Return Row Number Of Closest Date

Jan 15, 2008

in column A I have a set of dates starting say fromA2 till A300 in accending order.
in the other hand I have a date let's say in B2

I am looking to a formula to find out the nearest date value of B2 from the A column and obtain the row number.

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Lookup Value In Array - Where Found Multiple Times Return Closest Prior Date

Mar 13, 2014

I have a list of ID Numbers and Dates. Let's call this "List 1".

I also have a second list "List 2" which also contains a list of ID Numbers and Dates as well as a third column for Rating.

I am trying to extract the Rating for each ID Number from List 2 and display in List 1. The problem is that the Rating can change with time, so List 2 contains several different Date and Rating values for the same ID Number.

What I need to do is lookup the ID Number from List 1 and return from List 2, for that ID Number, the Rating at the closest date prior to the date for that ID Number in List 1. Example below:

List 1
List 2

ID Number


[Code] ..........

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Vlookup, Then Return Top Row Value Of Closest Value

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to vlookup age in column A, then find the closest match of that row, then return the top row's column value of that closes match(largest value less than or equal to). looking for a formula to accomplish this.

For example, for age of 1month, I have a value of 7.5. So, I'd like to return: "5th"

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book2___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=ABCDE1Age (in months)3rd5th10th25th205.1928815.570876.1151876.94590830.56.1719496.5359487.0757587.930901417.0704867.4290337.9697898.84744751.57.9690238.3221178.863829.763994Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Formula To Return Closest Match

May 30, 2014

I am trying to find a closest match for a given value comparing to values in a chart. I got it to work..but it will only return a closest value that less than it. I need it to also look "up", and return a value higher than it if it is closer. I have attached the worksheet. The vlookup part is for choosing which row to use, based on the value in B1. The column index portion of the vlookup is where the trouble lies....I am comparing the value found it B2 to chose the column...and that column should be the closest value...but like I said before, it will only return a lower value. The formula is in cell B11 (Correction Factor). it SHOULD return 1.26....instead, its giving me 1.18. (200 is closer to 192 than 175 is)

temp press exp.xlsx

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Return Value Of Date Using Addition From 2 Columns That Represent Date And Number

Feb 21, 2014

I want to get a return value of date in column C whereas column A represent a date and column B represent a number. Simplest formula in excel is Column C (Feb 26, 2014)= Column A (Feb 21, 2014) + Column B (5). I want it to have in macro code.

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Closest Number

Aug 24, 2009

I have a list of numbers Example:
8.325,8.2,8.075,7.95,7.825,7.7,7.575,7.45,7.325,7.2,7.075,6.95,6.825,6.7,6.575,6.45,6.325,6.2,6.075,5.95,5.825,5.7,5.575 ,5.45,5.325 ect

Then I have a formula solving for a number, but I may get 6.00, which is not in my list. I want to have a "seek down" and display 5.95 (as it is in the list) and not 6.00. I will always seek for a lower number. Is this possible with a formula.

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Find Number Closest To Zero

Dec 4, 2009

I need to find which number in a row would be closest to zero, then display the associated name. The number can be negative. I used this, which works well if all the numbers are positive: =INDEX($C$1:$E$1,MATCH(MIN(C66:E66),C66:E66,0)). I'm running into a problem when the closest number is negative.

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Find Number Closest To X?

Aug 14, 2013

Say i had a col of random numbers, and their corresponding probabilities of occurring;









Neglect the nature of the sample, its just gibberish and not of concern here. The question is, if i enter a value in column C, how do i find the closest corresponding number to it in col A, and subsequently return its nearest corresponding probability from col B? For example, say i entered 8 in C1, then the formula would need to find the closest number to 8 in col A, which is 7, and return from col B the value of 0.001636.

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Finding The Closest Number

Mar 3, 2009

I need to scan a list of numbers and find the nearest number to say 80... ex


The formula would tell me the closest number is 79.

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Pick Closest Number To X And Display Corresponding Value

Sep 16, 2013

i have a sample of data in a column,

A1 20.5
A2 -20.1
A3 19.99
A4 -20.12
A5 20.15
A6 -20.15

In other columns of the same book i have the values;

...............C ..................D ....................E
................x ................CDF ...............1-CDF
1 .......-20.782066 ......0.000302 .......0.999698
2 .......-20.689948 ......0.000311 .......0.999689
3 .......-20.59783 ........0.000321 .......0.999679
4 .........20.505711 ......0.000331 .......0.999669
5 .........20.413593 ......0.000341 .......0.999659
6 .........20.321475 .......0.000352 .......0.999648

how to pick the closest value to any number in A from column C, and then depending on whether its positive or negative, display the corresponding value from D or E.

