Replace Character Used In Formula Where Formula References Cell

Feb 23, 2008

I am using vlookup to get a cell value from another sheet, but if the cell has "&" or "/" I need to substitue "&" and "/" with "and" so that the cell can be added later to a url.

i am using =VLOOKUP(a1,Sheet2!A1:W17968,6) to get the value of a1 in sheet 2 and return the value of column 6

this will return "Audio Cables & Leads" but i need it to say Audio Cables and Leads

I need the formula to also check and replace "/" with "and" as well so cables/wire will be Cables and wire

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Replace Cell References In Formula With The Header Of The Cells Referenced In Said Formula

Dec 22, 2009

Here is the scenario:

I need to reference the formula in D1 with the cells headers names.

In a perfect world, it would take

and produce:

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Replace Blanks With Formula With Relative References

May 13, 2014

So have large spreadsheet with grid of elevations. Each column/row is 1 foot grid. There are blanks in it where there was no elevation data available. I need to interpolate those elevations using the surrounding known elevations. I can setup the interpolation just fine using a circular reference but what i am having trouble with is getting formula into all the cells. I need to replace blanks with formula that averages all four cells around it.

This will result in circular references that will interpolate from known points nearby. So for example if cell D4 was blank formula needs to be

=(D3+E4+D5+C4)/4. D5 would be =(D4+E5+D6+C5)/4.

I have been playing around trying to make a macro or something to do this but am not having any luck. Basically need to find/replace all blanks with formula above but so the formula references the cells around it properly.

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Get Cell References From Formula

Aug 8, 2007

I am trying to code the following in VBA. Excel Cells have formulae like: '=+BZ165-BZ163-BZ162-BZ160-BZ159-BZ157-BZ153'. Now I want to write code in VBA which will be able to give me the individual cells referenced in this formula: BZ165, BZ163 etc. These names can be stored in individual variables or arrays.
I will then use these for further processing. Note in cases where formula refers to data in another sheet like: '=Projects!P49' or data in another excel like '='C:Documents and SettingshoskopDesktop[Annual.xls]Quarterly'!BA$502': I would like to store the path , file name and sheetname in variables/arrays as well.
Any pointers as to how I should approach this problem?

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A Way To Get The Cell References In A Formula Change

Sep 6, 2009

Is there a way of getting the cell references in a formula change following a change in the content of a cell in the worksheet?

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Variable Cell References Within Formula

May 18, 2009

I have a number of Cell names LR0Cost, EX0Cost, IM0cost that hold %

formula might be

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Multiple IF Formula With Cell References?

Mar 12, 2012

can Excel do a double if formula by looking at cells and not fixed type info.

EG: I have a % achieved and $ bonus to pay: however the % achieved & the $ bonus to pay information in the cell will change each month

So... I want the formula to say
=IF (look for cell A1 (which has %achieved) and if found use A2 ($bonus) to give me an answer... otherwise false

The second dillema I have is that A1 has 3 ranges from 100-150, 150-200 & 200-300 to calculate with a set % in A2

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Identifying Cell References In Formula ADV

Mar 26, 2013

I am working with some fairly long formulas and I am looking for a way to highlight those cells AND work in the document. I know you can click in the cell and it will highlight them, but if you click off the cell the highlights go away. Is there a way to keep them highlighted?

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Formula That References A Cell To Deterimine A Tab Name

Jul 2, 2008

I have a "CURRENT MONTH" tab in a workbook; in that Workbook, I have a standard report that pulls Total Revenues from cell C6 of the tab I want to reference.

For example: In my "CURRENT MONTH" tab B6 has the label "CURRENT MONTH REVENUES" C6 has the formula "='May 08'!C6"

Every month I have to change that formula to "='Jun 08'!C6" as an example for June. (it's not just one formula, there are dozens referencing May that I need to change to Jun).

I could do an Edit/Replace, but I'd rather just type in the current month tab name in another cell and have the formulas pulling the data referencing that cell.

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View Formula Values Instead Of Cell References?

Apr 27, 2014

Is it possible when copying and pasting a formula, to see the values from each cell rather than the cell reference?

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How To Copy A Formula Without Changing Cell References

Feb 18, 2014

I want to copy =d8*k10 into several cells, but the references keep changing. I've tried several things that I've found on the internet, but nothing seems to work and the I can't seem to copy to a columnof cells.

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Putting Formula In A Cell Which References Other Sheets

Mar 7, 2009

I am writing a VBA macro in excel. I have several sheets in this one sheet for each day in a given month. Sheets for each day are labled as 3_1, 3_2 for march 1st and march 2nd respectively. I also have 4 sheets for the 4 weeks in a given month. The weekly sheets are labeled week1, week2 etc....

What i am trying to do is this:

In the week1 sheet i am trying to "put" a formula in say cell 9,12 which sums up the same cell in the first 7 days of the month. But i am having issues. Does anyone have a good way to do this via VBA?


