Rolling Average 12 Mth
Mar 25, 2009
I'm looking for some help to create a rolling 12 mth average. To explain better I have added a copy of the part of the sheet to help you understand what I am working with.
What I'm looking for is the 12 mth average to show up in cell c26. I have the mths listed in cell A2-A25 and the data I want averaged is in C2-C25
An additional problems is that I only want the 12 mth avg calculated if data in the next mth is greater than zero. Meaning since this month is Mar-09 (which is already collecting data) I dont want to include Mar-09 data yet. I only want to know Mar-08 to Feb-09 average. Once data is returned to Apr-09 then I want the average to show for Apr-08 to Mar-09 and so on. I dont what is better to use vba code or a formula which ever is easier.
Or if someone has a better idea please share.
PalletsTotal Orders PickedJan-083547Feb-083031Mar-083616Apr-083472May-083562Jun-083850Jul-083293Aug-082753Sep-083821Oct-083269Nov-082920Dec-083203Jan-093072Feb-093275Mar-092902Apr-090May-090Jun-090Jul-090Aug-090Sep-090Oct-090Nov-090Dec-090Average3342TL ErrorsPercentage
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Jul 30, 2013
I have a spreadsheet which has data in the format of:
Monday, 8 July 2013
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
[Code] ....
I calculate the average of the last four weekdays individually with =Average(A1,A8,A14..) in a cell above them to get a four week average.
Each time I add a new weeks worth of data, I manually adjust the formula to remove the first cell, and include the latest cell with new data.
I'm looking to find out if there is a way I can automate adjusting the formula so it always grabs the last four Mondays (for example)? Either in VBA or a formula.
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Apr 19, 2009
Could you please supply a formula that will calculate a four week rolling average of column B in relation to the dates in column A? I tried using the average and offset functions but can't quite get it to calculate the correct averages.
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Oct 8, 2009
I have several worksheets with thousands rows (independent variables) and hundreds columns (all dependent variables). Each line basically gives me hundreds values for each independent variable - see below:
C9 39.65 653.95 5.28 163.56 99.56 14.49 ... ...
E9 7535.92 21500.56 2835.88 3122.98 7225.34 5371.25 ... ...
G9 111568 298021 12940 31645 181797 36996 ... ....
I need to know how the values in each row are distributed, and I ideally plot a 2D column graph of the distribution. Is there a way to do that and create/program a macro (with relative button on the workboook) that does it automatically once clicked?
Very often there are outlying values (bigger or smaller by a factor of 1000 or even more), mistakes, which I would like to identify and fix possibly
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Jan 24, 2014
I am trying to create a formula that looks for the last populated cell, counts 12 cells back and returns an average for all of the cells in that range. I know I have done this before with some combination of INDEX and COUNT, but I can't seem to remember how I did it and my experimenting is not proving fruitful.
Attached is a simplified version of the layout I am working with
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Feb 13, 2014
Now I'm trying to do 12-month rolling average for my company data?
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Oct 7, 2008
how to calculate a six month rolling average for hours in AD column and AE column, this average would be entered in to AF1. the date column is AC the date is not consecutive it does miss days out.
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Mar 16, 2010
See Attached.
The YTD 10 column is fine that will change everytime you update each month. I was wondering if there was a formula I could use for the Rolling 12 month Column.
At the moment it is averging from Mar 09-Feb10 which is correct but when it comes to putting in data for Mar 10, the Rolling 12 month column will obviously not change.
Is there a way of moving the formula along one each time you input data into a new month. So when Mar 10 has been entered the rolling 12 month column will pick up Apr-09-Mar-10 then when Apr 10 has been entered the formula will change again to May-09-APr-10?
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Dec 7, 2006
I've got a worksheet that has chronological quarterly data for which I'd like to do a 5-year rolling average. The layout is: Column A = Dates, Column B = Values, and Column C = 5-year Rolling Average. My problem is that I want to exclude zero-values from the averaging calculation. I tried the following:
However, Excel will not accept this formula (I assume an array must be contiguous? Please let me know if that's correct).
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Jun 6, 2014
What I have is a spreadsheet with a whole bunch of sporting data on it. see attachment for an idea of the layout, Stats.jpg
In these data each round a player is given a rating. What I want to do is calculate is the average rating for each player across the last 3 and 5 games they have played. When a player misses a game they get a rating of 0 for the round. I want 0 ratings to be ignored in the running averages. Additionally, games yet to be played have a 0 in the cell and should be ignored. To get overall averages ignoring 0's was simple I used the averageif function, but I couldn't figure out how to use that but only extract the last 3 non 0 values. I currently have data up to round 12, so if a player has played in 12, 11 and 10 then the 3 round average should just be the average of these 3, but if they missed for example round 11 then the 3 round average should return the average of 9, 10 and 12.
