Reference Last Cell In Dynamic Named Range
Nov 14, 2006
In the attached spreadsheet I am trying to always reference the sum column from Qty in Det Est.
This is because the number of roads changes for each project.
I created a dynamic range name surfacing with the following formula:
=offset(qty!$a$1,0,0,counta(qty!$A$A), counta(qty!$1$1)).
My question is what formula do I use to reference the sum column for each row on the Det Est Sheet.
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Aug 13, 2008
I have a problem creating a circular reference with dynamic ranges. I have searched already but can't find the specifc problem. I have a spreadsheet where I use vba code to insert extra columns. Within the worksheet there are sum calculations at the end of each row. When I add a new column within the table I would like the sum calculation to expand to account for this extra column.
Now, I thought that dynamic ranges would be the way to go but the only way I can see to do it creates a circular reference as the CountA function trys to count the cell with the sum function in it.
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Nov 11, 2012
I am running Excel 2003 on a Win7 system.
Here is my situation:
Each of my data sets spans roughly 75 columns by 250 rows at present, but this could expand. The first 7 rows contain metadata. Columns 2-25 or so contain the raw data, from which everything to the right is calculated. The data sets have most columns in common, but not necessarily all.
In order to tease out the most meaningful information from my data, I frequently sort all or part of it based on varying criteria. When I find a useful sorting criterion, I create a new column with a header that describes the criterion and populate it with a formula that returns a 1 if the condition of interest is met for that row, or a 0 if it is not. For example, if I am doing this in column AA, I might enter
and copy it down to the end of the data. The resulting vector of 1s and 0s quickly re-identify data that meets that criterion even after subsequent resorting. It also makes locating data that meets multiple sorting criteria extremely simple. Essentially, I create a truth table.
Cell $AA$4 in the above example contains a "comparator" value I might wish to change at some point, which would change the subset of data the condition selects for.
Here's the first hard part:
For each data set, I need the ability to generate meaningful plots that includes separate series based on the criteria I have described. However, I also need to retain the ability to resort the data or change the comparator value without disrupting these plots. In other words, the plots must NOT change when the order of the data is changed, but MUST change to display the appropriate data when the comparator changes.
Here's the 2nd hard part:
Once I have this working for one data set, I need to be able to port it to other data sets (which are contained in other workbooks), so that I can compare equivalent plots from each. I also need to minimize the number of manual steps involved in doing so, to avoid human errors and excessive time consumption.
The only other possible complication I can think of at the moment is that, to this point, I have been inserting blank rows to isolate subsets that I do not wish to perform further sorting on from each other.
Right now I am angling toward VBA code that loops through the entire data set to generate base dynamic ranges using the column header row (row 1) as the names, and the entire column of data for the rangeloops through the truth table columns to generate "branch" row ranges for each of the sorting conditions,loops through the entire data set one more time to create "branch" ranges for each of the base ranges.
I could generate some code to accomplish a one-off solution for a given configuration of a single data set (provided there is not a list length limit in a chart series that I'd be violating)...but without a dynamic named range, I don't know how to get to something that would update appropriately. So in essence, I am still stuck at the dynamic range part of this.
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Apr 28, 2009
Can you use Row & Column numbers in a Formula the way you can in VBA?
I want to do the same as Range(Cells(5,2)) in VBA EXCEPT in a Formula
because I want to use named ranges for the Row & column entries. (And I don't want to have to run a macro every time a change is made. The spreadsheet is huge enough already. It's slow on my machine & I have the biggets baddest PC in the company!)
Using Formulas only, (not VBA) I would like to create a Dynamic Named Range, LastUsedRow, which is the ROW NUMBER of the Last Used Cell in Column C
(it would = 470)
Also I have an existing Named Range HeaderRowNum (it = 16)
Currently I have a LOT of formulas like:
problem is any new data must be added between Rows 17 & 470
So I would like to create dynamic new forumlas to read like:
SUMPRODUCT( (Cells(HeaderRowNum+1,5) : (LastUsed Row,5)) * (--(Cells(HeaderRowNum+1,93) : (LastUsed Row,93))>0) )...............
