Removing Blinking Cursor From Textbox On Splash Screen?

Feb 2, 2014

how to get rid of the blinking cursor in a text box. I made a splash screen, added a text box, increased the font size to maximum, and when I run it there is a maximum sized blinking cursor at the end of the line of text. Just looks bad on the splash screen. Is there a hide cursor command that I can use? Or is there a better way to add text that I (obviously) didn't use?

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Set Active Cursor In TextBox (blinking Cursor)

Sep 17, 2009

I am working with a VBA userform and several textbox's, setting SetFocus and or TabIndex doesn't leave the box ready to accept input and there is no cursor shown to indicate it is ready to accept input.

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Splash Screen

Nov 22, 2008

I have never created a splash screen and would like to do so now, I am in the VB editor, i have inserted a userform, i would like to insert my company logo on to the userform, how do i do this?

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Improved Splash Screen?

Jun 5, 2014

How to get a Splash to show on WB open without seeing the Excel worksheets briefly flash before the splash loads.

(Note you will still see the Excel loading window prior to the splash appearing but I don't worry about that).

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Repositioning Splash Screen

Aug 19, 2006

I cooked up a nice little splash screen using a user form. It seems to be left of center on the screen when it pops up. Is there a way to set the x and y coordinates to 'place' the splash where I want it to go?

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Splash Screen While Macro Runs?

Sep 24, 2009

I searched for this and found a few examples on splash screens, but if someone could help I would appreciate it.

Basically I have this massive macro that runs, I recorded some of it, and VBA the rest. It does a bunch of things like bringing in different spreadsheets, formatting vlookups blah blah blah... Anyway for a nice touch I was hoping that I could get a splash screen or something that will run while this macro is running in the background. How hard would this be? The macro is button driven...

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Splash Screen Do Not Show Again Checkbox

Sep 27, 2009

I have a SplashScreen that is activated in the ‘Workbook_Open ‘ Event.

A CheckboxControl on the SplashScreen allows a user to disregard the screen the next time the workbook is opened.

Private Sub Splash_Screen_Activate()
If Splash_Screen.ckbx_StopSplashScreen.Value = True Then
If Splash_Screen.ckbx_StopSplashScreen = False Then
End If
End If
End Sub

Unfortunatley my code is not working. I was hoping for some insight into making this work. Mind you, I’m a cut and paste VBA type of person, but I do understand the concepts enough to work with it.

1.What is the proper method for coding this?
2.Which location would this code be placed – the Form itself or a Module?
3.How and where do you store the CheckBox Value to be used the next time the Workbook is opened?

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Replace Default Splash Screen

Aug 25, 2007

I have recently finished a program in excel and when my users dbl click the icon on the desktop, excel loads with their splash screen. Is there any way of replacing their screen with one of my own?

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Create Splash Screen With Filter Spreadsheet

Mar 26, 2008

i have a spreadsheet which i have attached, currently users have to filter each column to get the end result

I would instead, like to create a screen where by they answer questions, for example. a drop down box where they choose flow rate, ie. 0-5l/min 6-10 l/min and so on for each option and then they end up with the list of choices which meet their criteria

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Splash Screen Closed With Timer Event

Feb 3, 2010

I have a workbook with several user forms. When the workbook opens I'd like to show frmSplashScreen for 3 seconds then close and have another form frmMain show. I've tried the following code and it opens frmSplashScreen ok but it does not automatically close the form. If I click the close box then in 3 seconds frmMain will show.

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Splash Screen - How To Display While Macro Runs

Sep 27, 2011

I have a splash screen I want to display while a macro runs. I've created all the necessary code based on information from this site but have a question about where to actually put the code as all the example I've seen are based on workbook open events.

I tried placing my code


with in the macro I waned the splash screen to be displayed during but that doesn't work. Well, it does, but not as I intended. The splash screen pops up for the specified duration as part of the macro stopping the macro, then closes and the rest of the macro finishes running.

Do i need to call the splash screen from a certain point in the macro I wish it to be displayed during? I dont want the macro to stop running while the splash screen is showing.

