Search Folders And Sub Folders For Worksheet And Return Range?
Jul 8, 2013
macro and I think this has me on my way; however, I do not understand the code and I am having difficulty modifying it. It returns the path in cell $A1 of my workbook, but I get reference errors in $B1:$L1.
I would like for the code to start entering the values in row 2 of my current worksheet. Row 1 I want to make a header row. The first column I like having the file path. Can the path be changed to a hyperlink? I would then like for it to return the values in $AP1:$BC1 to $B1:$O1 of my current workbook.
I need to back up files, which may be excel or MSword, by copying them from different directories, say C: to the backup directory, say X:. any vba to backup the files? I expect the vba can copy all file listed in column A.
E.g. C: est1File1.xls or C: est2File2.doc, and then pasted to the directory in column B. e.g. X:BackupFolder1 or X:BackupFolder2.
I am attempting to create a macro that will create a new folder on the network drive Arie:quotes that will create the new folder and save the the file in the new folder. I need the name of the file and folder to be set to the master (worksheet) cell "B3". and then if possible have it be conditional that if cell "B40" on the same master (worksheet) has a value to have the value added at the end of the filename via hyphen. This workbook has numerous worksheets in it approx 15 worksheets. I am not sure if this is relevant.
As an brief example.
Cell "B3" on the master(worksheet) contains a job name I-40 bridge So initially I would like the Folder name and file name to be I-40 Bridge
However once the Cell "B40" has been filled in with the value 54213 then I would like the file to renamed to I-40 Bridge-54213 and saved within the same folder.
I am currently working with Excel 2007 Pro edition on windows 8. I
I have found several other macro's that work with an auto save but i am unsure of how to change the directory to the network drive and show the correct file paths. This is the example of the macro I am currently working with.
Public Sub SaveAsA1() ThisFile = Range("B3").ValueMkDir "C:NewFolder"ChDir "C:NewFolder"ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ThisFileEnd Sub
I have managed to get this far - I have put together a macro (from different threads on this site) that opens closed workbooks, copies data in one of the sheets (same sheet in each of 28 books), and pastes the data it into a master book sheet, each paste starting below the last. So that bit is working. The first bit of help I need is a line of code that will make the macro loop through a number of sub folders in a main folder. My code at the moment works as long as I specify a path that ends with the name of one subfolder, and it only loops through this subfolder. I would like the path to end at the folder that holds all the subfolders ('Workbooks' in the path below), and then add some code that tells it to apply the macro to all subfolders in this folder, so it loops through them all.
The second issue is that after the macro goes to the closed book(s), copies the data in there and pastes it into the master sheet (into columns E:FG), I then need it to go back to the workbook it just copied from, go the same sheet, to three specific cells on that sheet (FH1:FH3), copy the content, go back to the master sheet, and now repeatedly paste the content (values only and transposed) of these three cells into three cells (in columns B:D, with row number being dependent on what rows the first lot of data was copied into) next to every row it just previously pasted in for me. When it loops to the next workbook, it needs to do the same, and the three cells will have different content than the ones in the previous workbook paste.
I dont know how to define the range it needs to paste into the second time. I tried using the definition I used for the first paste (MCDrow), to tell it that it is the same rows, just different columns, but this is not working.
Here is what I have so far, which does the first part of what I need, except for needing a way to have it loop through all subfolder in the 'Workbooks' folder (at the moment it lists Barwon South West as a subfolder in that path, but I actually have multiple subfolders, not all called Barwon South (all different names) that it needs to loop through and do both the first and the second paste for. I have taken out the code I was trying to use to do the second paste, as this was not working and the code is pretty messy as it is (I sort of bumble along, being so new, and I know the code is not very clean or efficient!).
Can someone help me put in the few lines I need to loop through all my subfolders (if you give me an example I can probably extrapolate), but to get you started, three of the subfolders are Barwon South West, Eastern Region and Gippsland. And can someone help me put in the code that will do the second paste for each workbook?
Sub Click2()
Application. ScreenUpdating = True Dim MCDrow As Long 'Dim SubFolders As String MCDrow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Client Data").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Fpath = "Q:Clinical ServicesCS Statewide DatabaseWorkbooksBarwon South West" ' change to your directory 'SubFolders = True Fname = Dir(Fpath & "*.xls") Do While Fname <> ""
and for each Project in Projects, create a new folder with the actual month (e.g. "03" or "12")
Im running the Makro from a file where I'd like to put the month in a cell -> so the code refers to cell("A1") wich has value 01 and creates a folder "01" in every projectfolder in C:Projects
I have a list of file names sans extension in column A. I want to search a folder I specify and if file is found create a hyperlink to said file either in a new cell or in column A.