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May 13, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where I've disallowed selection of multiple cells using the code in the 2nd box below, but is there a way to override this protection to allow selection of a named range? My reason for doing so is to open this workbook as read only from code in another workbook and copy the entire table. My code for doing that works ok (I frequently use it in other workbooks) but, in this case, my need to disallow selection of multiple cells in this particular worksheet is tripping me up.
This is the code I'm using to try and pull the data into another workbook:
Workbooks.Open Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "RSL-Jobs-Register.xls", ReadOnly:=True
Application.GoTo Reference:="JobsTable"
and this is the code I have in RSL-Jobs-Register.xls which is preventing me from selecting the (dynamic) named range called "JobsTable".
''' I'm thinking I could have something here like (in plain English) "If selected range "JobsTable" Then"
''' (apply the code below) but I'm not sure of the code
If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "Sorry, operations on multiple selections aren't allowed here", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
The formula for the dynamic named range called "JobsTable":
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Apr 8, 2008
I have a formula which is using named ranges-
where Ship_30 name references the following-
='sheet 1'!$C$20:$C$38
The value of 20 is static, the value of 38 is dynamic. Each new time period adds another value (i.e. 39,40,41)
Having to edit each name range reference in the name manager is not acceptable since there is potentially over 30 to edit each month.
I would like to edit a cell which would have contained the value 38 (or C38) with a new value of 39 (or C39) so the range reference would be updated with the new value.
The goal would be to have a couple of rows with the following that could be edited with new values
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Sep 18, 2012
I'm working with a very complex financial workbook with over 3,000 named ranges and would like code to replace the named ranges with the cell references and display it in a message box so the user can easily trace the references without removing the named ranges from the formula. There is a lot of code with the named ranges, so actually converting them to cell references is out of the question.
I found this code, but obviously it physically replaces the range names in the cell. Hopefully it can be converted to display it in a text box.
Sub FixReferencesToCellNames()
Dim c As Range, n As Name
For Each c In Range("A1:IV65536").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
What I am looking for is that a user select a cell that they want to see the references, run the code to see the cell references for that particular cell in a message box.
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Jul 7, 2014
Line of code that will Select a Named Range in this case I have Named a CELL "DataSummary" Need to use that named range by selecting 30 columns and 54 rows.
Range("DataSummary),(??,??) doesn't work.
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Nov 7, 2012
If I have two cells and a named range mexico
A1, A2.
A1 contains the string: "mexico"
A2 is the cells that has required data validation (drop down list).
I want A2's validation reference to be dynamic, in the sense that I can it reference it to A1; converting the string "mexico" to a named range mexico
I tried inputting = INDIRECT(A1) into A2
But I lack clarity in my understanding of referencing.
What is the correct procedure here.
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May 29, 2007
I am having a few problems with dynamic named range in excel 2000.
When adding new data to the range, excel extends the range correctly, but only copies some of the formula correctly. It does not copy the formula that references a cell from another line.
I am trying to create a excel spreadsheet and have a formula =e10-e9, which does not copy down.
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Jun 21, 2014
I am building an interactive sheet to profile a number of divisions based on a summary sheet of about 1200 rows and 90 columns of profiling criteria
I have attached an example but essentially:
1. I would like to be able to select from a list a value which would also be a named range title
2. Have the range information transposed into a row
What works:
1. I can transpose the range information when I use the following formula
I used OFFSET(Governance,COLUMN()-MIN(COLUMN(HGovernance)),0)
The problem:
I cant get it to use a cell reference (i.e. When I select Governance out of a Drop down list of Finance, HR, Governance etc). Having to type in "Governance" to bring back governance range information is fine, but not great when I am trying to profile the Finance or HR division as it then becomes too manual.