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Workbook Is Opened Up That Only The Splash Screen Shows

Sep 11, 2009

I have created a splash screen. Is it possible when the excel workbook is opened up that only the splash screen shows? Right now, the workbook opens and there is one sheet that is visible for a certain period of time and then the splash screen comes on. I would like the reverse to happen. First the splash screen and then the one sheet.

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Avoid Seeing Application While Showing Splash-Screen

Sep 1, 2006

is there anyone who knows a sophisticated way to hide the application
while showing a little splashscreen on startup

y already have this code but it causes a flickering, not very nice

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Visible = False

Application.Visible = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

is there maybe someway to get into the clickevent off the excel.xls file

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Delete Splash Screen UserForm & Code

Sep 4, 2006

Some time ago (not sure how long ago) I created a splash screen that comes up when I first load a particular workbook. There was only one worksheet in the workbook and at that time the data in the worksheet was not so relevant and hardly ever used. That workbook name is "Employees" and the worksheet name is "EmpData".
Subsequently, the worksheet ("EmpData") in the workbook "Employees" has became relevant to a new workbook named "Payroll" I created. This workbook is used all the time. It had four different active worksheets.

I realized last week that the data in "EmpData" was very relevant to the work in the "Payroll" workbook so I copied "EmpData" worksheet in it's entirety to the "Payroll" workbook as a fifth worksheet using the same name as before, "EmpData". Now each time I open the "payroll" workbook the splash screen shows up and hangs around for several seconds or longer. It has become quite irritating and I want to delete it.

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Open Workbook - Hide Sheets/splash Screen

Oct 6, 2009

I have a workbook that has worksheets that serve as data input pages for the user.
I have control boxes created by the forms toolbar.

I created a splash screen that is to be launched when the file is opened.
Instead, often the last sheet that the user was on when they last saved the file (usually but not always the worksheet called "Main Menu") is seen first.

I understand that not all the sheets can be hidden - that one must be unhidden.

So I created a sheet called "Background" that is a solid color with no gridelines.


When the file is opened, I want the "Background" sheet to be seen first and then the splash screen to be initiated.

Now - when the user opens the file, the Main Menu worksheet is seen for a few seconds (or whatever the last sheet was on before it was last saved), then it disappears and the solid background screen is shown with the splash screen. When the splash screen ends, the "Background" sheet disappears.

Here is the code that I have in the workbook

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wks As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
For Each wks In ThisWorkbook
If wks.Name "Background" Then
wks.Visible = False
End If
Next wks
End Sub

What has to be changed so that the first sheet that is seen upon opening the file is the "Background"; then the splash screen happens; then it returns to the Main Menu sheet?

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Session Timer 10min Splash Screen Warning Then 15min Force Close

Feb 16, 2009

Hi, The purpose of this macro was to control the time this excel file was open because many users modify it. I decided to create a splash screen (userform) to display a message to the user saying "your session time of 15min is up"

The problem is, the first time I open the file everything works fine. But after I close it (just the workbook not excel), It opens itself for some reason and gives me a debug error message. Perhaps the timer is never stopped?

I call "StartTimer10min" on workbook open and "StopTimer" before workbook close.

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Copy Textbox Text When Cursor Moved From Textbox

Feb 7, 2007

In Excel VBA Userform, how to copy the text from textbox automatically when the cursor is being moved from the textbox. And when i put CTRL+V then the copyed text has to be pasted.

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The Workbook Open Minimzed Until The The Splash Screen Closes Then Open Properly

Nov 20, 2008

My Splash screen opens a few seconds after the workbook has loaded. Is there a way to make the workbook open minimzed until the the splash screen closes then open properly? What I trying to say is that only the splash screen is visible until it closes.

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Display A Splash Screen Which Fades In And Then Fades Out And Closes Itself Leaving The Ap Showing

Jun 13, 2006

I am trying to display a splash screen which fades in and then fades out and closes itself leaving the ap showing. I have utilized code that I found wih permission to use but I'm still doing something wrong.

Option Explicit
'// This Userform code has everything you need to make a captionless userform
'// Fade In & Out

'// Transparency
Private Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes _
Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal crKey As Long, _
ByVal bAlpha As Byte, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long) _
As Long

'// Title Bar
Private Declare Function GetWindowRect _
Lib "user32" ( _ ..............................

