Run-time Error 424: Object Required In For Each Loop
Oct 3, 2006
I am running regression statistics for several different columns of data. In order to help me analyze the data, I am organizing the output on a specified worksheet called "Best Subset." I have stored the column names of the data used in different regression calls in a range array called Reg_Labels. The Reg_Labels array may contain one, two, or sixteen column labels in one specific location (where each column label is stored in a separate cell). All possible column names are stored in the Labels array (each name is stored in a separate location). I basically need to check to see which column names were present in a particular array location in Reg_Labels. When a column name from a cell in Reg_Labels(I-1) matches a column name from Labels(K), I am placing an "X" on the designated spreadsheet to indicate which variable(s) has been used.
My For..Each Loop will not work for some odd reason, and I need to figure out why. I keep getting an error that an object is required. I need each cell in Reg_Labels(I-1) compared with Labels(K), and I thought the For..each loop would be the easiest way to do it.
I just don't understand what's going on if C is a range object and Reg_Labels(I-1) is a range object. Wouldn't this loop supposedly cycle through every cell in Reg_Labels(I-1)?
Have I messed up some sort of object reference? ....
I keep on getting the "Run Time Error 424 object required" yet the code seems to look fine .....I'm asking for it to look for the date and have stated which cell/range ... I don't get it.
I have an Excel workbook that I have built in user-level security to log into. If login is successful I have code like this:
If 'successful conditions Goto Success 'more code here that doesn't matter
Success: 'verfies that it is a new project lgCreateProject = MsgBox("Would you like to create a new project?", vbYesNo) 'opens a userform if new project If lgCreateProject = vbYes Then frmQuoteInfo.Show Unload Me
End Sub
If the user signs on successfully and is not starting a new project then they get the error noted in the title of my thread.
Then the change event in the ComboBox of TB5 stopped working with the above error message.
Here's the
Private Sub TB5_Change()
'Loads TB6 thru TB16 from TB5's RowSource i = 0 If Not TB5.ListIndex < 0 Then For i = 1 To 12 If Not i = 1 Then Me.Controls("TB" & i + 4).Text = TB5.List(TB5.ListIndex, i - 1) Next i End If
End Sub
The segment that is erroriung out is:
Me.Controls("TB" & i + 4).Text = TB5.List(TB5.ListIndex, i - 1)
The first time it errored debug said there was a type mismatch. That only lasted about 15 min before it changed error message to the one in the title. Debug highlighted this same code segment for both.
TB5's original RowSource is "FoodList_2" which is 12 colums wide and variable number of rows. After picking the item from the first column this code fills in the rest of the data for the chosen row. I'm not sure how wide the rowsource is with the find code.
For some reason my form won't open when the workbook is opened. I get an error message "run time error '424' object required" (which happens when I have in the BOTH workbook_open event and the userform_initialize event (oops)). When I removed from the userform_initialize I don't get an error but I also get no form. I recall having this issue before but I can't recall how to fix it.
Can I call the userform_initialize event from the workbook open event to get around this successfully and properly?
Sub Macro2() ' ' Macro2 Macro ' Macro recorded 7/28/2007 by i8ig '
If Target.Column = 1 Then If Target.Value = "Med" Then Rows(Target.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Range("H3").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[3]="""","""",RC[3]-3)" Else If Target.Value = "Tasc" Then Rows("4:4").Interior.ColorIndex = 44 Range("H4").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[1]="""","""",RC[1]-2)" Else If Target.Range = "NBAR" Then Range("J5").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[1]="""","""",RC[1]-5)" Range("I5").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[1]="""","""",RC[1]-2)" Range("H5").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[1]="""","""",RC[1]-2)" End If End If End If End If End Sub I continue to receive an error '424' object required and I cant find it
I have two worksheets one called "invoice" and one called "tenants" "Invoice" has a userform where I want to enter a tenancy number and then lookup the tenants name and address from "tenants"
I have put the following macro in
Sub lookup() Dim res As Variant res = Application.VLookup("A1", Tenants.xlsx("Sheet1"), "$A:$H", 2, False) If IsError(res) Then MsgBox "not found" Else MsgBox "found at pos: " & res End If End Sub
I am trying to get the code to search for me specific words in the excel files in my Folder as specified, however when i try to run it, there will be a Error 424 : Object required.
Sub SearchText()
cr = vbCrLf quot = Chr(34) 'quotes
Dim l As FileSearch Set l = Application.FileSearch
s = InputBox("Search", " Enter the text you're looking for.")
With l .NewSearch .LookIn = "D:FinancialNews" .SearchSubFolders = True .FileName = "*.xls" .MatchTextExactly = True ............................
I'm working in a project on my PC with Vista and Office 2003/Windows 2007/Windows 7, the project works perfectly. At work, i have the office 2007/Windows 7 and it appears at the beginning Runtime error 424 - object required.
I have the following code, but when I try to execute it I get a "Run-time error 424: Object Required" message. The active sheet has just one pivot table on it. Is there some problem with how I'm referencing the pivot table? If there was more than one table on the page, how would I choose a specific table?