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Apr 3, 2008
Im sorting a dynamic range as mentioned in this Sorting a Named Range. My range is called drWarningTypes and is defined as:
=OFFSET(DataSource!$A$2,0,0, COUNTA(DataSource!$A:$A)-1,1)
When there is only one cell in the range, then running the following sort function includes A1 also in the search (and also adjoining columns).....
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Jul 15, 2014
I have a column of data that keeps getting new information in it. what i need is a named range that i can use for a chart, first point in the named range will be the first value in the column, second point will be avg. of point 1 and 2, then 3rd point will be avg. of 1,2,3 etc.
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Dec 30, 2008
I need to create a dynamic named range called "DIVLOC," that corresponds to a sheet called Divloc_List in the workbook. Then, I need to take this range and perform a vlookup against it. I tried to create the range in the sheet itself (it wasn't dynamic), and then used that in the vlookup in the vba code, but I got error 2402 (I think). I'm not sure how to define the dynamic range in vba code, and then use the range in the vlookup.
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Jan 4, 2009
what would cause the formula for a dynamic named range to keep changing on its own? I enter the following formula:
OFFSET('Raw Data'!$D$2,0,0,COUNTA('Raw Data'!D:D),1)
Which I save and somehow gets changed to the following formula:
OFFSET('Raw Data'!$D$2,0,0,COUNTA('Raw Data'!XFD:XFD),1)
This is happening to several named ranges I created. I’ve tried to correct this by editing the formula which seems to work but changes again. I’ve also deleted the named range and recreated it with the same change process taking place.
In case it matters the named ranges are being created on a table imported into Excel via MS Query.
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Nov 6, 2009
I am trying to create a dynamic named range to select a list of text entries from a number of different columns that I am using for Data Validation. The columns have entries of variable length, none more than 30. What I am seeking to achieve is that having selected a heading in cell C3 the available list in DV dropdowns elsewhere are governed by the contents of C3.
I have created a defined name, StartPos that uses the contents of C3 to evaluate to the cell reference (e,g $H$4) of the topmost cell in the relevant column. However when I try to use it in the usual formula
=OFFSET($A$1,0,0,COUNTA($A:$A),1) formula I try
=OFFSET(StartPos,0,0,COUNTA(StartPos:[ ],1)
I get stuck at what to put in the brackets. Ideally I would like to use the COUNTA to go down to the last entry in the column. However, even when I try to give the range a height of 30 rows:
=OFFSET(StartPos,0,0,30,1) I still get an error.
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Sep 13, 2007
My searches have not produced anything that I could apply to this situation.
I'm trying to write VBA that would:
1. Search a Workbook for Dynamic Ranges.
2. When a Dynamic Range is found the code would:
A. Determine the current coordinates for the range.
B. Change the "Refers To" value From "=OFFSET...." To "=Worksheet_Name $Column$Row:$Column$Row"
3. Save Changes.
4. Close File.
My apologies but I have very little experience in writing VBA. I understand about variables, arguments, and IF/THEN but just enough to use functions within Excel.
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Jun 18, 2013
I want to create a charts on a pivot table, but I don't like the way Pivot charts function and the limitations they have.
So I want to create a normal charts that is dynamic and based on a pivot table.
In order to do so, I want to create dynamic named ranged for the data in the pivot table to use for the data series for the chart.
I can reference the week numbers (headers in the pivot table) for one data series and get the data by this formula:
$C$15 is the first cell that holds the data for the series.
Row 14 holds the week numbers (headers in the pviot)
However, I want to make that formula even more dynamic by having it reflect the changes done to the pivot table who's cells it references to.
So how do I do this using the GETPIVOTDATA function? (or some other function that makes it dynamic and reflect changes done to the pivot table and accounts for the row numbers with the data can change)
If I generate the GETPIVOTDATA formula and try to substistute the fixed cell reference for $c$15 with it, the OFFSET formula for the dynamic range gives an error.
And how can I grab the column headers (week number) dynamically?
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Feb 25, 2014
I am doing an Advanced Filter, and I am using a named range in my VBA code that decides the Criteria range.