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How To Find Current Cursor Mouse Pointer On Worksheet Or Screen

Nov 22, 2012

I know you can see it but If set to default when the mouse moves over an object it changes to that object's cursor. Access had a screen property that may have detected this change. Excel Examples On the worksheet the cursor is a cross If on a worksheet you have a shape with a macro the pointer changes to a hand On a shape without a macro the pointer is 6

HOW do you use vba excel to find its current number or send a message when it changes or peek message to notify when it changes

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Cursor Position In A Textbox

May 17, 2006

is there a control for placing the cursor at the beginning of a large amount of text in a userform testbox.

evertime i run the userform the cursor is at the last entry so the user has to scoll up to read?

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Put/Place Cursor Into UserForm TextBox

Jun 5, 2008

To accomplish whats in the title, I tried (and think I used successfully previously) the following

With tbfind
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Value)
End With

Some details, i have a userform named Findform, a textbox in it named tbFind, and the above code is in the userform initialization event section.

Oh also, I dont get any error, everything runs just fine, its just the cursor is not inside the textbox waiting for typing in it. (but i do think it is the focus, when i press tab it goes to the next one in the tab order)

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Set Focus Not Redirecting Cursor To Proper Textbox

Jun 18, 2014

I've set a validation within my userform to force the user to enter in a valid employee ID or a general kiosk #. The validation is working, but the setFocus line I have added to place the cursor back in the textbox in the event the value entered was incorrect isn't working. The cursor is moving on to the next textbox making the user have to re-click on the text box in order to correct the invalid entry.

Am I placing my setFocus line in the wrong place of the code? FYI - The second setFocus is working correctly. When the user enters 9999 it directs them to the IT Ticket number text box. Prior to me moving the textbox, the cursor would jump all other text boxes to allow the user to enter in a ticket number within the ticket number box after entering 9999 within the PERNR text box.

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Position Flashing Cursor At The End Of String In Textbox

Oct 15, 2013

I have a choice of 9 command buttons on a form that enter a short string of text into a textbox. Each button enters a different string into the textbox. The string is the prefix to a product serial number. Once the user has clicked the button & entered his preferred prefix I would like the cursor to be flashing after the last character ready for the user to manually type in the remainder of the product serial number. I'm guessing (with my limited ability) that I have to create a function to do this & then call the function when the button is clicked ?

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Choosing A Textbox For Default Cursor Location

Dec 11, 2005

On my user form, the cursor blinks in the second text box down.

How do I change it to be blinking in the first (top) text box? This is the first box that data will be entered.

Is this an option in the properties box of the textbox?

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Set Focus Of Cursor In TextBox On UserForm Show

May 18, 2007

I'm having some trouble setting up my Userform. It's used for someone to insert a password to open up some sheets. I have it working except for 2 problems.

First off it gets started by a sub which has a shortcut key, CTRL + W.

When it opens I would like the TextBox to be ready to be typed on... and I would like the submit button ready for Enter. So when it opens, you just type in the password really quick and press enter without using the mouse at all.

The TextBox starts on the first try, but when I press cancel and then open the UserForm up again, then the cancel command is still selected and I have to select on the textbox.

There is 3 things on this userform... TextBox1, CommandButton1, CommandButton2. All I want is for the TextBox always to show up ready for typing, and the Submit(CommandButton1) to always be ready to press enter.

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Blinking Cell

Nov 29, 2009

i am currently working on structural engineering program in excel. i want to know if there is code for a cell to blink the value on it. like for example in cell A1, i want to put a WARNING SIGN for that. i want it to blink so that it can be noticeable. is it possible?

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Blinking / Flashing Object

Sep 10, 2008

how to make an object, e.g. Oval Object to flash a solid yellow & white colour? I can make blinking cells, but not objects.

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How To Get Rectangle Blinking Using Loop

Feb 24, 2013

Ive managed to get a rectangle blinking using a do loop. But I need more than one blinking at the same time. Atm when another starts blinking the first stops.

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Conditional Blinking Cell ...

May 14, 2008

Using search i found many posts for blinking cells or flashing but i could not adapt any of them to what i need ,and since i dont know much how to, i need to blink an "Over Budget" text in cell O1, if N1 is >7000

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