Rearrange Data Report Into Database For Pivot?
Aug 19, 2013
I have a report (roughly 4000 lines) which I need to rearrange for pivot/power-pivot use.
The structure for each row/record is:
col1 geography
col2 area
col3 customer
col4 product
col5 price
col6-65 monthly sales units - 5 years (columns labelled Jan 2009, Feb 2009 .... Dec 2013)
I want to rearrange the data as:
col 1-5 unchanged
col 6 month (data Jan 2009, Feb 2009, etc.)
col 7 sales units
Currently i have 4000 rows/records (each containing 65 fields). Iwant to end up with 4000 x 60 or 240,000 rows/records of 7 fields each. Is this possible through a data import wizard or VBA routine?
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Sep 13, 2013
So I am trying to rearrange some cells on a report based of some criteria using an IF formula and getting Blank cells. Here's what I have:
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)
With Range("P2:P" & LastRow)
Formula = "=IF($F2=""/FEDERAL EXCISE TAX"",$I2,"""")"
.Value = .Value
So I just want it to identify whats in a cell and populate a related value if the text is present. Do I need to change formatting to find Tex or something along those lines?
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Dec 27, 2007
I am building a tracking process for marketing and relationship management purposes. My company has a database (Advisor's Assistant - which the server is on site) that is for lack of a better term very limited. I have tried to identify if we have the capability to use SQL in excel to pull the information we want but that avenue looks bleak, since my co-worker that is pretty tech-savvy has had very little luck working with the database provider to get to information we want.
Anyway, I have determined that I can get the information I am interested in by way of several reports that the current database will do and printing them to a .pdf file. Then by way of a program called Able to Extracted I can get them into an excel format. The problem I am trying to solve is using excel to pull the information I want out of these twice converted reports into a format that means something in excel.
Only the reports reach excel they have many empty cells and some of the information is offset and does not follow the same pattern as you scroll down through the report. I have attached part of one of the reports. I would like to automate the process of searching the data and creating a new format that I can use a pivot table to create reports off.
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Aug 19, 2013
I have a file with lots of pivot tables which works fine. But if I save and reopen the file then I get the following message when I try to change a filter on any of the pivot tables:
"The pivottable report was saved without the underlying data"
(ideally without refreshing all pivot tables using a workbook open event as this will cause a 10-20 second time-lag)
p.s. the file used to work fine before I added an extra pivot table (there are roughly 10 pivot tables in the file)
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Jan 7, 2009
I would like not to have to update the source data for the pivot table in my database. I've read that you can solve this by using a Dynamic Named Range and using that as the source for the pivot table. That way the pivot table will expand as new data is added to the database. The formula I used to create the DNR is:
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Sep 9, 2008
I have attached a spreadsheet of an example of a database with a pivot table and a desired report
Can anyone give me a pivot tabe from my database that looks like my desired report.
I am willing to seperate the database into two seperate databases with different transaction types if necessary.
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Feb 23, 2008
Last week I posted a question related to formatting a cell to return a Day of the Week versus a numerical representation IE "Wed" instead of 02/20/2008 12:00AM. The solution provided worked for me:
1) Format cell to DDD MM/DD/YYYY HR:MN. Cell range (A1:A500)
2) Format destination cell with DDD. Cell range (B1:B500)
3) Destination cell (B1) = to original cell A1
4) B1 displayed data as "Wed"
However, the issue I still have is; I wanted to create a pivot table summarizing a year activity by Day of Week (in other words 7 entries for the year) and the pivot table still recognized all the MM/DD/YYYY. I ended up with a table displaying every day of the year instead of a yearly summary by Day of Week. Is there some way to strip out all the other numerical data from the new column I created to run a pivot table by Day of the Week for a whole years activity?
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Jul 17, 2013
I have 2 sheet in MS Excel (MATTER & REPORT) . Database included at sheet MATTER. Report will be seen on sheet REPORT based on entry date. What formula used to produce report automatically.
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Apr 3, 2013
I have a 2 sheets in a workbook by the name Entry and DataStore. I am entering the daily data in Entry sheet and then manually updating the data in DataStore sheet. Is there a macro to automate this.
I have uploaded the sample file with the expected output comments to the below link:
Free large file exchange service without size limits.
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Jan 9, 2007
Is there a really good tutorial for laying out multiple database queries in excel? Or even just for automating reports between Excel and Access? Here is my situation: Monthly, Quarterly & Annually I report on performance standards such as: duration, best practices, cost-benefit analysis, etc. The information is pretty standard and is pulled from Excel Reports. Access is used to filter this information by appropriate month, quarter, year, and/or data type. In access I calculate the performance averages, max and min. Then this is in linked back to Excel to update the charts and summaries. My concern is how much time I spend rebuilding this system every month (about 4 business days)
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Jan 12, 2013
In column A of a database I've calculated workdays for all year (excluding weekends and public holidays).
