Retrieving Various Date Formats And Return These Into Cell

Nov 17, 2011

I am trying to find dates & time within text in a cell & return to a separate cell. The issue I have is that the date format varies frequently. I also can't rely on searching for "Sent:" as this also varies frequently

e.g. From: ########
Sent: 17 November 2011 11:57

I would like to return 17/11/2011 11:57

From: #######
Sent: 01/11/2011 11:50:13

I would like to return 01/11/2011 11:50

From: ########
Date: 05/11/2011 09:45:13

How can i search for various forms of dates and return them into a cell?

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Date Formats In A Cell Which Also Contains Text

Nov 29, 2013

I need to change the date format in a cell which also contains text.

The full formula is as follows:-
="Report period:
"&TEXT(Control!B9,"dd mmmm yyyy")&" - "&TEXT(Control!B10,"dd mmmm yyyy")

This gives me the following:-
Report period:
01 October 2012 - 30 September 2013

What I would like to have is the following:-

Report period:
1st October 2012 - 30th september 2013

It's only a minor change but I think it looks better. Without a hideously complicated formula, if this is possible using one of the standard cell formats?

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Extract Data With Differing Date Formats - Convert Text To Date

Mar 27, 2013

Extract data with differing date formats that I need to convert to something consistent that I can format as a date.

This is an example of data.... all with general format at the moment.

2/28/2013 2:48:53 PM

1/16/2013 10:48:50 AM

12/17/2012 11:59:49 AM

I have used this formula to extract the date portion, but I can't get this to then format as date. How do I convert this to the julian date, so I can then apply a date format?


(The day portion of this date always has a leading zero).

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Convert Different Date Formats Into One Date Format?

Apr 15, 2013

I have a worksheet where in a column, dates are stored in various date format i.e. it may be DMY or MDY or YMD.









Above is just for an example, above dates are for the month of August, but as can been some cells are in MDY formate and some in DMY. Can I have formula to convert different date formats into one date format?

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US To UK Date Formats

Oct 21, 2009

I'm running excel 2000 and don't have access to mscal.ocx, so i have used the date time picker with a calendar, but the formatting of the calendar is in US format m/d/yy and I need it in UK format d/m/yy, I have narrowed it down the following piece of code, the D values are the days,

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Various Date Formats In Same Column

Jun 22, 2014

I need for my office a table which has one column with dates. The "issue" is, that sometimes I know the whole date (day, month, year), sometimes only the month and year and occasionally just the year. Is there a way through custom number formatting that excel behaves correctly? How would I need to set conditions to achieve this? Because now something happens which is 99% incorrect .

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Different Date Formats On The Same Spreadsheet

Mar 13, 2007

I have data sent to me with different date formats on the same spreadsheet; I used Format - Cell and format date to this format: However, only some of the data changed to this format and rest remain the same. I've tried many other ways, but didn't work.

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Change Date Formats

May 28, 2009

I have a userform which allows data to be entered onto a worksheet. One of the fields (a textbox with the standard calendar control) is the date. When the transaction saves, it correctly saves the date as dd/mm/yyyy using

ActiveCell.Value = TxtDate.Text

I also have a form which allows the user to amend a transaction by loading the data onto the form, amend it and save it back to the worksheet.

The problem is that when it picks up the data and re-saves it, it's resaved in the format mm/dd/yyyy which is a problem because I use the month as one of the categories that users can filter the data by.

I also have the following line immediately after each time the data is saved from the form to the worksheet:

Selection.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy;@"

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Number Formats For Date

Jan 26, 2010

I have a simple piece of code that gets a date from the user via inputbox in the format dd/mm/yyyy. That date is then put into a cell (e.g. B1), and the cells to its right get given something like "=B1+2", "=C1+5" etc so that they will all show a date a few days further down the track. (Much more complicated than that but this is the basic idea)

The entire row is then formatted "ddd dd mmm yyyy" with the intention of every column getting a header like "Wed 27 Jan 2010". This works perfectly for every column EXCEPT B which shows the the string "27/01/2010" it was given from the inputbox.

Right clicking --> Format Cells shows every cell in the row has the exact same 'Custom' format, and the 'Sample' at the top looks correct for every cell except B1.

BEFORE the macro runs and formats all the cells, but AFTER they have been given their formulas, they all display something along the lines of '40021', '40023' which I assume is the number of days since Jan 01 1900 or the like - proving that THEY knew the value in B1 was a date, so why doesnt B1 itself know?

