Remove 1st X Characters From Text In Range
Mar 2, 2008
I have a column of data; for each line of data I have something like ABCDEEast Anglia, ABCDFFarnborough. The text at the start is standard and all cases of East Anglia will have ABCDE prior to the East Anglia. Is there an easy way [aside from replacing] to loop through 1000 data points and replace the long method with a shorter concise version (i.e. East Anglia only). I have attached what I mean
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Oct 12, 2013
Initially I'm simply copying a data table from a web page using "Ctrl + A" then "Ctrl + C", and then pasting the data straight onto a new worksheet so I can work with it. (After temporarily re-naming the old sheet)
But I keep finding what looks like double-spaces after some of the important text within the Range of cells I'm working with. I need to be able to select & conditional format the values of the text in some columns of the sheet, so need to loose these trailing spaces.
Unfortunately, it's not consistence as to how many spaces trail the text I need. Sometimes it's only one space, sometimes its two spaces ?
So far, I've had mixed success with a recorded "Replace" code but none of the other codes I have found on forum pages either don't work all or seem to give any consistent results. E;g; TRIM, CLEAN
I suspect my problem is, I do not know how to call the code properly, or trying to work with too large a range ?
The start of my code reads:
Sheets("Data").Name = "Old Data"
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "Data"
' At the moment I'm using to select the pasted range I want to work on: Range(Range("C46"), Range("C46").SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
This is where I need a code to work on the new Data sheet and remove all the trailing characters.
MsgBox "All data cleaned successfully !", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "All Done"
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Aug 18, 2014
Is there a function that can remove all text and other characters from cell and only keep the numbers? The numbers can be randomly in the cell so not only in the end or beginning.
See attached file.
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Nov 20, 2006
This may be a very simple question so forgive me for my ignorance. I have text in individual cells that look something like this (not actually addresses but same format):
Doe, John – 123, Anywhere St (Apt A), Anytown Anystate 12345
I have about 5,000 records. I would like to convert the records to look like this:
Doe John 123 Anywhere St Anytown Anystate 12345
Basically I want to take out all non alphanumeric characters and anything between curved or square brackets. In my minds eye my macro would read something like this:
Do until last character.
If character = alphanumericTrue – Move to next characterFalse – If character = spaceTrue – Move to next characterFalse – If character = curved or square bracketTrue – Delete all text in brackets including brackets then move to next characterFalse – Delete character then move to next character
Loop. I would of course create an additional loop to run down the 5,000 records.
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Sep 19, 2006
I need to make a macro that will find text between "o/" and "/", remove hyphens from the text it found, and then add it to the end of the current cell contents.
I know how to add to the end of current cell contents, but cannot figure out how to grab text between certain characters or replace hyphens and replace with spaces.
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Nov 3, 2008
I have some code that sets named ranges based on sheet names defined by the user.
Issue is, sheet names allow characters that range names do no (i.e. #, - etc).
Is there a relatively simple way to clean a sheet name to allow it to be used as a range name.
Code example below. I am using Replace, but unsure how many characters are invalid. Unfortunately I am referencing a third party workbook, so no control over sheet names.
Sub test()
Dim sh As Worksheet, shnm As String, wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
For Each nm In wb.Names
For Each sh In wb.Sheets
If sh.Visible = xlSheetHidden Then GoTo continue:
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a exel file which has been exported from Access to exel. There are many cells which shows the data as in Cell A1 with the Linefeed character in between data in a cell. Is there any way (may be using a macro) where I can remove the character and get it to display as B1 in the same cell(A1). The file is attached herewith.
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Aug 8, 2009
I have found a very useful UDF for removing non-alpha characters from strings. (See below, Credit for posting to Stanley D Grom - Ozgrid post ´Removing Non-alpha Characters From Text´).