So if we had -20.77 in col A, it would pick the closest number from col C (In C1) and then display the value from D1. Similarly, if we had +20.4 in col A, it would pick the closest number from col C (C5), and display the corresponding value from E, E5.

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Return Highest Number With Date

Oct 9, 2009

column a has dates & column d has values - what is formula to find highest number in values and return it's date (using =large(Dxx:Dxxx, 1) to find highest number

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Loop To Return The First Number Of A Date

Jul 6, 2006

How can I use an if loop to return the first number of a date.

For example, if cell A1 has the date: 7/06/2006, I want to say:

If (ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=1).Text = "7") Then
TodayInt = 7
End If

But this is trying to look for a string and its finding a date, so I
get an error...

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Return The Date That That Number Occured

Jan 8, 2009

I have column A with a bunch of dates (in order)
Column B has the number of support calls.
I can find the Highest number of calls no problem using MAX(B:B)
How do I then return the date that that number occured?
I know its a lookup / match / offset thing but like I said my brain has frozen .

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Finding Closest Date In A List

Apr 9, 2008

I've been turning this problem over it my head for the last day and can't seem to come up with a decent solution, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anybody else had any bright ideas.

I have a data sheet with a dropdown list on it to select the month and year that determines how the rest of the data sheet populates. Basically I'm giving weekly breakdowns of data for a month at a time, with the "Week Ending" heading (which are dates - Saturdays), populating off of the month and year selected from the dropdown.

So, to give an example, if somebody selects March 2008 in the dropdown, it will populate the week ending dates of 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, and then pull out the specific data for each week based on those dates.

What I'd like to do is write a formula that will find the first Saturday of the month. The way I have it jury-rigged right now is a list of months with the first Saturday listed next to it and a vlookup to grab the date of the first Saturday. I envision using this report indefinitely into the future and I'd like to avoid having to keep adding/changing the manual list of Saturdays, instead preferring to have a way to determine the date.

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Find The Closest Match To A Reference Number

May 24, 2006

I needed to know how to find the closest match to a reference number
regardless of whether its larger or smaller. I did a search and found a post
back in March that said to use the following:


I applied it to my application and it works, I just have no idea why. Can
anyone explain this formula to me or tell me where I can find a good

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Formula To Get Closest Number Above And Below Reference Cell?

Jul 18, 2013

i have a group of numbers in A1:C2 and I need a formulas to find the closest number above and below a reference number in cell A3.

so if my numbers were 12.52, 12.02, 12.98, 12.64, 12.64, 10.83 and the reference cell was 12.62 the formulas would return 12.52 as closest below and 12.64 as closest above.

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Use Closest Date To Find The Starting Mileage Of Car?

Dec 26, 2012

I have a list with all our company cars (300). I also have a list with all the transactions of the fuel cards (12000 lines). Now I need the find for every company car (exact match) the nearest fuel-consumption-date (closest match to the given starting date) and take the mileage of that transaction. I've added an example. I have tried linking carnr and date (like carnr&"#"&date) and match these, but I don't always get the right car number.

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Formula To Find Date Closest To Today?

Apr 9, 2014

I cells B5:B15 I have a list of dates from last year. I need a formula that I can put in cell D5 that gives me the date that is closest to the same day last year.


If today is 4/9/14


From B5:B15 there were the following dates:

Cell D5 would contain

4/8/13 since it is the date closet to same day last year.

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Find Exact Or Closest Lower Date

Dec 19, 2009

I am looking for a formula to return the expected row/location in range B2:B13 as shown in col. F

Col. B dates are and cannot be sorted
The idea is to find the exact or the closest lower date to those in col. E
as per two criterias (col. D+E)

I prefer no helper column and no macro
(see attached WB)

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Match All Text And Closest Number In Alphanumeric String?

Feb 21, 2014

Formula to match all text and closest number in alphanumeric string

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Finding Number Closest To Zero (including Negative Numbers)

Nov 25, 2006

a spreadsheet in Excel. I have names with scores. Then I have the winning score. I need a formula to find the score closest to zero and to display the name of the winner.

Ex: Names A1:A4 and Scores B1:B4. Winning Score in B6 and list name in B7.
Ana 16
Bob 2
Charles 8
David 11

Winning Score 10

Answer should be 11 which is David, since David is only -1 away compared to the others.