The dynamic named range is called 'Criteria' and this is the code:
However, when I run the VBA code, although it works perfectly, afterwards the named range has changed to:
I just want this to remain unchanged, as it works great. This is my VBA code:
'Filter and send data to new sheet
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Jul 23, 2014
I know how to create a dynamic named range so that no blanks appear in my data validation list but have only ever done this for a list in a column, i.e...
A1:A6 would be named Fruit, then name manager, edit: =OFFSET($A$1,0,0,COUNT($A1:$A6),1)
The Data Validation list then shows Apple, Orange, Pear, Bannana. And if I add Peach into A5 later, that then appears in the list.
What I need though is to edit this as if the named range 'Fruit' covers cells A1:F1.
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Mar 4, 2014
create a dynamic named range with dates.
Example file. !
I need an dynamic named range for column B(Project) with a date criteria.
so for example: I need a range with all records from Colomn B(Project) from year 2013.
I want to use this range to filter all unique projects by year.
I have already a filter/formula to collect a unique list of all projects.
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Aug 16, 2013
I have a named range in a column for January data (non-contiguous cells). Every month I insert new data in the column to the right. Is there a way to have a dynamic range that grabs the same exact cells but in the new column but unselects the previous month data? Spreadsheet attached.
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Dec 13, 2009
In the attached workbook, I have identical sets of data in column A separated by an blank cell. I need a macro for the user form that i need to build. The code needs to find the end of each named range, (Range1,Range2 and Range3), to insert blank row at the end of each range and to copy the value of the textbox from the user form in each row so to keep the sets of data identical.
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Jan 13, 2010
My file has a code that refers to a dynamic named range. When I run the macro that range gets corrupted and I cannot figure it out why. before the macro the named range refers to:
and right after I run the macro it turns to:
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Oct 20, 2011
I have dynamic named range that lists by columns. I can use this with data validation pull down on my worksheet and all is fine. But when I use this named range in the RowSource of a combo box in a userform, I only get the first column of data, or basically, the data in B1, but not C1, D1, ect. Here is the formula for the named range.
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Feb 7, 2013
How can I retrieve the values from a dynamic named range with VBA?
Let's say we have created a dynamic list with the OFFSET function, how can I get the values of that dynamic range?
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Jun 1, 2007
I have a sheet containing three drop down boxes which gives me a count of data in a table matching the criteria. (Between 2 dates and equals a depot name).
I am trying to create a chart to only show this data, but I don't want to do it using a pivot table as the end user has no understanding of them and just wants to fill in drop down boxes.
I am beginning to think that using a Dynamic Named Range might be the answer. I believe I am able to achieve what I want with this process but I am not entirely sure how to do it.
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Sep 13, 2009
In the following line of code in my subroutine I name this range
which runs from A2:J2, the problem is later in the routine I delete certain unwanted columns which then shrinks this range. I always want it to be 10 colums wide. How do I make it dynamic with vba?
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="TranslateShow", RefersTo:=Worksheets("TemplateTest").Range("$A$2:$J$2")
Can I also substitute the workbook actual name for ActiveWorkbook?
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Oct 15, 2009
When I make a dynamic named range, I typically do something like:
I remember awhile ago I saw (within some of the comments on Jon Peltier's site, I believe) a way to make a dynamic named range without using offset. Does anyone know how to do it?
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Jan 4, 2010
Anyone run across this.....Over the past 1-2 years...I have setup a number of complex excel workbooks, that automate a lot of reporting for my employees. Suddenly, over the past couple months, I am finding that if I try to go back and edit many of my named ranges (created a while ago) that were created dynamically: "=OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$4,0,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!$A$4:$A$65000),4)"...excel crashes. I can't figure out why.
All I have to do is simply CLICK in the "Refers to:" field of the "Define Name" window (for the dynamically named range)....and I get "Microsoft Office Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
If I drill down on "What is in the report", I see this "Error signature":..
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