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Displaying Sheet Name Before All Cell References In Formula

Oct 11, 2013

Any way to always include the sheet name before the cell address in a formula? For example, in my "Summary" sheet, I have a formula:

=A2 + B4/B5

However, without typing anything else, I'd like the formula to populate the sheet name since I will be extracting the formula as text and need the full reference:

=Summary!A2 + Summary!B4/Summary!B5

A way to get around this is to enter the equal sign, then temporarily select another sheet, then go back to the "Summary" sheet where all cell references will include the sheet name, but if there is a quicker way to do it using some kind of property or event in VBA, that would be ideal.

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Formula That References A Cell Where Workbook Is A Variable

May 24, 2007

Say cell C5 contains the name of a project (workbook). eg

C5 = "[Project1]"

In my current workbook, I want to find the value in cell B8 of Sheet1 of the project shown in C5. If I wrote this directly, it would be "='[Project]Sheet1'!B8"
But the name of the project is a variable shown in cell C5 (as explained above). So I need a formula that will find the value in cell B8 of sheet1 of the project shown in C5.

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Color Code Cell Formula References

Dec 3, 2007

If I have a cell containing a formula say c1= sum(a1..a10) and the output appears in a50. how do I colour code it so I know the formula in c1 is linked to the output in a50?

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Formula To Remove All But The Last Of The Same Character In A Cell

Aug 21, 2009

I have data in cell A1 and A2 which looks like below

SECTOR - 11, HIRAN MAGRI, - 313001

In cell A1 the number of hypens (-) are 2
In cell A2 the number of - are 3

What I am looking for is a formula which can remove all additional - except the last one. Therefore the result of the formula should be

SECTOR 11, HIRAN MAGRI, - 313001

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Populate Formula Using User-filled Cell References

Jul 9, 2012

So I have a table where column B contains a text entry, and column C returns a certain other text entry based on if certain keywords appear in the B entry. Say, if B8 contains "Fresh Apple Pie", column C8 could return "Tastes Delicious" by searching for "Apple" in B8. I've got it work just fine using a ridiculously long If(Isnumber(Search())) function, but the problem with this is that if I want to adjust the output, or add a new input rule I have to go into the formula and that just gets messy. Instead, I'd like to start an extra sheet, or a table to the side, where the user can write in column D what he's looking for, and then in E what the formula should return. Ie., if I wanted to change "Tastes Delicious" to "Getting Sick of It", I'd just have to change the E8 entry to that text, but leave D8 as "Apple". I've been playing with array formula's, but I can't get the formula to search past the first row of criteria.

Basically, I want something like this, where columns D and E are open ended for any user to add new search criteria or change the existing (for example, I could put "Gummy" in C4 and "Candy" in D4, and B3 would then return "Candy"):


Search For
Classify as

Candy Apple

[Code] .....

I've been using this formula:


(the cell references are different, but you can see the formula)

And it half works. If C3 is found in B12, it'll return D3, but if C3 isn't found I need it to look for C4, which it doesn't do. Naturally, the end formula will be a much larger range than two cells though.

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Mixing Range And Cell References When Coding FORMULA

May 20, 2013

This works

ws2.Range("C5").Formula = "=sum(D5:ZZ5)"

guide me on the syntax when the final column reference is a variable

ws2.Range("C5").Formula = "=sum(D5:" & Cells(5, l_LastCol) & ")"

doesn't work

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Copy And Paste Formula Without Changing Cell References

Mar 5, 2014

I have one sheet with all the formulas for the entire workbook and would like to copy and paste the formulas from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2...Sheet 1 to Sheet 3 etc. without changing the cell referening in the original formula. I am not too sure how .formula works.

Sub CopyAndPaste()
' To copy formulas from Summary sheet to their respective sheets

With Worksheets("Summary")
.Range("R3").Copy Worksheets("2").Range("X3").Formula = Worksheets("Summary").Range("R3")

End With
End Sub

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A Formula That References A Table Based On Contents Of Another Cell

May 20, 2008

Here is what I am trying to achieve:

I have a workbook with two tabs, on the first one there is one column and the top of the column(A1) is a dropdown containing the options 'Boy' or 'Girl'.
One the second worksheet I have two named tables (Boy and Girl) - these tables each contain a single column array with 5 names in each (so we have a table of 5 boys names and a table of 5 girls names)

What I want to happen is when a user selects an option from the dropdown in A1 the cell below(A2) is populated randomly with a name from the corresponding list.

I have achieved this initially using the following formula:
=IF(A1="Boy", INDEX(Boy,RandInt(1,10)), INDEX(Girl,RandInt(1,10)))

This works fine, but I will need to expand this for several dropdown options, so my new workbook will have a dropdown of car makes, and each make will have a list of the models associatied with the car make (e.g. Ford: Fiesta, Escort, Mondeo...)
But I do not want to have a ridiculously long nested IF statement for every car Make, so what I want to do is something along the lines of the following:

=INDEX([CONTENTS OF A1],RandInt(1,10))

So I use the text selected from the dropdown in A1 as the TableName in my formula - however, I cannot retrieve that to use in the formula without it coming back as a text with the "" included and my formula errors!