The data is set out in the following way.
In column B I have a list of player names from cells B3:B618.
Across row 1 from N1:AM1 are labels "round 1" "round 2" etc.
The ratings for each player in each round are in N-AM and from 3-618. i.e. N3:AM3 contains the weekly rating for player 1, 4 contains player 2 etc.
I would like the 3 round averages to be returned for each player in column L and 5 round averages in column M.
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Feb 19, 2012
I am wanting to calculate a rolling monthly average and a rolling weekly average.
The following cells have the headers k2 has Allan, Cell L2 has Bill, Cell M2 has Charlie, Cell N2 has Don, cell o2 has Ellen and Cell P2 has Flora
Column J3 to J14 respectivley has Jan to Dec
The balance of the cells will have the data.
I then need to plot the rolling averages for each person on a gaph as teh months data is filled.
Below is the table:
Monthly Totals 2012AllanBillCharlieDonEllenFloraJan0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000
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Aug 21, 2012
I have the formula for calculating a 13 week rolling average, but I need to be able to set goals in the future and still have the average calculate from current and not from future.
I have my dates set up in row 3 (these dates are all mondays, not every day) and my data in row 4. I need the 13 week rolling average to calculate starting from the prior monday and going back 12 more mondays for the 13 weeks. IE: This monday I'm running reports that the info will be entered into the previous week's monday.
Here is the formula that I'm currently using: =AVERAGE(OFFSET(K4,,COUNT(K4:BV4)-13,,13))
The formula works but will calculate the average for 13 weeks prior based on the last cell with data in it. It's calculating the average of the last 13 weeks of next year.
how to make this work without having to remember my weekly goals every week??
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Apr 16, 2014
I am trying to create a rolling 30 day average based on a date in a particular cell. I have 62 columns that I am looking at. We can call A1 7/1/14 and the 62nd column 8/31/14 for simplicity sake. I want to grab 30 values in row 2 as these columns are filled in daily so 8/1/14 takes the average of 7/2/14-8/31. On 8/5, I want 7/6-8/4 so on and so forth. The average that I need has to include at least one averageif stating that only nonzero "<>0" figures should be tabulated (just have business day transaction data but need all dates listed to tabulate 30 days). The range of dates will be fixed every month and info copied to tabulate on the first day.
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Mar 2, 2009
I've got a "Date" Column which has every day of every month, and next to that several columns with different types of data to correspond to a particular date.
To simplify this (because there are TONS of dates), I've made another "Date" column that displays only every 5th day. Now what I'd like to do of course is average the corresponding data over five days.
I don't know how to write a single formula that I can copy down that will do this.
I've attached a sample spreadsheet with only one month's data, the stuff I need a formula / code for is in red
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Jun 5, 2007
I am working on a spread sheet and am trying to use rolling averages of the last 3 months. I am using worksheets for each month with a final worksheet containing the 3 mo. rolling average. I tried using a formula with OFFSET and it worked fine if all the data was in 1 worksheet, but did not work for multiple worksheets averaging to another worksheet in the same workbook.
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Dec 30, 2009
Is there a way to make a VBA code where everytime I run this macro it adds 1 to a cell and keeps a running total?
E17 currently = 0
Running the macro makes it display 1
Running it again makes it display 2 etc...
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Feb 12, 2009
I have a column of data (Column A) and I'd like to build first the Average of the first 20 data points (like in an Excel spreadsheet, cell B21 will contain the average(A2:A21), cell B22 will contain average(A3:A22), and so on... rolling).
I looked up on the internet, but I simply don't know how to start with, I mean, how to name the new array and make it rolling.
Then I will need to calculate STDEV for the same interval, and then Zscore ((Value - Average)/STDEV), but I guess it comes automatic once you made the first part.
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Aug 13, 2009
I need a formula to give me a ROLLING SUM of the last 12 entries in a column, to give a rolling year sum.
Each month a new number would be added to the column at the end just before the rolling sum calculation.
The formula then would sum the new entry plus the preceding 11 entries.
E.g. Cell values as follows: A1=10, A2=6, A3=3, A4=9, A5=4, A6=5, A7=13, A8=2, A9=7, A10=1, A11=14, A12=5
Say the sum is in cell A13, the sum=79.
A row is inserted above A13 and 7 is entered.
Now the sum calculation is in cell A14 and the calculation is from A2:A13 which equals 76.