Every day, I update the numerical data of the database, with the facts of previous day.
In another sheet I've made some monthly, quarterly etc., reports for that data.
What I want, is to have:
1) a report every day, with the sum of specific data (say that in column D), for a period starting the first workday of current month and ending the previous workday of today.
2) the total workdays days for that period.
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Jul 2, 2008
How do you create a macro to copy the information from my weekly reports to a monthly report and be able to update automatically. If you had 4 worksheets (for each week of the month) and 1 mastersheet for the whole month in a workbook. All titles are the same and If you needed to copy all the data that is in the columns, say, A through I, starting with row 4 to however many rows are in a given week. The reports can be made up of numicerial values, text and dates. Let me know if more information is needed or an example worksheet.
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Jan 1, 2010
I've the data like this
Item 1,Item 2,Item 3
Product 1a,Product 1b,Product 1c
Product 2a,Product 2b,Product 2c
And I want to rearrange like this
Product 1a
Product 1b
Product 1c
Product 2a
Product 2b
Product 2c
Product 3a
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Jun 11, 2014
Looking to re-arrange particular data in attached SS. Sample has the highlighted data which is then converted to the result SS. Have many rows with variable lengths for each record.
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Nov 24, 2007
I am seeking the expertise of you knowledge folks to advise me whether it is possible to create a "script" in Excel to jumble up certain letters in an entry?
Let me explain. What I have are 4 separate columns with data in them. I need to somehow rearrange them into a certain format, like an encryption I suppose.
Here's an example of some data I have :
What I need to do is jumble those up so they appear in the following format:
Is it possible to do this in Excel? You're probably wondering why I don't do it manually, but there are over 20,000 records that need jumbling up and obviously that would take a very long time.
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Aug 28, 2009
I have been supplied a list of data (company name, address, tel no, email ect.) unfortunatly the data is not in the correct order. There is about 300 companies on the sheet.
Is there a way i can rearrange the data, i have attached a file to show the end result i am trying to acheive.
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Oct 15, 2013
I have a raw data sheet from the CTI in my workplace (sheet 1 in the attached file), the problem with the data is that i can't seem to be able to sort it in a table like i want (like the one in sheet 2 in the file) because of the inconsistency of the data location,i was thinking that there must be some formula (offset?) or macro code that can arrange the data from sheet 1 into the table in sheet 2.
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Oct 18, 2009
I need a macro to manipulate some data. The attached example contains more details.
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Apr 17, 2012
We need to copy data from column A of sheet2 (from A2 to the last row) in sheet3 (from A2 to the last row).
In sheet2 column A
01.03.2012 10:05
02.03.2012 03:5617 h, 51 m, 02 s118.117.65.17510:C4:91:B6:96:B202.03.2012 10:3003.03.2012 01:2214 h, 51 m, 47 s116.100.124.13510:C4:91:B6:96:B203.03.2012 09:1903.03.2012 14:2405 h, 04 m, 56 s99.87.106.22810:C4:91:B6:96:B2
need to be in sheet3
Time INTime OUTDurationIPMac address01.03.2012 10:05
02.03.2012 03:5617 h, 51 m, 02 s118.117.65.17510:C4:91:B6:96:B202.03.2012 10:3003.03.2012 01:2214 h, 51 m, 47 s116.100.124.13510:C4:91:B6:96:B203.03.2012 09:1903.03.2012 14:2405 h, 04 m, 56 s99.87.106.22810:C4:91:B6:96:B2
In sheet2 column A is about 400 row and we need to copy this date every month in sheet3
I wish that every touch of the button to copy data in the first empty cell found, not to overwrite data.
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Dec 6, 2007
I need to write a macro which rearranges my data for me. The data looks like this;
Coal consumption___tonnes
Coal energy________GJ
This macro will need to be applied to a number of sheets with different time periods and different types of "Data". What I want to do is write a macro that will transform the data to look like this (where xxx is the data entries);
Coal consumption___xxxx____tonnes___Jan06
Coal consumption___xxxx____tonnes___Feb06
Coal consumption___xxxx____tonnes___Mar06
Coal energy________xxxx______GJ____Jan06
Coal energy________xxxx______GJ____Feb06
Coal energy________xxxx______GJ____Mar06
So that I can easily import it into access. I know basically how to do it, but I can't automate it to apply to a sheet with any stretch of data fields or types of data.
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Sep 6, 2009
I have a big collection of spreadsheets that are all laid out in the same fashion: from A2 down are the names of different individuals (one name per row). Column titles (from B1 right) are the names of unique qualifications that these individuals possess. In the cell where a row and column intersects is the date at which this qualification was awarded. If this doesn’t make total sense, I’ve attached a very basic version of this to the post (Sheet 1) – although the spreadsheets I’m working with have hundreds of individuals and scores of qualifications, rather than just a couple!
