Rounding To The Neartest Quarter Hour

Aug 1, 2009

I have searched around and have found several formulas designed to round to the nearest 15 min interval, but none seem to be working for me. If anyone has some insight.
A1 A2
R1 Main Task Total in Hours
R2 Sub Tasking 1 30 min
R3 Sub Tasking 2 6 min
R4 Sub Tasking 3 5 min
R5 Sub Tasking 4 23 min

What I need to happen is for the total of the time allotted for each tasking to be added and rounded to the nearest 15 min interval in a hour.min format. For instance, the above would be rounded to 1.25

71 mins total, rounded to 1.25 because .25 is one quarter of an hour in decimal form. I need it to be this way to be able to multiply that by a charge amount for a total cost for the Main Task. The numbers in A2 will all be whole integers.

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Rounding Timesheet To Quarter Hour

Oct 19, 2008

I have made a time sheet and am trying to have the total hours and grand total- round up to the nearest quarter hour, I.E. (.25, .50, .75. 00), if anyone can help me please it will greatly be appreciated, this is what i have now, in my totals fields:


I Have also attached the file so you can see it completely.

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How Do I Round To Nearest Quarter Hour

Sep 23, 2003

I need to round a time to the nearest quarter hour and have it show in quarters. My formula figures out the hours worked. If the total is 8.36, then it needs to show 8.75. It needs to round up or down to nearest quater hour.

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Enter Current Time Then Round To Nearest Quarter Hour?

Mar 26, 2014

I work at a facility where we care for adults with disabilities and we need to record times that clients arrive and leave. I created an attendance check-in sheet that needs the current time entered quickly. Is there code that will allow staff to double click on a cell and have the current time entered and rounded to the nearest quarter hour?

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Round Up A 24HR Format Time To The Nearest Quarter Of An Hour

Feb 5, 2009

Is it possible to round up or down a 24HR time format.

ie. 18:06 would be 18:00
18:28 would be 18:30?

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Identify Higher Earnings In A Quarter And Return The Max Of The Quarter

Oct 30, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to identify higher earnings in a quarter and return the max of the quarter of time frame and not the value

I'm simplifying a little ...

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Calculating Billing Days In Quarter When Billing Period Is Span Quarter

Oct 7, 2013

How would you calculate the amount of days of a billing period for a consulting engagement by quarter when the engagement could span multiple quarters, be within a quarter or not be in a quarter at all? Project based billing

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Changing Date/time To Run A 12 Hour Production Schedule, And Not 24 Hour

Sep 4, 2006

I have created a daily schedule which has a number of factory variables taken into consideration which determine the date and time a particular product should, barring any mechanical problems, come off the machine. (see attached spreadsheet).

The date at the top will be editable by me only so that when I update the production quantities, the “date/time off” column automatically re-adjusts to the remaining quantities.

The formulas are a little long winded, but I have left them that way whilst I try and develop it. I should be able to figure out how to condense them later.

My problem is that the “date/time off” on the right works excellent, but over a 24 hr period.

Ordinarily, we work a 12 hour day (6am to 6pm) with overlapping shifts to cover breaks, and 20 mins warm up at the start of the day for the machine, thus maximising a 12 hour day.

Of course if demand exceeds the allotted time we put on overtime.

Is it possible to specify that normal days are only 12 hours so that if a product exceeds 6pm, it flows into the next day with the balance starting at 6:20am?

And, if the production for the week exceeds the time could I stipulate particular days which we deem are suitable for overtime? Ie, we decide Wednesday is a 14 hour day and not 12.

I had toyed with the idea of creating a 365 day table/calendar, on another worksheet which would have its individual allocated hours in an adjacent column and somehow link them to the date/time off, perhaps by way of a VLOOKUP, but I have been chasing my tail trying to figure out how to implement it.

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Excel 2010 :: Counting Users Per Hour For Each Hour

Oct 21, 2013

I work in a computer lab and we have to keep track of how many people sign in (using excel 2010), and how long they were here.

I'm looking for a way to count how many entries were made per hour for every hour someone was signed in.

For example someone signs in at 9:22 am and leaves at 3:34 pm.They were here from 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 etc.. and its getting very tiresome to go through and manually enter a "1" for each individual hour in each cell under the hour.

Is there a way I can feed the in and out times into a spreadsheet and have it automatically count how many people were in the lab each hour?



8 am
9 am
10 am

[Code] ...........

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Formula To Convert 24 Hour Day To 8 Hour (working) Day?

Nov 12, 2013

Is it possible to take data in format dd:hh:mm and convert to working days - ie. 8 hour days?