Option Explicit
Private Function RemoveCharacters(InString As String) As String
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim intStringLength As Integer
Dim intASCIIVal As Integer
intStringLength = Len(InString)
InString = LCase(InString)
For intLoopCounter = 1 To intStringLength
intASCIIVal = Asc(Mid(InString, intLoopCounter, 1))
If intASCIIVal >= 97 And intASCIIVal <= 122 Then
RemoveCharacters = RemoveCharacters + Mid(InString, intLoopCounter, 1)
End If
Next intLoopCounter
End Function
Two requests:
1. Could the UDF be modified such that any part of a string contained within brackets is also removed (e.g. "NLGA High Street (West-Enfield), EN6" becomes "nlgahighstreeten")?
2. Can an argument be added to the format of the UDF, such that numbers (0 to 9) are either included or excluded (e.g. RemoveCharacters(A1,1) where the argument ´1´ would include any numbers (0 to 9), so "NLGA2003 High Street (West-Enfield), EN6" becomes "nlga2003highstreeten6")? ´blank´or ´0´would exclude these numbers, i.e. would return "nlgahighstreeten"
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Feb 21, 2008
For a spreadsheet that contains info with opening and closing parentheses in the cells I'm testing on, I am having problems getting multiple IF statements to work together in the same formula. I can get them to work separately in different cells, but when I try to combine them in the same cell, I get the #VALUE error. Here is what I'm working with:
In cell G7 I have the text: Fort Fraser (1)
In cell H7 I have the formula: =IF((RIGHT(G7,1)=")")*AND(MID(G7,LEN(G7)-2,1)="("),LEFT(G7,LEN(G7)-4),G7)
In cell G8 I have the text: Fort St. James (11)
In cell H8 I have the forumla: =IF((RIGHT(G8,1)=")")*AND(MID(G8,LEN(G8)-3,1)="("),LEFT(G8,LEN(G8)-5),G8)
Both formulas work correctly by discarding the parentheses and everything in between, as well as the space before the opening parenthesis. As you can see, the first formula will work with a single digit in the parentheses, and the second works with two digits. It's just when I try to combine the two tests in the same formula (editing the second one so it also tests on G7) that I get the #VALUE error. I have tried using OR to combine the two tests.
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Jun 5, 2008
let's say row 2 has data that looks like
apple (kg), apple (g), orange (kg), orange (g)
it is possible to remove the (kg) and (g) tags so that it'll become
apple, apple, orange, orange
using VB code?
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Apr 27, 2006
May I know how to remove character like
1) full stop
2) spacing
3) Dash
4) Hyphen
5) Left and Right Slash
For example:-
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Dec 26, 2009
I'm trying to remove everything after a specific character in a string.
I.e. change a website address to the hostname
I'm using this formula, which strips the http:// and the www., but does not replace the characters after the first remaining "/" as the wildcard is not recognized.
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"www.",""), A2,"http://",""), A2, "/*", "")
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Feb 19, 2008
I have to manually go through about 9,000 workbooks. In cell E43 of a certain sheet called "list" I have to delete underscores(_) and replace them with a single space. and remove the Rev** after each name
In example: company_name_t45671000_RevA2
Will look like this when I'm done: company name t45671000
Now I've tried to make a Macro that will delete the underscores and the Rev which worked fine except that it replaced the names with the the name that the macro was recored under.
IE: The first sheet I done worked fine when I hit the keyboard shortcut command which was company_name_t45671000_RevA2.
The second workbook sheet of "list" got fixed but had the name of the one I fixed before it: company name t45671000, where it should have been "company name s6743245.
Is there a way around this?
Also sometimes the sheets are protected, is there a way to incorporate "unprotect sheet" when it needs to be unprotected and then after the file has been corrected, re-enable protection again?
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Mar 6, 2013
I always seem to have trouble with the Find() and MID() function when used together. I try to following the syntax but it keeping erroring...
I'm trying to remove all the characters before the first non-zero number.
e.g. ABC263080 becomes 263080
PROGO0123 becomes 123
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Apr 3, 2008
I need to remove the last x characters if its equal to 0's
should be
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May 26, 2009
i need a macro to do the following,
1. Remove all commas from activeworksheet ( i notice i cant see the commas in excel, but when i open notepad i have commas in empty rows)
2. Remove all characters such as = + # ( ) $ from Column 5
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Sep 10, 2009
there is a none VBA way to remove everything from a cell but the numbers.
