Select Range Macro Code

Apr 17, 2008

I have made a sheet where the user can insert/delete rows in a certain intervall of rows. The upper row is 17, that is I have named the cell "First" and then the last row "Last" and then I am using integers:

Dim intStartrow As Integer
Dim intLastrow As Integer
intStartrow = ActiveSheet.Range("First").Row + 1
intLastrow = ActiveSheet.Range("Last").Row - 1

So it is only possible to add/delete rows if the markerer is in between the above rows.

Now I would like to select the rows, from first to last. Since the rows are never the same, users add and delete rows all the time, I can not use


Can I somehow make a range selection using the Integers, somethimg like

With ActiveSheet
End With

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Allow User To Select Range To Copy Macro Code

Apr 30, 2008

I cant seem to get to work together in the same macro but that work great seperated. I need them to be in the same macro. The first just simply copy's text from one workbook to another:

Sub Test2()
ActiveSheet. Range("a1").Copy _
Destination:=Workbooks("punchlist.xls"). Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlup).Offset(1,0)
End Sub

That worked ok but I needed to change it to the "active cell" instead of cell "a1". So then this line of code was made:

Dim userInputCell As Range

On Error Resume Next
Set userInputCell = Application.InputBox("Use the mouse to select a cell on any sheet", type:=8)
On Error Goto 0
If userInputCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cancel pressed"
Msgbox "You selected " & userInputCell.Address(,,,True)
End If

The second code works just the way I want it but it doesnt copy over the text to the other workbook. I assume the 2 codes need to be together but I cant get it to work without errors. I also need the text to copy over without changing the borders on either workbook.

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Code To Select More Than One Range At A Time?

Feb 1, 2012

I thought i would create some code to highlight a batch of cells so i can modify formatting all together rather than cell by cell

I am unable to get the generated code to select all ranges together, it only shows the last range

Here is my code

Sub SelectRanges()
' Macro1 Macro


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Code To Select Actual Range

Feb 25, 2009

I have created the following code by recording a macro. The ActiveCells (“A1.A5203”) were based upon the actual number of records at that time. I wish for this macro to be used in a template and the actual number of records will vary from time to time. What do I need to add to this code to allow the AutoFill function to operate and fill only the actual number of records that exist.

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=LEN(RC[-2])"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=ActiveCell.Range("A1:A5203")
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-1]=8,""0""&RC[-3],RC[-3])"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=ActiveCell.Range("A1:A5203")

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Macro Code For Select All

Jul 22, 2011

I record macro and hit select all and that action won't record. what's the macro code for select all in excel. i assumed it was the same as word


but it's not

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VBA Code To Allow User To Select Range In Another Open Workbook?

Jul 26, 2013

I need the code to allow a user to select a column of their choice in an open workbook of their choice so that data can be lookuped up and changed. I am happy to create the code to do the lookup/changing, however the nearest I have found is the use of an inputbox which is limited to the active spreadsheet only. Some people have said the input box could be used over to another spreadsheet but I have not found that to work.

What I will need returned is the workbook name, sheet name and column. That will allow me to point to that and do the task.

This code could be used by 5 people and those 5 people could be running it on 20 different spreadsheets.

I thought this would be easy to find but it has eluded me. When using Excel normally, if you do a simple lookup formula, or create pivot function, excel prompts the user to select the workbook/sheet.

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VBA Code To Select Cell Range And Save As Text / XML File

Jul 19, 2013

I am trying to write the code to;

1) change to a different sheet
2) select a specific cell range
3) save that range as a text / xml file with a filename derived from a cell outside the given range

Here is where I have got to so far, but it fails

Private Sub Export_Click()
Sheets("Parsed Data").Select
ThisFile = Range("B1").Value
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-15
SaveAs Filename:=ThisFile, _
Application.WindowState = xlMinimized

End Sub

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Excel VBA Code To Select A Range (rows) Based On Values And Delete

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying out with a code which checks for cell value as "Select" in column IU and then checks for corresponding column IV for value as "0". Please note that "Select" and "0" are populated by formulas. I need the select "Select" and "0" till the next "Select" occurs in column IU and delete the selected range and continue the process until last non empty cell based on column C.

I have written the below code but it doesn't work.

Public Sub Test()
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nStart As Long


I could have uploaded the excel file that I am working on but did not find any upload attachment option.