The code I have does the search fine, but its hyperlinking is offset and I can’t get it to match the link to the file name.
I want it to return the subfolders from a named folder, but only the folder name, right now it returns the whole path. So my code has to then text to column that path, then delete the columns I don't need. Is there a way to shorten this? Here is my code so far:
'Lists Folders' Worksheets(1).Range("A3:A300").Value = ClearContents Worksheets(1).Activate Dim row As Integer Dim SearchFolders As Variant row = 3 LookInTheFolder = "I:projects2Koch58MY8900PROCESS2013 Work (Phase 3)DIH_SulfolaneEquipment"
I'm trying to make a macro that will search a folder and move all files from 2008 into another folder. So far it can do this, but what i need is for it to search subfolders also. At this point it moves all files from the main folder, but nothing from the subfolders.
Option Explicit ' Reference site [url]
Sub Copy_and_Rename_To_New_Folder()
Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject Dim objFolder As Folder Dim PathExists As Boolean Dim objFile As File Dim SrcFolder As String Dim DestFolder As String Dim x, Counter As Integer, Overwrite As String, strNewFileName As String Dim strName As String, strMid As String, strExt As String Dim LastModYear
The attached workbook has a userform which was searching the same folder where this file is located for entries in columns "A" and "B" of files named in column "I" (workbook1, workbook2 etc).
I have this placed on a sharepoint and want to move the files into specific folders (folder1/workbook1, folder2/workbook2 etc.) so I can set them as view only folders to stop unuathorised editing.
I am now getting a "Subscript out of range" error after doing a search. I can see it's a problem with the file name as it's pulling it from text in a cell but can't work out!
I have about 20 plus workbooks in a folder. Each has 52 sheets, Fridays date, that I want to copy all the data from each sheet.
Is there a way to open all workbooks in a folder and copy all data from on all the various sheets into a single workbook?
I'm trying to gather the info and make a small data base from the various books. I'd like not to have to call each workbook by name as the file names change or get added to.
I have found a lot of posts which show me how to list a directory tree in an Excel file, usually using a macro. I'm just uninitiated with VBA / VBS and simply don't have the time to figure it out now (it really isn't part of my job description... I'm rather doing a favor here).
I need to be able to re-generate an excel-based list of clients at will. The client names are subdirectories of different case types. There aren't tons of case types, right now maybe 20 but I need to be able to add case types without breaking the script.
I have created a macro named "SummaryCalculation" and I want to run this macro to more than 100 excel files which are saved in subfolders in a main folder. Each subfolders have atleast one excel file. I want the macro to be run with in these subfolders not the files are in main folder.
I am using the code below to list all files within a specific folder however I need to know about ALL the files within the underlying sub folders (of which there are many).
I have tried wildcards when declaring the folder but it does not work.
Sub List_Files()
Dim fsoObj As Object 'Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim fsoMapp As Object 'Scripting.Folder Dim fsoFil As Object 'Scripting.File Dim sFolder As String Dim i As Long Dim filtype As String sFolder = "V:T-ASSETAsset ScotlandNetwork Capacity Section1 Business Plan"
Set fsoObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set fsoObj = New Scripting.FileSystemObject........................
I need some help, I know very little about macros but is it possible to create folders/directories to a certain path using the text in an excel spreadsheet cell? For example, if cell a2 has a street address and cell b2 has a city, can it automatically create a directory in the path of my choice using that data? If yes, can it go down the the rows and create directories until it is done?
Please help as I have hundreds of directories to create.
I have a script below that opens all the workbooks in a folder based on a msgbox. The script works as is. However what I would like to do is remove the msgbox and have the script go back and forth between the folders.
Example it would open one workbook in the (Large Area)folder call my other script (Hazleton_Data_Conversion) Return Open a workbook in (Varsity) Folder Call the my (Hazleton_Data_Conversion)and repeat the process till all the workbooks in both folders have been processed.
Like I said this script works with the msgbox I just like to change to without msgbox and to flip back and forth.