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Date Formats From Useform?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a userfiorm with a text box that auto fills as follows

PHP Code:

Fill Datebox    DateBox.Value = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") 

which today fills the text box as 01/03/2012 (UK format), however when i try log a record as follows

PHP Code:

copy the data to the databasews.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.DateBox.Value 

it changes the date to the american format so that it is pulling through on the data base as today being the 3rd Jan 2012.

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Change The Date Formats

May 9, 2008

I am importing data (using filestream) from txt files with comma delimited values. When I import dates into General type cells it turns a date of dd/mm/yyyy into mm/dd/yyyy only if the date makes sense.

I would like it to import dd/mm/yyyy as dd/mm/yyyy.

I am also interested to know how Excel/VBA deals with dates coming from various sources, what quirks or mode of thought it follows.

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Converting Date Formats Depend On Value

Mar 10, 2009

I need to amend that column to display 26 Mar ( or 12 Dec or 17 Apr etc depending on value).

Try as I might, using format cells, nothing results in the required display. I'm not even sure what format the cells were in as received, since highlighting the received column and selecting "format cells" does not reveal the initial formatting. If I try pasting special to a new column and selecting values, I just get the numerical date value as a 5digit number.

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Reformat The Date & Time Formats

Dec 1, 2009

I've attached a small sample of an excel file I created from a CSV. The date has defaulted to American format and the time is, as you can see, messy. How can I reformat so that I can have British date format and 24 hour clock?

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Chart Showing Date Formats

Jul 20, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that has two columns. Column A is a date format and column B has the number of days between both dates over 2 years analysis is =A8-A7.

However when i come to build a chart its all wrong as the dates are following a weekely format, can i adjust this to pick up only the dates that are showing on the cells in column A? also is ther ea way which teh #VALUE! doe snot show?





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Macro: European & US Date Formats

Nov 20, 2006

An in-house server spits out a whole lot of dates which I put into Excel and then use the dates for analysis (VBA code). The problem is that Excel is getting confused about the date formats. Sometimes the dates are formatted as dd/mm/yyyy and then the next line can randomly be mm/dd/yyyy. This totally messes up all changes of having data integrity.

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SUMIF With Different Date Formats (Google Sheets)

Aug 9, 2014

I have data which is exported from my system which includes the job date and gross profit amount. I want to find the gross profit total for each day based on a matching date. However, the data exported includes the time in the date cell and Google Sheets won't match it. I'd like to avoid using a helper cell if at all possible.

You can see the formula here : [URL] ....

Formula is on the Q column.

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Date Formats Incorrect When VBA Opens Workbook

Apr 29, 2008

I'm new to VBA so my i'm having alot of problems figuring out simple stuff.

Below is my script and when i run it, the dates turns out incorrect.

I noticed this only happens to dates that are before 13th of each month.


1st May 2008 ( 01/05/2008)

will turn up as

5th Jan 2008 ( 05/01/2008)

However when i manually open the file Todays trades.csv
The date looks just fine.

Is there some problem with using VBA to call up the file?

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Date Formats Not Picked Up In Pivot Table

May 16, 2012

I have inherited a spreadsheet that I need to update soon. It takes data that has a date field and creates a pivot table by month. The person who created it completed it thru February. Now I have added data for March and April, but the pivot tables can not find this new data and I suspect it is because of the date formatting (I have done the Change Data Source under PivotTable Options to include all the new data).

The reason I suspect the date format is that she built a button to run a macro named "dateformat", which is not in the workbook. I have tired to manually format the date using the format painter from the February dates that the pibvot table recognizes, but I still get no results.

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Macro To Convert Date Formats In Two Columns And Compare

Sep 15, 2014

I have two columns containing dates (Date1 and Date2). Date1 is like a long date and Date 2 is a short date. I need a macro to compare these two dates and delete rows where Date1 <> Date2. Please find attached the before and after file which also contains the date formats for these two dates.

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Retrieving Data Of Certain Cell

Jan 28, 2009

I am trying to get the data out of a cell and put it in a textbox in my userform.
What I have is a Worksheet that has autofilter on. After the user clicks certain objectbuttons, there is only one row, that has data in it, displayed. The cell I'm after will always be in column A and be the second visible row.