For example:

02:12:15 (60 hours and 15 minutes .. or 3615 minutes)

to be converted to:

07:04:15 (7 working days: 4 hours: 15 minutes)

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Distribute Hours To A New Table Hour By Hour?

Dec 2, 2013

I have a time table which some hours are 3 hours time period. I want to distribute to new table hour by hour this kind of hours, or hour to same hour period.

Attached file, defined example and detail.

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Banker's Rounding Or Scientific Rounding

Jul 9, 2008

I am trying to round similar to Banker's Rounding or Scientific Rounding but I can't find a consistent formula that works perfect with decimals.

Using three decimal places for all the samples, I can get 0.0785 to round to 0.078 but 0.1785 wants to round to 0.179 instead of staying 0.078. Or 0.0005 will round to 0 but 0.5115 wants to round to 0.511 instead of 0.512.

Here is a list of sample numbers along with desired results:
.0785 should be .078
.5115 should be .512
.5035 should be .504
.0005 should be 0
.0025 should be .002
.0194 should be .019
.0195 should be .02
.0135 should be .014
.0115 should be .012
.8115 should be .812

I cannot find a formula which gives me all of these results. Here is a list of the formulas I have tried so far (NOTE: cell A2 is the working cell in my worksheet where I enter the number to be rounded)

1) =MROUND(A2,0.001)

3) =ROUND(A2,3)

4) =IF(ISERROR(IF(MOD(MID(A2,4,1),2)=1,CEILING(A2,0.001),FLOOR(A2,0.001))),0,IF(MOD(MID(A2,4,1),2)=1,CEILING(A2,0.001),FLOO R(A2,0.001)))

5) =EVEN(A2)

6) =ROUNDUP(A2,3)


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Round To Nearest 15 Then Nearest Hour If Less Than 1 Hour

Apr 4, 2014

I have a form to round to nearest quarter but if it is less than 1 hour I need it to round to a total of 1. Can this be combined in one formula.

I also need my time to be configured so that if the start time is a PM number then end time AM it does not figure right. is there a way to remove the AM/PM from time. I have already tried all the formats from number,time, & custom.

Attached is my form : Timesheet Form 2014.xlsx

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Convert To 12-hour Time From 24-hour Time

Mar 7, 2008

I'd like to convert from 24 hour standard time to 12 hour time using VBA code. For example: instead of 13:00 I need 1:00.

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CONVERT 24-Hour Time To 12-Hour Time

May 8, 2008

I have a list of FLIGHT departure times that are listed in MIL TIME, however, there is no : in the format. Its just 4 or 3 digit numbers. I need to convert these to time in 12-hour clock. If I go to FORMAT/CELL/TIME and select 1:30pm it simply makes the time ZERO!

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End Of Quarter Function

Feb 18, 2010

Need function to calculate the end of quarter for a given date after adding any number of months to that date. Example cell A1 would contain 01/15/2010. I want to add 6 months to A1. A2 would contain 6 making it 07/15/2010, B1 would contain a function that would display 09/30/2010.

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Naming Quarter Between 2 Dates

Mar 13, 2014

What I want to be able to do is,,press the Q key and either Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 based on certain parameters appear in that cell.

In column A of my spreadsheet heading 'Quarter', I want to be able to specify which quarter of the year a request was made,,so when I press Q

> if the date is within 01/01/14 and 31/01/14 'Q1' will appear

> if the date is within 01/04/14 and 30/06/14 'Q2' will appear etc,,I'm sure you can workout Q3 and Q4,,

Ive named a cell A1 'TODAY' for reference it has the formula =TODAY() in it and shows whatever the date,,

I have looked at the DATE commands available but I don't think any could do what I need, that's why I was thinking I needed a piece of VB code,,

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Finding Start And End Quarter

Aug 19, 2014

I have data like this.


In another sheet I have "Project " , " Start " "End" . I need to find the start and end quarter and fill in. The output should be "

HR 2014/Q1 2015/Q3
crm 2013/Q1 2017/Q3

In sheet- raw data - i need to search on ID- and in "Test.xlsxData" i need to fill in the start and the end date- as shown in Data sheet.

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How To Calculate Max Profit Per Quarter

Nov 28, 2008

Formula to get the Quarter number for the highest profit per Product, like in B16:F16.

The excersiser instracted us that it must be with one formula with no Macro, not User Defined Function and not openning additional colums.

I know how to find the qtr. Number - like for A2: =INT((MONTH(A2)+2)/3) but I am lost in finding how to combine the calculation for the Qtr and the most profitable Qtr. probably with MAX on SUM.

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Return The Relevant Quarter

Dec 17, 2008

I have a date say 31/7/2008 and I need to return the relevant Quarter.