I have the following function. the problem with this excel is i give it "C:" as directory, it search only one level of sub folders i.e it will search the filename in
C: est C: est3
It does not go deeper. i.e it wont look in folder that is for example
C: estanotherlevel C: est3anotherlevelmylevel3
How to modify my function so that it goes to the deepest folder. is there a way to do it?
Function GetFile(directory As String, filename As String) Dim FSO As Object Dim fldr As Object Dim subfldr As Object Dim file As Object Dim fullname As String
So I have a macro that creates a monthly set of reports, but some of them only relate to period 5 onwards. I wanted the macro to check whether a folder exists for periods 1 to 4, and if so, delete the folder and all the files inside it. I've used the following...
Code: If Period < 5 Then If Dir("I:AcctsCentral EngineeringEngineering Reporting Pack2012-131 April 20122-2 Reports - 4+8 Reforecast") "" Then Kill "I:AcctsCentral EngineeringEngineering Reporting Pack2012-131 April 20122-2 Reports - 4+8 Reforecast[code]....
but the macro just skips straight through the secondary IF statements without stopping.
I know this works on deleting files, and presumed it did too for folders, but it doesn;t.
I am trying to automate some of the work I used to do as I have moved to another position, specifically trying to automate file management. I am using this code to create new files for each client
Code: Public Sub CheckDir(fold1 As String) If Dir(fold1, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir fold1 Else End If End Sub
which works great, but you still have to do one client at a time. Basically I'm using this code to create new client files, but each year we will need to add a directory and sub directories for every client in a certain directory. What I would like to do is code a macro that would add say a "2013" folder with all appropriate sub directories to every client folder within the folder that contains all of the client folders The folder hierarchy should look like this
I have this code that generates excel pages as pdf files, but I can't get it to save it in its individual folders. For example, I have the sheet name as Brian Lin, I want to save the pdf into the folder called Brian Lin, then if I have the sheet name as Lilly Tran, the pdf should save into the folder called Lilly Tran. Here's my code. The code is one step short of what I want it to do, it saves in the folder right before the name folders.
Sub Macro1() Dim wsh As Worksheet, vWshs Dim sFolderName As String, set_Path As String, name As String, hwas As String, sname As String, swsname As String vWshs = Array("Rates", "Inputs") set_Path = "C:UsersJonathanDesktopFaFundInvoices" & hwas & ""
I need to design code that can check to make sure a specific file is found before it executes.
Our files are all going to start with the same words followed by the date
ex. Name 10-2-1998
I want the code to be dynamic and be able to check in the folder that the current excel sheet is in for the file i need and then have it ready for use in my macro.
I'm trying to save a spreadsheet using VBA which will also check that the directory exists and create it if not, all based on cell values in my spreadsheet. When I run my code it comes up with Run Time Error 76: Path not found.
Dim fname As String, dname As String, dname2 As String fname = ActiveSheet.Range("E2").Value dname = ActiveSheet.Range("G2").Value dname2 = ActiveSheet.Range("H2").Value Windows("Register Template.xls").Activate ChDir ("H:") If Len(Dir(dname2, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir dname2 End If ChDir dname2 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fname
I would like to create a list of folder/directories in the current directory. The only code I've been able to find lists all files in the current directory (not folders).
way of returning a list of folders that contain a user defined search string in their name. Eg., return all the folders within a directory/directories that have "x365" in the name.
I am searching through a list of over 6000 folders that are sitting in four different directories.
The following is the code i've come up with so far that creates an array called aFoundList containing all the folders that match my search string.
Sub TryOpenFolder_LoopingMethod() Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim oFolder As Scripting.Folder Dim vSubDir As Variant Dim vSearchDir As Variant
I have a silly little sheet that i am trying to create to help me create a lot of folders on my pc. The sheet will basically make a consecutive group of folders that list out a 7 day period and a week number.
The problem i am having is trying to paste the special values of the dates in a group of cells, and then using those values to create my multiple sets of folders. I do not know how to get around it using the 5-digit date codes when it creates the folders.
I have a folder that has a bunch of other folders in it, each containing many files. Is there an easy way to get a file directory into excel, so that I now would have a spreadsheet that tells me what all the folders are and what files are in each one?
short example: main folder = mystuff subfolder1 = my pix, contains pic1 and pic2 subfolder2 = otherstuff, contains otherstuff1 and otherstuff2
Can excel find these things and give me a list indicating that the 'mystuff' folder contains these two folders, and also list the two files under each folder?