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Retrieving Data From A Cell

Nov 24, 2009

I have the following in Column A. 01. Artist - Title

I manage to put 01 in Column B and Title in Column D
I am struggling to split between the "." and the "-" to show Artist in Column C
I am using in Column B

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Excel 2007 :: Retrieving Value Of Corresponding Cell In Same Row

Aug 6, 2014

I am currently struggling with a spreadsheet that has been created in Excel 2007. Essentially, it has a number of items (individually identified by "S code" in the first column) that need to be tested at the specific dates over a one year period (i.e. at "2 weeks", "4 weeks", "8 weeks", etc) as shown in the screenshot below.

A user manually enters "Complete" into the corresponding cell in the "In-testing status" section of the spreadsheet when testing has been completed for a certain item at a particular time point.


I already have set up conditional formatting that highlights cells with dates older than the current date red. What I need to do now is to check for a particular item and date whether or not the corresponding "In-testing Status" cell reads "COMPLETE". If it does, I need to use a conditional formatting rule to return formatting to normal.

What I am unsure of is how exactly to retrieve the value of the corresponding "In-testing Status" cell.

Unfortunately I can't use a macro-enabled workbook in this environment

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Return DATE If A Cell Is More Than 1

Dec 4, 2009

I need A1 to return todays date if B1 has a values of more than 1

So would be something like


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Retrieving The Address Of The Last Cell Before The FIRST Blank In A Range

Sep 28, 2007

Retrieving the address of the last cell before the FIRST blank in a range.

OK, I have searched the web through six different search engines and explored too many dead end solutions to this problem that I am nearly ready to just scrap the whole sheet.

The problem is very simple.

I need to return the address of the last cell that contains data before the FIRST blank cell.

Heck, I don’t even need to have the address, I can just index the position.

Problem is this question has been posted on nearly every excel help forum from here to pokipsy.
Unfortunately EVERY solution I have seen fails the “FIRST blank” requirement.

I have a column of data that never has blanks until the end of the data. I need to know what that cell address is in order to identify a range.

This data has a table above it and below it so none of the “dynamic range” or “Dynamic range name” solutions will work.

How do you get that address without the function continuing to the last blank cell?

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Retrieving Cell Address Matching Condition

May 12, 2009

Been looking all day in the answered threads for an answer and no luck, so I turn to again: I need to find an address of a cell matching a condition e.g. I have a results output in varying length but having fixed block structure. I want to find the block staring address as in a Match("test", "A:A", 0).Value command but apparently its an illegal command. I’ve been thinking of a Vlookup(test,”A:A”,0,false) structure but got no idea how to make it return the address instead of a value.

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DATE Function & IF Function (return A TRUE Or FALSE Based On A Date In A Cell)

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on a date in a cell.

for example:

if cell A1 = 07/11/2009

I want A2 to show TRUE or FALSE if A1 is 14 days or more behind todays date.

I have tried stuff like:


but it just always says false. EDIT: I have just noticed that if I change the date in A1 to exactly 14 days behind todays, it returns TRUE. So, it does work. Do I need to add a GREATER THAN in there?

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Retrieving A Number Format From A Cell Grouped With Letters

Apr 20, 2006

i need to find a way to search for numbers in a cell that are attached at the end of a group of letters. ex. (xxxxxxxxx01-01-001). i want to search backwards in the cell going right to left. what i need to do is once i find the numbers i need to go to the last number ex. (......x01-.....) and in front of it place a space ex. (......x 01-.......). right now i havent come up with a formula that can do this.

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Return The Date In The Cell Containing The Formula

Sep 7, 2009

the last date input into a range covering multiple columns and return the date in the cell containing the formula):


My column headings use this pattern:

Column A: Date
Column B: Amount
Column C: Date
Column D: Amount
Column E: Date
Column F: Amount

and so on.

When I use the above formula, I end up with data from the last amount column instead of the last date column.

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Return Value Based On Date In Cell

Aug 31, 2007

I'm trying to put in a formula that will populate a cell with either "Yes" or "No" depending on the date enterd in a different cell.

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Merged Ranges - Return Date In Corresponding Cell In Row

Dec 10, 2013

In the attached file I have three merged ranges, A3:C3, D3:F3 and G3:I3.

I would now like to create a formula in each cell in row 1 that will return the date in the corresponding cell in row 3. E.g. A1:C1 will each have the date in merged range A3:C3, etc. The merged ranges in row 3 may not all be three columns wide so any way to extract the dates to row 1.

Attached File : Formulae and Merged Cells.xlsx

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