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Circular Reference: Cell References In The Formula Refer To The Formula's Result, Creating A Circular Reference

Aug 14, 2006

I have the following formula in cell L51 of all sheets calculating the volume depending on the monthly index that is chosen from the drop down menu in a particular sheet. =If(MIndex=0, SUM(D33:L50),If(MIndex=1,SUM(D34:L50),If(MIndex=2,SUM(D35:L50), 0))). I am getting the following message and I do not understand what it is about.

Microsoft Office Excel cannot calculate a formula. Cell references in the formula refer to the formula's result, creating a circular reference. Try one of the following

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IF Formula That References A Cell And Returns A Different Result Dependant On The Number In The Cell Being Referenced

Oct 2, 2009

I'm trying to do a formula that references a cell and returns a different result dependant on the number in the cell being referenced.

For example I've said if A1 has a 3 in it then put the word TEST as the result, plus if it has a 4 put the word RESULT.

What I wrote as my formula is as follows-


It works fine when I only use one result but goes wrong when I add two. If I change the words I want to show to numbers it comes up fine but with words it just returns a Value error.

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Copy Non Absolute Cell References In Conditional Formatting Formula?

Dec 3, 2012

I have this fairly simple formula which decides whether to shade a cell or not


This is set in cell R3 and I want to copy it all the way down the cells in the R column. However, when I copy & paste (and copy and paste using paste special, formatting) the R3 and AC3 cell references do not update to match their relevant rows. eg If I highlight cell R26 the conditonal formatting formula still refers to cell R3 and AC3, not R26 & AC26. I'm using Excel 2010 but I don't recall this happening in 2003.

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Excel 2007 :: Why Does Using Cell References In Formula Give Incorrect Value

Sep 30, 2011

Surely it's user error, but it honestly seems like Excel is not calculating 2 numbers correctly. At work, we have office 2010 where it is not calc'ing correctly; at home I have 2007 and it's fine, but anyway, here's my situation:

Cell A1: 0.003529
Cell B1: 0.48

If i put in Cell C1: "=B1/A1" i get a value of 136.000000 But that's not correct, it should be 136.01587... But if in Cell C1 i put "=0.48/.003529" then i get 136.01587...which is correct.

Why does using cell references in my formula give me the incorrect value?

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Macro To Copy Formula While Keeping Original Cell References

Feb 17, 2009

I'm trying to create a VBA macro that will allow me to copy a formula from one sheet to another whilst keeping all the original references.


If the formula on Sheet1 is:

= sum(A1:B6)

then the copied formula on Sheet2 would read


You can do this by cuting the cell, but I don't want to do this, I want to leave the original cell unchanged.

I'm sure there is some simple VBA code to do this, but I can't seem to figure it out.

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Search From Cell And Replace With New Character

May 14, 2014

I have a requirement... which need to search from a cel if it march then replace with below name. When user gives a selection screen, month displays in a cell A1.

For example: If this cel (A1) is jan then it should replace with Jan, if mar then replace with mar, if MAI then replace with MAY, if sep then replace with SEP, if OKT then replace with OCT.... and so on...
It search the cell A1 for MAI, then replace with MAY & also should search for if A1 is OKT then replace OCT, & also if A1 is DZC then replace with DEC.

I know the function of ....


This formula brings me only 1 search, but I need 3 search if match replace with respective character. this should search for OKT & DZC ALSO....

present - new


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Search And Replace Character With Cell Value

Mar 24, 2014

B1 value: WH

Want to search for the character "-" and replace it with "WH" from B1 Cell

Do this for all $A column

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Dynamic Named Range :: Does Not Copy The Formula That References A Cell From Another Line

May 29, 2007

I am having a few problems with dynamic named range in excel 2000.

When adding new data to the range, excel extends the range correctly, but only copies some of the formula correctly. It does not copy the formula that references a cell from another line.

I am trying to create a excel spreadsheet and have a formula =e10-e9, which does not copy down.

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Find And Replace Function Using Cell References And Wildcards

Mar 29, 2012

Any way to use a find and replace function involving a cell reference. I have a spreadsheet with ton of junky text burying information that I want. Here is a simplified example

Book 345353hg dgdgsdgfd fff Book belongs to Jim
Sneaker fdg4 Sneaker is worn by Jan
Gum dfg s d e te4345Gum tastes great
Cake jklsjflsjfjikCake smells delicious

The pattern is that the A1 text appears in the B2 text. What I want is

Find *A1
Replace with blank
Find *A2
Replace with blank
and etc.

So that in the end, I get this:

belongs to Jim
is worn by Jan
tastes great
smells delicious

I've looked at the functions of find, replace, substitute, left, and right and I can't seem to find the right one to do what I need.

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Replace Cell Value With Formula?

Jan 6, 2012

I am looking for the macro which can replace cell value with his first row. e.g. Column D contains the cell value "X" and i want to replace that value with D1. The same i am looking for all field.

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