I am trying to open/save a csv file from a website but the URL only takes me to the page the file is hosted on then the file has to be clicked and it asks you to save it. It doesn't appear that it is a shortened URL and using Firebug I have gone through the HTML trying to find a link to the file but haven't. These files are date specific and ultimately the macro will be used to scrape different dates.
The URL: [URL] From that you will select the year>month>day number>download file
I am trying to open a website, then for excel to download the csv file, then for it to save it in a specific folder under a specific name and file format (excel).
I am successful at opening the website with the following code, but how to do the rest.
Sub Searchez() Dim IE As Object Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IE.Navigate "http://quote.morningstar.ca/Quicktakes/stock/keyratios.aspx?t=clwr®ion=USA&culture=en-CA&ops=clear" 'load web page google.com IE.Visible = True While IE.Busy DoEvents Wend
'IE.Navigate2 "javascript:SRT_keystuts.exportcsv()" 'this is the name of the download link as from when i hover my pointer over download link. End Sub
Dim URL As String URL = Worksheets("References & Resources").Range("URLMSL") Dim IE As Object Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application") IE.Navigate URL IE.Visible = True
My problem is that on most of the workstations here, it will open internet explorer, then open the file in Excel. I just want it to Save the file.
Dim URL As String URL = Worksheets("References & Resources").Range("URLMSL") Dim IE As Object Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application") IE.Navigate URL IE.Visible = True
My problem is that on most of the workstations here, it will open internet explorer, then open the file in Excel. I just want it to Save the file.
how can i use VBA tp download a file from a webpage? I've found the following that would display the source code of a webpage. I need to download a zip file and save it to the desktop.What alterations do I have to make?
Sub Downloadfile() Dim objHttp As Object Set objHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") Call objHttp.Open("GET", "http:\yahoo.com", False) Call objHttp.Send("") Call MsgBox(objHttp.ResponseText) End Sub
How to save a file onto the computer using VBA. The code template below that I found on another forum seems promising, except when I go to the desktop to access it, the .csv file has what looks like the page's source code instead of the actual file I want. This may be because when I go to the url, it doesn't automatically download the file; rather, I am asked to save the file to a certain location (since I don't know the path name of the uploaded file on the site).
Is there any way to alter this code to accommodate this, or will I have to use a different code entirely?
VB: Sub Test() Dim FileNum As Long Dim FileData() As Byte Dim MyFile As String Dim WHTTP As Object
I am currently working on a VBA Macro in order to scrape data from a webpage into an Excel spreadsheet. My problem originates from the type of webpage that I am accessing. I am accessing a webpage that is used to filter the type of information, in which I have a Favorite (preset), which is the URL that I have included in the code. Once I get to that page, the code selects the proper function to load the data onto another webpage. It is from this webpage that the data I need to import into the spreadsheet is located.
Here is a step by step breakdown of my macro and the bolded/underlined portion .
Macro initiated - > filter webpage opened - > selection of filter preloaded - > data loaded into another webpage - > webpage with data opened - > | need to transfer data to Excel |
I need to scrape data from excel cells. I have data such as "##aaa###". I need to get the numbers that preceed the letters. There may be 2 or 3 or more numbers prior to the first letter so it needs to be a little flexible.
I have a spread I use daily where I need to go to a series of links on a site and extract data- all that is programmed. But it's a site that requires I first be logged into my account.
Code: Sub AcctLogin()
Dim a As String Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") With ie .Visible = True
[Code] ....
The above code works, but it opens up an IE window. I'd just like it to log in in the background so I don't have to deal with a new window..
I am looking to pull information from certain websites and put them in excel. I'm not quite sure where to start. I have tried the search option but it is not returning anything.
I am wanting to be able to lauch www.fafsa.gov from within Excel. In other words I want to be able to put a button on screen and when the user clicks on the button it will record some statistical data and then lauch the website. I know how to do everything except lauch the website. Can you lauch a website using code from within Excel.
