Setting Values In A Variable Range Occurence Query
Jul 18, 2006
I am trying to count the occurences of combinations within a range defined by contiguous cell values in one column. My problem lies with setting the value of variables that are queried within the defined range. My macro should;
1)Set ComboValue1 & ComboValue2 values to A1 & B1 cells values respectively
2)define range to be searched by how many contiguous values there are in column D
3)search column E for 2 figure combination (defined by A1 & B1). If present increment counter by 1 and add to column C (to be visible in worksheet). If no match carry on
4)define new range by next set of contiguous values in column C
5) step 3
6)when all possible contiguous ranges defined and searched from column c, perform again on next combination down columns A & B with refreshed occurence counter
7)finish when all combinations are searched for
Sub CountComboOccurence()
Dim ListCounter As String
Dim ProgCounter As String
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim ComboValue1 As String
Dim ComboValue2 As String
Dim Rng As Range
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
ListCounter = 0
ProgCounter = 0
Counter = 0
ComboValue1 = 0.......................
I am attempting to set a variable as a range of data that sits on a non-activated worksheet. However, I am getting a runtime error of 13 (data mismatch).
Is there something in my code that may be incorrect? Here is my code:
Dim rRange As Range Dim sRange As String Dim tblName As String
I'm having trouble setting the Range "UtilizationRange" using a variable, "CurrentRange" to store that range. I get the error "Run-Time error 1004: Method 'Range' of object'_Global' failed".The rest of my code works when I set the utilization range using the actual range for my purposes, but the problem is the range will change each month and I don't want to change it manually each time. There's a cell in the excel sheet this refers to (AG3) that holds the range value, which in this case is [N7:N75], and I would just like to return that value to the variable "CurrentRange" and set UtilizationRange equal to that.
The value is returned to CurrentRange, but it's the last line that's giving me the problem.
Sub RangeTest()Dim UtilizationRange As Range, Cell As RangeDim CurrentRange As String CurrentRange = Range("AG3").Value MsgBox (CurrentRange) 'This returns the value [N7:N75], which is what I want Set UtilizationRange = Range("CurrentRange")End Sub
i have compiled a multipage using some borrowed code and some code i have written myself. most of it works, but i have a problem populating listbox2.the error is in Private subCmbFindAllJobNo_Click(). i have put h1 tags around the line of code which shows the error when i debug. this code works ok as a stand alone, so i suspect i have done something wrong in the userform initialise.
Option Explicit Dim rng As Range Const FirstRow As Long = 2 Dim r As Long Dim ans As Variant Dim MyArray(100, 4)
Subcript Out Of Range Error Coming Now For The Code Which Works For Me Before
Sub WHideRows()
Dim rRange As Range, rCell As Range Dim strVal As String
Set rRange = Worksheets("WIED PROBLEM WELLS").Range("A11:A110")
For Each rCell In rRange strVal = rCell(1, 3) & rCell(1, 4) & rCell(1, 5) & rCell(1, 6) & rCell(1, 7) & rCell(1, 9) rCell.EntireRow.Hidden = strVal = vbNullString Next rCell
End Sub
i am using the code above to hide the rows which doesn't have any values in all the following Cells 3,4,5,6,7 & 9 or Unhide the rows if there is value in any 1 of the following cells 3,4,5,6,7 & 9 from row number A11 to A110.
The same code works for me before. But now the code is not working. It says below the error message
I want to count if cells in a specified range =yes then divide the range to get a total percentage of yes cells. I have a data validation list set up with the values: yes, no, n/a. I don't want the total percentage to change when using n/a.
If I want to set a global variable when I open my workbook which will be used in code on the individual spreadsheets, how would I do this? I want to set the time the workbook is opened to a variable (constant) and then compare that time to current time on each calculation in the worksheets.
I am working on a macro for excel which has a userform where the user puts in the number of samples they have, then takes them to a new userform to input the weights of the samples. I want to be able to set the sample mass variable dynamically based on the number of samples they have…
spl1 spl2 spl3 . . . splx
x=number of samples
This number will be different each time so I am stumped at how to do this since I have just started in vba and do not know too much yet.
I have a UDF for a lookup_occurrence formula (thanks to Dave), and I was wondering if it was possible to tweak the range it looks at with if statements.
I have a formula like this =Lookup_Occurence(B13, INDIRECT($N$5), 1,1,5) where N5 says exit card 1.
I need it to only look at a certain rows within exit card 1 depending on the value entered in I5.
If value I5 says Period_1 it will only look in rows 12:46.
If value I5 says Period_2 it will only look in rows 48:82 etc.
I believe I need to modify the xl look part of the code with if statements.
Below is the code. I am wondering if I can replace the xlLook line with nested if statements. If I5="Period_1 then rows 12:46" etc.
Function Lookup_Occurence(To_find, Table_array As Range, _ Look_in_col As Long, Offset_col, Occurrence As Long, _ Optional Case_sensitive As Boolean, Optional Part_cell_match As Boolean)
Dim lLoop As Long Dim rFound As Range Dim xlLook As XlLookAt Dim lOcCheck As Long
I have a UserForm that runs when my excel project starts that prompts the user for two pieces of data: a username and a password (these are not for logging into the file itself, I need to use them to call web queries later). I want the UserForm to store both of these data in global variables, so that macros that are run in the future can refer to them and read their values. Unfortunately, I am very new to VBA and I cannot figure out what code I need and where exactly I need to put it. Here is my current code, where "authentication" is the name of the UserForm object, and the textboxes I use for entry are named "user" and "pass": In "This Workbook"
I'm not sure where my syntax is wrong, and I can't think of what to google to learn more about the possible options I have when creating and declaring the value of variables.
