formula to input to excel to get the dates rolling down in A cell i want it to go A1(1/1/2014) A2(1/1/2014) then a3(2/1/2014) a4(2/1/2014) a5(3/1/2014) a6(3/1/2014) i have a lot of these dates to put into excel
i'm trying to count dates within a 2 week date range. I don't want to update the formula every day to the actual dates that would make up two weeks so I tried this formula but it keeps giving me an error.
Is there anyway for a chart to show only a certain range, ie the past 12 months, without having to update the range every month?
We need to show our scrap rate over the last 3 years. At the end of every month we add a new line. When we enter the number of pieces scrapped for this month I want the chart to drop the number scrapped in January '07
I am trying to create a rolling 30 day average based on a date in a particular cell. I have 62 columns that I am looking at. We can call A1 7/1/14 and the 62nd column 8/31/14 for simplicity sake. I want to grab 30 values in row 2 as these columns are filled in daily so 8/1/14 takes the average of 7/2/14-8/31. On 8/5, I want 7/6-8/4 so on and so forth. The average that I need has to include at least one averageif stating that only nonzero "<>0" figures should be tabulated (just have business day transaction data but need all dates listed to tabulate 30 days). The range of dates will be fixed every month and info copied to tabulate on the first day.
I'm trying to have a two week rolling dates, starting on the Monday and continuing until the following Friday, this is fine if static but when the start date is then Tuesday, Wednesday etc the week then includes either the Saturday or Sunday.
From using =TODAY(), how do I populate the next ten working days without including the weekends?
I have the formula for calculating a 13 week rolling average, but I need to be able to set goals in the future and still have the average calculate from current and not from future.
I have my dates set up in row 3 (these dates are all mondays, not every day) and my data in row 4. I need the 13 week rolling average to calculate starting from the prior monday and going back 12 more mondays for the 13 weeks. IE: This monday I'm running reports that the info will be entered into the previous week's monday.
Here is the formula that I'm currently using: =AVERAGE(OFFSET(K4,,COUNT(K4:BV4)-13,,13)) The formula works but will calculate the average for 13 weeks prior based on the last cell with data in it. It's calculating the average of the last 13 weeks of next year.
how to make this work without having to remember my weekly goals every week??
I have a formula which works =SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(F7:M7=2) *(F12:M12="S"))) but only calcautes the S over certain dates. (F7:M7) Are the dates. i need to incorporate the today formuala so it works from 12 months from today. 12 months rollings (so figures wll change daily).
01 January 2014 02 January 2014 03 January 2014 04 January 2014 05 January 2014 06 January 2014 07 January 2014 08 January 2014 ######### #########
I have a spreadsheet that tracks “points” for hourly associates on a daily basis that totals weekly and monthly. This spreadsheet works on a rolling calendar year instead of a fiscal and I need to be able to capture the totals for periods of time by days.
For example, I would need to view how many points ‘employee x’ has from 2/25/09 through 2/25/10. I have attached the spreadsheet, which includes tabs for each week ending and a summary page.
I am trying to create a formula that looks for the last populated cell, counts 12 cells back and returns an average for all of the cells in that range. I know I have done this before with some combination of INDEX and COUNT, but I can't seem to remember how I did it and my experimenting is not proving fruitful.
Attached is a simplified version of the layout I am working with
I am trying to do is create a total of only the last 90 days of entries from a list of $ amounts. Attached is an example. We are going to start keeping track of our cashiers variances but at the top of the sheet we only want to know what their last 90 days of entries equal.
This would be considered a rolling 90 days, so older variances drop off after 90 days, they would still be left on screen but would not effect the main total.
The YTD 10 column is fine that will change everytime you update each month. I was wondering if there was a formula I could use for the Rolling 12 month Column.
At the moment it is averging from Mar 09-Feb10 which is correct but when it comes to putting in data for Mar 10, the Rolling 12 month column will obviously not change.
Is there a way of moving the formula along one each time you input data into a new month. So when Mar 10 has been entered the rolling 12 month column will pick up Apr-09-Mar-10 then when Apr 10 has been entered the formula will change again to May-09-APr-10?
I have a table where I assigned Months (Jan-Dec), Current Month YTD (e.g. Nov YTD) and Dec YTD in the column field. Company Name and Year in rows.
For a particular company for example, Co.AAA. The Start Date is Oct 1, 2009 and the contract will end on Sep 30, 2014.
If my current reporting month is Nov 2013, From the table, I need to get the sum up the data that correspond from this dates inclusive in start and end date of Co.AAA.
Inclusive Dates are: Dec YTD 2013 Dec YTD 2012 Dec YTD 2011 Dec YTD 2010 Dec 2009 Nov 2009 Oct 2009
If this is not possible, what other solution I can use to get the correct number?
Report I generate once a month that checks to see if tasks are done on or before their due date. Sometimes it works, and others it doesn't...
The basic formula is: [Code] .....
If they closed their task by or before the due date, the condition should be true and it should output "Compliant" beside their task. Otherwise their "Over Due".
The forumla works except when they close their task ON the due date. No matter how I tweak the forumla, it thinks the condition is false as if it cannot tell when the two dates match.
I'm trying to make a formula to calculate the difference in a date between two dates. For exaple, in my business we have a due day for something. So the due date could be Feb 10, we need to know if it was done on time, late, or early. So I've gotten it to display late by doing this: =IF(B2>A2, "Late", (A2-B2)) But then I can't figure out how to incorporate this: =IF(B2=A2, "On Time") or =IF(B2<A2, "Early").