This data needs exporting/rearranging into a format that’s recognisable by another piece of software that we use. In this format, the data is split into three columns: the person’s name, a possessed qualification and the date it was awarded. This means that a single individual’s name may have multiple rows, since a different qualification will be present in each row for that person. An example of this layout is shown on Sheet 2 of the attachment.
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Jan 15, 2013
I have an Excel sheet that is in rows. I want to separate the data into columns. Each sample is separated by a space in the rows. So sample 1 is A1 is the name and B1 is the actual name. A2 is the description and B2 is the description. Each sample is +or- rows. Sample 1 may be 8 rows but sample 2 may be 6 rows. What type of formula or macro do I use to arrange the samples into columns instead of rows so the data will be like A1 name, A2 description, etc... and A2 will be sample 2 name, and B2 will be sample 2 description, etc...
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Oct 7, 2006
I have an excel file with data that was entered in rows instead of columns and I need to rearrange the data into columns. Here's what my data looks like now, with what should be field names in column one and values in column two:
Company Name : Excel Company
First Name : Jack
Last Name : Smith
Phone : 555-661-6674
Email :
(this continues in a repeating pattern for thousands of rows)
I need the data like this:
Company Name : First Name : Last Name : Phone : Email
Excel Company : Jack : Smith : 555-# : ozgrid_rocks@url
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Jun 6, 2007
How do I use VBA to rearrange the data from the hierarchy format of Table 1 into the flat format of Table 2. See attached file >Data_Belinda_June-5-07.xls
Table 1: Each record has information arranged in a hierarchy format.
Level 1 information is indented by one space on one line; Level 2 information is indented by 2 spaces on the next line, etc.
Table 2: Data from Table 1 have been rearranged into 7 columns. Another column has been added to create a field for the Reference ID.
Reference ID: Two types: i) Created by prefixing with the letters BI , adding the first four letters from column 4 and the first four letters from column 5; ii) As in (i) with the addition of the entire word from column 6.
The report I have may have more than one hundred records and there may be more than ten people within each section.
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Nov 10, 2008
i have a pivot table report filter that i cannot sort a-z. i've tried sorting the source data and also right clicking on the first value then choosing display a-z - neither work.
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Apr 16, 2013
I am trying to arrange data (pay by week) for regions and sites within a region. In the first Report filter, I select the site, and the second report filter gives me all of the sites - not just those in that region.... How I can either arrange my data or change my pivot, so only the appropriate sites show under the region?
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Jun 16, 2014
I have a pivot table based on sales data and I need to know the 3 salespeople that had the highest sales during the current fiscal year versus the last fiscal year.
I have tried manipulating the pivot table but I keep getting the error message: "the following system error occurred: the requested name is valid but no data of the requested type is found".
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Sep 28, 2007
I have a simple table Attached. (A simplified version of a much larger table) The data continues on for thousands of entries and there are quite a few more columns. Names are dynamic in that names will be added and deleted over time. (There is a list of names on a different worksheet that updates as users are added.)
I wish to Consolidate the Data Under Different Titles. The data in the NAME column will Consolidate to list each name in Alphabetical order. The data under the RAP COUNTER column should count the number of YES entries per NAME under the new title ATTEMPTS. The data under the RESULT column should Count the number of KILL entries under the new title KILLS. And the Data in the TG SCORE column should average all entries per NAME under the new title TOTAL SCORE. I tried to do this with a pivot table to no avail. I could write some programming to accomplish this, but I am am amateur, and I also worry about time required to run a macro for thousands of lines.
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Jan 8, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with 15,000 rows x 15 more columns, i would like to find out the number of delivery for each single order.
The database similar as below :-
Order No. Delivery Date Product
12345678 01.01.2009 TV
12345678 01.01.2009 DVD PLAYER
12344568 02.01.2009 TV
14567892 03.01.2009 RADIO
14567892 04.01.2009 RADIO
14567892 31.12.2008 BLUE RAY
15465879 06.01.2009 MP3
1)what excel function should I use in order to find out the number of delivery since there are so many duplicate records in the database.
2) Shall I use "Pivot table" ?
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Jul 5, 2012
I'm using Excel 2010 and XP. I have data in rows 1 -4 that can not be altered. There are headings in Row 5, B-L & Row 6, F-J.
Data starts in Row 7 and follows the headings. This repeats for several thousand rows. I need a way to move Row 6, F-J and put it on Row 5, M-Q
Row 6, F-J and put it on Row 5, M-Q
Row 8, F-J and put it on Row 7, M-Q
Row 10, F-J and put it on Row 9, M-Q
Row 12, F-J and put it on Row 11, M-Q
Then delete blank rows below Row 5
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