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Lookup Via Macro Code: Find The Match And Then Select That Cell In VBA

May 24, 2008

I have a large database of equipment on one sheet and an input form on another. For inventory control, when a user scans a number into the input form, the main inventory sheet is updated with the current location. I have it working using functions, but I need to do this in VBA. I am looking to do the following;

User enters 2222 on the input form. The code matches 2222 on the inventory sheet, moves the activecell 10 columns and updates a value in that cell. Cell A2343 is "2222" then Cell K2343 is changed to "WAREHOUSE 4". What is the best way to find the match and then select that cell in VBA?

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Range Select In Macro

Feb 17, 2010


can I replace A1 with l where
l = worksheets("List").cells(3,2)
it doesnt like it, is there a better solution?

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Macro To Select Only Rows With A Value In A Range

Feb 9, 2007

I'm in charge of taking a report; streamlining its functions; and automating future reporting.

I'm using a database and some of the reporting function Access has. For another variation I'm forced to export the query to excel and transpose the vertical layout horizontally.

I'm making the entire process automated via a macro. The code is too long to post in its entirety but here is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish:

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Macro That Will Select A Range Of Cells In A Given Row

May 30, 2007

I am looking for a macro that will allow me to select the range of A5 to the last column with data in row 5

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Allow User To Select Range Mid-macro

Aug 27, 2009

I have a protected worksheet with a mixture of locked and unlocked cells, and I'd like to provide an option to allow the user to select a large range of mixed (locked and unlocked) cells and, in the unlocked cells only, pre-populate with a standard formula.

I've got most of it working, but what I need is the specific code that allows the user to specify the range of cells they want the macro to act on.

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Select A Variable Range Macro

Aug 23, 2006

I have tried various syntaxes but nothing is working for me. I am using XL 2000 so it doesn't have the relative address function in the macro! So here is what I have

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
Application. ScreenUpdating = True

I need to be able to select from the originating cell which will always be in "T" Col thru to "CZ" col but will be on different rows.

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User Select Range For Macro

Dec 7, 2006

Using a script but when I use the given Range it is still using the complete WorSheet.

View 9 Replies View Related Error (SELECT METHOD OR RANGE CLASS FAILED)

Jul 23, 2008

I have this:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate
End Sub

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Select/process Variable Range With Macro

Dec 15, 2006

I download some data from a commercial real estate site about properties and their owners and process it in Excel. Out of 1,000 records, maybe 20 or so will have the data end up in the wrong fields. This is an artifact of the data source the commercial site uses.

Anyway, what I need to do is to get the data back in the right fields. So, I sort the data to pull together at the top of the sheet all the records with data where it's not supposed to be. So far, so good.

Now from one data download to another the number of records which end up in the sort will be different. And, here's the problem.

I try to record a macro mimicking my selection of the range of the data that needs to be moved. Fine, no problem. And, on the same dataset it works like a charm. But as soon as I put a different dataset into the spreadsheet with a different number of records that need to be corrected the macro fails.

Apparently, this is because the macro has been defined with a certain range of cells selected in the first data set and this same range is used for subsequent datasets with different numbers of errant records.

Basically, what I'm trying to record in a macro is the Shift/Control End and Shift/control arrow commands. But they don't record as such.

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Allowing Users To Select The Range For A Macro To Be Run On

Jan 12, 2009

i have a spreadsheet that data is imported to from a different program. however the amount of rows of data will change from day to day. I need to be able to select this range of data before i run a macro on it.

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Using Find In Macro To Select Range Of A Table

Jan 13, 2010

I am trying to find a table of text, and copy it to another worksheet. I want to copy it as a range, not as rows or columns. Using Find, I can get to the 1st row of the table. Using Find again, I can get to the last row of the table.

What I don’t know how to do next is select the range.

For example; The table is in cells A10:F20. “Start” is in cell A10, and “End” is in cell A20.

Starting from cell A1, how do I find and select the range A10:F20.?

I will be doing this twice in the same macro, as there are 2 tables. Each of the 2 tables has the same “Start” and “End” text, as described above. The 2 tables will not always be located in the same location within the original WkSht.

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Macro To Select Range With Column Header?