Example: A, DAVID (002081) becomes 002081
The cell the formula will go in is F4 and the cell its looking at is K4.
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Feb 10, 2009
I need to remove the last 2 digits from a cell that maybe different lengths. For example:
PL26 7QS
ST20 0AW
PE30 3WH
CF31 3AY
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Jul 21, 2006
The numerical results in column A need to have the last three characters stripped from the cells. I used the =LEFT formula in adjacent cells to return the results but I am looking for a way to run code to remove these three numbers in each cell from row 1 to 8000 in column A.
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Nov 9, 2006
i want to convert an excel spreadsheet into a text file, keeping the same format, but when i do so, excel puts " " around the characters, which i don't want. Example: please see the 2 attachments.
e.g. when i convert, i don't want the " " around the commas in the text file.
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Nov 16, 2006
I have a string like: AAJDGYE030000460. How can I remove the first character in a macro? I need to look at the second,third, and forth character
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Dec 21, 2006
I have a set of data in column a that consists of email addresses. These email addresses all have underscores after them, ie "abc@hotmail.com_______". It will be a different amount of underscores everytime and I don't want underscores to be removed that are actually part of the address. I had been using the find replace function through vba, ie
Selection.Replace What:="_", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
however this ofcourse removes from actual parts of the email address. Is there a way to do this?
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Oct 16, 2007
The macro I have select 2 columns and 2000 rows. I need a VBA code that will loop through each of these 4000 cells and remove all characters (replace them with blanks) that are not a number, a period or a decimal. Characters from other languages like Chinese, Japanese and Russian should also be removed.
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Oct 25, 2007
I am trying to reformat the following data: 10-10-14-1W5 needs to look like this 100101001401W500. The full description is actually 100/10-10-014-01W500 the desired result is without the slashes and dashes. I have tried to add a custom cell format of 00-00-000-00L000. but it will not apply to the existing data.
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Jan 22, 2008
I've come across multiple times where I have to do this same sort of task, and I don't think I am doing it the most efficient way.
What I need to do is take a variable which holds a string and remove the last 9 characters from it. Don't need to know what the last 9 characters are, all I care about is knowing what the other characters are in the string. I know this can be done through thingslike susbstrings, but I don't think VBA has a substring function.
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Jun 17, 2008
i deal with column that has client initials, date of birth and gender, in this format t-b-23/05/72-f however i want to remove the initials and gender(i.e. f or m on the left) and - so that only date of birth remains in same column.
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Aug 2, 2006
I am trying to remove all characters that aren't letters or numbers from a string. Is there any way to differentiate between a non-alphanumeric characters and alphanumeric characters? I'm thinking of something like "ISTEXT()" that I could use on one character at a time. Or are there any wildcards I could use in the Replace function?
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Mar 4, 2009
I have a column of data, (10,000 entries), a list of file names basically, e.g:
Mortality Project Executive Summary.pdf
RPP - AA rate and swaps.xls
Commodities.PPT presentation.ppt
Meeting Preparation 20090302.docx
Anywho the point is I want to remove the file extensions (and of course the "."s just before), but some obviously have 4 character extensions, some 3, some 2 etc... Some documents also have "."s in the file name that I do not want to remove, basically just working from the right keep removing until the first "." is removed.
So the final list wants to be:
Mortality Project Executive Summary
RPP - AA rate and swaps
Commodities.PPT presentation
Meeting Preparation 20090302
I know I should VBA it, but I want it all in the one spreadsheet and that's a bit above me. The document has about 30 other columns.
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Apr 28, 2009
I am looking for a formula that will remove any unwanted characters in a cell.
For example i may a word or string of words with "-" , " ' " or "," in them and i would like to have these removed.
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Jun 11, 2009
my values within column A are separated by a dash. I'd like column B to continuously copy column A with the exception of the characters after the dash. example:
How can I format cell B to constantly reproduce this result?
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