code on corporate applications like Oracle and SAP. My 'Write' method uses Sendkeys. Luckily I have been able to do the job without having to use code to simulate mouse functions or using API calls to simulate key presses. Ideally I would like to use something more stable, but there is the bonus that it is simple, as well as changing WMA and both versions of MP3 tag (see below) if present. Perhaps on reading this someone else may have a better method.
Being a ballroom dancer I have a large collection of CDs as well as software to rip to hard drive and enhance the sound quality. Many are quite old. A big problem has been to get a consistent view of the file properties - especially Genre, (eg. Waltz, Foxtrot .. etc.) which, from my own CD burning or external sources, is missing, or incorrect from using the now obsolete ID3v1 tag standard list. Applications such as Windows Media Player and RealPlayer allow functionality to edit tags but become very tiresome when it comes to making bulk changes - such as after burning a new CD. When viewing properties of the same file in various other applications they often show things like Title & Artist switched, and Genre not at all. I have tried software to change MP3 file tags, but find them over-complicated, confusing, and difficult to make the bulk changes I need. With Windows Explorer we can only change 8 properties - but I find these sufficient.
My method is :-
1. READ : Run one macro to put data into a worksheet.....
2. MAKE CHANGES : Make manual changes to the Excel worksheet in the normal way....
3. WRITE : Run another macro to read the worksheet and update the file properties in Explorer.
Part 1 is very simple and robust. Part 3 is difficult because when we use Sendkeys to mimic keyboard entry the code runs too fast to allow time for things to happen on screen, so we have to put Wait statements *depending on how fast the computer runs*. So Slower is better - up to a point.
Properties are added to MP3 files by using a "Tag" - additional bytes of information which form part of the file. WMA files are a Microsoft invention using a similar, but different structure. Interestingly, using my code to make changes via Window Explorer updates BOTH MP3 Tag versions as well as .WMA files. I moan about Microsoft less and less.
MP3 *ID3v1* consisting of 128 bytes always at the end of the file is now 'obsolete' - despite being still in use. This is very easy to read/write using the same code as for Text Files eg.
Open "c:myfile.mp3" For Binary As #1
etc. It is, however, limited to 4 text fields of 30 characters max, 'Year' =4 characters, and 'Genre' is a single character, the Asc() code of which is a lookup to a standard list which contains 125 items - none of which is any good to me. Could have my own lookup I suppose.
MP3 *ID3v2.3* is in the process of being superseded by ID3v2.4. The big problem here is that there are several different versions and the code required is extremely complicated - mainly due to the use of variable length fields. So we not only have to find the property, but read the field length before getting the field contents. Writing would need to change the coded field length. This is further complicated by there being the option to use an "Extended Tag" - *or not* ! Version 2 tag can be at the beginning or end of the file (before ID3v1 if it exists) - or both. The MP3 files on my computer all seem to have both versions - v2 at the beginning and v1 at the end. It is further complicated by the ability to have User Defined fields. I see some of my files have a user defined 'Genre' field, despite having the standard one 'TCON' too. The tag also needs a form of "encryption" so that the mp3 player does not treat it as audio data. Visit here for detailed information .
To view an audio file in its raw state open it in a Text Editor. I use 'TexPad' which is very fast and gives a choice of Binary (with Text 'translation' in a column) or Text view. Notepad gives just a Text view with empty space for non-text/binary characters. There is a large number of Null characters Asc(0) in proportion to the overall file length - mainly for "future development" I believe.
I would be interested to hear of any comments, suggestions and code improvements.
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Dec 30, 2009
I'm trying to learn VBA programming (I started some years ago already, but felt it was a bit too difficult for me) and I would like to ask two (perhaps very basic) questions:
1 - Can someone give me a code which does the following : In A1 I have a string : "This is a test." I want it in rewritten in column C1-4 as follows :
C1 This
C2 is
C3 a
C4 test.
2 - A code which does the following : In A1 I have a word : "Testing"
I want it this word as split up in 1 character/cell as follows :
C1 T
C2 e
C3 s
C4 t
C5 i
C6 n
C7 g
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Aug 1, 2007
I have a macro that reads the content of the columns in an excel file and writes the content of each cell in the column to a row in a text file. Here is the code I am using:
Public fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim f As Folder
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
' Generate a set of text files from this excel file
Sub ExcelToText()
'Select the used range of the worksheet
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set rng = rng.Offset(3, 0)
For i = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
CreateTextFile rng.Columns(i), i
Next i
End Sub
' create text file
Private Sub CreateTextFile(rng As Range, i As Long)
Dim tstream As TextStream
Dim oCell As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim title As String
Dim filname$
Now my problem is the following: certain rows are merged in the first column of my excel file, such as the following:
050partyId partyIdScheme
member memberScheme
In this case, my macro writes 50 in the first text file, then partyIdmember in the second file and partyIdSchemememberScheme in the third file.
What I want is a white space between the words in my text file, for example: partyId partyIdScheme. How do I modify my macro to do that?
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Oct 5, 2008
I have just started VBA for the first time in Excel 2007. I have spent 2-3 hours trying to write text to a cell and I do not understand why it is not working. I have reduced the operation to the simplest form that I can find, now using the following
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Jul 22, 2014
I have a userform with a textbox that has numbers in it, but when I write them to Excel they are put in the column as text, not as numbers.
[/CODE]Cells(erow,6).Value = txtbox_Amount[CODE]
How can I force it to write the information as numbers?
P.S. My computer won't let me paste into these posts, even when it asks me to allow access to my clipboard. What setting can I change so I can paste my code instead of typing it.
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