I would like to displaly this all in one cell. So if the due date is Feb 10 and it's turned in Feb 8 it's early, turned in Feb 10 it says on time, turned in Feb 11 it's late. I also tried this but it didn't work: =OR(IF(B2>A2,"Late")*IF(B2=A2,"On Time")*IF(B2<A2,"Early"))
I have 3 columns (Name, Pass Date, Fail Date) Each name will only have 1 date in either column B or C.
I want a formula that will say "if there is a date in the pass column (B) then this name is a pass, if there is a date in the Fail column (C) then this name is a Fail"
I have been using a formula to count the number of days between 2 dates and if the date was older than 12 months it would work fine.
The data that i was using has been changed and they have decided to change the format of the dates and dropped the year reference no all i have to work with is dates like 27-07 this represents 27th July i can format this date to work fine unless the date falls before 1 jan this year all i get is lots of numbers and it stuffs up the whole calculation.
I have a column of values (E4:E87). I'm adding 1 value to this column manually each tomorrow (July 24th) I will have E4:E88...and so forth. Each day is a new row.
In column Z (i.e. cell Z87) I have the formula =(SUM(O53:O87))/(SUM(E53:E87)). Z88 will have =(SUM(somevalue:O88))/(SUM(somevalue:E88)). This gives me a resulting percentage for a rolling period of time.
I need an automated way to populate "O53" and "E53" ("somevalue") in the formula so that the SUM of the current row's cell (i.e. E88) through [whatever] is 50 or greater. (The sum of the values should be as small as possible, but at least 50, and should not include any older values than absolutely necessary for it to equal at least 50.)
An image of my spreadsheet can be viewed here: [URL]
I've got a "Date" Column which has every day of every month, and next to that several columns with different types of data to correspond to a particular date.
To simplify this (because there are TONS of dates), I've made another "Date" column that displays only every 5th day. Now what I'd like to do of course is average the corresponding data over five days.
I don't know how to write a single formula that I can copy down that will do this.
I've attached a sample spreadsheet with only one month's data, the stuff I need a formula / code for is in red
I need a formula that will calculate the percentage of the total duration between two dates (in hh:mm format) that a third, intervening date represents.
As an example:
a) 10th Jan 2014 09:00 b) 20th Jan 2014 09:00 c) 30th Jan 2014 09:00
In this case the answer sould be 50% because 'b' represents exactly half of the time elapsed between 'a' and 'c'.
Note: the formula needs to work effectively across the boundary between two consecutive years.
look at the attached file - it was a CSV file. i want to convert the column of dates to say Mar 14 2009 type date. but it only converts some of them. note some are on the left and some on the right.
The attached workbook has dates in column C, although some of these dates are just strings.
I'm trying to write some vba that will tell me how many of the cells in column C contain a date (or looks like a date) that is greater than (after) the real date in cell G1.
At the moment I loop through the cells in column C and can ascertain, which dates can be counted, then copy one row over at a time, but I'm looking for a slicker (perhaps one-liner) answer, perhaps by copying a block of rows in one go. The aim is to copy those rows to another sheet. There are many more rows than in the attached, and many sheets to process, and I have no control over the format of the dates/strings in column C. Currently it takes about 20 seconds to copy over the necessary rows, but I'm looking for it to happen much more quickly; current thoughts are to sort on column C (sorting on column C anything that looks like a number as a number - which has it's own problems!), have a count of dates satisfying the criterion (say using a worksheet formula such as COUNTIF or SUMPRODUCT, perhaps also using EVALUATE) then copy a block of rows in one go.
not very relevant, but the existing code is something like this which highlights rather than copyies the rows(included in the attached): ...
I have attached an excel sheet for your reference. I have particular debit values that are to be added between the dates. And Dates are also derived by formula based of payment term.
The ones I need to modify is Highlighted in Yellow. The values to be added is in "Customer Statement" and in H Column
These dates also have formula by which there are derived
-------------------------Current Ageing------------------------- Date Range
Bucket Amount Percent Start Date End Date[code].....
I am USing =SUMIFS('Customer Statement'!$A:$A,'Customer Statement'!$H:$H,"=" & E11) but does not work.
I need an IF formula, that states if a date is more than a month after the date in the cell then it is timely and if it isn't then it is not timely. For example the date in A1 is 12/11/05, if the cell is A2 is 13/12/05 (or any date after that) then A3 should read Not Timely, if A2 is 12/12/05 (or any date before that, including a date before the date in A1) then A3 should read Timely. Is there any way to do this?? At the moment I am having to go through manually and put in either Timely or Not Timely.
I need to compare three cells of random dates shown in Column E, F,& G with Row's H5:AK5, H7:AK7, H9:AK7 (the Dates to these rows is Static on row H3:AK3.) EX: ROW 5 has Start Date, End Date (1) and End Date (2). Compare Cell H3 between Start Date & End Date (1). If H3 falls between or equal to Start and End Date(1) then highlight cell H5. Proceed till AK3 (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then compare cell H3 between or equal to End Date (1) and End Date (2) (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then do the same for ROW 7 and ROW 9.
To make things a bit more difficult I need to have " WK#" in Row 14 (these WK# is on another tab called "Task" of the workbook) needs to be displayed in Row's H4:AK4, H6:AK6, & H8:AK8. EX: Compare Date in D15 between or equal to Start Date & End Date (1) then display Wk# in D14 in H4. Continue till all dates in D15:Z15 are compared to Start Date & End Date (1) and WK#'s in Row D14:Z14 are inputted if applicable in Row H4:AK4, H6:AK6, H8:AK8. I hope this is not confusing. I can't seem to use the upload option so here is alink to download a jpg of the sheet
I'm using Excel 2010. I need to populate a daily calendar with the number of nights spent, extracted from the Date of Arrival and Date of Departure of individuals.