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Determining Quarter And Year

Sep 14, 2007

In cell A1 I have a date entered as text as "Apr 2007". (That's the way my tool pulls it. Format can be changed if it helps)

I was able to pull the Quarter and year (Q2 2007) using...

A2 ="Q" & ROUNDUP(MONTH(A1)/3,0)&" "&YEAR(A1)

I need to pull the next three quarters and their year. (Q3 2007, Q4 2007, Q1 2008)

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Identify Top Quarter Of Data

Feb 20, 2007

I have been easily identifying the bottom quarter of data using =IF(G2="","",IF(RANK(G2,G$2:G$100,1)<=INT( COUNTA(G$2:G$100)/4),"Yes","")) Now I need the top quarter and am not sure how to change the formula.

I have tried changing <= to >= but I then get the top 75% rather than 25%.
I have tried adding +50% and +.5 ... =IF(G2="","",IF(RANK(G2,G$2:G$100,1)<=INT((COUNTA(G$2:G$100)/4+50%)),"Yes",""))

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Conditional Formatting For CURRENT Quarter Only?

Mar 6, 2013

I'm trying to color code the dates that are within the current quarter only. I have dates ranging from now to 2 years from now.

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IF Statements To Show Business Quarter?

Mar 11, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that tracks all field equipment inspections. This year, certain equipments will need to be inspected twice a year. Ideally, if it was inspected in Quarter 1, it needs to be inspected again in Quarter 3 and if it's Q2 then it'll be inspected again in Q4.

I need a formula that will tell me when the next inspection is due.

This is what I have so far:
Column I (Formula): date of last inspection
Column J (manual entry): "yes" for equipment that will be inspected semi-annually
Column K (formula): The Quarter is was inspected based on Column I's date
Column LThe quarter the next inspection is due

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Average Number Of Days In A Quarter

Nov 15, 2007

I have a worksheet containing 5 columns. A start and end date, a number of days between these dates, the quarter number of the start date (i.e. 1 to 4) and then the year.

I want to calculate the average number of days per quarter so an average of days in column C, based on the details in column D and E.

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Code To Create New Sheet Each Quarter

Apr 21, 2014

Macro to run every 3 months, copy the workbook its in, save as a new name, and then delete all of the tabs in the workbook except for the "Menu" tab?

However, I get errors with my code below.

[Code] .....

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Combo & List Box To Set Calendar Quarter

Aug 7, 2007

I need to define a specific calendar quarter and year, and want to do so using a combo box for the quarter (e.g. 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter) and a list box for the year (so the user can select any year desired).

The selections in each item should then somehow define the quarter's date range so I can use it in my SUMPRODUCT calculations.


User selects '1st Quarter' from the Combo Box
User selects '2004' from the List Box

CurrentQuarter range is somehow defined to equal 1/1/04 through 3/31/04.

If this isn't possible, then perhaps two ranges can be defined based on the user's selections:

QtrStart is set to 1/1/04
QtrEnd is set to 3/31/04

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Calculate The Quarter To Date Number

Aug 19, 2007

I was given the formula below to calculate the quarter to date number. The months from 1/1/05 thru 12/31/07 are in cells C3-AL3.

First - can anyone explain the formula so I may understand it and possibly modify it for other uses

Second - wherever the formula has 3:3 and I copy it to the next cell below it, I have to change the 4:4 to a 3:3 - any suggestions on how to do this easily.

By the way, the formulas are in column AO, staring on row 4.


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Constant Line In Chart By Quarter

Dec 14, 2009

I have a bar chart that has data by the quarter over a span of 3 years, so there are a total of 12 bars on the chart. Everything looks good there, but now I need to add the minimum amount that the customer needs to acheive (which varies every quarter) in the form of a line. So I added a line chart with the minimum data, but the problem is it goes up and down from point to point and doesn't create a visual horizontal line for the customer to see if they are hitting their minimum every quarter. Is there any way around this?

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Identify Bottom Quarter Of Data

Dec 21, 2006

I have a column of data that comes from simple division formulas, E2/F2. I am wanting to take the Percentages given and quickly recognize the ones in the bottom quarter.


8 items - the lowest 2 (the bottom quarter) should "stand out" - 5% and 23%

I figured two options:
1.) Conditional Formatting - don't know what the formula would be to use
2.) If statement - preferred method.

I would like in the cell next to the percentages for there to be a blank cell if the amount is not in the bottom 25% and if it is I would like the cell to read "Yes"
I thought something along the lines of =if(G2 in range(G2:G100)is bottom(.25),"Yes","") Of course that is not real code. I'm hoping someone will be able to edit that to make it functional. Or guide me in the right direction.
And you may have noticed the "N/A" in the list above. I would like excel to view this as 100%, at the least just ignore it and don't give me an error.

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