Dim pt As PivotTable Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1) pt = TableRange1.Select
I found this code in the Mr. Excel archives. It is designed to add a sequential number to a cell if the cell next to it contains text and then stop as soon as it encounters a blank. Problem is that I keep getting a Compile Error: Object Required on the Set nos line. I tried using a qualifier and also expirimented with CreatObject but still received the error.
Sub AddNos() Set nos = Range("B1", Range("B1").End(xlDown)).Offset(0,-1) nos.Resize(1,1).Value = 1 nos.Resize(1,1).AutoFill nos, xlFillSeries nos.NumberFormat = "General"".""" End Sub
So I went back and reorganized my userforms in the order that they are typically operated. I went in reassigned all the appropriate new userform names where needed. Now when I hit the item to activate the userform I get an "Object Required" error code....? So I went back recopy/paste each activation macro for the userforms and I still get the same error code
I am copying a WorkSheet and I want to set it directly to an Object. I don't want to use the activeWorksheet. I does work like this with .add so my idea was it should work with copy too.
[Code] .....
It does Copy the Worksheet, but afterwards VBA gets error 424
I am trying to run the following macro to copy a data range(A1:HX1) range from one sheet(sheet 6) and past it into the next available blank row in another sheet called New_Overall_Input_File but get the following error when I try and run it......."Object Required"?
Sub ALLCARS() Sheet6.Range("A1:HX1").Copy New_Overall_Input_File.Range("D" & Rows.Count).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub
I have a script that creates a bunch of sheets. It was working fine when testing because I was just adding a sheet using worksheets.add, but now I've found out they all need to be created from a template sheet. I set up the template sheet and changed to the worksheets.copy method, but I'm receiving a runtime error "Object Required"
All I want to do is copy the sheet and rename it to the next name in the array (I have an array of sheet names).
Here is the code snippet in question (error line in red):
If lngX = LBound(arrSheets) Then strAfter = Sheet1.Name Else strAfter = CStr(arrSheets(lngX - 1)) Set WS = Worksheets("TmpSht_Checks").Copy(after:=Sheets(strAfter)) WS.Name = CStr(arrSheets(lngX))
As written, the duplicate sheet IS created...
I also tried the method below, but I get the same result (sheet created (but not named) and the same object required error)
If lngX = LBound(arrSheets) Then strAfter = Sheet1.Name Else strAfter = CStr(arrSheets(lngX - 1)) Worksheets("TmpSht_Checks").Copy(after:=Sheets(strAfter)).Name = CStr(arrSheets(lngX))
I am writing macros for a pop up calender in excel 2010. I followed instructions in the link below but at the testing step # 7 it returned; 'run time eror 424 object required'. It's my first time writing macros.
I am new to userforms and am trying to make the options in a ComboBox the entries in a list of cells. When I try to show the userform an error appears saying "Run-time error 424: Object Required".
I am only assuming that it is the ComboBox which is causing the error because I made one very similar to this ealier but without the independent ComboBox option. Is my method of assigning the options to the ComboBox correct?
The coding I am using to try to fill the ComboBox is below:
Code: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim n As Integer
With ComboBox1 n = 45 While Cells(n, ActiveCell.Column + 1) "" .AddItem Cells(n, ActiveCell.Column + 1) n = n + 1 Wend End With
I'm having some trouble with some VBA code written for Excel (Office 2003). I have a video file (in .wmv format) and a list of time stamps in an excel file. When I click a timestamp, I want to pop open the WMV and play it at that given time.
I've made some headway thanks to a few others, but I'm getting this "Run-time '424': Object required" error that I can't seem to fix. I've attached the file, and it occurs at the line "frmPlayer.Show" and I have no idea why!
I have a macro which creates and names worksheets. I am making a button which also deletes the latest of these created worksheets, but doesn't delete other sheets. I am getting the error: Run-time error '424': Object Required. Here is my code for deleting the sheet:
[Code] .....
MSCount stores the highest "MS#" sheet.
The first line of the IF statement is where the error is.
Code: Private Sub Workbook_Open() Form1.Show End Sub
It has worked perfectly for about 2 weeks, well now when I go to open the workbook it gives me the debug error of Run Time error 424 Object Required. I last ran this today at about 8 a.m. no errors, but now about 4 hours later, it is bugging out. What is causing this?
I have written a macro that prompts the user to chose some files and if they meet certain criteria, it copies them to a specified folder.However, I have run into this 424 error "Object required".
Code: Sub FILES2SFTP() Dim FileNames As Variant Dim I As Integer Dim fso As Variant Dim Data As String ChDrive "G:" ChDir "G:TEST"
The error is in this line:
If fso.getfilename(FileNames(I).Name) = ("Name1" & Data & ".xls" Or "Name2" & Data & ".xls") Then
I am trying to run for_each_loop to in a module run an activity on other excel file.
Other excel file is having 8 sheets and loop is working fine till 4th. but when loop goes to 5th sheet it says Application defined or object defined error. I am confused because i have defined the objestSh as worksheet in the beginning.
I am using following line of code to assign name of active workbook to "InputWb". I have declared InputWb as a string. Set InputWb = ActiveWorkbook. While running the macro i get error saying "Object Required".