View Website Tags?
Dec 21, 2009
I am building an application through Excel to update specific internal website information. My question is, is there an easier way to identify and view the tags on a web page without having to right-click and "view source"?
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Mar 28, 2013
I have attached an excel sheet with the input and output required.
It is basically concatenation vertically with certain tags.
Is there a method by which i can achieve this. MACRO OR FORMULA??
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Oct 30, 2007
I have lots of text with HTML tags attached, I would like to delete the tags and be left with only the text. Is there an easy way to do this?
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Dec 12, 2013
Excel 2007 - need to adjust protected view settings but the protected view tab is missing from my Trust Centre settings - have the following tabs - trusted publisher / location, add-ins, activeX, macro, message bar, external content and privacy options. Document is a revenue authority download and without being able to adjust the protected view settings, can't input data.
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Aug 17, 2010
I am about to re write my vba project as I can see that I need to make it more robust. One of the main issues I have is that the source XML file is not controlled by me. The quality and content is consistent but sometimes the order of the columns is different. At the moment that totally throws out my macro as it relies on certain columns for certain functions.
Trying to nut out the best way to import an XML file, keep only the specific columns I want - by content not location so then all follow on formula's will work and reference the correct data.
I have one theory that I can't get going. I thought if using defined names based on column headers this would allow me to keep and sort the columns I want. I can't find any examples to support this. I have been looking at the advanced filter but most examples reference exact cells which isn't flexible and leaves open to wrong data being pulled. Since I can't control the source doc what can I do?
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Jun 2, 2014
Here is the data i'm working with.
Name of player
Score of round
bag tag the player came in with
bag tag the player is leaving with
Here is what I'm trying to accomplish. I usually just copy and paste (then sort the data) but I want a spreadsheet that I can enter raw data and just look at the results I will already have the players names in my sheet. Before the round I'll get everyone's tags it will not always be in order (EX: 1,3,15,22,34,66...etc) some tags will always be missing. After the round I'll enter the scores. What I can't figure out is how to leave my sheet in alphabetical order and have my spreadsheet populate the "leaving tag" column with the correct tag based on the players score....
name score tagin tagout
bob 22 2 2
carl 44 15 23
ed 33 23 15
Can't tell if that translated, couldn't use a table....
basically I would like to leave column A where it is the whole time add the data to column B and C The use the data from column B to sort the values from column C numerically to column D (basically copy and rank then display the numbers in order). To throw in a twist if the data in column B is the same for two or more people the formula would need to take the lower number from column C to determine who gets the lower tag in column D.
having to create some kind of database in access....
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Oct 14, 2011
I have a pie chart, and the value's are based off of a refreshable query. How can I set the pie chart tags to, for example, =C14 and then the next tag =C15?
I know you can go to source data, and select the cells that you want the pie chart to display, but the problem with that, is when the data is refreshed the data in the cells refresh, whereas the pie chart tags do no.
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Sep 24, 2013
Finding a way to tell excel to pull Comments and Tags from files. I pulled the following code from another source:
'Force the explicit delcaration of variables
Option Explicit
Sub ListFiles()
'Declare the variables
Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim objTopFolder As Scripting.Folder
[Code] ....
I have been using it to get the Name, Size, Type, and relevant Dates associated with files in a folder. However, this doesn't seem to work with finding Comments, Tags, etc.
I have found functions that are used to pull Comments and Tags from files but haven't been able to incorporate them in to the code I already have.
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Oct 21, 2011
I'm trying to figure out a macro that will add b and /b tags around bold text. Bolded text can appear multiple times within a cell. I need it to run on all cells within a sheet.
So I need it to:
1. Search for bold strings within cells
2. Identify the length of the bolded strings
3. Add b and /b at the beginning and end of those strings
4. Repeat for all active cells
The only macro I was able to work out adds tags to only the last bolded string, whereas I need the tags on several non-continuous strings.
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May 3, 2013
I have multiple excel sheets wherein the content has bold, italic, underlined, normal text. I want to replace such texts with relevant html tags.Example is below
Identify the adjective in the following sentence. Can you please pass me the black pepper?
should change to
Identify the <b>adjective</b> in the following sentence. <i>Can you please pass me the black pepper?</i>
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Oct 17, 2013
Any way via VBA to remove HTML tags from a string that has been imported into a cell?
For example, if the cell contained(bearing in mind I can't actually use HTML tags in this post...
"LeftPointyBracket" B "RightPointyBracket" CatDog "LeftPointyBracket" I "RightPointyBracket" Elephant "LeftPointyBracket" B/ "RightPointyBracket"I would need CatDogElephant returning. So, any pointy brackets and anything between pairs of pointy brackets needs to be removed.
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Feb 26, 2014
How the like operator works with brackets and # tags etc...
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Jun 4, 2014
VBA method to remove HMML tags from the contents of a cell?
It needs to remove all occurrences of the "" characters, plus anything that is found between a "< >" pair.
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Jan 29, 2014
Basically I have a large database of folders of examples of projects/notes etc, each with essentially lots of potential topic "tags". I want to sort them to be able to tell the macro what topic I am looking for and it give me the folders that contain that info. I will need to tag each folder individually (which is no problem). I am looking for a piece of script (that either exists or that I can write) that will do the following:
- tag specific folders with numerous "tags". The folders will all be stored in a database. The tags will be user input.
- sort these folders based on specified tags and show filepath/location/name/file number or something unique based on the tags input.