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Having Two Date Return Number But Exclude Negative Numbers

Dec 18, 2013

I'm trying to figure out a formula to use that will exclude negative numbers. I have two dates. I'm trying to find the difference between the two dates assuming there is a date in the first column. At times there will be a situation where the date in A1 is before the date in A2 and it returns a negative number. I'd like to return a blank if there is a blank cell in column A and also return a blank if the return number is a negative.


A1 = 1/15/2013 B1= 1/10/2013 C1(formula) =IF(A1="","",(A1-B1) C1 will then reflect 5
A2 = (cell is blank) B2= 1/18/2013 C2 (formula) =IF(A2="","",(A2-B2) C2 will then reflect a blank cell
A3 = 1/5/2013 B3 = 1/15/2013 C3 (formula) =IF(A3="","",(A3-B3) C3 will then reflect -10

I'm trying to figure out a formula that would also allow C3 to reflect a blank cell since the formula returns a negative.

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Return Month Number Of Date Unless Cell Empty

Apr 9, 2008

I am using the MONTH function in a formula. The Month value of an empty cell is returned as "1". Why is this? Is there any way to return a null value or zero?

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Return Array Index Number For Specific Date

Jun 14, 2008

I looking for a macro which will help to open a file with current week number in name.

The problem is week 1 is starting on 30/03/2008 (finacial year) and ends on 28/03/2009.

I've made two dimensional array (week number, weekday) with all the dates from that period.

I have problem with code to search through the array for given key, return index and write it into variables.

For now my code looks like:

Sub week()

Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long

Dim week(51, 6) As String

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Find Closest Date To Today For Series Of Data

Jun 23, 2014

I have the following table of stocks with corproate action types and dates with a ticker / identifier per stocA1:



I am trying to find the NEXT Dividendcorporate action that is CLOSEST to the current date. I've done some google trawling and found a few formulae that seem to work only if the identifiers or dates are in a particular order. ALso having trouble using TWO criteria

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Find Yesterdays Date In Range And Return Row Number To Be Used In Offset

Jul 13, 2014

I'm writing a macro that will import data from one workbook to another, based on yesterdays date. I have the import functionality working, and I've been playing all afternoon, but I can't find a way to find yesterdays date in a range and use that row number as the row offset value in this line:

Rather than having a set row offset value (in this case, 14) I would like to use the find function to lookup yesterdays date in range "B50:B80" in the worksheet I've designated as "sh1" and return the row number of the cell that has yesterdays date and use this value as the row offset value, replacing the hard coded 14 that is in there currently. The date values in the range are formatted as per Date Format.jpg.

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Match Function To Return Column Number For Matching Date Errors?

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to use some vba match function code to return the column number of the matching date. The date will be stored in a date variable.

Every time I run this code I normally get a match error even though the date is in the worksheet and the variable matches that date.

See below:

[Code] .....

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Closest Top 2, Closest Bottom 2

Apr 28, 2009

i have 2 columns of data.
Column A is state
Column B is money owed to that state

So lets say
A1 is florida and B1 is 29,000

I am trying for column C to tell me what values (and if possible the cooresponding state) are the 2 closest values above it and the 2 closest values below it in B1:B50. It can appear as a string of text like 27,000 CA 28944 (OR) 31000 (FL) 31200 (GA)

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Highlight Cell That Is Closest Number To Different Cell?

Apr 4, 2014


I am running a time series linear regression on a credit card company. The left most column is the amount of cards they had on a certain year and the prediction is the cards the regression formula predicted. The + and - are the columns added or subtracted the standard error which is 3.25. I am trying to highlight the closest +/- number to the original cards. For example, in the first Row 76.98 is closer to 78 than 83 is so i would like to have 76.98 highlighted...showing that subtracting the standard error gave us the closest prediction. The second column the 87.085 cell should be highlighted because adding the standard error gave us the closest prediction to 86.4.

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HLookup Find Minimum Number In Row Then Return Left Most Number?

Mar 1, 2012

Items in Column A1 are calculated by (B2/4+5)*1.4 Items located under the columns 2000, 3000, 4000, etc... 10,000 are calculated by taking the top number, eg 2000/(A1 cell value)+the column B number. 2000/7+0 = 286 (rounded numbers)

I need to find an way to look up for x number (2000,3000,4000, etc...) find the smallest number in that column and then return the value in column A1.

A1 Number >2000300040005000600070008000900010000
70 2864295717148571000114312861429
84 24236148059971883795610751194


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