I have as list of company registration numbers and would like you use code to input them into the companies house website - Failure Page
Comany Reg No example - 03292899
In order to get the date of the last accounts.
The problem is then when you submit on the site i cant see how it passes the company reg number through to load the next page. If I can get to the page then i have code to get what i need from the page but i cant find a whay to get the to page that i want.
how to use the example reg number to access the companies house page for this company.
I am trying to bring in a web page into excel but when it brings it in it misses the little football .gif. My code is like this if I don't get this gif its another bunch of work to read through the data.
Sub Get_playbyplay()
Dim cur_year As Integer Dim game_url As String Dim cur_row As Integer Dim site_url As String Dim paste_row As Long Dim Heading As String Dim q1_row As Long Dim find_last As Long Dim space_count As Integer Dim prev_year As Integer
I looked at the source code of the website and realized that if you notice (above) that the variables listed in the link (i.e year, month, day) are exactly what i need to change in order to get the data for a specific date. how can I accomplish this using VBA. so say I have in on an excel sheet year in column A, month in column B, and days in column C (time interval is constant so we don't have to worry about stime and etime). and i run the macro and it loops through each row taking year,month,day for all rows and saving the data as .csv or xls files?
I'm trying to automate some webscraping on a website that requires a login, and was wondering how I would do so using Macros with a specific username password somewhere in the spreadsheet, lets say B2, and C2 respectively. The website I'm trying to login is this; http://underground.chacha.com/account/. I think I have most of the scraping figured out; its just the log-in for now.
retrieving data from financial website databases like yahoofinance.com and bloomberg.com. I'm trying to make an automatic stock analysis model to read from the website database and retrieve the data into excel sheets. For example, when opening the excel model the user gets a popup to enter the stock ticker, the user enters the ticker and gets a set of data. Is this do-able in excel?
I'm trying to put an excel sheet on to a website. The website allows HTML snippets and I know how to save the excel sheet as a webpage but I don't know how to transfer the webpage I've created on to the website. It asks me to post the snippet but I don't know what it wants? What is the snippet?
I have an excel sheet that has a lot of APN (parcel numbers) on it. I would like to run that through the assessors page [URL] to get the address and owners name. It seems like a very simple thing to do, but... How would I make it run each parcel through the assessors page to get the name and address information. Is there a tool I can install into Excel to make this easier?
I am building an application through Excel to update specific internal website information. My question is, is there an easier way to identify and view the tags on a web page without having to right-click and "view source"?
I'm attempting to familiarize myself with pulling data from an online database into spreadsheets for manipulation. I'm relatively familiar now with pulling tables using webquery, etc. but my next feat is accessing data from sites which require some "input" before retrieving the desired data set.
Currently, I have a site which contains information and prompts for the "year" of information in a dropdown box. I've attempted to do this as indicated below, and was able to "select" a year, however the page doesn't load the data like it would if I were to manually click on it.
Sub GetEmissionsData() Dim ieApp As InternetExplorerDim ieDoc As ObjectSet ieApp = New InternetExplorer ieApp.Visible = True
[Code] ........
Separately I've tried setting the year using another method, but this just give an error
Sub GetEmissionsData() Dim ieApp As InternetExplorerDim ieDoc As ObjectSet ieApp = New InternetExplorer ieApp.Visible = True
[Code] .......
I'm not sure if the error is due to some issue with my code - or if "Label1" isn't the correct label for the dropdown / combobox on the site. I didn't post the site source on this page - but the URL indicate in this post is the one I'm interested in.
I would like to write a script to upload image to this website. These images are in my local directory and their names are defined in excel file (cell J2:J5)This button in this website using flash so it make me hard.
We are a construction company. We travel and do work local. Some employees that have access to the internet at home. Some have access when they stay at hotels.
What I would like to do is give them a work schedule on our website. I would really like to do this using VBA. Is it possible to save the worksheet and send it to our website? I would love to attach a Macro to a button so the person, after updating the schedule, just punches that button and the updated sheet goes on our website.