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Aug 15, 2014
I have data that is linked and is updated automatically. I am trying to use named ranges for the rolling data for each area and my date range is 5 cells using the Today()-5,4,3,2,1. The dates are rolling fine, but I cannot get the data to update, it stays the same from day to day.
look at this and see what my error is? cookies and kudos(no password on the unprotect)
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Feb 5, 2014
Alas I need to put more dynamics and fill this data set from other sheets, so I'm putting formula into column A, and this force chart react and insert another category.
In other words I want to have this fill only if data present on different tab(worksheet).
That what I have now:
[Code] ........
Counts the number of cells that are not empty and the values within the list of arguments. Use COUNTA to count the number of cells that contain data in a range or array.
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Mar 4, 2014
how to get the 12 months rolling ppm in excel, i have tried few methods which is not accurate,
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Aug 27, 2008
I have an excel sheet setup with several tabs which are organized by work days in a week. (i.e. aug 18, aug 19, aug 20, aug 21, aug22, aug 25, aug 26, aug 27, aug 28, aug 29) Sample file has been included.
I would like to do a rolling total of 1 particular cell (the same location on all the sheets, i.e. cell a2 on all sheets) for the past 4 weeks, and it automatically adjusts itself based on today's date (i.e. today is august 27, it will total everything from jul 30, 31, aug 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26.).
Is it possible to do this?
I am not familiar with VBA or Macros, so solutions using either of these will require some detailed explanation for me to understand how to apply them.
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Sep 30, 2009
One of our govt. agencies requires that I compute the 24-month rolling averages of the daily average input to a manufacturing process. In this instance, the agency is demanding the rolling average since 2003, so there are a fair number of data points involved. The process control computer can provide me the daily data (attached file contains 30 months of data), but cannot compute the 24-month rolling average.
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Aug 18, 2009
Whenever I add new data I need two cells of the old data to not be counted. This should continue until old data isn’t being counted anymore.
New Data entered Cell C36:E36 (148, 147, 214)
Old data shouldn’t be counted anymore from Cell C67:E68 (137, 152, 156, 94, 117, 158)
Total before New data Entered: 14066
After New data Entered: 13761
This formula is required for a total of 16 weeks or until all the old data isn't being calculated anymore in my rolling total.
I only need one total the three examples are just showing what the total should be calculated.
Sheet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xamples140661376113305Excel 2007
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Sep 2, 2009
I need to create a Sum of numbers month to date Rolling. Meaning... if I have a expected number for the month, I need to be able to sum the processed numbers for each day up to the current day excluding any day after the current day.
So the formula would need to sumif the total month numbers UP TO the current day and compare that against the processed UP TO the current day.
Month Expected Processed
April 1 500 450
April 2 500 450
April 3 400 425
April 4 400 450
April 5 400
April 6 450
Month Total
sumif(Month range, month, processed)
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Sep 22, 2009
What it is, I have a rolling report for the whole year, each with a score for the week.
However, it needs to show the whole year, but I need a seperate box with a summary of only the last 4 weeks on a rolling basis, ideally this would automatically update depending on the week.
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Jan 24, 2007
See attached for example of what I am trying to achieve. I need a macro which will allow me within excel to roll down within column A a block of the same number for 25 rows, insert a blank row, and then add one to the starting number roll it down 25 rows insert a blank row and so on. I would like to start with the number 031400 and continue until 064300 the leading and trailing zeros are key so I have made column A text field.
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Mar 28, 2007
My employer uses a scoring system to give a value to an individual’s sick record in the current rolling year.
Each person, has recorded, the number of sickness occasions and the total number of days in this rolling year period, these details go onto the final sheet where a score is calculated.
At present to get an accurate period, I have needed manually to deduct days to produce the correct time frame, ie 27/3/06 to 28/3/07 or when the sikness carrys on into the folling month.
I have tried without success to modify the rolling year formula, which as it is, will include the whole of March 06.
The formula is
=SUMIF(B5:D49,">="& DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(TODAY())-12,1),L5:L49)
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Jun 25, 2014
formula to input to excel to get the dates rolling down in A cell i want it to go A1(1/1/2014) A2(1/1/2014) then a3(2/1/2014) a4(2/1/2014) a5(3/1/2014) a6(3/1/2014) i have a lot of these dates to put into excel
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Jul 31, 2014
I would like to set the automatic rolling month when i select month at dropdown list and this will show at C5 and need to cell at the right hand side auto change month to Jul, Aug, ... Dec, Jan, Feb.
and at left handside show the previous month.
Rolling month.xlsx
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