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Nov 14, 2006
I'm trying to take the contents of an excel speadsheet and write it to an html file with my own formatting. For example I would like the row:
to end up in the html file as:
<td class="align-right">32</td>
<td class="">28</td>
In theory it seemed fairly simple to loop through a sheet and write before and after each cell, but once I tried writing the code I realized I was in way over my head.
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May 4, 2007
This is going to be difficult to explain, but I'll try... I need to be able to format a sheet that has all data in column format. Column A contains a number and B an application. C contains the issue data. I need the issue data to be moved under column A and B as illustrated below. What formula can I do to accomplish this?
Can't get html or the image tags to work for some reason.
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Sep 25, 2012
I have an Excel 2003 list with four columns as shown below:
I want to "expand" this list to use in a Mail Merge program to produce tags for our direct mailing. Each bundle contains 50 letters, so in the first line on the above spreadsheet, there will be 13 bundles of 50 and 1 of 43. Currently, I can cut and paste to create the following table, but there has to be an easier way...
[Code] ........
So as I pull this into a mail merge I will get a tag that shows the zipcode, the crrt, the total pieces for that crrt, then number of the bundle for example " 1 of 14" and the quantity in that bundle, for example "50 of 693", then the next bundle tag will print, 3 to a page. I know that here has to be an easier way either in the mail merging process itself or with EXCEL? Am even open to build these with ACCESS to create the tags. The beginning database contains anywhere from 350 to 800 lines of original data, so as you can see the cut and paste is VERY time consuming.
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Jul 25, 2014
Is there a standard way to organize sections of code with code tags? Due to the nature of my work, there is a lot of documentation involved. And, my spreadsheets rely heavily on VBA. These code tag sections will be going into a design specification, so that there is a layer of traceability from the document to the program. These are the general sections or item numbers that I've come up with.
1. Dimensions and Variables
2. Data
3. Processing the Data
4. Rules of analysis
5. Analysis
6. Formatting
I guess I'm looking for something standard like UML diagrams for DFDs, but with tagging code to break them up into sections?
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Jun 25, 2012
I have a spread I use daily where I need to go to a series of links on a site and extract data- all that is programmed. But it's a site that requires I first be logged into my account.
Sub AcctLogin()
Dim a As String
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With ie
.Visible = True
[Code] ....
The above code works, but it opens up an IE window. I'd just like it to log in in the background so I don't have to deal with a new window..
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May 19, 2014
I am desperately trying to get full postcode lists from two websites: [URL] .... and [URL] ........
The latter of the two is harder to get (I'm told) so it could also be available at: [URL] .... by selecting only the "Collect+" stores.
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Aug 5, 2014
I am using VBA to open an IE page and try to get some info however i cant seem to grab it
This is the code i have..
I have inspected the code from the website and it is this
[Code] ........
The problem is i dont know how to get the info in the "Metaname, ICBM".
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Dec 16, 2009
I am looking to pull information from certain websites and put them in excel. I'm not quite sure where to start. I have tried the search option but it is not returning anything.
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Jan 14, 2010
I am wanting to be able to lauch from within Excel. In other words I want to be able to put a button on screen and when the user clicks on the button it will record some statistical data and then lauch the website. I know how to do everything except lauch the website. Can you lauch a website using code from within Excel.
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Apr 23, 2013
I have as list of company registration numbers and would like you use code to input them into the companies house website - Failure Page
Comany Reg No example - 03292899
In order to get the date of the last accounts.
The problem is then when you submit on the site i cant see how it passes the company reg number through to load the next page. If I can get to the page then i have code to get what i need from the page but i cant find a whay to get the to page that i want.
how to use the example reg number to access the companies house page for this company.
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Aug 11, 2009
I am trying to bring in a web page into excel but when it brings it in it misses the little football .gif. My code is like this if I don't get this gif its another bunch of work to read through the data.
Sub Get_playbyplay()
Dim cur_year As Integer
Dim game_url As String
Dim cur_row As Integer
Dim site_url As String
Dim paste_row As Long
Dim Heading As String
Dim q1_row As Long
Dim find_last As Long
Dim space_count As Integer
Dim prev_year As Integer
'Main loop each loop one season
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Jul 30, 2013
I am trying to extract data from a website:
[URL] .....
I looked at the source code of the website and realized that if you notice (above) that the variables listed in the link (i.e year, month, day) are exactly what i need to change in order to get the data for a specific date. how can I accomplish this using VBA. so say I have in on an excel sheet year in column A, month in column B, and days in column C (time interval is constant so we don't have to worry about stime and etime). and i run the macro and it loops through each row taking year,month,day for all rows and saving the data as .csv or xls files?
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Jun 12, 2014
I have list of various web site and i want to keep only valid site . How it is possible ?
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Dec 12, 2008
I'm trying to automate some webscraping on a website that requires a login, and was wondering how I would do so using Macros with a specific username password somewhere in the spreadsheet, lets say B2, and C2 respectively. The website I'm trying to login is this; I think I have most of the scraping figured out; its just the log-in for now.
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Jul 31, 2013
retrieving data from financial website databases like and I'm trying to make an automatic stock analysis model to read from the website database and retrieve the data into excel sheets. For example, when opening the excel model the user gets a popup to enter the stock ticker, the user enters the ticker and gets a set of data. Is this do-able in excel?
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Oct 30, 2013
I wonder if there is some way to copy a list from a website to an excel sheet.
I am referring to this particular website.
There is a cashflow savings calculator on this site.
I want to copy the categories stated in step 1 of this calculator to an excel sheet.
Is there some easy way to do this?
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