Mar 12, 2003

How would a code look like to select a range with a column header on top. in the code you provided, it selected the entire W column. How would you select the range given that the W column was called Address?

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Name = "Problem_Area"

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Macro To Select Variably Sized Range

Feb 25, 2014

I have a macro that contains a line:


The number of columns selected remains the same, but the number of rows changes. The indicator that tells me how many rows to select is contained in cell F1007 and in this example contains "54".

How do I adjust the macro to change the number of rows to select dependent on the value in F1007?

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Want Macro To Pause, Allow User To Select A Range

Feb 18, 2008

I would like to Pause a macro to allow the user to select a range on the spreadsheet and then click OK to continue with Macro.

I tried to use Msbbox, but I can't figure out how to allow user to access the spreadsheet to highlight the desired range.

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Autofill In Macro Range Is Constant How Can I Code To Be A Variable Range?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to write a macro which will autofill specific columns. The macro will set the range from the start of my autofill to the end of my autofill as a constant range.

The problem I need to get around is the end of my range can always change each time I run the macro. For instance, the first time I run the macro I may only need to autofill from row 4 to row 15. The next time, I may only need to autofill from row 4 to 23 (because of user updates). How can I make the end of my range not be a constant address but variable?

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Macro Recorder - Select Method Of Range Class Failed?

Oct 11, 2012

I have used the macro recorder to generate the select range and clear part of the following macro.

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim test As Worksheet
Sheets("Industry").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)


I get the runtime error 1004 - Select method of range class failed.

I have used similar script in other macros without error.

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Macro To Find Matching Text In A Range And Select Specific Cell

Oct 18, 2013

I have a client list in a table in my excel sheet. I currently enter the clients in a sheet that looks similar to a form. After the clients info is in this Form I have a button with a macro to copy the client info into a table on another sheet. This works perfectly.

Now I have another form that will retrieve the customers info in a click of a button in order to make changes to the client. Ei:I now have a second phone number and I want to update that client's info. What I want to do from here is take the info in Cell B2 (clients full Name), Do a vLookup in the "Saved Clients Table" in a Range within my table range. (Range: Saved Clients and the client's full name is in $A:$A and called "Clients Full Name" and once that name is found I need to select the cell in column C and the corresponding row.

This will allow me to copy the info in my form, Paste it in Transpose to the cell that is selected. (I already have that code)

Here are screenshots of what I am trying to accomplish. [URL] .......

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Macro To Find A Cell Containing Text /select Range Offset / Cut And Paste To Lower Rows?

Feb 4, 2014

I am trying to find a macro that can search a sheet for any cell that contains the text "Not on AOI" selects a range that contains that cell, 81 rows below, and 2000 columns to the right, then cuts the selection and pastes it 162 rows below the original cell where the text was found. What's hard is that the number of columns between the "Not on AOI" cells is variable.

I'm very new to excel macros and the parts I think I've put together are:

Cells.Find("Not on AOI", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _
xlNext, MatchCase:=True).Activate


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Sum Range In Macro Code

Aug 16, 2006

I am writing some code to help speed up data input into Excel. I take the info from the user through a form. Before pasting the data into a spreadsheet, I need to check that there is no data there already.

How can I check that the sum of range of cells in excel, as specified by the user in the form, is Zero?

I want to do this in the code rather than enter another cell in excel and sum it there

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Sort Range Via VBA Macro Code

Jul 16, 2009

I recorded this macro - which was a simple copy and paste and then sort the results, however it works in excel 2007 and not in 2003. Even tried to record the same in excel 2003 and it still does not work. It seems to fail at the sorting stage

Sub sortprices()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Results").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("D4:D16") _
, SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Results").Sort
.SetRange Range("C4:D16")
. Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End Sub

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Average Of Range In Macro Code

Sep 30, 2006

I have to make VBA codes to get the average of two ranges. The problem is I always get 0 value. The value of each cells came from the formula that's why I use .TEXT. Here is the code.

iAveragePrep = WorksheetFunction.Average(Range(Cells(275, 4).Text), Cells(275, 5).Text)

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Applying Macro Code To A Range Of Cells

Dec 26, 2009

how can i do the following using VBA
making each cell in column A added to each cell in column B and the result will be in the column C
for example
... etc

i know i can do that simply without vba code but I just want to use this method to implement more complex formulas .

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