I am simply trying to define the variable aWB as a workbook, whose name is found in cell B6 on the worksheet named "Start" in the workbook named "DW1". This seems to make sense to me, but I am not typing it correctly.
Code: Dim aWB As Workbook Set aWB = Workbooks("DW1.xlsm").Worksheets("Start").Cells("B6").Value
The user is asked for one piece of information "Enter the ID Number.
What the macro should do then is go to Wks1 find the ID Number and change some cells as a result. This bit works.
Set Wks2 = Worksheets(strWks)
7 rows from the bottom.
My intention was to capture the the name of another worksheet which is held on the same row as the ID Number on Wks1 and call it strWks.
Then further down the macro set the value of Wks2 to that of strWks so that the macro will then go to that sheet and remove data from the row with the same ID Number.
I get a Time Run Error 9.
It just seems to be the bit at the bottom where I am trying to identify Wks2 using strWks.
Sub Macro01C_Auto_Resign() Dim Wks1 As Worksheet, Wks2 As Worksheet Dim strFind As String, rngFound As Range Dim lngRow As Long, rngUnion As Range, strWks As String ............................
I have some code to plot a column chart of data but it isn't working as expecting at the moment. The code is below. The variable binCounter is a count of how many cells in a range that I want to plot on the chart.
However, what I am finding is that the first couple of cells in the range appear as the series name with the rest appearing as the data in the chart. Secondly, the chart appears with the axis labels 1,2,3 etc when I have some custom ones I would prefer to use. How do I go about setting this property, as I can only find options on setting the axis title There is a lot of stuff on XY charts on Google but I can't find much on column charts unfortunately .
VB: 'activate sheet and chart Worksheets("Home Page").Activate ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Histogram").Activate
I need to write a macro to set the print area to the first two columns (A & B), and the last 12 columns (the last column may change). In both cases I need to print all rows (start is row 1, last row is variable). I am trying to achieve something like the "Freeze Pane" effect with the printer. The first two rows contain column headers (dates). The first two columns contain information that needs to be included on the printout, whilst the last 12 columns contain the most recent data. Various cells withing the selected ranges may be blank, but no row or column will be entirely blank.
We have a very long macro that at the end sends an email to each training coordinator. Within the body of the email, we want to autopopulate the completion status from a pivot table using getpivotdata.
We first try to set the variable but get an error: [compile error:invalid qualifier].
Sheets(Summary).Select Dim BDCompletion As String BDCompletion = Application.PivotTableSelection.GetPivotData(A3, "Business Dev Plan Found")
And this is how we plan to incorporate the variable into the body of the email:
With OutMail .To = "" .CC = "" .BCC = "" .Subject = CurrentSheet.Name & " Training Plan Status as of " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy") .Body = "BD is " & BDCompletion & " complete for 2007 Training Plans as of the date of this email." .Attachments.Add Destwb.FullName 'You can add other files also like this '.Attachments.Add ("C: est.txt") .Send 'or use .Display End With
I've got some code which some one posted me a link to on here which set up a pivot table on more that 1 sheets (using excel 2002).
I inserted this code into a rountine I do daily which works fine.
The problem Im having is that Im getting more and more info which I need to pivot over more than one sheet. So I was going to amend the rountine so It picked what ever sheets are in the work book to pivot.
At the moment I have to go into the code and name the sheets to pivot. Is there some code which can work out how many sheets that need pivoting and just do it with out naming them? and also just add a new sheet with the pivot on rather than having to name the destination?
I've posted the code i got given below and have highlighted the bit where I have to name the sheets.
I have a range staring with cell "A5" and going to Column "K8+" that I need to copy. My issue is that the number of rows to copy will change. I have the number stored a variable "a" in my coding. how do I code this to work?
I have a list of names from cell A1:A10 in sheet "Input." Each of these names has its own corresponding sheet in the workbook. I want to be able to run the same exact VBA code for each sheet. In other words, I am trying to get my name variable to automatically change to the next value on sheet "Input." I'm sure this is pretty simple to do, but I can't seem to find anything that works!
I have a worksheet that uses a web query to return data, and display it in a worksheet. This works fine. I now want to use VBA to call a URL, but not display the information returned in a worksheet. Rather, I want to store that information in a variable, and then use it in my VBA sub.
how to set a cells value into a variable, using .value, then set another cells value equal to that variable without using copy/paste
What I can't figure out is how to see the value of multiple cells to a variable and place them into another range of the same size using .value. It would be nice to free up the clipboard.
The following code stops at the red line with "Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed.
FF="xlCSV". It works fine if I replace Code: FileFormat:=FF with Code: FileFormat:=xlCSV
Sub SaveIt(FileNm, FF) Dim FSO As Object, a Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If FSO.FileExists(FileNm) Then FSO.DeleteFile FileNm If FSO.FileExists(FileNm) Then
How do you set the range with whats below? Right now its looking at 4,2 only and if extend to look all the way to 19,2 it will just copy the whole screen. I need it to look at 4,2 and then move to 5,2 and then so on once it has copied all that information to the sheet ...
I want to automatically set default values in a row dependant on the value chosen in a list. Some of the default values need to be lists where the user can chose to update to a non-default value.
I have tried using a double drop down list. However if the default list value is changed then the dependant list value is changed, the default list is not automatically updated.