I have a problem, I have a workbook that is used for importing products on to my website but for the description field it keeps adding the double quotes to the text. this text is HTML code. when I import the products to my website, these quotes show up at the beginning and end of the description. You can't see the quotes in excel but if you copy and paste the cells data in to a text editor you will see the quotes.
My question is how can I remove these? I have removed them in the text editor but as soon as the data goes back in to excel the quotes are automatically inserted again...
Attempting to match acct #s on source sheet with account numbers on Template but the numbers on the source are = to the cell value while the numbers on the template are equal to finding the source cell value in the template. Let me explain with code.
Set Source value:
Code: Set FirstIO = zfir.Range("e8") Set Template value:
Code: Set CheckIO = Range("Accounts").Find(IO, LookIn:=xlValues) When I get here:
Code: If FirstIO = CheckIO.Value Then I get a mismatch because FirstIO = 3333333 and CheckIO = "3333333"
I'm trying to set up a macro to be assigned to a button to copy the text in a cell into an application which uses similar text capabilities to Notepad.
The simple macro of:
Range("D5").Select Selection.Copy
... results in the text of the cell being copied to the clipboard with quotation marks before and after the text. I can manually enter the cell, select the text, the copy it... but this process can not be recorded in a macro - I can edit the cell and copy the text but when leaving the cell it gives the error "unable to record".
Is there any way I can copy the text to the clipboard without getting these quotes?
I have a rather large file that I need to convert. Right now, there are about 3 columns and over 4500 rows. What I need to do is have everything separated by quotes and commas. I have a macro to somewhat do this, but it is putting an extra comma in front of everything. My question is this:
Is there a way to take out a comma that is in front of every entry?
Is there another macro that will separate the columns with a single quote and comma, like below:
I have a formula that i want to give a cell using vb. The problem im having is that the quotes give me a compile error in the mm/dd/yy part. What is the way around this? The following code is what i need vb to put into the cell.
I am trying to create a .csv file from an Excel file using VBA and when I use the ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs command, only the first row of text contains " quotes around the text. I have multiple rows that must contain the quotes. I have tried using """", and Chr(34), but then that puts """ (3 quotes) around my text. Is there a different function that I should be attempting to use? I am using concatanation to create a field where I would like the quoted text and am using the ActiveCell.Value command (ActiveCell.Text didn't seem to make any difference).
Some of the below address was removed, how would this formula be written in VBA? When I try to record this formula excel tells me unable to record, probably due to all the & within the address itself ...
I have a csv file that needs to be formatted and then saved as a csv file, and i have written code to do this but i need all of the values in the csv file to have one set of double quotes but at present all of the values do not have any quotes, how can i go about this.
I'm running the following to put quotes around data in a workbook:
Sub test() For Each s In Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) s.Value = """" & Format(s.Value, "00000000") & """" Next For Each s In Range("B1:B" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) s.Value = """" & Format(s.Value, "####") & """" Next End Sub
And exporting as a CSV file for loading into another program. The problem is everything looks OK in Excel, but when I open the file in Notepad to check the output, the quotes are all triple. How can I get only single quotes around the data?
I have a spreadsheet with several stock symbols in a1:a25
I want to look up the last price and put it into b1:b25 for each stock in a.
I have tried all aspects of http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/...k symtol"&f=l1 as a query but can not get it to work without specifying the symbol in the url for each symbol.
I am assuming that I need a macro of query that can look up the range to provide the prices.
The reason is that the list of symbols changes daily and I need to look them up daily.
I have a table of data which contains golf form for the last four years. For simplicity I have split this data into four separate worksheets representing each year, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. These tables contain the data, Player Name, Event Name and Finishing Position. I have a results worksheet which contains a table which has the Player Name in the rows. To the left of the Player Name I have three columns which represent the Finishing Position in a particular event for the last three years. To the right of the Player Name I have their finishing position for all events played this current year.
For the historical event form, i.e. 2005, 2006 and 2007 I would need a formulae which looks up the corresponding year worksheet and looks up the Player Name and Event Name and returns the Finishing Positon. For the current year form I need the formulae to lookup the Player Name and the Event Name in the 2008 data worksheet and return the relevant Finishing Position.
Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;I have attached a file which will hopefully make things clearer. In the worksheet 'Form' I would like the columns A, B and C completed for the players form from this weeks event, in my example "Colonial", for the previous three years. I therefore need a formulae to go to Worksheet '2007' and lookup Aaron Baddeley, Colonial and return the result in the column entitled 'FP'. For the columns E, F, G and H, I require a formulae that looks up the Worksheet '2008', Aaron Baddeley, and then the Event Name from Row 5 on the 'Form' worksheet to return Aaron Baddeley's result from the various tournaments held in 2008.
how to use the indirect function to pull data from a pivot table. This is the formula I am trying to recreate: =GETPIVOTDATA("sum of BOE",$A$14,"CLASS","PROVED","Years",2013)
I can't seem to get the indirect function to work properly with the words in double quotes, such as "PROVED". How do I format that part of the formula properly?
This is as far as I can get. =GETPIVOTDATA("sum of BOE",INDIRECT($M13),"CLASS","PROVED","Years",$N13) $M13 refers to $A$14 and $N13 refers to 2013
Is it possible to extract the two text strings between the quotes, placing them in Col. C & D respectively, e.g. Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(c.Formula, " ANTI ", " ANTI-HERO ") Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(c.Formula, "SEC9", "SECTOR 9") Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(c.Formula, "LNGBRDC", "LONGBOARD COMPLETE")
There are three types of scenarios- 1) Values enclosed in quotes that begin and end w/ spaces: Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(c.Formula, " ANTI ", " ANTI-HERO ")
2) Values enclosed in quotes that does not contain a leading space or trailing space: Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(c.Formula, "SEC9", "SECTOR 9")
3) Values enclosed in quotes that have a space between itself: Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(c.Formula, "LNGBRDC", "LONGBOARD COMPLETE")
I'm trying to put a formula into a group of cells with VBA. However, the formula requires quotation marks in it...e.g.,
the formula in the cell should be... = "STR - " & intRow
where intRow will insert a designated integer. My problem is the quotes for the string part....I can't get the VBA code (tried both setting a string variable and using range.value =) to keep the needed quotes.
I have been using MSNStockQuotes on a few computers without any problems for months.
Now (in the last day or so) , when I press "update Quotes" on any of the computers, I get a "Failed to get requested Data" message. I can often "trick" it into getting the quotes by deleting a bunch of the quotes, then choosing Edit-Undo, which then fetches the quotes properly, but even that fails some of the time (same displayed message).
This happens even with older copies of my spreadsheet that used to work perfectly.
Are others having problems with MSNStockQuotes Excel Plugin?
I would like to create an Excel worksheet with links to external real-time sources for stock quotes so that I can evaluate information based on real-time stock quotes.
The above statement works great, but when I try to replace the HQA01 (worksheet name) with a cell reference it doesn't work anymore. I want to point to the cell that has that name of the sheet in it rather than hardcode each sheet name.
I have a macro that imports text file and puts a comma after each number (alphanumeric also). I have tried to change it to put single quote around the number and comm afterwards.
Text file listing 123 456 789
When I run my marco I get the following 123, 456, 789 which is what I want...
Now I want the same text to have single quotes around the data example: '123', '456', '789'
All that I have tried to adjust keeps missing single quote at the front end and also missing the single quote at the rear end example: 123', '456', '789
Here is the vba I'm running
Sub GetserialNumbers() Dim FileNum As Long, PathAndFileName As String, TextFromFile As String Const Delimiter As String = ", "
Whe I run this I have to select the text file to get. I keep it in my documents as a quick access. I'm using MS VBA 6.5 Excel 2007 Windows 7 Enterprise.
This isn't working. I've tried every variation of what it should be but I keep getting errors like "type mismatch" or just the wrong thing being put in the cell.
I have table with companies across in columns, months down the side in rows, and 6 parts to the data in addition to company and month. I have quotes from 3 different sources, and won deals from those 3 different sources. How do I create a pivot table/chart to analyze the data quickly, or find out Top 10 companies quoting with value and top 10 companies with won deals?
I have attached an example, taking out the company names with A, B, C, and source with A, B, C. The cells do have an array formula which picks data from another spreadsheet. Which, by the way, is really slowing my machine down each time I type something into the spreadsheet.